Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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1) to take part

a) into

2) to relate

b) on

3) to put

c) in

4) to focus

d) on

5) to rely

e) out

6) to find

f) on

7) to comment

g) to

b) Translate the sentences using verbs with prepositions from (a).

1. Преподаватель попросил студентов сосредоточиться на главной проблеме.

2. Во время стажировки на нашем предприятии вы можете применить свои знания на практике.

3. Мы не можем положиться на результаты одного эксперимента.

4. Старшекурсники принимают участие в междисциплинарных проектах.

5. Студенты хотели выяснить количество экзаменов в летнюю сессию.

6. Нас попросили прокомментировать представленную информацию.

7. Этот вопрос интересный, но он не относится к нашему предмету.

11. a) Study the course description. Each section begins with a question, as in the examples. Fill in the rest questions.

b) With the help of the text, explain these terms.

  • vocationally-focused;

  • conventional entry requirements;

  • work-based learning;

  • prior knowledge;

  • in-course assessments;

  • sustained growth.

Computing – Web Technologies

Foundation Degree – Level 4 – Part Time

1. What does this course involve? Who is this course for? What are the course aims?

This course is a vocationally-focused higher education qualification. It provides the high level of technical skills that will be needed by many organizations. Foundation Degrees are designed for learners from a wide range of backgrounds, including those who have work experience but do not have conventional entry requirements.

2. ________________________

The Foundation Degree in Computing (Web Technologies) will include IT Applications (Access and Excel), System Design, User Support, and Professional Studies. Additional modules enable particular specialisms to be developed. These include Website Development, Visual Programming, Database Systems, Networks and Communications, and Website Management.

3. _______________________

The course is delivered using tutor-led classes, workshops, practical sessions, and tutorials. Additional support is given when requested.

4. _______________________

For the two-year course: students must have at least one year of experience in related employment and an employer who is willing to support them by providing suitable work-based learning projects and academic monitoring. Prior knowledge of computing is helpful but not essential.

5. _______________________

The programme of study requires you to study twelve modules over two or three years.

6. _______________________

Studying over two years requires attendance for one day per week from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. with breaks.

7. _______________________

All units are assessed and graded. Most units involve in-course assessments. Systems Design and Networks and Communications are assessed by examination. To be awarded a Foundation Degree, you must pass a minimum of ten modules.

8. _______________________

Further study:

The Foundation Degree in Computing (Web Technologies) has been designed to enable successful students to progress to the final stage of the University’s Honours Degree in Computer Studies should they wish to do so. This would involve just one more year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.

A career:

A Foundation Degree opens up the possibility of a career in a wide range of areas throughout commerce, industry, entertainment, and the public sector. There is sustained growth in employment prospects for all IT specialists.

12. Answer the questions about your course and write a leaflet for it.

Leaflet – a small book or piece of paper advertising something or giving information on a particular subject

  1. Who is the course for?

  2. What qualifications do I need?

  3. What will I learn on the course?

  4. How will I learn?

  5. How will I be assessed?

  6. What can I do when I finish the course?

13. Report the following yes / no questions.

1. “Are you involved in this project?”

My friend asked me _______________

2. Do you have hands-on experience in this field?”

The employer wanted to know _______________

3. “Is there a lecture on mechanics today?”

My friend wondered _______________

4. Can we specialize in different subjects?”

The students asked the tutor _______________

5. Have you ever been to the lectures of this scientist?”

He asked me _______________

6. “Did the company pay for our training?”

The engineer asked _______________

7. “Is he working on the report for his thesis?”

She found out _______________

8. “Does taking English earn credits to the degree?”

The student asked _______________
14. Report the following questions.

1. What does the undergraduate engineering program include? (applicants wanted to know)

2. Where did you acquire such management skills? (the employer wondered)

3. What subjects will be taught next year? (students asked)

4. What are the formal education requirements for engineers? (the tutor explained)

5. How many exams will we take this term? (I forgot)

6. Why haven’t you shifted to the company with better prospects? (the manager inquired)

7. Where can electronic engineers work? (the supervisor explained)

8. How long does it take to get profound knowledge in this field? (she asked)

15. In each of the following sentences there is a mistake. Find it and correct it.

1. Students asked if there is a consistent demand for the graduates of the university.

2. My friend was wondering that I was interested in doing research.

3. The manager had no idea whether had our design team won a grant for innovative technology.

4. The teacher said to apprentices if they were looking forward to obtaining vocational qualifications.

5. The inspector wanted to know if the third year students gain specialist knowledge.

6. They were wondering whether the programme of study requires students to study several modules.

7. They tried to find out if students are given additional support when requested.

8. School leavers were eager to know if industrial experience did increase motivation to succeed in chosen profession.
16. Watch a video “McMaster Engineering: Department of Mechanical Engineering” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLFqZZehKGo and find out the following:

    • industries where mechanical engineering students can work;

    • transferable skills students can obtain;

    • the importance of working in a team.

17. Refer to the site of your department and write a review on the following: general information about the department, teaching staff, its specialties, your own area of study, characteristics, curriculum, future job opportunities, additional education opportunities.

Get ready with the presentation

The Importance of Engineering Education”
Consider the following points:

  • where you can get engineering education;

  • the specialist knowledge required;

  • how long it takes to get profound knowledge;

  • the necessary skills needed;

  • if work experience increases employability;

  • career opportunities.

1. Connect with the topic.

a) What makes a successful engineer? Here are some things, which could be important. Rank them from 1 to 7. Explain your choices.


hands-on experience

on-going training

personal traits

impersonal skills

management skills

communication skills

b) What other things do you think are important for a successful engineer?
2. Match the words with their meaning:

1) curriculum

a) experience gained from doing a job rather than studying it

2) related branch

b) people’s characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

3) hands-on experience

c) branch belonging to the same family, group, or type

4) profound

d) relating to the special skills, training, that you need for a particular job or occupation

5) in short supply

e) the subjects comprising a course of study in a college or university

6) crucial

f) not easily obtainable; scarce

7) vocational

g) a thing that must be seen or done, it is absolutely necessary

8) executive

h) of great importance

9) personal traits

i) showing great intellectual depth and understanding

10) must

j) a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business

3. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2.

1. ________ are given a lot of powers.

2. Engineers can work in ________.

3. Time management skills are a ________ in this profession.

4. Many subjects are included in the university ________.

5. We stopped at the nearest gas station because petrol was ________.

6. ________ may influence the choice of the career.

7. Apprenticeships help students gain ________.

8. Our course is designed to provide ________ training in engineering.

9. He took all ________ decisions all by himself.

10. The university course provides students with ________ theoretical knowledge.
4. Read the text and say what is necessary to succeed in the engineering career.

Education Requirements for Engineers

Engineer is a most sought-after profession in the modern world because of the ongoing development of industry and new technologies. Engineering occupations are found in many fields such as electric and heat power engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics, power engineering, metallurgy, IT technology, civil engineering, etc. Engineers transform scientific discoveries into commercial applications that help consumers and society in general. Russian engineering universities offer high-level education, which attracts applicants from all over the world. They gain profound theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience.

A four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering is required for most entry-level engineering positions. The undergraduate engineering program typically includes coursework in general engineering along with courses in math, physical and life science. In a typical 4-year curriculum, the first 2 years are spent studying mathematics, basic sciences, introductory engineering, humanities, and social sciences. In the last 2 years, most courses are in engineering, usually with a concentration in one branch. The curriculum also incorporates the basics of other engineering disciplines, such as chemical, electrical and civil engineering. Typical studies include calculus, thermodynamics, physics, materials science, statics, dynamics and fluid dynamics, and laboratory sections. Engineers trained in one branch may work in related branches. This flexibility allows employers to meet staffing needs in new technologies and specialties in which engineers may be in short supply. It also allows engineers to shift to fields with better employment prospects or to those that more closely match their interests.

If you want to do research in any of areas, or make new findings, you need a Master’s and a PhD. Ongoing training is crucial for engineers, especially those who wish to advance in the field. An advanced degree such as a master’s in engineering is usually required for those who want to pursue advanced research and development positions.

Apart from the formal education requirements, engineers also need hands-on experience that includes practical problem solving. Vocational schemes and apprenticeships can help you gain this experience.

Many engineers obtain graduate degrees in engineering or business administration to learn new technology and broaden their education. Many high-level executives in government and industry began their careers as engineers.

While engineering education provides the foundation needed to land a job, there are a few personal traits as well as educational requirements you should have to succeed in this work field. These traits include good analytical and problem solving skills, creativity, and designing innovation, the ability to adapt quickly to any changes, and extreme focus and determination. Engineers should be detail-oriented, systematic and highly computer-literate.

Additionally, many employers require engineers to demonstrate effective interpersonal and time management skills, as they work with teams on specific projects. Spoken and written skills are also must, as this career requires you to communicate findings, present recommendation and discuss issues. These traits will help you since engineering is a difficult job both onsite and in the office.

These are just the bare minimum requirements for engineering, and it is always better to gain as much work experience as possible after graduation. The more experience you gain, the better off you will be, and the more you will be able to succeed in this fast paced, ever changing career.
5. Find in the text English the equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Пользующийся спросом; применение; включать; работодатель; совершен­ствоваться; кроме; преуспевать; получить работу; решительность (решимость); ориентированный на изучение деталей; умеющий пользоваться компьютером; дополнительно, навыки межличностных отношений; обсуждать проблемы; абсолютный минимум; динамичный.
6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) to gain

a) one’s education

2) employment

b) profession

3) to match

c) skills

4) to pursue

d) issues

5) to land

e) knowledge

6) to demonstrate

f) one’s interest

7) sought-after

g) research

8) ongoing

h) prospects

9) to broaden

i) a job

10) to discuss

j) training

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form and answer the questions.

1. What ______ professions in the modern world can you think of?

2. What personal traits are needed ______ an engineer’s job?

3. What knowledge is necessary to ______ for engineering jobs?

4. What skills should engineers ______ to meet employers’ requirements?

5. Does your future job ______ your interests?

6. What skills are required in discussing ______?

7. Which jobs is ______ training important for?

8. Do you plan to obtain graduate degree ______ your education?

9. Do qualified specialists have more ______ prospects?

10. Would you like ______ development position after graduating from the university?
7. Are the statements True or False?

1. Nobody wants to enter Russian engineering universities.

2. Entry-level engineering positions require five years.

3. The curriculum incorporates many subjects.

4. Engineers are trained only for one branch.

5. If you wish to advance you need ongoing training.

6. Apprenticeships can help you gain hands-on experience.

7. Many CEOs began their careers as engineers.

8. To succeed in the job you should possess only personal traits.

9. Engineers work onsite and in offices.

10. The more knowledge and experience you gain the better.
8. Answer the questions using the information from the text.

1. Why is an engineer a demanding profession nowadays?

2. In which way do engineers help consumers and society?

3. What does an entry-level engineering position require?