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Добавлен: 01.12.2019

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  1. В школі мені подобалися математика і англійська мова.

  2. Я не знав, що вибрати.

  3. Він живе в гуртожитку.

  4. Я не тільки вчуся, але і займаюся спортом.

  5. Я буду гарним спеціалістом, тому що вчуся добре.

  6. Моя подруга не пропускає лекції.

  7. Він не буде вчителем, він стане інженером.

  8. Коли студенти складають іспити?

  9. Чому вона пропустила практичні заняття на минулому тижні?

  1. Reading and comprehension

Look through Text A. be ready to answer the following questions:

1.Do you work or study?

  1. Where do you study?

  2. You became a first year student, didn’t you?

  3. Did you pass all your exams successfully?

  4. Did your lessons begin at 8 o’clock or at 9 o’clock?

  5. You live far from the University ,don’t you?

  6. What subjects do you have at the University?

  7. What are your parents?

  8. What do you usually do after classes?

  9. Will you study hard to become a good specialist?

Text A

Student’s Life

I study at the Kherson State Technical University, the department of Cybernetics. In summer I passed all my exams successfully and my dream to become a student finally came true. But there were many young people who failed their entrance exams. My friend for example failed in mathematics. It wasn’t really his fault, it was just bad luck. He will try again next year.

And now I am going to tell you about my family. My father’s name is Sergei Petrovich, he is 47. He works as a surgeon at a hospital. He is neither old nor young. He is a good-looking man, handsome, rather thin with dark brown hair just beginning to grey. He is a very sociable person. What I don’t like about my dad is that he is always busy. Very often he works overtime. He is a bread-maker in our family. He is fond of going to the country at the weekend, because he enjoys working in the garden. My mother’s name is Galina Nickolayevna. She is 46. She works as a teacher at a nursery school. My mother is rather slim and pretty, she is always elegant and smart. She always has a lot of work to do both school and about the house. I have neither sisters nor brothers. But I have a lot of relatives-grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandparents and cousins.

I was much interested in physics at school. I studied it at the school physics circle. I was also fond of literature and used to write poems. I didn’t know what to choose: physics or literature. I finished school and began to work on the farm. Then I served in the army. After that I worked as a machine operator at an engineering plant. I worked there for two years and decided to enter the University. It took me rather long to get used to University life. To be quite honest I never knew I was so much behind the others. It will take me months of real hard work to catch up with the fellows. I think I won’t be disappointed.

My lessons usually begin at 8 o’clock and I get up very early because I live far from the University. It takes me an hour to get there in time. Those students who live in the hostel are lucky it take them only a few minutes to get there. I live with my parents in a new comfortable apartment. Our monitor and Trade Union organizer live in the hostel. Now I compare the life at home with my parents and in the hostel.

We do many subjects at the University. Here are some of them: physics, higher mathematics, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish ), history of Ukraine. I like the history of our country most of all, because there are still so many facts which I want to know. We take credits and examinations twice a year in January and in June. Our lessons end at 3 o’clock. I usually go home by bus or work in the library or in the physics laboratory. I shall study hard to get education and to become a good specialist. My group-mates and I will try to find time for some enjoyment as well. There will be a sport competition at the end of the term and I hope I shall take part in it.

IV. Practice

Exercise 1. Speak on the topic “Student’s Biography”.

Student’s Biography

The Past Indefinite Tense

The Present Indefinite Tense

The Future Indefinite Tense

(+) V2 (ed); was ,were (+) V(V(e)s); am, is, are (+) will V(am, is, are going to).

( -) did not V2(ed) was not ( -) do not V, (does not V(e)s) ( -) won’t (am, is are going to).

were am, is, are (not)

(?) Did V2(ed), Was…,Were…. (?) Do…V.., (Does…V(e)s) (?) Will…V…(am, … going to)



To be born in….

I n the town….

To be in the first-year at the University, to be a first year student, to study at the department of, to attend lectures, seminars in, to study humanities, to study special subjects, to take an active part in social life, to attend practical classes and labs, to go to the library, to study hard, to become, to live at home (in the hostel), to have three or four periods a day

In the senior years at the University, to take part in research work, to attend a computer center, experimental shops, to become a member of students scientific society, to graduate from the University, to work as, to be going to be.., to achieve one’s aim if work (study) hard, to become a good specialist in the field of.., to go in for sports, to celebrate a holiday

To enter secondary school №…

At the age of …to be interested in (smth), to finish school in

After finishing school (specialized, technical school), to make up one’s mind to, to work as, to decide to enter the University, to take entrance examinations, to become a first-year student.

Написання українських власних назв за допомогою англійської графіки

А—A a І Yi (yi) Ф—F f -ай—ai

Б—B b К—K k Х— Kh (kh) -ий—y

В—V v Л—L l Ц—Ts (ts) -ия—ya

Г—G g М—M m Ч—Ch (ch) -ой—oy (i)

Д—D d Н—N n Ш—Sh (sh) -кс—x

Е—E e О—O o Щ—Shch (shch)

Є—Ye (ye) П—P p Ю—Yu (yu)

Ж—Zh (zh) Р—R r Я—Ya (ya)

З—Z z С—S s

И—Y Т—T t

І—I і У— U u

Exercise 2. Fill out the form:

Personal Information Sheet

First name ____________________

Last name ____________________

Date of birth _____________________________________________

(month) ( day ) ( year)

Nationality ____________________

Place of Birth ______________________

Citizenship ________________________

Permanent address ________________________________________

Phone _________________

Education ______________________

S econdary school

P rofessional school

T echnical school

L yceum

Year of leaving ______


R ussian Excellent Good Fair

U krainian Excellent Good Fair

E nglish Excellent Good Fair

Marital status:

S ingle


D ivorced

W idowed

Date ____________________________

Signature ___________

Exercise 3. Role play the situations:

Situation 1.

1.You believe that a student must live in the hostel. Life at home with parents makes a person soft, leaves him unprepared for the difficulties of life outside home. Your friend convinces you that living at home has some advantages.

Guide words: not far from the University, a floor with a special reading –room and recreation hall, to gather in the evening, to listen to music, to dance, to enjoy oneself, to study together, to ask somebody for help, to celebrate, difficult to understand.

Situation 2.

1. Your friend thinks the examinations will be easy. You disagree with him (her) giving your reasons.

Guide words: I think this subject is your weak point ,to fail in exam, to sit for an exam, to have little time, difficult to learn, difficult to remember, to study together, to study hard.

Situation 3.

1. Your friend will leave school next year. He wants to enter the same University where you study. You tell him about the student’s live.

Guide words: entrance exams, to be an applicant for entry, to take a preparatory course, tutorials, instructions, laboratories , to do well, to be good at, to go in for sports, scholarship, to have a good time, to celebrate a holiday .

Situation 4.

1.You are on practice at a foreign enterprise. The head of the enterprise is interested in your personality. Tell him about yourself .

Situation 5.

1.You ,a Ukrainian student, meet at the Club of International Friendship of your city a foreign student. He asks you about your life, family, childhood.

Guide words: to be born in, to enter the University, to study at the department of, to live at home (in the hostel), parents, to work as, to go in for sport, to attend computer courses.

V. Reading

Leisure-Time Activities (My Days Off and Holidays )

Many people think about holidays in January. They begin to make plans. They talk about places and ideas. So people begin to dream. Not everybody likes winter holidays. Many people dream of the sun and warm beaches. And other people like to do things when they are on holiday. They want to learn a foreign language or visit famous places, or go climbing. Some people like to spend their holidays with a lot of other people; other prefer to go on their own.

Even if we all have different ideas about an ideal holiday, we all have to face two problems: time and money.

On weekdays I usually go to the University but on my days off I prefer to rest. I think it is important for us to rest after hard work. At our leisure time we go in for sports, read books, go to the library, cinema, theatre, park, museum or exhibition. As a rule, we try to spend most of the time outdoors. Some students prefer to go to the country to see their relatives and friends. In winter we like to ski and skate. We like to watch an interesting TV programme. In summer and spring picnics are popular with young people.

We are fond of picnics chiefly because we have an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty of nature and have a bite without observing table manners.

Many people like to go to the cinema and theatre at the weekend and holidays.

As for me, my days off are normally like this. I don’t like to get up early and at weekend I wake up late. As a rule I get up at 10 o’clock. Then I do my morning exercises, wash my face and hands and brush my teeth. After that I relax a little: listen to a lovely stereo music and try to forget about all my problems. Then I visit my friends and have a chat with them about our lives. Sometimes my friends and I go to the museum or art exhibition. As a rule, my activities at the weekend depend on my plans, but in any case I manage to do a lot of things and to have a rest. I always try to do my best to have a really good time. But unfortunately time flies very quickly at the weekend, and the next Monday morning come, and I am looking forward to my next days off.

Word List

to dream of smth. ― мріяти про

to go climbing ― займатися альпінізмом

to face the problem зіткнутися з проблемою

leisure ― дозвілля

to spend time outdoors ― проводити час на свіжому повітрі

to have an excellent opportunity мати пречудову нагоду

to have a bite під’їсти

normally ― звичайно

in any case у будь-якому разі

unfortunately на жаль

time flies quickly ― час впливає швидко

to be looking forward to ― нетерпляче очікувати

without observing ― брутально поводячи себе за столом

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences

1. Not everybody likes … .

  1. Many people dream of … .

  2. Other people like … .

  3. We all have to face … .

  4. At our leisure time we … .

  5. At the weekend I usually… .

  6. But unfortunately … .

Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1.Many people think about holidays in May.

  1. Not everybody likes winter holidays.

  2. At the weekend I usually prefer to rest.

  3. As a rule, we try to spend most of the time in doors.

  4. At our leisure time we go to the University.

  5. In winter we like to stay at home.

  6. In summer and spring picnics are popular with undergraduates.

Exercise 4. Ask questions to get these answers:

1.They begin to make plans.

  1. Not everybody likes winter holidays.

  2. It is important for us to have a rest after hard work.

  3. We are fond of picnics.

  4. Sometimes my friends and I go to the museum or art exhibition.

  5. Time flies very quickly at the weekend, and the next Monday morning comes.

Exercise 5. Put the sentences of the text into the logical order. Retell the text.

1. I don’t like to get up early and at the weekend I wake up late.

  1. Monday morning comes, and I’m looking forward to my next days off.

  2. I think it is important for us to rest after hard work.

  3. We are fond of picnics chiefly because we have an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty of nature and have a bite without observing table manners.

  4. Even if we all have different ideas about an ideal holiday, we all have to face two problems: time and money.

  5. Some people like to spend their holidays with a lot of other people, others prefer to go on their own.

Supplementary Reading

heir ― наследник • спадкоємець

abdication ― отречение • зречення

enthusiasm ― увлечение • захоплення

to make ones broadcast ― выступать в радиопередаче • виступати у радіопередачі

duke ― герцог • герцог

to crown― короновать • коронувати

signify ― выражать • виражати

monarchy ― монархия • монархія

annual ― годовой • річний

widespread ― распространенный • розповсюджений

keen promoter ― ярый защитник • завзятий захисник

mass media ― средства массовой информации • засоби масової інформації

commitment ― приверженность • прихільність

Read the texts, give a summary and discuss them.

The Royal Family

At preset the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the Queen was born on the 21st of April 1926, he grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and her uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and the abdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne as King George VI.

As a child she studied constitutional history and law as well as art and music. In addition she learned to ride and acquired her enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older she began to take part in public life, making her first broadcast at the age of 14.

The marriage of the young Princess Elizabeth to Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh took place in November 1947. She came to the throne after her father’s death in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster Abbey in June 1953.

Among Queen Elizabeth’s many duties are Commonwealth, whose interests and welfare are very important to her. The Queen has done much to signify the formalities of the monarchy, including allowing the BBC to take a documentary film about the day of the royal family. She also started the tradition of the “walkabout”, an informal feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when she walks among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.

The annual Christmas broadcast made by the Queen on radio and television has become a traditional and popular feature of the season, and there were widespread celebrations and special programmes of events in 1977 to mark her Silver Jubilee.

The Queen’s husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, was born in 1926 and served in the Royal Navy. He takes a great deal of interest in industry, in the achievements of young people (he founded Duke Edinburgh’s Award Scheme in 1956) and in saving wild animals from extinction.

The Queen’s heir is Charles, the Prince of Wales, who was born in 1948, married Lady Diana Spencer and has two children, Prince William and Prince Harry. The Prince of Wales is well-knows as a keen promoter of British interests.

In recent years he has become outspoken on such controversial topics as modern architecture, violence in films and television, and standard of English teaching in schools. His wife Diana, the Princess of Wales (often called in mass media Princess Di), has won the affection of many people by her modesty, shyness and beauty. She is one of the most popular members of the Royal Family.

The Queen’s other children are Princess Anne (born in1950), Prince Andrew (born in 1960) and Prince Edward (born in 1964). Anne, Princess Royal, has acquired a reputation for being arrogant, but in recent years has become quite popular with the general public.

She is widely known for her interest in horses and horse-racing. She is now the president of the Save the Children Fund, Chancellor of the University of London and carries out many public engagements.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, served as a helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy. In 1986 he married Miss Sarah Ferguson (Fergie, for short) and has two daughters. Prince Edward is keen on the theatre. This interest began while he was at university. He has quit the Royal Marines, and is now pursuing a career with a theatrical company.

The Queen Mother, the widow of the lake King George VI, celebrated her ninety birthday in 1990 and continued to carry out many public engagements every year. The Queen’s only sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, in one the most unconventional members of the royal family. She is well-known for her charity work, including her support for Barbados, the Girl Guides Association, and the St. John Ambulance Brigade.

(from “Monarchy in Britain”)

The Royal Family

From the reign of King George VI up to September 1990

King George VI

1895 –1952.m. Lady

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

(Queen Elizabeth the Queen mother)

Queen Elizabeth II Princess Margaret

b.1926 b.1930, m. Antony

m. Philip, the Earl of Snowdon

the Duke of Edinburgh (divorced in 1978)

David Lady Sarah

Viscount Linely Armstrong- Jones

b.1961 b.1964

Charles Anne Andrew Prince Edward,

The Prince of Wales Princess Royal The Duke of York b.1964

b. 1948 m. Lady b. 1950, m. Captain b. 1960, m. Sarah Ferguson

Diana Spencer Mark Phillips

(divorced in 1989) Princess Beatrice of York, Princess Eugenie of York,

b.1988 b.1990

Peter Phillips, Zara Phillips,

b. 1977 b.1981

Prince William of Wales Prince Henry of Wales

b.1982 b. 1984

Order of Succession to the Throne

The Prince of Wales

Prince William of Wales

Prince Henry of Wales

The duke of York

Princess Beatrice of York

Princess Eugenie of York

Prince Edward

Dates Relating to Queen Elizabeth II Anne, Prince Royal

Marriage: 20 Nov. 1947 Peter Phillips

Accession to throne : 6 Feb. 1952 Zara Phillips

Coronation : 2 June 1953 Princess Margaret

Birthday : 21 April Viscount Linley

Official Birthday Celebration : During June Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones

Alexander Bell-the inventor of the telephone

Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847. Both his father and his grandfather studied the mechanics of a sound. Bell’s father was one of the pioneer teachers of speech to the deaf. Alexander Bell never planned to be an inventor. He wanted to be a musician or a teacher of deaf people. Between 1868 and 1870 Alexander worked with his father and studied speech and taught deaf children in Edinburgh. In 1870 he moved to Canada and the next year he went to the USA. In 1866 the nineteen year-old Bell thought about telegraph and he tried to find a way to send musical sound through the wires. In 1873 he worked as professor at Boston University. He was interested in the mechanical production of a sound and based his works on the theories of Helmholtz. It was possible for Bell to convert the sound wave vibrations into a fluctuating electric current and to carry sound across wires at the speed of light. Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876. He became a citizen of the United States in 1882. Bell was a modest humanitarian who once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone . both his mother and his wife were deaf. In tribute to Scotland and America, the inscription on Bell’s grave reads: ”Born in Edinburgh … died a citizen of the United States of America”. ”I wonder what the world would be like toady if the telephone hadn’t been invented; Sashe thinks to himself.”

Marie Curie

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on 7th of November 1867. her father was a teacher of science and mathematics at school in town, and from him little Marya Sklodovska ― which was her Polish name ― learned her first lessons in science. Marya’s wish was to study at the Sorbonne in Paris and after many years of waiting she finally left her native land in 1891.

Once in Paris Marya began a course of hard study and simple living. She decided to work for two Master’s degrees ― one in Physics, the other in Mathematics. Thus she had to work twice as hard as the ordinary student. Yet she had not enough money to live on. She lived in a bare attic in the poorest quarter of Paris. Night after night, after her hard day’s works at the University, she would climb to her poorly furnished room and work at her books for hours. Her meals were poor, sometimes no more than a bag of cherries, which she ate as she studied. Though she was often weak and ill under this hard mode of life, she worked in this way for four years. She chose her course and nothing could turn her from it.

Among many scientists Marya met and worked with in Paris was Pierre Curie. Pierre Cutie, born in 1859 in Paris, was the son of doctor, and from childhood he liked science. At sixteen he was a Bachelor of Science and he took his Master’s degree in Physics when he was eighteen. When he met Marya Sklodovska he was thirty five years old and was famous throughout Europe for his discoveries in magnetism. But in spite of the honour he brought to France by his discoveries, the French Government could only spare him a very meagre salary as a reward, and the University of Paris refused him a laboratory of him own for his researches.

Pierre Curie and Marya Sklodovska , both of whom loved science more than anything else, very soon became the closest friends. They worked together constantly and discussed many problems of their researches. After little more than a year they fell in love with each other, and in 1895 Marya Sklodovska became Mme Curie. Their marriage was not only to be a very happy one but also one of the greatest scientific partnerships.


a teacher of science ― преподаватель естественных наук (химия физика биология)

masters degree ― учебная степень магистра

under this hard mode of life ― при такой тяжелой жизни