Файл: Lilia Raitskaya Stuart Cochrane.docx

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Lilia Raitskaya Stuart Cochrane



Guide to Economics

Student's Book


Unit 1

Before you read 13

What does economics study? 14

What are 14

microeconomics and macroeconomics ? 14

Before you listen 17

Before you read 18

History of economic thought 19

Before you listen 22

Before you read 23

Econometrics 24

Before you listen 25

Before you read 26

The law of demand 26

Before you listen 27

Unit 32

Before you read 32

The traditional economy 32

Before you listen 33

Before you read 35

The market economy 35

Before you listen 36

The planned economy 38

Before you listen 43

Before you read 44

Before you listen 47

Revision Vocabulary Units 1 to 4 49

Before you read 51

Consumer choices 53

Before you listen 63

Before you read 65

Costs and supply 65

Before you listen 66

Unit 68

Before you read 68

Market structure and competition 68

Before you listen 69

Before you read 70

Monopolies 70

Unit 75

Before you read 75

The labour market 75

Before you listen 76

Before you read 77

Supply of labour 77

Before you listen 79

44Unit 81

45Before you read 81

70Factors of production 81

85Before you listen 83

Before you read 84

Division of labour 84

Before you listen 85

Revision Vocabulary Units 5 to 8 88

Before you read 88

Surplus 89

Before you listen 90

Before you read 92

Price discrimination 92

Before you listen 93

Welfare economics 95

Before you listen 96

Before you read 97

Government revenue and spending 97

Before you listen 98

Before you read 100

Wealth, income and inequality 101

Before you listen 103

Before you read 104

Poverty 105

Before you listen 109

Macroeconomics 112

Before you listen 113

Before you read 114

ф D Vocabulary 114

Aggregate demand and aggregate supply 114

BP E Comprehension 116

Before you listen 116

0 F Listening *))) 116

ff G Speaking 117

Task 117

Revision Vocabulary Units 9 to 12 119

Unit 120

Before you read 120

Money 120

^ В Comprehension 121

Before you listen 121

В с Listening Ц))) 121

Before you read 121

0 D Vocabulary 122

Banks 133

В E Comprehension 134

Before you listen 134

F Listening Ц))) 134

G Speaking 135

Unit 136

Before you read 136

ff A Vocabulary 136

Fiscal policy 136

P В Comprehension 137

Before you listen 137

С Listening 4))) 137

Before you read 138

0 D Vocabulary 138

Monetary policy 138

Before you listen 141

rehension 141

Before you read 144

A Vocabulary 144

Interest rates and the money market 144

В Comprehension 145

С Listening H))) 146

Before you read 147

fiJ D Vocabulary 147

Economic shocks 147

Before you listen 150

G Speaking 151

Before you read 152

fif A Vocabulary 152

Inflation 152

Before you listen 154

Before you read 156

ff D Vocabulary 156

Unemployment 156

Before you listen 157

F Listening H))) 157

E Comprehension 157

G Speaking 157

9 H Writing 158

Revision Vocabulary Units 13 to 16 159

Unit 160

Before you read 160

Economic growth 161

9 В Comprehension 163

Before you listen 163

ff С Listening Ц))) 164

Before you read 164

ff D Vocabulary 164

The business cycle 165

fi? E Comprehension 166

Before you listen 166

F Listening И))) 167

H Writing 167

Before you read 168

f A Vocabulary 168

The open economy 168

? В Comprehension 169

Before you listen 170

С Listening 4))) 171

Before you read 171

BP D Vocabulary 171

Exchange rates 172

0 E Comprehension 174

Before you listen 174

F Listening H))) 175

G Speaking 176

Task 176

Before you read 177

A Vocabulary 177

Exchange rate mechanisms 177

й В Comprehension 178

Before you listen 178

0 С Listening 4))) 178

Before you read 179

9 D Vocabulary 179

International trade 179

Before you listen 180

В F Listening 4))) 180

G Speaking 181

Task 181

Unit 182

Before you read 182

В A Vocabulary 182

Less developed countries 183

в В Comprehension 184

Before you listen 184

0 С Listening *))) 184

Before you read 184

В D Vocabulary 184

The Russian economy in the 19th century 185

fij E Comprehension 186

Before you listen 186

F Listening 4))) 186

Task 188

H Writing 188

A Vocabulary 188

в? В Comprehension 190

Before you listen 190

0 С Listening 4))) 190

Before you read 190

ff D Vocabulary 190

Russia's foreign trade 191

9 E Comprehension 192

Before you listen 192

Revision Vocabulary Units 17 to 21 194

Aggregate demand and aggregate supply.. 63

2 М л i m . 11 a '» G u ' d w tc E(ctomKt Сонеч'л

Дорогие друзья!

Представляем Вам учебно-методический комплект (УМК) «Macmillan Guide to Economics», цель которого - помочь Вам приобрести навыки владения английским языком в области экономики и познакомить Вас с основополагающими темами экономической теории.

Из курса Вы узнаете, что изучают экономическая теория и эконометрика, в чём разница между микроэкономикой и макроэкономикой, какие экономические системы существуют в современном мире, как функционирует рынок и какую роль на нём играют спрос и предложение, какими особенностями обладает рынок труда, какие факторы производства используются в экономике, а также о монополии, общественных благах, экономике благосостояния, экономической политике государства, деньгах, инфляции и банках, процентных ставках и финансовых рынках, циклах деловой активности и многом другом.

Материал курса изложен в увлекательной форме, хорошим и доступным языком.

Книга для учащихся имеет чёткую организационную структуру, она состоит из двадцати одного урока, каждый из которых включает в себя два тематических текста, сопровождаемых аудиозаписями, активной лексикой, вопросами но теме урока, упражнениями и заданиями.

В курсе предусмотрены упражнения на развитие основных видов речевой деятельности - чтения, письма, аудирования и говорения. При этом форма отдельных упражнений меняется из урока в урок для того, чтобы избежать монотонности в обучении. Особого внимания заслуживают творческие задания на развитие навыков письменной речи. Освоив материал курса, Вы научитесь писать письма, статьи, эссе, сочинения, составлять доклады, отчёты, рекламные проспекты.

Данный курс - хорошая база для дальнейшего изучения английского языка в области экономики (английский для специальных целей - English for Specific Purposes (ESP).

«Macmillan Guide To Economics» может быть использован как на аудиторных занятиях, в группах и при индивидуальном обучении, так и при самостоятельном изучении материала.

Мы желаем Вам больших успехов в изучении английского языка, а также в освоении актуальной экономической тематики, необходимой профессионалам во многих областях деятельности.

J1.K. Раицкая Stuart Cochrane

Macmillan Guide to Economics Introdactton 3

Before you read

Discuss the following with your partner.

Do yo i know much about economics?

■+ Tick wluch of these statements you think are true.

-» Then explain to your partner why.

Before you read 13

What does economics study? 17

What are 18

microeconomics and macroeconomics ? 18

Before you listen 20

Before you read 22

History of economic thought 23

Before you listen 26

Before you read 27

Econometrics 28

Before you listen 29

Before you read 30

The law of demand 30

Before you listen 31

Unit 36

Before you read 36

The traditional economy 36

Before you listen 37

Before you read 39

The market economy 39

Before you listen 40

The planned economy 42

Before you listen 47

Before you read 48

Before you listen 51

Revision Vocabulary Units 1 to 4 53

Before you read 55

Consumer choices 57

Before you listen 67

Before you read 69

Costs and supply 69

Before you listen 70

Unit 72

Before you read 72

Market structure and competition 72

Before you listen 73

Before you read 74

Monopolies 74

Unit 79

Before you read 79

The labour market 79

Before you listen 80

Before you read 81

Supply of labour 81

Before you listen 83

44Unit 85

45Before you read 85

70Factors of production 85

85Before you listen 87

Before you read 88

Division of labour 88

Before you listen 89

Revision Vocabulary Units 5 to 8 92

Before you read 92

Surplus 93

Before you listen 94

Before you read 96

Price discrimination 96

Before you listen 97

Welfare economics 99

Before you listen 100

Before you read 101

Government revenue and spending 101

Before you listen 102

Before you read 104

Wealth, income and inequality 105

Before you listen 107

Before you read 108

Poverty 109

Before you listen 113

Macroeconomics 116

Before you listen 117

Before you read 118

ф D Vocabulary 118

Aggregate demand and aggregate supply 118

BP E Comprehension 120

Before you listen 120

0 F Listening *))) 120

ff G Speaking 121

Task 121

Revision Vocabulary Units 9 to 12 123

Unit 124

Before you read 124

Money 124

^ В Comprehension 125

Before you listen 125

В с Listening Ц))) 125

Before you read 125

0 D Vocabulary 126

Banks 141

В E Comprehension 142

Before you listen 142

F Listening Ц))) 142

G Speaking 143

Unit 144

Before you read 144

ff A Vocabulary 144

Fiscal policy 144

P В Comprehension 145

Before you listen 145

С Listening 4))) 145

Before you read 146

0 D Vocabulary 146

Monetary policy 146

Before you listen 149

rehension 149

Before you read 152

A Vocabulary 152

Interest rates and the money market 152

В Comprehension 153

С Listening H))) 154

Before you read 155

fiJ D Vocabulary 155

Economic shocks 155

Before you listen 158

G Speaking 159

Before you read 160

fif A Vocabulary 160

Inflation 160

Before you listen 162

Before you read 164

ff D Vocabulary 164

Unemployment 164

Before you listen 165

F Listening H))) 165

E Comprehension 165

G Speaking 165

9 H Writing 166

Revision Vocabulary Units 13 to 16 167

Unit 168

Before you read 168

Economic growth 169

9 В Comprehension 171

Before you listen 171

ff С Listening Ц))) 172

Before you read 172

ff D Vocabulary 172

The business cycle 173

fi? E Comprehension 174

Before you listen 174

F Listening И))) 175

H Writing 175

Before you read 176

f A Vocabulary 176

The open economy 176

? В Comprehension 177

Before you listen 178

С Listening 4))) 179

Before you read 179

BP D Vocabulary 179

Exchange rates 180

0 E Comprehension 182

Before you listen 182

F Listening H))) 183

G Speaking 184

Task 184

Before you read 185

A Vocabulary 185

Exchange rate mechanisms 185

й В Comprehension 186

Before you listen 186

0 С Listening 4))) 186

Before you read 187

9 D Vocabulary 187

International trade 187

Before you listen 188

В F Listening 4))) 188

G Speaking 189

Task 189

Unit 190

Before you read 190

В A Vocabulary 190

Less developed countries 191

в В Comprehension 192

Before you listen 192

0 С Listening *))) 192

Before you read 192

В D Vocabulary 192

The Russian economy in the 19th century 193

fij E Comprehension 194

Before you listen 194

F Listening 4))) 194

Task 196

H Writing 196

A Vocabulary 196

в? В Comprehension 198

Before you listen 198

0 С Listening 4))) 198

Before you read 198

ff D Vocabulary 198

Russia's foreign trade 199

9 E Comprehension 200

Before you listen 200

Revision Vocabulary Units 17 to 21 202

\ the people who control a country and make laws


company that sells goods or services


the amount of money you have for something

how much people want something

the number of people without work

something such as money, workers or minerals belonging to an organisation, country, etc which can be used to function properly

rising prices

A Vocabulary

Match the words with the. definitions.


business convenience

4 data demand




trade-off unemployment

giving away something m exchange for something

H Reading 1

What does economics study?

What do you think ot when you hear the word

ниtniU's'r Money, certainly, ami perhaps more complicated things like business, inllation ami unemployment. The science of economies studies all of these, but many more tilings as well Perhaps you think that economies is all about the decisions that governments ami business managers take. In l'aet. economists study the decisions that we all take every day

Very simply, economics studies the way people deal with a tact ot life: resources are limited, but our di main! tor them certainly is not. Resources may be material things such as food, housing and heating There are some resources, though, that we cannot touch. Time, space and convenience, lor example, an also resources. Think ot a day Then, are only Л hours in one. and we have to choose the best way to spend them. Our everyday

4 Hi., Hi Guid» to Economic» Utit I

lives are full of decisions like these. Every decision we make is a trade-off.If you spend more time working, you make more money. However, you will have less time to relax. Economists study the trade-offs people make. They study the reasons for their decisions. They look at the effects those decisions have on our lives and our society.

What are

microeconomics and macroeconomics ?

Economists talk about microeconomicsand macroeconomics. Microeconomics deals with people, like you and me, and private businesses. It looks at the economic decisions people make every day. It examines how families manage their household budgets. Microeconomics also deals with companies - small or large - and how they run their business. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, looks at the economy of a country - and of the whole world. Any economist will tell you, though, that microeconomics and macroeconomics are closely related. All of our daily microeconomie decisions have an effect on the wider world around us.

Another way to look at the science of economics is to ask, 'what's it good for?' Economists don't all agree on the answer to this question. Some practise positiveeconomics. They study economic data and try7to explain the behaviour of the economy. They also try to guess economic changes before they happen. Others practisenormativeeconomies. They suggest how to improve the economy. Positive economists say, 'this is how it is'. Normative economists say, 4ve should ...

So what do economists do? Mainly, they do three things: collect data, create economic models and formulate theories. Data collection can include facts and figures about almost anything, from birth rates to coffee production. Economic models show relationships between these different data. For example, the relationship between the money people earn and unemployment. From this information, economists try to make theories which explain why the economy works the way it does.

В В Comprehension

Now read the text again and match each paragraph with the correct heading.






A How economists work В Making deals every day С Various ideas about economics D Two areas of economics E Two types of economist

Before you listen

Discuss these questions with your partner.

If you live in a modern economy, life is quite easy.

Before the Industrial Revolution, life was much harder.

□ □ □ □ □ □

In what ways was life more difficult?

И С Listening И))]

Listen to someone talking about life before the Industrial Revolution.Which of these things are mentioned?

    1. length of life

    2. housing

    3. illnesses

    4. work

    5. food

    6. having children

М а с m i 11 a n Guide to Economics Unic I 5

Now listen again and match the descriptions with the numbers.

      1. life expectancy A about 250

      2. number of children who died

before they reached five years old В 1 in 10

5 number of women who died when they were giving birth С 25

4years since the Industrial Revolution D 1 in 3

Before you read

Discuss these questions with your partner.

Do you have any idea where the word economicscomes from?

Do you know the names of any famous economists from the past or anything about their ideas?

P D Vocabulary

Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.

abundance concept consumer firm Industrial Revolution population precious metals production process profit raw materials satisfaction scarcity

The began in the late 18th century

when machines at ax ted to replace human workers.