Файл: 1. If you have failed to do something which they ought to do, you are guilty of.docx

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1. If you have failed to do something which they ought to do, you are guilty of ... .


2. Everyone wants ... by the others .

Правильный ответ: to be respected

3. in the court in civil cases, it is not necessary to have a ... .

Правильный ответ: law degree

4.  ... the dispute the parties concluded a contract.

Правильный ответ: Having settled

5. Solicitors are more likely to form partnerships with other solicitors.

Правильный ответ: Complex Subject

6. Divorce, separation, child  or spousal custody, guardianship refer to …

Правильный ответ: family cases

7. Solicitors can  work …

for commercial organisations

8. We want lawyers to do what they need to do.

Правильный ответ: Complex Object

9. The solicitor is the first point of contact with the law for a client in the UK. The solicitor listens carefully to the client, making sure their needs are clearly understood and then explains the legal position and offers advice. By contrast, barristers will only see the client in the company of a briefing solicitor. The barrister is the specialist with particular skills in advocacy, a consultant who will examine the case and decide what line to take in court. The barrister will be reliant on the detailed brief prepared by the client's solicitor. There are only a few solicitors who are allowed to present cases in the higher courts. Many more solicitors work in their litigation departments and spend much of their time preparing briefs for counsel. Barristers are self-employed in the independent Bar.

Правильный ответ: True

10. The court decision  is unlikely ...  by that information.

Правильный ответ: to have been influenced

11. The main task of the prosecutors in our country is to

Правильный ответ: law

12. As a rule, fines …  to be paid at the time they are imposed.

Правильный ответ: are expected

13.  ... an English book, he wrote out many new words. 

Правильный ответ: Reading

14. A counsel  provides legal assistance necessary in a criminal matter to the person ... .

Правильный ответ: being defended

15. Выберите предложение с  Complex Subject

Правильный ответ: Lawyers are considered to have the most difficult job.

16. The negotiations …  to continue till Saturday.

Правильный ответ: are likely

17. They consider .... to be a good specialist.

Правильный ответ: him

18.  уставного суда, он сохранял статус федерального судьи в отставке. (to be)

Правильный ответ: Being

19. To  rule  on points  of  law  and   to conduct the  tria

Правильный ответ: judge

20.  Some barristers carry the letters “QC” (“Queen's Counsel”) after their name. In court, they appear as “leading counsel” and are usually assisted by a junior (ordinary) counsel. QCs handle the most serious and difficult cases, and their fees are generally higher. After 10 or 15 years of practice barristers may become judges; solicitors of 10 years may also become judges but in lower courts. 

Правильный ответ: a senior member of the Bar.

21. The investigators are said ... with  these two witnesses as part of the investigation last week.

Правильный ответ: to have spoken

22. Unpaid judges, usually chosen from well–respected people in the local community are called ...

Правильный ответ: magistrates

23. Telephone hotline services ...  serve the goal of  fair and equal access to justice.

Правильный ответ: providing legal advice

24. The award of ... ...  is for excellence in advocacy in the higher courts. 

Правильный ответ: Queen’s Counsel

25. Documents, testimony,  objects that  prove or disprove the existence of the fact are  called  …

Правильный ответ: evidence

26. Judges as a group are also known ... the judiciary

Правильный ответ: to be called

27. Everybody knows these officials … corrupt.

Правильный ответ: to be

28. A place where legal proceedings are held is called ... . The judge presides there.

Правильный ответ: courtroom

29.  the defendant ...  the delay in settling claims. 

Правильный ответ: to explain

30. When solicitors prepare a

Evidence and witnesses

31. We really want our case ...  by a fair judge.

Правильный ответ: to be heard

32. We ... the conference to be held on the premises of the

Правильный ответ: expect

33. We consider that judge to be impartial.

Правильный ответ: Complex Object

34. The case presented on behalf of the

Правильный ответ: defence

35. Lord Jennings is said  ... as a QC for ten years.

Правильный ответ: to have been working

36. A public officer appointed to


37. Usually  solicitors  hire  ..... to  defend the

Правильный ответ: barristers

38/ The Code of Conduct (оказывается) to define the fundamental ethical and professional standards.  (to turn out)

Правильный ответ: turns out

39/ Parents usually expect their children ...  obedient.

Правильный ответ: to be

40/  over 25 years, I am experienced in handling all types of matters.

Правильный ответ: Having practiced

41/ The method ... now is very effective.

Правильный ответ: used

42/ at the University of Vienna, she served as an assistant at the Law Faculty of Vienna University.

Правильный ответ: Having studied

43/  liars mainly because people do not understand the legal profession and how it works.

Правильный ответ: to be

44/ Выберите предложение с Complex Object:

Правильный ответ: The experts believed the invention to be of great importance for the  society.

45/ He witnessed the crime ...

Правильный ответ: being  committed

46/ If you are interested in the law and want a career in legal work, this job could be ideal for you.  It would be your job to advise clients about the law, and act on their behalf in legal matters. Your clients could be individuals, groups of people or companies.

Правильный ответ: solicitor

47/ ....  crime is the task not only of the police but of the whole population as well.

Правильный ответ: to fight

48/ by lawyers to their clients is called ...

Правильный ответ: legal advice

49/ Meeting and interviewing clients, drafting documents, letters and contracts, 

Правильный ответ: solicitor

50/ Today statutes ... to play a larger role than in the past, but judicial decisions remain of central importance.

Правильный ответ: are considered

51/ The main task of  ...  is to prevent, investigate and solve crimes.

law enforcement

52/ The court ....  a financial penalty to be appropriate punishment.

Правильный ответ: considers

53/ The  key legal principle of the relations between


54/ In Russia, if you

Правильный ответ: a law degree

55/ The court ....  the law to be unconstitutional.

Правильный ответ: declared

56/ Advocates act for the client  .....

Правильный ответ: in court and out of court

57/  In the UK, when a person has a legal problem, he or she will  usually go to a ... first.

Правильный ответ: solicitor

58/ А client can sue a


59/ Is the accused  likely ...  the offence with which he is charged?

Правильный ответ: to have committed

60/ Barristers are specialist legal advisers and court room advocates. They have specialist knowledge and experience in and out of court, which can make a substantial difference to the outcome of a case.

Правильный ответ: out of court.

61/ They seem … all about the case. 

Правильный ответ: to know

62/  the case was committed to the court.

Правильный ответ: Having been investigated

63/ They know him… as an investigator for ten years.

Правильный ответ: to have been working

64/ This will lead to a further increase in the number of women ... as judges, in particular to the High Court.

Правильный ответ: being appointed

65/ While ...  the street the juvenile was struck by a car.

Правильный ответ: crossing

66/ In Russia, to inform clients about legal matters, to 

Правильный ответ: in - house counsel

67/ Solicitors are confidential advisers who have direct contact with clients, combining legal expertise and people skills to provide legal advice and assistance in a range of situations:

Правильный ответ: lower courts

68/ Cross-examination  ... to to be conducted by either counsel.

Правильный ответ: is known

69/ A legal action, especially one to be decided in a court of law is called a ... .


70/ A legal action, especially one to be decided in a court of law is called a ... .

Правильный ответ: True

71/ In Great Britain judges have to apply ... precedents to each new case.

Правильный ответ: existing

72/ Judges at the Commercial courts

legal persons

73/ The barrister for the defence successfully objected to  the 

Правильный ответ: being presented

74/ To give legal advice on buying and selling property,  wills and  


75/ The official proving of a will is called ...

Правильный ответ: probate

76/ Выберите Perfect Passive Infinitive

Правильный ответ: to have been presented

77/ These people  seem …  about the crime.

Правильный ответ: to have heard

78/ lawyer is likely ... 

Правильный ответ: to have obtained

79/  Unlike in the United Kingdom, there are ..... legal professions in the Russian Federation. 

Правильный ответ: many

80/ Why  do you consider your activities as 

Правильный ответ: to have been

81/  ... all the elements of the crime, the investigator referred the case to the court.

Правильный ответ: Having established

82/ We know her ....as a judge for many years.

Правильный ответ: to have been working

83/ He witnessed the accident ...

Правильный ответ: happen

84/ Я хочу, чтобы  это преступление было расследовано как можно быстрее. (to investigate)

Правильный ответ: to be investigated

85/ (To give) all the instructions, the jury retired to the jury room. 

Правильный ответ: Having been given

86/ In Russia, investigators work in the ...

Правильный ответ: Investigative Committee

87/ Phillip is sure … a good lawyer.

Правильный ответ: to be

88/  The Russian legal profession comprises prosecutors, lawyers in private practice, i

Правильный ответ: notaries and judges

89 In Great Britain, judges are  usually former ... , who sit  in  the  Crown  Court  and 

Правильный ответ: barristers

90/ U.S. authorities expect  the case … in July. 

Правильный ответ: to be heard

91/ Solicitors can be sued for damages for  ...  in the conduct of his profession.


82/ An individual, company, or other entity which has legal rights and is subject to obligations is …

egal person

93/ The article ... by the students is about the American Constitution.

Правильный ответ: to be discussed

94/  examining the documentation that was uncovered in Tripoli last month.

Правильный ответ: to have  begun

95/ Most barristers  (известно, что)  to work on self-employed basis. ( to know)

Правильный ответ: are known

96/  guilt to speeding charges as it will facilitate their jobs.

Правильный ответ: to admit

97/ Выберите Participle I Perfect 

Правильный ответ: having come

98/ The application form is ...   in writing.

Правильный ответ: to be filled

99/ Active support for a legal cause by argument and persuasion is called …


100/ A person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for use in other jurisdictions is …


101/ His parents wanted him  ... not guilty.

Правильный ответ: to be found

102/ A person  who brings the case to the court against the defendant is  a ... .

Правильный ответ: claimant

103/ In Russia, it is necessary to have a law degree,  if you  


104/ The act  ...  by the juvenile was defined as a crime.

Правильный ответ: committed

105/ Senior barristers who are experts in a particular field of law are given the right to wear silk gown and are called …

Правильный ответ: Queen’s Counsels

106/ The teacher ….. the students to read the text about barristers at home.

Правильный ответ: wants

107/ In a civil


108/  the  solicitor seemed not to have done anything constructive on the case. 

Правильный ответ: Having instructed

109/ Parliamentary debates ...  to be the main influence on legislation.

Правильный ответ: are considered

110/  expected to have a general understanding of a wide range of common problems.

Правильный ответ: Complex Subject

111/ This problem ....

Правильный ответ: turned out

112/ The usual route to this professional is through a solicitor. Solicitors have good working relationships with them and are likely to be able to identify the most suitable professional to deal with your case. If the identified  legal professional is available and that there are no conflicts of interest, they are under a duty to take on your case.

Правильный ответ: barrister

113/ In Russia, to supervise

Prosecutor’s office

114/ The bag is not likely ... . 

Правильный ответ: to have been stolen

115/ The public expected  the police ....  the offender.

Правильный ответ: to catch

116/ In Russia, a lawyer authorized to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, and other documents is called a ...
