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Journal of Modern Competition / 2016. Vol. 10. No. 5 (59)
Industry markets
атрибутивные продукты, определяющие ры- ночное позиционирование клуба. Их поло- жение приоритетно по отношению к двум другим видам — дополнительным и вспомо-
гательным продуктам. Правильное выстра- ивание продуктов по значимости позволяет эффективно распределять ресурсы, доби- ваться взаимосвязи между ними для дости- жения маркетинговых целей, стоящих пе- ред клубом.
Каждый из продуктов требует построе- ния уникальной маркетинговой программы, опирающейся на тщательную проработку компонентов продукта на каждом из трех уровней — базовых выгод, реального и рас- ширенного продуктов.
Понимание специфики продуктовой по- литики спортивно-оздоровительного клуба, таким образом, лежит в основе его конку- рентных преимуществ.
Список литературы
1. Котлер Ф. Основы маркетинга: пер. с англ. М., 1996.
С. 248.
2. Малыгин А. Тайм-маркетинг: Время клиента в ваших ру- ках // Sport Business Consulting. 2014. № 2/3. С. 4.
3. Силина Е., Леднев В., Дари Е., Мельников Ю., Ша-
тров Е. Классификация фитнес-клубов // Sport Business
Consulting. 2013/2014. № 6. С. 52.
4. McCarthy Jerome E. Basic Marketing. A Managerial
Approach. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1960.
5. Schwarz Eric C., Hunter Jason D. Advanced theory and practice in sport marketing. 2008. Р. 21.
1. Kotler P. Marketing Essentials, 1996. р. 248 (in Russian).
2. Malygin A. Time marketing: vremya klienta v vashich ru-
kach [Time marketing: Client time is in your hands]. Sport
Business Consulting, 2014, no. 2/3, p. 4.
3. Silina E., Lednev V., Dari E., Melnikov Y., Shatrov E. Klas-
sifikatsiya fitness klubov [Classification of fitness clubs].
Sport Business Consulting, 2013/2014, no. 6, p. 52.
4. McCarthy, Jerome E. Basic Marketing. A Managerial Ap-
proach. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1960.
5. Schwarz Eric C., Hunter Jason D. Advanced theory and
practice in sport marketing, 2008, p. 21.
A. Malygin, University Sinergy, Moscow, Russia,
E. Silina, University Sinergy, Moscow, Russia,
Specificity of the product policy of a fitness club in a competitive environment
The article deals with the specifics of the most significant marketing tool of a sports club — prod- uct policy. The authors show its place in the system of formation of competitive advantages, ana- lyzed different types of products on the market a fitness club, as well as determine their priorities.
The material is aimed at use in practice in the fitness industry.
Russian fitness market is perhaps the most independent element of the domestic sports industry.
For two decades he was almost without any help gov, was able to overcome the difficult stage of formation and continues to grow steadily. Its volume, according to experts, has reached 20.73 bil- lion rubles, while the number of fitness clubs — was 4 – 5 thousand. One of the reasons for such a dynamic development — lively competitive environment, characterized by a large number of inde- pendent members, greater opportunities of choice for customers, the relatively low level of participa- tion of the state, while a significant contribution with his hand in the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
Under such conditions for the successful development of each individual market entity (individual club or clubs in the network) is crucial to the ability of management to use the full potential of mar- keting tools that are well adapted to the needs of customers. A key place in the complex marketing tools takes product policy.
Keywords: sports and health services, health club, sports marketing, marketing mix, product policy, competitive advantages.
About authors: A. Malygin, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
E. Silina, Head of the department of Management in the fitness industry University Sinergy
For citation: Malygin A., Silina E. Specificity of the product policy of a fitness club in a competitive environment. Journal of Modern Competition, 2016, vol. 10, no. 5 (59), pp. 75–80 (in English, abstr. in Russian).