Файл: I a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.doc

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 had begun 
 will begin 

10. Egyptians left no written accounts as to the execution of mummification, so the scientists ______ to examine mummies and establish their own theories.

 are having 
 have had 

11. In spite of the fact that it ______ all day long, the match ______ and the stands were full of spectators.

 had been raining, was not cancelled 
 rained, was not cancelled 
 was raining, has not cancelled 
 had rained, had not been cancelled 

12. Many football fans claimed that after "Real FC" ______ that important game it ______ no chance to win the championship.

 lost, had 
 lose, has 
 had lost, had 
 will lose, will have 

13. I wish he ______ last Friday but his flight ______ because of bad weather. If he ______ the next day I would have brought him by car.

 arrived, was cancelled, called 
 had arrived, was cancelled, had called 

 had arrived, had been cancelled, called 
 arrived, have cancelled, had called 

14. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor ______ able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.

 has been 
 had been 

15. At the first stages of the Industrial Revolution advertising ______ a relatively straightforward means of announcement and communication and was used mainly to promote novelties and fringe products which ______ unknown to the public.

 had been, were 
 had been, had been 

was, were 
 was being, were 

16. Towards the end of the 19th century the larger companies ______ more and more on mass advertising to promote their new range of products. The market during this period ______ by a small number of giant, conglomerate enterprises.

 relied, has been controlled 
 relied, had been controlled 
 were relying, has been controlled 
 relied, were controlled 

17. To cater for the fitness boom of the 80s and provide the up-to-date facilities people want, over 1,500 private health and fitness clubs ______ during the past 15 years.

 were built 
 had been built 
 have been built 
 will be built 

18. In 1936 the British Broadcasting Corporation ______ to provide a public radio service. Since then the BBC ______ by the establishment of independent and commercial radio and television, which ______ the BBC's broadcasting monopoly.

 was established, was influenced, removed 
 was established, has been influenced, removed 
 was established, has been influenced, had removed 
 was established, had been influenced, removed 

19. The Neolithic Age was a period of history which ______ in approximately 6000 B.C. and ______ until 3000 B.C.

 began, lasted 
 had begun, lasted 
 began, was lasting 
 had begun, had been lasting 

20. A major problem in the construction of new buildings is that windows ______ while air conditioning systems

 have been eliminated, have not been perfected 
 were eliminated, were not perfected 
 had been eliminated, had not been perfected 
 eliminate, are not perfected

1. How long ______ you ______ ?
— Since I was 17.

 have been driving 
 have driven 
 did drive 
 do drive 

2. She ______ always ______ in Moscow.

 —, lives 
 has lived 
 has been living 
 has live 

3. How long ______ you ______ Kate?

 did know 
 have been knowing 
 have known 
 do known 

4. I ______ here all my life.

 have lived 
 have living 
 am living 

5. Kate has lost her passport again, it is the second time this ______ .

 has happened 
 is happening 

6. Kate has been working here ______ .

 since two years 
 two years ago 
 for two years 
 two years 

7. The boy sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ______ before.

 has not flown 
 did not fly 
 had not flown 
 has not been flying 

8. I ______ a lot but I don't any more.

 was used to eat 
 used to eat 
 was eating 
 used to eating 

9. ______ next week, so we can go somewhere.

 I'm not working 
 I won't work 
 I don't work 
 I shall not work 

10. We are late. The film ______ by the time we get to the cinema.