Файл: We learned how rivers are formed today in. Ответ geography The mind is the most accessible level of mental activity.docx

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We learned how rivers are formed today in ___. Ответ: geography The _____________mind is the most accessible level of mental activity. Ответ: conscious _________, the desire to avoid contact with other people, down to subjecting oneself to complete isolation, is not rare. Ответ: escapism I'm sorry I missed your call. I _____ a shower and I simply didn't hear the phone ring. Ответ: was having The Russian term for treatable is _______________________ Ответ: излечимый assignment Ответ: назначение You should spend at least 2 hours a day _____________ for your test. Ответ: boarding Cognition is______ Ответ: the result of a mental processing or understanding ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ How long __________Swahili? Ответ: have you been learning tutorial Ответ: семинар To play truant means ________ Ответ: to stay away from classes without permission In the 19th century there were many critics who feared that allowing working-class children to acquire __________would give them ambitions above their social status Ответ: education The Russian term for neurobiology is _______________________ Ответ: нейробиология She can’t travel on the metro, she has to take the bus - she suffers from ... . Ответ: claustrophobia School is ______________ Ответ: place where children go to be educated The Russian term for deprivation is _______________________ Ответ: лишение intensive course Ответ: интенсивный курс ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ Behaviourism is _______ Ответ: the theory that believes human behavior is a conditioned response to outside stimuli At the age of 62 he - _______________________ early retirement. Ответ: is taking It was only when I ______ half the book that I realised I had read it before many years earlier. Ответ: had read Attributing your feelings to another person is known as______. Ответ: projection elementary education Ответ: начальное образование The Russian term for parapsychology is ____________________ Ответ: парапсихология The Russian term for extrasensory is _____________ Ответ: находящийся за пределами обычных чувственных восприятий Constructivist approach fosters ______ thinking and provides learners with a learning environment that helps them make connections with their learnings. Ответ: critical All elementary schools teach basic reading, __________ and elementary mathematics skills. Ответ: writing By the time I finished reading the exercise I __________the answer. ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ Ответ: had known The Russian term for reinforcement is _______________ Ответ: подкрепление Education for the under-fives, mainly from 3 to 5, is not _____________. Ответ: compulsory My friend is very talented. She _________ speak four foreign languages. Ответ: can The Russian term for psychiatrist is _______________________ Ответ: психиатр In ___ we had to wear special glasses because we were using dangerous chemicals. Ответ: history Ответ: chemistry Many teachers know their __________ very well, but have limited knowledge of teaching methodology. Ответ: subject matter In many countries, extensive __________reforms are taking place as economies build the capacity required to operate in a globalised world. Ответ: curriculum If you don't want to cut open dead frogs then you shouldn't take ___. Ответ: chemistry By the time I finished reading the exercise I _______the answer. ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ Ответ: had known The Russian term for overstimulate is _______________________ Ответ: перевозбуждать The Russian term for subconscious is _______________________ Ответ: подсознательное We signed up for the CAE exam last week but we yet _______our official exam entry papers. Ответ: haven’t received No-one even noticed when I got home. They _________ the big game on TV. Ответ: were watching learn by heart Ответ: учить наизусть This is my favourite pair of shoes. I've had them since _______Milan when I was student in Ответ: visited Pupils are given ____________ , assignments to be done at home and handed in Ответ: homework mature student Ответ: студент старше 21 года tertiary education Ответ: высшее образование ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ Boarding school implies __________ Ответ: a school where pupils live during term time The Russian term for unfeeling is __________________ Ответ: бесчувственный To attend classes implies ________ Ответ: to go to classes kindergarten Ответ: детский сад _______ the whole weekend and now I'm exhausted. But the test is on Monday morning so I need to keep going. Ответ: have been studying What do psychologists study? Ответ: They study feelings and emotions. Mental processes such as perception, thinking, and remembering are sometimes called: Ответ: Cognition Gage asserts that teachers, “because of the inevitable complexity of the teaching process, engage in __________ activity”. Ответ: artistic I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I _____ for over two hours. Ответ: had been writing ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ Tuition fees are _____________ Ответ: the money paid for a course of study To be a good teacher one of the most important things is to have a_____________ that makes people want to attend to you and to do things that you are asking them to do. Ответ: personality The Russian term for biochemistry is _______________________ Ответ: биохимия Suppression is ________ Ответ: the conscious act of holding a thought or feeling back Superego is_____________ Ответ: the part of the mind that is only partly conscious, representing social norms learned from the parents The Russian term for emotional identity is ___________________ Ответ: эмоциональная идентичность scholarship Ответ: стипендия There will be no way to __________________this test if you fail. Ответ: retake This is my favourite pair of shoes. I've had them since _______Milan when I was student in Italy. Ответ: visited ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ They told me that Ann _______ in London. Ответ: live Teacher is ________________ Ответ: person who instructs or trains others in a school Phobia is___________ Ответ: a great fear of an object or situation that is irrational Teachers should provide_____________ o students in the forms of praise, use of student ideas, and corrective forms that allow students to respond appropriately. Ответ: feedback private schooling Ответ: частное обучение Skinner’s experiments in operant ________________ were based on behaviourism. Ответ: conditioning Teachers may use a lesson plan to_____________ student learning, providing a course of study which covers a standardized curriculum. Ответ: facilitate The Russian term for narcissism is _____________________ Ответ: аутофилия extra-curricular activities Ответ: внеурочная деятельность ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ Distance learning implies_____________ Ответ: a way of studying where tuition is carried out over the Internet or by post Knowledge is _____________ Ответ: information about a subject that you get by study Placebo is ____________ Ответ: a medicine without any physiological effect that is given to a control group in an experiment to measure the effectiveness of a new drug or to patients who think they need medicine when in reality they do not This is the first time that somebody _____________to bring their pet dog into the classroom. I'm afraid we can't allow it. Ответ: has asked Constancy is ________________ Ответ: the tendency to keep the same perception of an object despite changes in the stimuli Curriculum is _________ Ответ: subjects studied in a school The Russian term for inhibition is _______________________ Ответ: комплекс The Russian term for psychoanalysis is __________________ Ответ: психоанализ I’m frightened of snakes, I mean they’re dangerous and they look so ______ too. Ответ: scaring ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ To work for this company you need a university ___. Ответ: qualification degree Ответ: степень secondary education Ответ: среднее образование Education is__________ Ответ: process of teaching or learning in a school Projection is _____________ Ответ: the unconscious process in which an individual associates their feelings, ideas or attitudes to someone else as a defense mechanism The Russian term for neurosis is __________________ Ответ: невротическое расстройство Look at that crowd. I wonder what they__________for. Ответ: are waiting Ego is _____________ sense of self - Now, don’t drive too fast, Jeffrey. And remember that you __________ at stop signs. Ответ: must stop Who was the founder of Psychoanalysis? Ответ: Sigmund Freud ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ In many countries, a person wishing to become a teacher at __________ schools must first obtain professional qualifications or credentials. Ответ: state-funded Only students who are _________on this course may enter the classroom. Ответ: semester Ответ: enrolled ______ English since 1950 but even if I continue for another fifty years, I don't think I will ever sound British. Ответ: have been learning He’s lazy. He never does __________ work. Ответ: any Literacy is__________ Ответ: ability to read and write You will get your score for this interactive test as soon as you _____________ (click) the submit button at the bottom of the page. Ответ: click learning materials Ответ: учебные материалы She tried to ___ on her test, but her teacher caught her and she was kicked out of school. Ответ: cheat I ______ dinner yet. I'll go make it now. ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ############❤ :p#❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#❤ Ответ: haven’t prepared My favourite subject is ___. I'm very good with numbers. Ответ: mathematics illiteracy Ответ: неграмотность Since young learners have limited attention spans, it is important to include several short ______________in a lesson and to move quickly from one activity to another. Ответ: activities Schizophrenia is _______________ with the distortion of reality He never _____________________ to what you say. Ответ: Listens Skill is ______________ Ответ: ability to do an activity well Motivation is _________ Ответ: willingness to do something ❤!########### https://t.me/test_synergy @reklama_sin #######