Файл: 3. Deduce the meanings of the following derivatives from the meanings of their constituents. Explain your deduction. What are the meanings of the affixes in the words under examination.docx

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Лексикология (первый иностранный язык) (часть 1/1)

Группа 21Л171
Попов-Дедяев Роман Максимович


3. Deduce the meanings of the following derivatives from the meanings of their constituents. Explain your deduction. What are the meanings of the affixes in the words under examination?

Reddish, adj.; insufficiency of quality red but not quite

overwrite, v.; 1: to write over the surface of 2: to write in inflated or overly elaborate style, prefix over means beyond some quantity, limit, or norm

irregular, adj.; prefix ir means negation 1) lacking perfect symmetry of form 2) lacking continuity or regularity of occurrence, activity, or function 3) failing to occur at regular or normal intervals

illegal, adj.; prefix il means negatio

retype, v.; means repetition

old-womanish, adj.; resembling or befitting an old woman

disrespectable, adj.; negation, suffix able means ability to certain action worthy of respect

inexpensive, adj.; prefix in means negation

unladylike, adj.; prefix un means do the opposite of : reverse (a specified action), suffix like means resembling a lady in appearance or manners or becoming or suitable to a lady

disorganize, v.; to destroy or interrupt the orderly structure or function of, prefix dis means contrary

renew, v.; means repetition

eatable, adj.; fit or good to eat

overdress, v.; prefix over means beyond some quantity, limit, or norm

disinfection, п.; negation and contrary

snobbish, adj.; suffix -ish means being, characteristic of, or befitting a snob

handful, п.; prefix ful means full of

tallish, adj.; rather tall, but not quite approaching the quality of big size

sandy, adj.; suffix y 1) consisting of or containing sand full of sand 2) sprinkled with sand 3) of the color sand

breakable, adj.; capable of being broken

underfed, adj. prefix under means below or short of some quantity, level, or limit
4. In the following examples the italicized words are formed from the same root by means of different affixes. Translate these derivatives into Russian and explain the difference in meaning.

l. a) Sallie is the most amusing person, in the world — and Julia Pendleton the least so. b) Ann was wary, but amused. А) Салли самый смешной человек в мире – а Джулия Пендлентон наименее смешной. B) Энн опасалась, но была довольна. Amusing забавный, смешной, занятный, занимательный amused Позабавило, довольный

2. a) He had a charming smile, almost womanish in sweetness, b) I have kept up with you through Miss Pittypat but she gave me no information that you had developed womanly sweetness. А)У нее была очаровательная улыбка, практически по-женски сладкая. Б) Я
поддерживал с Вами отношения через Мисс Питипэт, но она не говорила мне, что Вы стали такой нежной женщиной. womanish 1) женоподобный 2) женский womanly женственный; мягкий, нежный

3. a) I have been having a delightful and entertaining conversation with my old chum, Lord Wisbeach. b) Thanks for your invitation. I'd be delighted to come. А) у меня были восхитительный и развлекательный разговор с моим старым приятелем, Лордом Висбеах Б) Спасибо за ваше приглашение. Я буду рад приехать delightful восхитительный, очаровательный delighted delight – удовольствие, наслаждение, развлечение; радовать, восхищать; доставлять большое удовольствие

4. a) Sally thinks everything is funny — even flunking — and Julia is bored at everything. She never makes the slightest effort to be pleasant. b) — Why are you going to America? — To make my fortune, I hope. — How pleased your father will be if you do. А)Салли считает, что все смешно - даже провал на экзамене - а Джулия находит все скучным. Она никогда не делает ни малейшей попытки понравится. Б) - Зачем вы едете в Америку? - Чтобы сделать себе состояние, я надеюсь. - Как ваш отец рад будет, если вам удастся be pleasant быть приятным; радостный; милый, симпатичный; славный pleased довольный

5. a) Long before he reached the brownstone house... the first fine careless rapture of his mad outbreak had passed from Jerry Mitchell, leaving nervous apprehension in its place. b) If your nephew has really succeeded in his experiments you should be awfully careful. А) Задолго до того он добрался до коричневого дома… Первое небрежное восхищение прошло безумной вспышкой от Джерри Митчелла, оставляя нервную настороженность на своем месте. Б) Если ваш племянник действительно преуспел в своих экспериментах вы должны быть очень осторожны. Careless- небрежный, невнимательный Careful - заботливый, проявляющий заботу

6. a) The trouble with college is that you are expected to know such a lot of things you've never learned. It's very confusing at times. b) That platform was a confused mass of travellers, porters, baggage, trucks, boys with magazines, friends, relatives. a) Проблема колледжа в том, что вы должны знать такое множество вещей, которые вы никогда не знали. Это сбивает с толку. б) Эта платформа была беспорядочной массой туристов, носильщиков, багажа, грузовых автомобилей, мальчиков с журналами, друзей, родственников. confusing сбивающий с толку confuse – (confuse with) смешивать, путать confused смущённый; озадаченный; поставленный в тупик, сбитый с толку; поражённый confuse – (confuse with) смешивать, путать

7. a) At last I decided that even this rather mannish efficient woman could do with a little help. b) He was only a boy not a man yet, but he spoke in a manly way. а) Наконец я решил, что даже эта довольно умелая мужеподобная женщина могла бы это сделать с небольшой помощью. mannish 1) мужеподобная, неженственная 2) свойственный мужчине б) Он был всего лишь мальчиком, еще не мужчиной, но говорил он как мужчина. manly 1) мужественный, отважный, смелый, храбрый 2) мужеподобный

8. a) The boy's respectful manner changed noticeably, b) It may be a respectable occupation, but it sounds rather criminal to me. а) Почтительное поведение мальчика заметно изменилось. respectful почтительный; вежливый б) Возможно, это и приличное занятие, но звучит довольно криминально. respectable 1) а) почтенный; респектабельный; приличный б) заслуживающий уважения 2) достаточный; допустимый; приемлемый

9. a) "Who is leading in the pennant race?" said this strange butler in a feverish whisper, b) It was an idea peculiarly suited to her temperament, an idea that she might have suggested herself if she had thought of it ...this idea of his fevered imagination. а) «Кто лидирует в гонке?" спросил этот странный дворецкий взволнованным шепотом. feverish лихорадочный; возбуждённый, беспокойный; взволнованный, встревоженный б) Это была идея, особенно подходившая для ее темперамента, мысль, что она могла предложить себе, если бы она подумала об этом ... это идея его воспаленного воображения. fevered лихорадочный; возбуждённый
11. Identify the neutral compounds in the word combinations given below and write them out in 3 columns:

A. Simple neutral compounds. revolver-shot topcoat windshield snow-white handkerchief wolf-like

B. Neutral derived compounds. air-conditioned glass-walled high-pitched radio-equipped gold-seekers hunting-knife lightish-coloured

C. Neutral contracted compounds. H-bomb A. A. gun U-turn M-Day
An air-conditioned hall; a glass-walled room; to fight against H-bomb; a loud revolver-shot; a high-pitched voice; a heavy topcoat; a car's windshield; a snowwhite handkerchief; big A. A. guns; a radio-equipped car; thousands of goldseekers; a big hunting-knife; a lightish-coloured man; to howl long and wolflike; to go into frantic U-turns; to fix M-day.
13. Find shortenings in the jokes and extracts given below and specify the method of their formation.

1. Вгоwn: But, Doc, I got bad eyes! Doctor: Don't worry. We'll put you up front. You won't miss a thing.

Doc – from doctor, the contraction of the end of the word

2. "How was your guard duty yesterday, Tom?" "O.K. I was remarkably vigilant." "Were you?" "Oh, yes. I was so vigilant that I heard at once the relief sergeant approaching my post though I was fast asleep."

In the case of O.K., the abbreviation is of "oll korrect". Initial abbreviations which are pronounced as a series of letters they are called Abbreviations

3. "Excuse me, but I'm in a hurry! You've had that phone 20 minutes and not said a word!" "Sir, I'm talking to my wife."

Phone — from telephone, the contraction of the initial part of the word
27. What is the source of the following idioms? If in doubt consult your reference books.

The Trojan horse, a reference to the myth in which Ancient Greek soldiers hid inside a giant wooden horse in order to gain access to the city of Troy.

Achilles heel, comes from the myth of Achilles, who was said to have been dipped into the river Styx by his mother Thetis in order to make him invulnerable.

a labour of Hercules, comes from Greek mythology. Hercules was a man of superhuman strength and courage who performed twelve immense tasks.

an apple of discord, the “apple of discord” was a golden apple inscribed “for the fairest” thrown by Eris.

forbidden fruit, The metaphor comes from the book of Genesis in the Bible. There Adam and Eve are thrown out of Paradise because they eat from the tree of knowledge

the serpent in the tree, The metaphor comes from the book of Genesis in the Bible . God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to tend it and warned Adam not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." The serpent tempts Eve to eat of the tree, but Eve tells the serpent what God had said. The serpent replies that she would not surely die and that if she eats the fruit of the tree "then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

an ugly duckling, is a Danish literary fairy tale by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen

the fifth column, The term is conventionally credited to Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War. As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his “fifth column,” intent on undermining the loyalist government from within.

to hide one's head in the sand. The origin of this idiom comes from the incorrect belief that ostriches put their heads in the sand to hide from danger because they thought that if they couldn't see their attacker, their attacker couldn't see them either.

1. Find the homonyms in the following extracts. Classify them into homonyms proper, homographs and homophones.

1. "Mine is a long and a sad tale!" said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. "It is a long tail, certainly," said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse's tail; "but why do you call it sad?" homophones

2. a) My seat was in the middle of a row. b) "I say, you haven't had a row with Corky, have you?" homonyms

3. a) Our Institute football team got a challenge to a match from the University team and we accepted it. b) Somebody struck a match so that we could see each other. homonyms

4. a) It was nearly December but the California sun made a summer morning of the season, b) On the way home Crane no longer drove like a nervous old maid. homophones

5. a) She loved to dance and had every right to expect the boy she was seeing almost every night in the week to take her dancing at least once on the weekend, b) "That's right," she said. homonyms

6. a) Do you always forget to wind up your watch? b) Crane had an old Ford without a top and it rattled so much and the wind made so much noise. homographs

7. a) In Brittany there was once a knight called Eliduc. b) She looked up through the window at the night. homophones

8. a) He had a funny round face, b) — How does your house face? — It faces the South. homonyms

9. a) So he didn't shake his hand because he didn't shake cowards' hands, see, and somebody else was elected captain, b) Mel's plane had been shot down into the sea. homophones

10. a) He was a lean, wiry Yankee who knew which side his experimental bread was buttered on. b) He had a wife of excellent and influential family, as finely bred as she was faithful to him. homophones

11. a) He was growing progressively deafer in the left ear. b) I saw that I was looking down into another cove similar to the one I had left. homonyms

12. a) Iron and lead are base metals, b) Where does the road lead? homonyms

13. Kikanius invited him and a couple of the other boys to join him for a drink, and while Hugo didn't drink, he went along for the company. Homonyms
2. On what linguistic phenomenon is the joke in the following extracts based? What causes the misunderstanding?

1. "Are your father and mother in?" asked the visitor of the small boy who opened the door. "They was in," said the child, "but they is out." "They was in. They is out. Where's your grammar?" "She's gone upstairs," said the boy, "for a nap." Homophones, grammar and grandma.

2. "Yes, Miss Janes, it's true my husband has left his job. He thought it was better for him to enlist rather than to be called up. Anyway, he has burned his bridges behind him." "Oh, well, I shouldn't worry about that. They'll provide him with a uniform in the Army," commented the neighbour. Homophones, bridges and britches

3. "I got sick last night eating eggs." "Too bad." "No, only one." Homophones, too and two

4. Husband and wife were enjoying a quiet evening by their fireside, he deep in a book and she in a crossword puzzle. Suddenly she questioned him: "Darling, what is a female sheep?" "Ewe [ju:]," he replied. His further explanation hardly soothed her. Homophones, ewe and you, he basically called her a sheep

5. "I spent last summer in a very pretty city in Switzerland." "Berne?" "No, I almost froze." Homophones, Berne and burn

6. Officer (to driver in parked car): Don't you see that sign "Fine for parking"? Driver: Yes, officer, I see and agree with it. Homonyms, fine and fine, fine as is good, I agree with that and fine as in a payment for the crime
3. Find the homonyms proper for the following words; give their Russian equivalents.

1. band — a company of musicians. Band – strip, runway группа – скопление людей группа – тип крови

2. seal — a warm-blooded, fish-eating sea animal, found chiefly in cold regions. Seal – as in stamp or to seal something печать – на бумаге печать – для закрытия письма

3. ear — the grain-bearing spike of a cereal plant, as in corn. Ear – the thing you listen with, an organ ухо орган для слуха ухо элемент, характерный для строчной буквы «g» в некоторых начертаниях.

4. cut — the result of cutting. Cut – lowering of payment резать разделять на части резать ограничивать доступ к чему то

5. to bore — to make a long round hole, esp. with a pointed tool that is turned round. Bore being boring сверлить пристально смотреть сверлить надоедать

6. corn— a hard, horny 3 thickening of the skin, esp. on the foot. Corn food мозоль болячка мозоль постоянно быть перед глазами

7. fall — the act of falling, dropping or coming down. Fall season of the year падать упасть на землю падать опускаться ниже

8. to hail — to greet, salute, shout an expression of welcome. Hail to be from somewhere приветствовать махать рукой приветствовать быть положительно настроенным к чему то

9. draw — something that attracts attentiоn. Draw making a painting привлекать возбуждать интерес привлекать вызывать к себе симпатию
4. Find the homophones to the following words, translate them into Russian or explain their meanings in English.

Dye, die умирать

cent, sent посылать

tale, tail хвост

sea, see видеть

week, weak слабый

peace, piss моча

sun, son сын

meat, meet встречать

steel, still до сих пор

knight, night ночь

sum, some некоторые

coarse, course курс

write, right право

sight, site место

hare. Hair волосы

10. Find antonyms for the words given below.

good adj, bad

deep adj, shallow

narrow adj, wide

clever adj, stupid

young adj, old

to love v, to hate

to reject v, to accept

to give v, to take

strong adj, weak

joy n, sadness

evil n, good

up adv, down

slowly adv, fast

black adj, white

sad adj, happy

to die v, to live

to open v, to close

clean adj, dirty

darkness n, light

big adj small

16. Rearrange the loan words listed below into eight groups according to their source language:

Arabic, giraffe harem

Chinese, ketchup tea

Dutch/Flemish, boom caravan cruise, delicatessen, yacht

German, frankfurter hamburger noodle quartz sauerkraut

Italian, icon(is actually latin/greek) mosque motto prima donna sketch studio , violin

Japanese, geisha judo tsunami

Russian, glasnost perestroika

Spanish. Barricade cannibal guitar , tornado