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What is the topic sentence of this paragraph?

For whom is the paragraph intended ?

What is its purpose?

Example of an Informal Style of Writing

Getting started with your QX-10 won’t take long at all. Even though there’s a good deal of material to go through, this chapter is simple and straight-forward. In fact, you’ll probably be up and running in half an hour or less! In that short time you’ll learn everything you need to know about unpacking your QX-10, correcting its different units, powering it up, caring for diskettes, and inserting them correctly. Let’s get going!

What is the topic sentence of this paragraph?

For whom is the paragraph intended?

What is its purpose?

Task 4

Try to describe the procedure of your research work in formal and informal styles. One should be addressed to your colleagues who are experts in this sphere and the other to people not familiar with the problems of your scientific work? Analyze the difference between the two( in grammar, word choice and usage, sentence structure).

TASK 5 Remember the phrases that may be useful for you when describing the style and/or the language of an article or a text:

  • The author’s style is concrete/emphatic/natural/rich in colour contrast/objective/impersonal/realistic/simple and unadorned

  • The method of description is mostly direct

  • The author has an eye for detail and typical situation

  • The language in this article/text/ is quite formal/informal/bookish/ rich in terms/borrowed from the sphere of science/art/engineering/close to the language of real life

  • The author uses a lot of difficult/simple/ words

  • The sentences are hard/easy to understand



BEFORE READING. Have you ever faced any problems when writing a report or an article? What kind of problems did you have?

PRE-TEXT EXERCISES: Task 1 There are different definitions of the word ‘report’. Which of the given below do we usually mean when speaking about the reports of scientists and scholars:

report - 1) a common talk or an account spread by common talk;

  1. usually a detailed account or statement;

  2. an account or statement of a judicial opinion or decision;

  3. an explosive noise

Give the definitions of the words below. Use the word combinations in brackets:

1) a speech ( expression of thoughts; in spoken words);

2) a debate ( by words and arguments; a communication);

3) a report (spread by common talk; an account);

4) an abstract (represented in skeletal form; a summary of points);

TASK 2 Match the columns:

1. to present the views a) посилювати, збільшувати

2. random formula b) охоплювати всі аспекти

3. to conform to c) безладна формула

4. to evaluate information d) упорядкувати непорівнянні факти

5. to order disparate facts e) знайомити із поглядами

6. to cover all the aspects f) підпорядковувати, погоджувати

7. to enhance g) стисло визначати

8. to define concisely h)оцінювати інформацію

Task3. Look through the text and make a list of useful advice to make your written report clear and reasonable. Discuss your list with the partner and find the differences among them.

Definition of the research paper

The research paper is a typewritten paper in which you present your views and research findings on a chosen topic. Students usually work on the ‘term paper’ or the ‘library paper’ or the ‘diploma paper’, postgraduates work on their dissertations. No matter what the paper is called, the task is essentially the same: to read on a particular topic, evaluate information about it, and report your findings in a paper.

The research paper cannot be written according to a random formula but must conform to specific format. The format governs the entire paper from the placing of the title to the width of the margins, and to the notations used in acknowledging material drawn from other sources.

The format of scholary writing is simply an agreed-upon way of doing things – much like etiquette, table manners, or rules of the road.

Interpreting the facts

After gathering all the necessary information, you must decide upon the most logical way to present it.Perhaps the key word is logical because it is through logic that you will take disparate facts and order them into a meaningful pattern. Logic will help you to discover a pattern from the facts and the results of the study; discovering a pattern and developing a viewpoint are key issues in interpretation.

Clear presentation of information can be accomplished only if you take the time to think about your task before you begin to write. Presentation of information in a logical manner will be enhanced if you cover all aspects of your topic. In covering all aspects of the topic, you will find that you will have answered many of the readers’ questions before they have had a chance to ask them.

The following outline represents the various kinds of information that it is necessary to include in most technical reports. In addition, the outline breaks a long technical report down into these components: introduction, body, and conclusion. Part 1, labelled The Problem, consists of the kind of information that must be included in the introduction of any technical report.

I The Problem

Introduction to the Problem

Statement of the Problem

Background ( summary of the known and the unknown)

Definitions of Unfamiliar Terms( Operational Terms for Experiment)

Value of Study or Experiment

Limitations of Study or Experiment

By stating the problem precisely, the writer clearly and concisely defines the writing task for the reader. If purpose is always in mind, clear presentation of ideas will not be far behind.

The other parts of the Problem section are self-explanatory except for the Definition of Unfamiliar terms. You should remember that it is necessary to define any word that the reader might not understand. This is the point of definition section of any report: to define the terms used in the reports so well that they are clear to the audience.

The next four steps of the outline represent the body of the report.

II Background Information

III Designing and Procedures of Important Experiments

IV Results of Experiments

V Discussion

First,you should give enough background information to demonstrate that you have some knowledge of the subject. Your next steps are to discuss the designs and procedures of your experiment and to list these results. In listing the results, if possible, use graphs and tables for clear presentation of facts and explain whatever is necessary from the graphs and tables. The discussion is not the place to introduce new ideas, this is just a discussion of the facts presented in the body.

VI Conclusions, Summary, Implications and Recommendations

The final part of the report is used to summarize the information, to state your interpretation of the patterns reported in the body of the report and to make any recommendations you think necessary. Whereas the body of the report is used to state the facts, the conclusion is used to state your interpretation of the facts. An interpretation should always flow logically from the information presented in the introduction and the body.

Abstract or Summary

An abstract or a summary highlights the most important ideas in the proposal, manual or dissertation. Abstracts or summaries are very helpful to people outside your scientific field so they need to be worded carefully in general, not scientific terms.


TASK1 After reading the text decide whether you think these statements are true or false:

1 Students’ and postgraduates’ research papers usually have polar tasks.

2 Research papers can be written according to a random formula.

3 Students should start to present information in the research work without wasting time on

thinking over the structure of the paper.

4 The writing task for the reader should be defined in the introduction of the research work.

5 Terms are not to be defined in the paper as readers are good experts in the problem discussed.

6 Graphs and tables are strongly recommended when listing the results of the experiment.

7 Conclusions differ from the body of the report in the way of presenting the facts.

TASK 2 Find words in the text which have the opposite meaning to the words below.

1 to differ from 5 in detail

2 similar 6 colourless

3 to diminish 7 useless

4 approximately 8 scientific

TASK 3 Read the absract about three categories of reports and say which type of them you refer your report to? Give the arguments to prove your point of view.

Recommendation reports.

As their name suggests, these are wtitten with the aim of recommending some kinds of solution of problem raised.

Conclusion reports. A feasibility study is an example of a conclusion report. You might be asked to look into the feasibility of a certain course of action or solution of a problem.

Information reports. These are reports which only present information making a kind of survey on the problem. You might be briefing someone or providing background information, and you would probably present your main findings but because of the nature of the report, it would contain no conclusion or recommendations

TASK 4. There are several ways to summarize the facts found through research or experiment. You can describe or explain the facts or just list them. . Choose one of these ways to write the summary of your research.

TASK 5.Remember some phrases that can be useful for you when prepering a written report or a summary of the report:

The central aim of this work is to present a detailed analysis on ... .

The aim of this paper is to present a systematic surveyof/ to give informationabout... .

The main emphasis in this study has been placed on... .

This paper discusses... .

This work presents the history of opinion concerning... .

In this investigation the author makes a distinction between... .

Such a complex presentation of ...is achieved here for the first time in the literature on... .

The article/report/book begins with the description of... .

The author then goes on to describe... .

The second half of the book/article/report is devoted to... .

The final chapters/paragraphs descibe... .

The article/report/investigation will be useful to scholars and those concerned with ... .

The article/report brings together many useful data and wealth of ideas for future development.



BEFORE READING: Do you believe that plagiarism is really a serious problem in science and in every day life? Have you ever faced this problem yourself ? Can you give any examples of plagiarism you’ve noticed in any sphere of science , art or technology?


TASK 1 Match the columns:

1.to assert a general truth a) влучне висловлювання

2. to borrow freely b) очевидний, явний плагіат

3. blatant plagiarism c) установлювати, доводити загальну істину

4. to commit d) подтверджувати джерело

5.to acknowledge the source e) запозичати вільно

6.to provide a note f) здійснювати

7. apt expression g) надавати виноски

TASK 2 What do you thimk is necessary to do to avoid plagiarism? Make a list of recommendations of achieving it, then read the text and check your list.

Plagiarism is the act of passing off another’s words and ideas as one’s own. The question of when one has plagiarized and when one has simply asserted a general truth from an unknown source can be sometimes puzzling. In a cosmic sense, the process of learning is made up of countless tiny crimes of plagiarism, since we all borrow freely from one another. No generation speaks a language of its own invention, few people are creators of the proverbs and sayings that they utter daily.

Blatant plagiarism, however, involves the conscious and deliberate stealing of another’s words and ideas, generally with the motive of earning undeserved rewards. The student who copies the paper of a friend is guilty of blatant plagiarism. Likewise, the student who steals an idea from a book, expresses it in his or her own words, and then passes it off as original, has committed an act of plagiarism.

The conventions of writing research papers dictate that students must acknowledge the source of any idea or statement not truly their own. This acknowledgement is made in a note specifying the source and author of the borrowed material. All summaries, paraphrases or quotations must be documented; only personal comments may remain undocumented. In sum, to avoid plagiarism students must: provide a note for any idea borrowed from another; place quoted material within quotation marks; provide a bibliography entry at the end of the book for every source used in the text or in a note.

Not every assertion is documentable, nor is it necessary for students to document matters of general and common knowledge. For instance, it is commonly known that the early settlers of America fought wars with the Indians – an assertion a student could safely make without documentation. As a rule of thumb, a piece of information that occurs in five or more sources may be considered general knowledge. Proverbs and sayings of unknown origins are also considered general knowledge and do not have to be documented.

The following, however, must be accompanied by a citation specifyinf author and source:

-Any idea derived from any known source.

-Any fact or data borrowed from the work of another.

-Any especially clever or apt expression, whether or not it says something new, that is taken from someone else.

-Any material lifted verbatim from the work of another.

-Any information that is paraphrased or summarized and used in the paper.

In writing research papers, students are expected to borrow heavily from the works of experts and authorities – indeed, this is partly the purpose of the research, but they are also expected to acknowledge the source of this borrowed material.


TASK 1 After reading the text decide whether you think the statements are true or false:

1.Sometimes it’s hard to say whether someone has plagiarised or simply asserted general truth.

2 To avoid plagiarism each generation should invent its own language and create sayings and proverbs.

3. Students and scientists have no motives for stealing another’s words and ideas.

4. All quotations, summaries and personal comments should be documented.

5. No information in scientific paper can be considered general knowledge.

6. When writing a research paper students are not allowed to borrow from the works of experts and authorities.

TASK 2 Complete the sentenses below using the words from the text:

acknowledge puzzling to borrow creators to occur conscious

  1. The question of plagiarsm and quotation of general truth can be......

  2. Few people are..... of the proverbs and sayings they use quite often.

  3. Blatant plagiarism means ...... stealing of another’s words and ideas.

  4. A piece of information that ..... at least in five sources is considered general truth.

  5. Young scientists are expected ....... heavily from the works of experts.

  6. Future scientists and postgraduates must ........ any source or ideas and statements not truly their own.

TASK 3 Match the adjectives and the nouns as they are used in the text:

1 tiny a) expression

2 blatant b) comments

3 deliberate c) rewards

4 personal d) plagiarism

5 general e) crimes

6 apt f) stealing

7 undeserved g) knowledge

TASK 4 Find words in the text which have the opposite meaning to the words below:

1 famous 5 documented

  1. unconscious 6 silly

  2. spend 7 lightly

  3. innocent 8 disappear

TASK 5 Remember some phrases that can help you to speak about the author of the book/article:

  • The author of the article(book), Professor..., is a well-known scholar who specializes in the study of... .

  • This is a serious paper written by a person whose theories on... are widely respected.

  • He refers generously to his collegues... .

  • Judging from the author’s point of view... ;

  • The author of the article/book is... .

  • The author discusses (deals with, is concerned with, covers, considers, gives consideration to, describes, give an accurate description of, outlines, emphasizes, places emphasis on) the problem of ... .

  • Reference is made to works in... .