Файл: Урок 1, 2 (1а) Введение в Модуль1 Strong ties Reading Skills Teens activities Задачи.docx

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10 кл Урок 1 , 2 (1а) Введение в Модуль1 « Strong ties»

Reading Skills «Teens activities»


1.Организовать беседу с учащимися о летних ка­никулах. Спросить, приходилось ли им пользо­ваться английским языком, в каких ситуациях. 2.Подвести к выводу о важности самостоятель­ного пользования языком в любых формах (устное общение, чтение, просмотр фильмов и телепередач, переписка, Интернет и др.) для его успешного освоения.

3.Напомнить особенности структу­ры учебника, вспомнить рубрики каждого мо­дуля и принятые формулировки заданий - тем более что в структуре модуля в учебнике 9 класса произошли некоторые изменения (см. Предисловие).
4.Обратить внимание учащихся на справочные материалы в конце учебника, организовать беседу о важности са­мостоятельной работы с ними для успешного освоения английского языка, вспомнить приё­мы работы со словарём, грамматическим спра­вочником, таблицей неправильных глаголов.
5. Просмотреть вместе с ученика­ми содержание учебника, обращая внимание на темы, которые вызывают особый интерес у подростков.
6.Освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме «Друг и дружба», «Черты характера», научиться слушать, читать тексты, вести разговор о друзьях, дружбе, деятельности подростков, характере, моде.
7.Научиться писать связный текст-описание праздника в России, текст о культурном событии в родной стране, празднике День Победы;
8.Освоить (на основе обобщения изученного ранее) распознавание и употребление в речи Present Tenses, Present Continuous, Present Perfect.
9.Освоить освоить значение и употребление фразовых глаголов (look), идиом по теме;
освоить правильную интонацию в восклицательных предложениях;

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент. Мотивирование на урок.

2.Речевая зарядка «О летних ка­никулах».

3.Работа по теме урока. Работа по учебнику.

4.Повторение лексики 9 класса

5.Работа по учебнику. Введение темы модуля.

Before you start … Direct Ss’ attention to the title of the module, Strong ties. Elicit that it summarises the theme of how we relate to our friends and family, and our relationships with them. Look at Module 1 In order to stimulate discussion and interest, ask Ss which page each picture is from. Then elicit other information (e.g. what the picture shows, what else Ss can see on the page and what they think the unit might be about).

Suggested Answer Key Focus Ss’ attention on pic 1 (p. 9).

T: What page is picture 1 from?

S1: It’s from page 12. T: What can you see in picture 1?

S2: Three friends playing. T: What do you think this section will be about?

S1: Probably about friendship, things to do with friends, etc. Pic 2 (p. 16) What do you think the picture is about? How is it related to the title of the unit? What could be the relationship between these women/girls?

Pic 3 (p. 21) What can you see in the picture? What do the other pictures show? What are the people wearing? What is their age?

Pic 4 (p. 11) Who are these people? Who are the other people in the pictures?

Find the page number(s) for Allow Ss time to browse through the units and find the relevant information. Then ask them to explain what each one is, and elicit simple information about each item.

Suggested Answer Key a list of things to do (p. 14)

(a note that tells us what we must do in the day) What has Ann done? What hasn’t she done yet? Do you write a list of things to do? an author’s biography (p. 16) (an author’s biography is an account of an author’s life by someone else) Whose is this biography? How is it related to the chapter? Look at the picture of the woman. Does she look like an author? Why?

a single dictionary entry (p. 22) (a dictionary entry is the definition of a word in a dictionary) How is the word you’ve chosen related to the unit? a letter (p. 19) (a long note to a friend) Who is this letter from? What is the letter about? Who is it written for?

Ex. 1 p. 10 Vocabulary
Vocabulary: teen activities Reading: an article about teenage free-time activities in various parts of the world (multiple matching) Skills ―scanning ―reading for specific information Speaking: express likes and dislikes; interviewing a teenager Writing: a paragraph about what you like/do not like doing

1 Presenting vocabulary ñ Read through the activities and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric. ñ Select individual students to present their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

In my country most teens enjoy hanging out with friends, playing computer games, listening to music, and watching DVDs. Some teens enjoy going window shopping and going clubbing but not many enjoy going on trips to the countryside. I enjoy chatting online. Etc

Ex. 2 p. 10 Reading

Predicting the content of a text ñ Direct Ss’ attention to the title and the introduction in the text. Elicit what they think the text is about. Play the recording. Ss listen and read through the text and check their answers.

Ex. 3 p. 10 Answer questions

Suggested Answer Key
I expect to read about what 16-year-olds in different parts of the world do in their free time.

Reading for specific information ñ Present the Study Skills box. ñ Allow Ss 5-7 minutes to read the text and choose the correct answer for each question. Ask them to follow the steps explained in the Study Skills box. Ss compare answers with a partner.
Answer Key 1 C Jamie 4 E Brandon 2 A Fiona 5 D Kim 3 B Josie 6 F Emily

Ex. 4 p. 11Speaking

Conducting an interview Ask Ss to work in pairs. One of them imagines he/she is a TV reporter interviewing a teenager from the text about what he/she likes doing. The other S imagines he/she is one of the students. Ask Ss to conduct an interview. ñ Monitor the task, helping where necessary. Select pairs to present their dialogues to the class.

Ex. 5 p. 11 Everyday English
Expressing likes and dislikes
Elicit how someone can express likes or dislikes. Go through the useful language table, then ask two Ss to read out the example. Ask Ss to use the phrases in Ex. 1. Ss complete them in
pairs. Monitor the activity. Select some pairs to act out short exchanges in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key
A: Do you like doing extreme sports?
B: I’m crazy about extreme sports. What sort of thing do you like doing?
A: I love playing computer games. etc

Ex. 6 p. 11 Writing
Writing a short paragraph about personal likes and dislikes
Ss read the rubric. Check comprehension of the text by asking
Ss: What are you going to write? (a short paragraph) What will it be about? (what I like doing) Brainstorm for ideas using the text. Check Ss’ notes before they start writing.
Select Ss to read out their paragraphs. Check Ss’ answers. Alternatively, assign as HW.

Suggested Answer Key I like hanging out with my friends and I love skateboarding. I also like watching DVDs with my friends or catching a film at the cinema. Like me, most of my friends like action films and science-fiction films. At the weekends I like to go shopping in the city centre. My favourite shop is Zilck. You can find great bargains there. Etc

Words of Wisdom Draw Ss’ attention to the quotation. ñ Elicit ideas for how to paraphrase the quotation and build up a paraphrase on the board. Ss discuss the meaning in pairs or small groups. Elicit whether Ss agree or disagree with the quotation and ask Ss to justify their opinions. Ask various pairs or groups to report back to the class. As an extension, Ss could suggest similar or other quotations on the topic from their L1.

6. Итоги урока .Оценки.

7 Домашнее задание; Упр. 1-4 стр. 4 рт

10 кл Урок 3 (1b ) Listening & Speaking Skills. Дружба. Отношения подростков. Character qualities.

  • Обучающие: освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности лексические единицы по теме Черты характера;

  • Развивающие: развивать умения во всех видах деятельности; развитие навыков поискового чтения

  • Воспитательные: формировать нравственные ценности и ориентиры.

Reading: a dialogue (comprehension questions)

Skills ― reading for specific information

Speaking: expressing annoyance at a friend; describing people’s character qualities; expressing sarcasm and anger; socialising

Vocabulary: character qualities; socialising

Listening: short informal dialogues (matching); a radio interview (ordering)

Skills ― listening for specific information

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент. Постановка целей урока.

2.Речевая зарядка. Мотивирование на урок.

3.Контроль домашнего задания.

4.Работа по теме урока. Введение нового материала, темы модуля.Работа по учебнику. Vocabulary
Ex. 1 p. 12
Talking about personal qualities in friends Ask Ss to read the poem. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Ss work in pairs and think about their best friend and why they are special. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key My best friend is special because she is kind and caring and does a lot for me ― we have a lot of fun together.
Ex. 2 p. 12 Введение новой
Practising language for character qualities ñ Read out the adjectives. Elicit/Explain the meaning of the adjectives. Ask Ss which qualities they look for in a friend and which they avoid. Direct Ss’ attention to the example exchange. Ss work in groups discussing important character qualities in a friend.
Ex. 3 p. 12 Reading
Reading for specific information Ask Ss to look at the dialogue. Explain the task. Allow Ss time to answer the questions. Ss check in pairs. Play the recording. Ss listen to check the rest of the dialogue. Ask various pairs to read the dialogue aloud.
Answer Key
1.They are friends. 2 Because Julie cancelled her plans again. 3 Kim is telling Laura why she is angry with her friend.
Optional extension: Read out the adjectives used to describe people. Go around the class eliciting information about the characters of the people in the text.
Ex. 4 p. 12
Making true sentences a) Go through the words/phrases in the columns. Ask students to make true statements in relation to the text. Choose individual students to each read out a sentence.
Suggested Answer Key
а)Laura thinks Julie is nice. Laura thinks Kim isn’t being fair. Laura wants to rent a DVD. Kim thinks Julie is selfish.
b) Elicit answers from Ss. ñ Ask Ss to come up with similar expressions. Answer Key “I’ve had enough.”Ex. 5 p. 13 Speaking
Practising key words used for expressing annoyance Elicit the meaning of the word selfish. Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise a dialogue about a selfish friend. Write the dialogue plan on the board. Ss use it to act out their dialogues.

A Ask what is wrong.

Ask for more details.

Express surprise.

Criticise your friend’s attitude.

Change the subject & make a suggestion.

B Make an angry exclamation.

Explain problem with friend.

Give further details.

Confirm position/ feelings. Agree.

Select a pair to present their dialogue to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: What’s the matter, Jill?
B: Oh, I’ve had enough.
A: Why? What’s up?
B: It’s Liz again. I lend her my clothes and she never brings them back.
A: Really?
B: Yes, she’ll never change. I lent her my new jacket for Saturday night and she still hasn’t returned it. It’s been almost a week now.
A: Oh, come on! Aren’t you being a bit mean?
B: No, I don’t think so. She’s always taking advantage of me.
A: Oh well … forget about it … why don’t we go for a coffee?
B: Alright. That’s a good idea.
Ex. 6 p. 13 Listening 6 a) Agreeing with statements Ask Ss to read through the list of statements and tick the ones they agree with. Select individual Ss to present their statements to the class and give reasons for their choices.
b) Listening for specific information ñ Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task. Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. Select individual pairs to read out the statements in the order they hear them.
TAPESCRIPT Interviewer: We spoke to some British teenagers about how important friendships are to them in today’s world. Speaker 1: I have four great friends and we’ve known each other for years. We have so much fun together. There is never a boring moment when I’m with my friends.
Speaker 2: I move around the country a lot because of my dad’s job so I change schools every couple of years. I have to be able to fit in quickly so I can feel at home. I like to make new friends straight away so I can have a social life as soon as possible. I’m a friendly person so I don’t usually have any problems. Speaker 3: I couldn’t survive without my best friend. Who would I discuss my problems with or share my secrets and thoughts with? I definitely think a true friend who understands you is the most important thing a person can have. Speaker 4: I don’t have many friends probably because I am very shy, but one or two friends are enough if they are friends you can trust and who really care about you. It’s not worth having dozens of friends if they only think of themselves. Speaker 5: I have done so much with my friends. We’ve climbed mountains, swum rivers, and gone hiking and camping together. More than that though, we’ve grown up together and gone through the same things.

Ex. 7 p. 13 Say it right Listening for specific information Direct Ss’ attention to the list of exchanges. Elicit/Explain the meaning of any new vocabulary. Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Play the recording again with pauses. Ask various pairs to repeat the exchanges following the intonation patterns in the recording.
Answer Key 1 e 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 b
Ex. 8 p. 13 Listening to improve pronunciation Allow Ss time to read through (1-7). Play the recording, pausing after each utterance so Ss can repeat orally. Check their pronunciation and intonation. Elicit from Ss which sentences express sarcasm/ anger. Ask students to form exchanges using these sentences, making up a response for each one.
Answer Key sarcasm: 1, 4 anger: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Suggested Answer Key 1 A: Oh, perfect! 2 A: Unbelievable! B: What is it? B: Oh dear. Etc
Answer Key 1 E 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 F
Ex. 9 p. 13 Read out the rubric and allow Ss time to complete the idioms. с Check Ss’ answers. Elicit/Explain what the idioms mean. Elicit from Ss whether there are similar expressions in their language.
Answer Key 1 eye 3 shoulder 5 back 2 head 4 neck 6 nerves

Ex. 10 p. 13 Understanding frequently confused wordsс Ss complete the task individually, using their

dictionaries if necessary. с Check answers with the class. с Then Ss write sentences to illustrate the

meanings of the alternative words. Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Ex. 11 p. 13 Explain the task and elicit what qualities Ss look for in their friends. Write them on the

board. Ask Ss why friends are important to them. Write answers on the board. Allow time

for Ss to prepare their talk. Finally, select individual Ss to give a two-minute talk in the

class referring to their notes to help them. с Ss can record themselves while talking, using

the notes on the board and notes for the other bullet points in the list that they will make.

Suggested Answer Key

I have a lot of friends and all of them are very important to me. In fact, sometimes I wonder

what I would do without them. Friends mean a lot to me because I think it is important to have

people around you who you can talk to about personal issues and who you can trust. Of

course, it’s also important to have friends with whom you can share new experiences and have

fun with. For me a friend should be loyal, trusting and supportive. I usually go to thecinema with my friends or play video games. Etc
5. Итоги урока .Оценки.6 Домашнее задание; Упр. 1-5 стр. 5рт

10 кл Урок 4, 5 ( ) Настоящие времена глаголов. Словообразование прилагательных. Grammar in Use
Задачи :

  • Обучающие: развитие грамматических навыков. Наречия частотности.

  • Развивающие: развитие умений пользоваться грамматическим справочником.

  • Воспитательные: воспитание ситуации успеха.

  • Оборудование: грамматические таблицы

  • Grammar: present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple, present perfect continuous;

  • stative verbs

  • Vocabulary: phrasal verbs with look;

  • dependent prepositions;

  • forming adjectives from nouns and verbs