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Ф КГМУ 4/306/02

ИП №6 УМС при КазГМА

от 14 июня 2007 г.

Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет

Кафедра иностранных языков

Методические рекомендации для практических занятий

Тема: Неврология.

Систематизация грамматического материала «прямая» и «косвенная» речь.

Дисциплина: «Профессиональный английский язык»

Специальность: 5В130100 «Общая медицина»

Курс: 2

Составители: ст. преподаватель Ахметова А.А.

ст. преподаватель Татосян Ш.Т.

Караганда 2013 г.

Обсуждены и утверждены

на заседании кафедры иностранных языков

Протокол № __от __.__.2013г.

зав. кафедрой _______В.А. Бурмистрова

  • Тема: Неврология.

Систематизация грамматического материала: «прямая» и «косвенная» речь.

  • Цель: совершенствование практических навыков в устной и письменной речи с овладением медицинской терминологии.

  • Задачи обучения: изучить стилистические особенности медицинского перевода; освоить грамматические структуры на основе медицинской литературы; выражать свои мысли на иностранном языке с использованием освоенных грамматических структур и медицинской терминологии.

  • Основные вопросы темы:

1. Работа с грамматикой:

введение грамматического материала «прямая» и «косвенная» речь

выполнение подстановочных упражнений

выполнение трансформационных упражнений

применение грамматического материала в устной речи

2.Работа над лексикой:

введение лексического материала с применением дефиниций

активизация лексического материала на тексте

подстановочные упражнения

3. Работа с текстом:

составление вопросов и плана к тексту

упражнения для обучения интерпретации текста

упражнения на контроль понимания основного содержания прочитанного текста

  • Методы обучения и преподавания: малые группы, дискуссия, работа в парах, презентации

  • Литература:


  1. Татосян Ш.Т., Жаликенова Р.С., Савелова Н.Н. Сборник лексикограмматических упражнений для студентов 2 курса факультетов «Общая медицина», «Стоматология» 2011г.150с.

  2. Голицынский Ю. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений : сборник / Ю. Голицынский, Н. Голицынская. 7е изд. испр. и доп. СПб.: КАРО, 2011. 576 с. (Английский язык для школьников).

  3. Марковина И.Ю. Английский язык : учебник / И.Ю Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн. 4е изд., испр. и перераб. М.: ГЭОТАРМЕД, 2010. 368 с.

  4. Internet


  1. Акжигитов Г.Н. Большой англорусский медицинский словарь : около 100000 терминов / Г. Н. Акжигитов, Р. Г. Акжигитов. 2е изд. М., 2007. 1248 с.

  2. Англорусский кардиологический словарь / ред. Л. С. Рудинская. М. : ГЭОТАРМедиа, 2009. 176 с.

  3. Англорусский медицинский словарь = Englishrussian medical dictionary : более 90000 терминов: учеб. пособие для студ. мед. вузов / сост. И. Ю. Марковина [и др.]. М. : Мед. информ. агентство, 2008. 896 с.

  4. Медициналық терминдер сөздігі (40 мыңға жуық термин) : Орысшақазақшаағылшынша / М. Ахметов. Алматы : ДайкПресс, 2009. 800 б.

  5. Русскоказахскоанглийский словарь медицинских терминов

  6. Новый англорусский словарь для стоматологов : учеб. пособие / Л. Ю. Берзегова [и др.]. М. : ГЭОТАРМедиа, 2009. 400 с.

  7. Унгарбаева А.А. Аәылшын тілінің грамматикасы: оқу құралы / А. А. Унгарбаева, А. Б. Нупилова ; КГМУ. Қарағанды, 2011. 88 б.

  • Контроль: выполнение лексикограмматического теста

I. Read and translate new words:


To encompass



To supervise

Spinal cord




To relieve

II. Read and translate the text:


Neurology is the subspecialty of medicine that deals with the scientific study of the structure and functioning of the nervous system, including the diagnosis and management of its maladies. A Neurologist is the physician specialized in this field).

Nervous system encompasses a group of several highly advanced and interconnected structures in the body that organize myriad body functions and include: brain, spinal cord, muscles, nerves, nerve roots).

A neurologist is a medical doctor with specialized training in diagnosing, treating and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system. Pediatric neurologists are doctors with specialized training in children's neurological disorders.

A neurologist's educational background and medical training includes an undergraduate degree, four years of medical school, a one year internship and three years of specialized training. Many neurologists also have additional training in one area of neurology such as stroke, epilepsy or movement disorders. Neurologists are principal care providers or consultants to other physicians. When a patient has a neurological disorder that requires frequent care, a neurologist is often the principal care provider. Patients with disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis may use a neurologist as their principal care physician. In a consulting role, a neurologist will diagnosis and treat a neurological disorder and then advise the primary care physician managing the patient's overall health. For example, a neurologist would act in a consulting role for conditions such as stroke, concussion or headache). Neurologists can recommend surgical treatment, but do not perform surgery. When treatment includes surgery, neurologists will monitor surgically treated patients and supervise their continuing treatment. Neurosurgeons are medical doctors who specialize in performing surgical treatments of the brain or nervous system. Neurologists treat disorders of the nervous system, brain, spinal cord, nerves, muscles and pain. Common neurological disorders include: stroke, Alzheimer's disease, headache, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, sleep disorders, multiple sclerosis, pain tremor, brain and spinal cord injuries, brain tumors, peripheral nerve disorders, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

In recent years, research has advanced understanding of the brain's fundamental mechanisms. With this new understanding, neurologists are finding new treatments and, ultimately, cures for many neurological diseases, which are among the most destructive and costly public health problems in the United States.

For example, research breakthroughs now allow neurologists to successfully treat stroke patients with clotbusting medication proven to reduce deaths and decrease disability. Research developments have also produced new medications that relieve migraines, slow the progression of multiple sclerosis and improve movement in Parkinson's patients. These are just a few of the many advances gained from research that are improving the lives of millions of men and women around the world suffering from neurological disorders.

III. Answer the questions:

1. What is neurology?

2. What does nervous system include?

3. What is a neurologist?

4. What patients may use a neurologist as their principal care physician?

5. When a neurologist would act in a consulting role?

6. Can neurologists perform surgery?

7. What are common neurological disorders?

IV. Say true or false:

1. A Neurologist is the physician specialized in nephrology.

2. Pediatric neurologists are doctors with specialized training in children's neurological disorders.

3. Neurologists are principal care providers or consultants to other physicians

4. In ancient times, research has advanced understanding of the brain's fundamental mechanisms.

5. Neurologists treat disorders of the nervous, vascular and blood system.

V. Complete the sentences:

1. Nervous system … .

2. Neurologists diagnose, treat and manage… .

3. Patients with disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease … .

4. Neurosurgeons are medical doctors who … .

5. Neurologists treat disorders of the nervous system … .

VI. Grammar exercise:

Change the following sentences, using indirect speech:

1. My friend asked: “Who is a neurologist?”

2. “Please don’t mention it to anybody,” a patient said to his doctor.

3. The surgeon said to the nurse: “Send me Petrov’s stomach photographs as soon as you arrive.”

4. Father said to me: “Don’t be afraid of neurologist.”

5. “Explain to me how to solve this problem,” said a patient to a doctor.

6. The doctor said to Nick: “Open your mouth and show me your tongue.”

7. The doctor said to the patient: “Don’t go for a walk today.”

VII. Retell the text

Revision Test

1. Insert the missing word:

is the centre of wide system of communication.

A). body

B). organism

C). spinal cord

D). stimuli

E). brain

2. Insert the missing word:

Each cell is connected to every other by … .

A). nerve tissues

B). nerve fluids

C). nerve fibers

D). nerve stimuli

E). nerve canals

3. The synonym of the word “spine” is:

A). drug

B). sometimes

C). appoint

D). come back

E). spinal column

4. Give the synonym of the word Choose

  1. separate

  2. precede

  3. moderate

  4. big

  5. large

5. . Find the right form of the verb:

He said that she (to come) for examination.

A). comes

B). would come

C). come

D). came

E). will come

6. Find the right form of the verb:

He said that I (to speak) to the doctor.

A). speak

B). will speak

C). will have spoken

D). had spoken

E). have spoken

7. Find the right form of the verb:

She said that she (to wait) for you for an hour.

A). have been waiting

B). had been waiting

C). is waiting

D). will have been waiting

E). wait

8. Find the synonym to the word direction:

A). duration

B). case

C). instruction

D). length

E). wave

9. Find the right form of the verb:

He said that they (to finish) their work by 6 o’clock.

A). finished

B). had finished

C). finishes

D). will finish

E). finish

10. Give the synonym of the word Receive

  1. get

  2. become

  3. treat

  4. let

  5. mark

11. Give the synonym of the word Weight

  1. hair

  2. mass

  3. healthy

  4. feature

  5. heart

12. Find the verb

  1. breathe

  2. depth

  3. fat

  4. amount

  5. passage

13. Find the noun

  1. associate

  2. depth

  3. breathe

  4. decrease

  5. flow

14. Give the synonym of the word Decrease

  1. become

  2. reduce

  3. flow

  4. increase

  5. raise

15. Choose the right form the Indirect Speech

A).Tom says he knows everything about neurology procedure.

B).Tom says ‘he knows everything about neurology procedure’.

C).Tom says, knows everything about neurology procedure.

D).Tom says; knows everything about neurology procedure.

E).Tom says: ‘knows everything about neurology procedure’

16. Find the noun

  1. palpitation

  2. moderate

  3. precede

  4. profuse

  5. large

17. Give the synonym of the word Find

  1. release

  2. reveal

  3. remark

  4. mark

  5. precede

18. Give the antonym Insufficiency

  1. general

  2. sufficiency

  3. recurrence

  4. reveal

  5. follow up

19. Give the synonym of the word Start

  1. profuse

  2. finish

  3. begin

  4. moderate

  5. course

20. Give the synonym of the word Eliminate

  1. forget

  2. forgive

  3. nourish

  4. follow up

  5. liquidate

21. Give the synonym of the word Suffer

  1. recurrence

  2. undergo

  3. follow up

  4. eliminate

  5. think

22. Give the synonym of the word Beginnings

  1. precede

  2. onset

  3. cough

  4. recover

  5. doctor

23. Give the synonym of the word Various

  1. different

  2. large

  3. small

  4. large

  5. similar

24. Find the sentence with the right punctuation

A).The doctor said to the patient, ‘Come in, please.’

B).The doctor said to the patient, Come in, please.

C).The doctor said to the patient ‘Come in, please’.

D).The doctor said to the patient come in, please.

E).The doctor said to the patient Come in please

25. Give the synonym of the word Accelerate

  1. raise

  2. promise

  3. loss

  4. profuse

  5. decrease

26. Pick out the verb from the word Examination

  1. examinees

  2. examine

  3. exam’s

  4. arterial

  5. examinations

27. Give the synonym of the word Malaise

  1. loss

  2. pus

  3. stage

  4. fatigue

  5. dullness

28. Find the sentence with the right punctuation

A).She told him, ‘Please wait here till I return.’

B).She told him, Please wait here till I return.

C).She told him ‘Please wait here till I return.’

D).’She told him, please wait here till I return.’

E). ‘Please wait here till I return.’, she told him.

29. Give the synonym of the word Elevate

  1. increase

  2. make

  3. mark

  4. profuse

  5. decrease

30. Give the synonym of the word Period

  1. case

  2. usually

  3. time

  4. seldom

  5. never

31. Give the synonym of the word General

  1. blood

  2. past

  3. present

  4. common

  5. factors

32. Give the synonym of the word Profuse

  1. numerous

  2. reveal

  3. general

  4. condition

  5. complication

33. Give the synonym of the word A lot of

  1. small

  2. elevation

  3. lungs

  4. numerous

  5. examination

34. Find the noun

  1. lungs

  2. make

  3. several

  4. operate

  5. profuse

35. Find the noun

  1. after

  2. rupture

  3. white

  4. profuse

  5. increase

36. Give the synonym of the word Doctor

  1. seller

  2. teacher

  3. physician

  4. keeper

  5. neighbor

37. Give the antonym of the word Reduce

  1. decrease

  2. raise

  3. develop

  4. make

  5. let

38. Give the synonym of the word Develop

  1. elevation

  2. raise

  3. examine

  4. continue

  5. rest

39. Find the verb

  1. treatment

  2. lungs

  3. operate

  4. intensity

  5. cardiologist

40. Give the synonym of the word Disease

  1. process

  2. illness

  3. joints

  4. respiration

  5. symptom

41. Give the synonym of the word To reveal

  1. to find

  2. to profuse

  3. to make

  4. to affect

  5. to mark

42. Give the synonym of the word To persist

  1. to affect

  2. to preserve

  3. to become

  4. to follow

  5. to examine

43. Convert the sentence from direct speech into indirect speech: The doctor said to the patient, ‘Please come in.’

A).The doctor asked the patient, ‘Come in.’

B).The doctor asked the patient to come in.

C).The doctor says to the patient to come in.

D).The doctor asks the patient to come in.

E).The patient asked the doctor to come in.

44. Convert the sentence from direct speech into indirect speech: ‘Stop smoking,’ the doctor said.

A).The doctor told me stop smoking.

B).The doctor tells me to stop smoking.

C).The doctor said to me, ‘Stop smoking.’

D).The doctor told me to stop smoking.

E).The doctor forbad me to stop smoking.

45. Convert the sentence from direct speech into indirect speech: The doctor says to the patient, ‘Lie down and relax, please.’

A).The doctor told the patient to lie down and relax.

B).The doctor forbids the patient to lie down and relax.

C).The doctor tells the patient lie down and relax, please.

D).The doctor said the patient to lie down and relax.

E).The doctor tells the patient to lie down and relax.

46. Find the sentence with direct speech

A).Professor asked the student what he knew about this procedure.

B).The doctor asked the nurse to calibrate the ECG machine.

C).The patient asks the doctor how long it takes to do endoscopy.

D).He said, ‘Have you read the lecture on cardiology?’

E).The doctor asked the patient to come in.

47 Find the sentence in indirect speech with the general question

A).I asked him, ‘Will you go to the polyclinic?’

B).Professor asked the student what this device could be used for.

C).I asked him whether he would go to the polyclinic.

D).The patient asks the doctor how long it takes to do endoscopy.

E).He asked how he would find it out.

48. Find the sentence with Reported speech

A).I asked him, ‘Will you go to the polyclinic?’

B). A Neurologist is the physician specialized in nephrology.

C). Neurologists treat disorders of the nervous, vascular and blood system.

D). Neurologists are principal care providers or consultants to other physicians

E). In ancient times, research has advanced understanding of the brain's fundamental mechanisms.

49. Convert the sentence from direct speech into indirect speech: My roommate said to Kate, ‘Draw the normal ECG, please.’

A).My roommate asked Kate to draw the normal ECG.

B).My roommate said to Kate draw the normal ECG.

C).My roommate asks Kate to draw the normal ECG.

D).My roommate forbids Kate to draw the normal ECG.

E).My roommate asked Kate, ‘Draw the normal ECG.’

50. Find the sentence with Reported speech

  1. The neurologist told us about our nervous system

  2. I can help you

C). Neurologists treat disorders of the nervous, vascular and blood system.

D). A benign tumors was revealed in the lungs

E). The doctor tells me to stop smoking.

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