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Normally I arrive at work at 8.00 am. but Thursday is an

Tlus rule ...to everyone in the school,

even teachers.

Everyone who earns a salary must pay to the government.

There has bee n a in public opinion

about the environment recently.

There has been a huge in demand

for air conditioners due to the hot weather.

Prices have been too high and

nobody can afford the goods.

I found the work you've managed to do very Well done!

Deai Mr Snape.

I am sorry to have to write to you with bad news. After 35 years as one of Bollington's top printing companies, we havedeckled to dose the business down

In the last five years P&Q Printing have made many aggressive (11 ькИЬof other companies. Furthermore, with their modem factories, ?&C operate an economy of i2i staffwhich is difficult for us to compete with. Their factory here ш Boliington produces over 2,000 books per month This is double the 13> takeover* of our traditional printing methods. Moreover, they can provide (4) warehouses,for their products Their large(S)Dstoragt-enable them to do tins. This also help? them keep costs down

Of course, our decision means that our <f 1- de will lose their ;cbs This is very sad, as they have all taken С/ iDafford m their work over the years. However, we simply cannot (й> prideto pay their salaries anymore. Tire only good thing is that they all have valuable <9>Dproduc!ivitv and I am sure they will find work quickly.

I will write to you again with further details as s.-xni as I have them.

Yours sincerely,

Johr. Ink

Managing Director

Dear Gill.

How are you getting on at university? As you know, rather than studying, 1 decided to get a job but you will bo surprised to hear my news

I didn't take the job I was offered in the

i i department because 1 was also

offered another job in a bank! You may well be wondering why and the answer is simple - money!

It would have boon hard to (21 or

the salary the first job paid. As a single jx;rson my

personal (3) isn't very much so I

have to pay a lot of tax. Being paid well is always a

14 > in any job! Added to that. I'm not

! 5) to work in the city centre which

is something I'd prefer to avoid and neither do I

run the risk of being (6) I'd hate to

have to move.

Anyway, the position I have is working at a

(71 As you can imagine. I see a lot of

things in a day it's never boring Take yesterday. Well, an old lady came to my counter, opened her

bag and took out her (St Then she

began to count a huge pile of coins and notes in front of me. This went on for a while, then the man behind her started to complain. Of course that

had a(n) (9) and soon the whole

bank was going crazy, all the customers arguing. Throughout ail of this the old woman continued her counting! Well, she deposited her life savings and the customers calmed down. 1 must say. perhaps there's a bit too much excitement sometimes. I may move to the loans department in the future. It might be easier to (10) people money.

Anyway, let me know how you're getting on.


Helen xxx

I [ЦМкСЯШЦ Guida to Economic* Unit 21

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