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Добавлен: 05.12.2023

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«Тольяттинский государственный университет»
ФГБОУ ВО «Тольяттинский государственный университет», Тольяттинский государственный университет, ТГУ

(наименование института полностью)

Гуманитарно-педагогический институт

(Наименование учебного структурного подразделения)

44.03.03. Специальное (дефектологическое) образование

(код и наименование направления подготовки / специальности)


(направленность (профиль) / специализация)

Практическое задание №1
по учебному курсу «Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации 1»

(наименование учебного курса)
Вариант ____ (при наличии)


Гурбанова Самира Новруз кызы

(И.О. Фамилия)




Сидоркин Константин Александрович

(И.О. Фамилия)

Тольятти 2023

Практическое занятие 1 по теме Глаголы to be и to have, оборот there + to be
1.Put the sentences into the future and past tense changing the verb
to be.

  1. There are twelve students in our group.

  2. There is a beautiful garden near the house.

  3. There is a big blackboard in the classroom.

  4. There is a letter for him on the table.

  5. There are two lifts in the house.

  6. There is a new stadium in the town.

  7. There is a table in the middle of the room.

  8. There is a hospital in the village.

  9. Are there many sentences in this exercise?

  10. Is there much work to do at home?

  11. There are no pictures in the book.


Past Simple

1. There were twelve students in our group.

2. There was a beautiful garden near the house.

3. There was a big blackboard in the classroom.

4. There was a letter for him on the table.

5. There were two lifts in the house.

6. There was a new stadium in the town.

7. There was a table in the middle of the room.

8. There was a hospital in the village.

9. Were there many sentences in this exercise?

10. Was there much work to do at home?

11. There were no pictures in the book.

Future Simple

1. There will be twelve students in our group.

2. There will be a beautiful garden near the house.

3. There will be a big blackboard in the classroom.

4. There will be a letter for him on the table.

5. There will be two lifts in the house.

6. There will be a new stadium in the town.

7. There will be a table in the middle of the room.

8. There will be a ihospitaln the village.

9. Will there be many sentences in this exercise?

10. Will there be much work to do at home?

11. There will be no pictures in the book.

2. Paraphrase according to the pattern using suitable forms of the verb to have.

Pattern: There are no books in his bag. – He has no books in his bag.

  1. There is no TV-set in his room. -He has no TV-set in his room

  2. There are no mistakes in his dictation. - He has no mistakes in his dictation

  3. There is no garden near his house. -He has no garden near his house

  4. There are no pictures in her room. -She has no pictures in her room

  5. There are no French books in her library. -She has no French books in her library

  6. There is no English newspaper on her table. -She has no English newspaper on her table

  7. There is no coffee in my cup. - I have no coffee in my cup

  8. There is no telephone in my flat. -I have no telephone in my flat

  9. There are no maps on the walls of our classroom. -We have no maps on the walls of our classroom

  10. There is no sugar in Peter's tea - It has no sugar in Peter's te

3. Put general and special questions to the sentences below using any where it is necessary.

1. There is a tea-pot on the table. 2. There are some flowers in the vase. 3. There are some English books on the shelf. 4. There is somebody in the garden. 5. There is a lot of milk in the jug. 6. There are some mistakes in your test. 7. There is some ink in your pen. 8. There are some pictures on the wall of the room. 9. There is some coffee in the cup. 10. There are six continents in the world. 11. There are a lot of flowers in the garden. 12. There is something in the box. 13. There are some new words in the text. 14. There is a lot of snow in the forest.


1. Is there a tea-pot on the table? What is there on the table?

2. Are there any flowers in the vase? What is there in the vase?

3. Are there any English books on the shelf? What is there on the shelf?

4. Is there anybody in the garden? Who is there in the garden?

5. Is there much milk in the jug? How much milk is there in the jug?

6. Are there any mistakes in your test? Where are the mistakes?

7. Is there any ink in your pen? What is there in your pen?

8. Are there any pictures on the wall of the room? What is there on the wall of the room?

9. Is there any coffee in the cup? What is there in the cup?

10. Are there six continents in the world? How many continents are there in the world?

11. Are there many flowers in the garden? How many flowers are there in the garden?

12. Is there anything in the box? What is there in the box?

13. Are there any new words in the text? How many new words are there in the text?

14. Is there much snow in the forest? Where is much snow?

4. Translate into English using there is /there are; pronouns any, some, no and words formed from them

1. В вашей семье есть дети? 2. На улице много народу. 3. В кувшине нет молока. 4. За вашим домом есть сад? 5. За вашим садом есть площадь, не так ли? 6. В вашем городе есть парки? 7. У вас есть воп­росы? 8. На столе около окна стоят часы. 9. На полке мои книги и тетради. 10. В моем столе ничего нет. 11. В этом журнале есть что-нибудь интересное? 12. Что там на столе? Там стоит чашка и три стакана. 13. Есть кто-нибудь в соседней комнате? 14. На столе есть соль, но мало. 15. Времени нет.


1. In your family has children? - Are there children in the your family? 2. On the street a lot of people. - There are a lot of to people on the street? 3. In no milk jug. 4. For your home have a garden? 5. For your garden is the area, is not it? 6. In your city has parks? 7. Do you have vop¬rosy? 8. On a table near the window stand watch. 9. On a shelf my books and notebooks. 10. Nothing in my desk. 11. In this magazine there is something interesting? 12. What's on the table? There is a cup and three glasses. 13. Is there anyone in the next room? 14. On the table there is salt, but not enough. 15. There's no time.

5. Put the sentences into the future and past tense changing the verb to be and using suitable adverbial modifiers of time: yesterday, tomorrow, next week, last month, next year, at 5 o’clock, etc.

  1. Victor is free in the evening.

  2. John is in America.

  3. I am very busy.

  4. She is at the lecture.

  5. The child is 10 years old.

  6. This work is interesting.

  7. The expedition is in Africa.

  8. The new film is long.

  9. My mother is at home.

  10. The workers are at the factory.

  11. The students are at the Institute.


1.Victor will be free tomorrow evening. Victor was free yesterday evening

2.John will be in Africa next month. John was in Africa last year

3.I will be very busy tomorrow. I was very busy last week

4.She will be at the lecture at 5 o'clock. She was at the lecture on Tuesday

5.The child will be 10 yers old next month. The child was 10 years old yesterday

6.This work will be interesting. Nhis work was interesting next year

7.The expedition will be in Africa next month. The expidition was in Africa last Sunday

8.The film will be long. The film was ling

9.My mother will be at home at 10 o'clock. My mother was at home at 3 o'clock

10.The students will be in the institute on Friday. The students was in institute yesterday

6. Put the sentences into the future and past tense changing the verb to have and using suitable adverbial modifiers of time: yesterday, tomorrow, next week, last month, next year, at 5 o’clock, etc.

  1. They have a big house in the country.

  2. My friend has many interesting books.

  3. His mother has a nice garden.

  4. She has a good map of London.

  5. We have a good dog.

  6. I have a beautiful picture.

  7. These students have five examinations.

  8. His parents have a comfortable flat.

  9. John had good work.

  10. These pupils have four lessons every day.


1. they had......last year/will have.....next year

2. had....last month/ will have....tomorrow

3.had...last summer/will have....next summer

4. had...last June/ will have... next June

5. had....many years ago/ will have...next month

6. had...last week/will have....next week

7. had...last Tuesday /will have....next Monday

8. had...a year ago/will have....next year

9. had...2 years ago/will have.....next year

10.had...last week/will have....next Friday

Практическое занятие 2 по теме Глагол. Настоящее простое

1 Put the verb in the brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple.

1 Ann ...doesn’t drink... (not/drink) tea very often.

2 What time.................. (the library/close) here?

3 I’ve got a computer, but I................... (not/use) it much.

4 Where.............. (your friend/come) from? He’s British.

5 What................... (you/do)? I’m a tutor.


1. Ann doesn’t drink tea very often.

2. What time does the library here?

3. I’ve got a computer, but I don't use it much.

4. Where does your friend come from? He’s British.

5. What do you do? I’m a tutor.

2 Translate into English.

Моя семья обычно обедает в ресторане.

Наши друзья всегда пьют кофе на завтрак.

Днём у неё масса работы.

Я занимаюсь английским по вечерам.

Мы никогда не едим мясо.


My family usually has lunch at a restaurant.

Our friends always drink coffee for breakfast.

She has a lot of work to do during the day.

I study English in the evenings.

We never eat meat.

3 Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs. Use positive or negative

meanings of the present simple.

Model: Claire is very sociable. She knows (know) lots of people.

We've got plenty of chairs, thanks. We don't want (not/want) any more.

1 My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He............ (not/speak) French.

2 Most students live quite close to the college, so they............ (walk) there.

3 I've got four cats and two dogs. I.............................. (love) animals.

4 No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He.................................. (not/eat) breakfast.

5 What's the matter? You........................................... (not/look) very happy.

4 Put the verb into the correct form. Write sentences about yourself. Use

always/never/often/ sometimes/ usually.

Model:(watch television) I never watch television. / I usually watch television in the

evening. (etc.)

1 (read in bed) I never read in bed.

2 (get up before 7 o’clock) I always get up before 7 o'clock

3 (go to university / by bus) I usually go to school by bus

4 (drink coffee) I sometimes drink coffee.

5 (watch soap operas) I watch a lot of soap operas on TV

5 Complete the sentences with one word.

e.g. I __don't__ drink coffee but I like tea.

Luke Godwin is an Australian actor who lives in London. Our reporter Susan Moore

asks him some questions:


Luke, what time (1) do you get up?

Luke: About eleven o'clock. I usually (2) go to bed at three or

four in the morning because I (3) work in the evenings and I (4)don`t finish until about 12 o'clock at night.


And when do you (5) eat?

Luke: Well, I (6) have two cups of black coffee at 11.3 in the

morning and I (7) have 'lunch' at about two o'clock. I eat in

restaurants (8) a lot. I work from Wednesday to Saturday

but I (9) don`t work on Sunday or Monday and I often (10) sleep all day on Sunday!


What? You don't get up?

Luke: No!

6 Correct the verbs in italics.

e.g. You speak the trumpet.


1 I have in a flat with my parents.

2 They play law at university.____________________

3 Our children finish school at 9 a.m.____________________

4 When do you start home in the morning? ____________________

5 Banks usually open at 7 p.m.____________________

6 I never watch the newspaper.____________________

7 Do you do a shower in the evening?____________________

8 Do you study TV a lot?____________________

9 Most shops have open 24 hours.____________________

10 Do you drink Spanish?____________________


  1. Live

  2. Study

  3. Start

  4. Leave

  5. Close

  6. Read

  7. Take

  8. Watch tv

  9. Are

  10. Speak

Практическое занятие 3 по теме: Building Engineering as a


Задание 1 Прочитайте и переведите текст

Строительство зданий - древняя человеческая деятельность. Это началось с чисто функциональной потребности в контролируемой среде для смягчения воздействия климата. Построенные убежища были одним из средств, с помощью которого люди могли адаптироваться к широкому разнообразию климатических условий и стать глобальным видом.

Строительство зданий сегодня является важной частью промышленной культуры, проявлением ее разнообразия и сложности, а также мерой овладения природными силами, которые могут привести к широкому разнообразная строительная среда для удовлетворения разнообразных потребностей общества. Образование в области строительной инженерии как одной из областей гражданского строительства - это изучение комплексного применения инженерных принципов и технологий для проектирования зданий и архитектуры.

Строительная инженерия — это междисциплинарный инженерный предмет, который предлагает общий инженерный подход к планированию, проектированию, строительству, эксплуатации, реконструкции и техническому обслуживанию зданий, а также к их воздействию на окружающую среду. Дисциплина требует соответствующих знаний, интегрированных из традиционных хорошо зарекомендовавших себя дисциплин: гражданское строительство для строительных конструкций и фундаментов; машиностроение для систем отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха (HVAC) и для механических систем обслуживания; физика для строительных наук, освещения и акустики; электротехника для распределения и управления электроэнергией; химия и биология для качества воздуха в помещениях; архитектура для формы,