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Файл содержит:

1) ключи к контрольным работам

2) тексты аудиозаписей к контрольным работам

3) карточки собеседника и примеры бесед для раздела 5 «Говорение»

7 класс
Ключи к контрольным работам

I четверть

Раздел 1. Аудирование

A – 3; B – 1; C – 5; D - 4

Раздел 2. Чтение

1. True; 2. True; 3. False; 4. Not stated; 5. True; 6. False; 7. Not stated

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

1 ate; 2 do; 3 second; 4 was playing/used to play/played; 5 better; 6 will achieve; 7 me; 8 had taken; 9 am; 10 actress; 11 performance; 12 achievements; 13 designer; 14 musician; 15 seriously; 16 mean; 17 came; 18 donated; 19 make; 20 in; 21 over; 22 achieved; 23 looking
II четверть

Раздел 1. Аудирование

A – 4; B – 5; C – 3; D – 2

Раздел 2. Чтение

1. True; 2. Not stated; 3. False; 4. True; 5. True; 6. Not stated; 7. False

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

1 comes; 2 are thrown; 3 is taken; 4 are put; 5 changes; 6 their; 7 fewer; 8 less; 9 worry; 10 loneliness; 11 Possibly; 12 entertainment; 13 attractive; 14 beautiful; 15 replaced; 16 environment; 17 caused; 18 protects; 19 disappeared; 20 in charge of; 21 save; 22 Instead of; 23 that
III четверть

Раздел 1. Аудирование

A – 2; B – 4; C – 3; D 5

Раздел 2. Чтение

A – 7; B – 5; C – 3; D – 1; E – 2; F – 4

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

1 have enjoyed; 2 is organised; 3 are decorated; 4 celebrating; 5 surprised; 6 whose; 7 to perform; 8 to watch; 9 will travel; 10 inventor; 11 agricultural; 12 unknown; 13 impossible; 14 interested; 15 painting; 16 around; 17 What; 18 includes; 19 of; 20 take; 21 out of; 22 develop
IV четверть

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1. 2); 2. 1); 3. 2); 4. 3); 5. 1)

Раздел 2. Чтение

A – 2; B – 1; C – 3; D – 7; E – 6; F – 4

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

1 Its; 2 largest; 3 are admired; 4 them; 5 started; 6 was designed; 7 bought; 8 will be restored; 9 will be opened/will open; 10 painter; 11 wonderful; 12 absolutely; 13 paintings; 14 disappeared; 15 contribution; 16 founded; 17 fortress; 18 rich; 19 monuments; 20 to; 21 for; 22 deserves
Годовая контрольная работа

Раздел 1. Аудирование

A – 2; B
– 4; C – 3; D – 1

Раздел 2. Чтение

1. True; 2. False; 3. True; 4. Not stated; 5. True; 6. True; 7. Not stated

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

1 have been; 2 drew; 3 first; 4 feet; 5 pushing; 6 was called; 7 wasn’t used; 8 are produced; 9 them; 10 redevelopment; 11 carefully; 12 enjoyable; 13 healthy; 14 active; 15 natural; 16 celebration; 17 waste; 18 take; 19 up; 20 matter; 21 knowledge; 22 mix; 23 involved
Тексты аудиозаписи

I четверть

Speaker A

My school is one big family because we all get on well! The teachers are supportive and friendly. They are always ready to help if we have any problems. Our teachers respect us and we do the same. Mr Parker is the best! He makes his subject interesting. He offers us a great choice of fun activities at his lessons. But at the same time he really makes us work hard. And he is fair about our marks. I always look forward to his lessons.

Speaker B

I like most of the school subjects, especially English. Learning is really hard. We get a lot of tests. My marks are not always good, but I think tests are necessary. They make us learn properly. Our teachers make learning enjoyable by organizing field trips and excursions. I like discovering new things. Our school library is my favourite place at school. There I can find any information for my school projects from books or the Internet.

Speaker C

I like school because I can do a lot of interesting things there. Every day we go in for sports competitions or do projects. We have different school clubs. I’m in some of them and I also play the guitar in our school band. Every school year we can choose holiday activities and go on them with our school. This year I’m going on a water sports week. School is fun, but at the same time we have many difficult school subjects and our teachers want us to work hard.

Speaker D

I love my school because the company is great. It’s like being in a community. I’m glad I can see my classmates every day. There are no fights in my school. We have a lot of things to do together. I like having a chat or playing with my classmates during lunch time. We also go in for different athletics competitions or play football after school. I can’t do without my schoolmates. Most of them are my best friends.
II четверть

A. I got a bike for my birthday and I think it is a good idea to start cycling to school. It’s healthier and better for the environment. But some people don’t think so. Take my friend, he lives only two minutes away from our school and his parents take him to school in the car. I don’t think it is right. He doesn’t want to understand that if we use cars more, the air becomes more polluted. Lots of people think they alone can’t help, but if everyone thinks that, then nothing will happen.
B. It is a good idea to recycle but some people can’t do it. We do not have recycling bins and if we want to recycle we have to transport the litter to local recycling centres. Some people do not have time. It is necessary to make it easy to recycle, to give people bins and bags and to put bins outside supermarkets. Don’t tell people to be environmentally friendly if you do not help them to be.
C. Climate change is our biggest challenge. We can see the results of it in our region. Birds are coming back earlier from their migration. Plants are flowering weeks earlier than in the past because of the higher temperatures. One effect of climate change is highly important for us: the sea level is becoming higher and it is dangerous. We are working with local authorities. It is necessary to reduce the risk of destroying beaches and to protect local communities.
D. My friends and I care about our environment. Every break time some of us clear up the litter in and around the school. We have discussed with the teachers what else we could recycle. We have also made our garden bird-friendly. Now we have a bird bath, two bird boxes and a lot of feeders. We also grow fruit and vegetables. We like eating our own vegetables and we can take some home for our parents.

III четверть
Dialogue A

James: Hi, Marsha. What would you like to start with?

Marsha: Hi, James! We might start with one of the most interesting exhibits of our school museum. Look at this photo. Do you know who this person is?

James: Well, maybe, but I’m not sure.

Marsha: This is the photo of Douglas C. Engelbart. He is best known for inventing the computer mouse in 1964. Did you know (about) that?

James: No, I didn’t. There is a small museum in/at our school, too. I could make an excursion for you too.

Marsha: Thanks. That would be nice.
Dialogue B

Linda: Hi, Jacob! Where are you coming back from?

Jacob: Hi, Linda! I have just been to that cafe.

Linda: So have I! The cafe is so large! Small wonder we didn’t see each other. I’ve heard there are a few sports clubs in the camp area. Why don’t we go there now?

Jacob: That would be nice. Here we are offered such interesting training programmes for working with computers that I don’t want to waste a minute! There is nothing more enjoyable!

Linda: I absolutely agree. But we should spend some time away from the computer!

Jacob: Well, …we could go and explore the camping area then!

Linda: Fine! It’ll be exciting!
Dialogue C

Kate: Hi, James! What are you doing? Watching TV again?

James: Hello, Kate. Why not? Free time is for relaxing. Watching TV can sometimes be very exciting. Just before you arrived I was watching the programme about the Computer History Museum in California. It was fantastic! It would be nice to visit it one day.

Kate: Some TV programmes can be very interesting, I agree. But sometimes we should spend time away from the TV. Why don’t we go to a sports club then?

James: I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t. I have to tidy up my room.

Kate: Yeah, the room is a bit of a mess, indeed. Good luck. Bye.
Dialogue D

Amy: Hi, William! Enjoy your meal!

William: Hello. Thanks.

Amy: Look, William, I need your help. I’m doing a project about the first US sports clubs. I know a lot about sports and I’m good at computers, but I haven’t got any design skills.

William: I’m afraid, I can’t help you. My design skills are not very good. I’m not interested in sports, either. Instead, I’m sitting in the café and eating my third pizza. By the way, help yourself to some cheese pizza. It’s lovely!

Amy: Thank you, but I don’t like cheese. I think I’ll have to ask somebody else to help me.

Thank you anyway.
IV четверть

David: Hi, Julia! Glad to see you. How did you spend your holidays?

Julia: Hello, David! Glad to see you too. I’ve been to Birmingham. I had a great time there.

David: Really? You’ve been to America!?

Julia: No, I haven’t. Why do you ask me? Birmingham is the second largest city in England.

David: There’s Birmingham in the USA too.

Julia: How interesting! I’ve never heard of it.

David: It’s the largest city in Alabama.

Julia: What is it famous for?

David: It’s the home town of Martin Luther King, our national hero. Unfortunately, I haven’t been there yet. And what about Birmingham in England?

Julia: It’s a fantastic place to visit. I went there for the first time. It has an interesting history, a lot of museums and theatres, good sports and shopping centres.

David: What place did you like best?

Julia: Cadbury World, of course. It’s a world of chocolate fun: the Chocolate Museum and many attractions.

David: Why is it called Cadbury World?

Julia: It is named after John Cadbury who opened his Bull Street Shop almost 200 years ago. He sold tea, coffee and drinking chocolate. Cadbury World was founded later, in 1990.

David: I see. And what attraction did you like most?

Julia: Chocolate Making. It made a great impression on me. Now I know how chocolate is made! It’s really interesting!

David: Super! Did you buy chocolate there?

Julia: Yes, of course. There’s the World's Biggest Cadbury Shop. You can buy sweets and gifts there. My parents bought me a big chocolate rabbit for my birthday. We celebrated it at the Cadbury World Cafe. It was great! I took a lot of wonderful photos there.

David: I’d be happy to look at them. What about going to a café tomorrow? Don’t forget to bring your photos.

Julia: OK.
Годовая контрольная работа
Dialogue A

A: What can I do for you today?

B: I need to get on the Internet.

A: Do you have your library card with you?

B: Sure I do.

A: There is a wait for the computers.

B: That’s all right.

A: I will let you know when a computer is free.

B: Thank you very much.
Dialogue B

A: It’s really nice of you to come with me to buy a computer.

B: What kind of computer are you looking for?

A: I want to buy a computer that is easy to carry. I’d like to prepare my lessons wherever I am.

B: Are you sure you can find what you want here?

A: Certainly. In this department they sell all kinds of electronics and computers.
Dialogue C

A: Hello Alex! How was school today?

B: Fine.

A: Oh, Alex, you are playing on the computer again!

B: I’m not.

A: What are you doing then? Have you already done your homework?

B: Not yet. I’ve found some helpful information online. I’m going to use it for my history project.

A: OK. Dinner will be ready soon.
Dialogue D

A: Excuse me, can I use the Internet in my room?

B: Yes, but the internet costs extra. Well, we have some choices, if you’re interested.

A: Yes, please. What are they?

B: Well, there’s our computer lab on the first floor. It's absolutely free for hotel guests. And you could use your laptop computer right here in the hall.

A: That’s great! Thank you for the information.

B: My pleasure.

Карточки экзаменатора собеседника

I четверть


Task 1

Let the student talk for 1 minute.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving his/her talk.

1) What is your school like?

2) What rules do you have at your school?

3) What traditional events do you take part in at your school?

Finally, ask each student the following questions:

Is your school life interesting? Why? Why not?

Task 2

You play the part of a student in an international language school. Your name is Alex/Ann. Your schoolmate comes up to you and you stop for a chat.

- If asked about fundraising activities suggest him/her taking part in a charity bike riding event;

- Find out what fundraising activities are organized in your friend’s school;

- Suggest your classmate taking part in a charity concert;

- Ask your classmate about what he/she can do well and how he/she can perform at the concert.

Student: Hi, Alex / Ann!

Interlocutor: Hi!

Student: It’s nice seeing you. I’ve heard you are organising a fundraising event. What fundraising activities have you planned? I’d also like to take part in fundraising.

Interlocutor: Really? That’s great! What about joining Kelly and Jeremy in a sponsored bike ride?

Student: I’m sorry, Alex / Ann, but I‘m really not interested in a bike riding. Actually, I can’t ride a bike well.

Interlocutor: No problem. By the way, do you organise any fundraising activities at your school?

Student: Oh, yes, we do. At my school we do a lot of fundraising projects. We organise charity fairs, sweet and cakes sales, fundraising concerts and runs. We also collect clothes and toys for those in need. Sometimes my friends and I volunteer to clean the school playground or help at the city zoo.

Interlocutor: Good job. We are also going to have a fundraising concert. Would you join us?

Student: Sure. That’s wonderful!

Interlocutor: Do you play any musical instruments? Or maybe you can sing or dance well?

Student: I’m not bad at playing the guitar. Actually, once I was the winner of the city music festival. I can play at the concert.

Interlocutor: Terrific! Sorry, I have to go right now. See you later. Bye.

Student: Bye.
II четверть.


Task 1
Let the student talk for 1 minute.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving his/her talk.
1) Why do people need friends?

2) How many friends do you have? What are they like?

3) What qualities should a person have to be a good friend?
Finally, you must ask each student the following questions:

Can you say that you are a good friend? Why? Why not?

Task 2

You play the part of a student in an international language school. Your name is Pamela/Paul. Your friend comes up to you and you stop for a chat.
- If it is suggested to do something say you are ready to do what it.

- Find out how people help animals and birds in your classmate’s city/village.

- Ask what your classmate and his/her friends do to help nature.

- Suggest finding a local eco-club and joining it.

Student: Hello Pamela/Paul!

Interlocutor: Hello!

Student: Look. Have you seen the birds in the park near our school? I am very worried about them. They look hungry. Why don’t we go and make some feeders that we could hang in the trees?

Interlocutor: Why not? We could ask some other students to help us. By the way, how do people help animals and birds in your city?

Student: In winter we always hang bird feeders in the trees and feed birds. And in the village where my uncle lives people care about birds, too. In winter they feed them and in summer if it is very hot, they leave water for the birds.

Interlocutor: And what do you and your classmates do to help nature?

Student: In our school we try to keep the school playground clean. We collect litter around the school building. Besides we have a school garden. We plant trees and flowers there. Our school playground is the best in the city.

Interlocutor: Great. Look. We could join our school eco- club.

Student: I’d be happy to do it.

Interlocutor: Oh, my class starts in a few minutes. I have to go. See you soon!

Student: Bye.
III четверть

Task 1

Let the student talk for 1 minute. Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving his/her talk.

1) What do you like doing in your free time?

2) What do your parents think about the way you spend your free time?

3) What else would you like to spend your free time on? Why?
Finally, you must ask each student the following questions:

What should children spend their free time on? Why?

Task 2

- Respond to what your foreign friend suggests she/he would most like to see in London. Suggest going to the place of interest by tube.

- Approve of your friend’s suggestion and ask if she/he is not against getting some fish and chips on the way to your destination.

- Ask your friend about his/her favourite free-time activities/ hobbies.

- Say what you think about your friend’s favourite free-time activities/ hobbies.