Файл: Общая характеристика оперативно-розыскных мероприятий (Характеристика оперативно розыскных мероприятий).pdf

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Добавлен: 25.06.2023

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Под оперативно-розыскным мероприятием следует понимать одну из составных частей оперативно-розыскной деятельности, сведения об организации и тактике которой составляют государственную тайну, представляющую собой совокупность действий специально уполномоченных на то государственных органов и их должностных лиц, осуществляемых с соблюдением детально регламентированных законом оснований и условий, отвечающую нормам морали и нравственности и непосредственно направленную на достижение целей и разрешение задач оперативно-розыскной деятельности.

В статье 6 Федерального закона "Об оперативно-розыскной деятельности" установлено, что приведенный перечень ОРМ может быть изменен или дополнен только федеральным законом. В настоящее время этот перечень включает 15 ОРМ.

По своей сути оперативно-розыскные мероприятия направлены на добывание информации, выявление скрытых (скрываемых) преступлений, признаков и фактов преступной деятельности, их субъектов, розыск скрывшихся лиц.

О разведывательно-поисковом характере оперативно-розыскных мероприятий (ОРМ) свидетельствуют реализующиеся в них принципы конспирации, сочетания гласных и негласных методов и средств; указание законодателя на возможность использования специальных технических средств, предназначенных Для негласного получения информации в процессе проведения ОРМ; правомерность проведения ОРМ при наличии сведений лишь о признаках подготавливаемого, совершаемого или совершенного противоправного деяния, а также о лицах, его подготавливающих, совершающих или совершивших, если нет достаточных данных для решения вопроса о возбуждении уголовного дела, о событиях или действиях, создающих угрозу государственной, военной, экономической или экологической безопасности РФ, о лицах, скрывающихся от органов дознания, следствия и суда или уклоняющихся от уголовного наказания, и др.

Разведывательный характер ОРМ подтверждают и преимущественно негласный режим работы ОРО, объективная необходимость защиты сведений о лицах, участвующих в ОРМ, организации и тактике ОРМ как составляющих гостайну, возможность конфиденциального использования конфидентов.

ОРМ осуществляются как гласно, так и негласно. Негласность означает неочевидность, скрытность проводимых ОРМ от лиц, в них не участвующих, в том числе и от сотрудников ОРО, но, прежде всего – от объектов, в отношении которых они проводятся. Это позволяет нейтрализовать возможное противодействие со стороны объектов ОРМ, обеспечить безопасность участников ОРМ, их результативность, сохранить в тайне сам факт осуществления ОРМ, применяемые при этом средства и методы.

Негласность может быть обусловлена как практической целесообразностью, так и невозможностью гласного проведения отдельных ОРМ, открытого использования средств, методов либо задействования отдельных участников ОРМ. Только негласными могут быть такие ОРМ, как оперативное внедрение, контролируемая поставка, снятие информации с технических каналов связи.

Под гласностью следует понимать открытость проведения ОРМ, когда их содержание, цели, участники не скрываются ни от окружающих, ни от объектов их проведения.

ОРМ могут носить и смешанный, гласно-негласный характер. Так, прослушивание телефонных переговоров, проводимое по заявлению или с согласия заинтересованных лиц, является негласным только по отношению к абоненту заявителя. Особой разновидностью гласно-негласных ОРМ можно считать так называемые зашифрованные ОРМ, истинная цель которых от заинтересованных лиц скрывается под видом гласных действий иного, отвлекающего, характера и содержания.

Исходя из сущности ОРД и ее законодательного толкования ОРМ организуются и проводятся специальными субъектами, которыми являются только должностные лица ОРО. Вместе с тем участниками ОРМ могут быть также сотрудники иных подразделений, не являющихся оперативными, специалисты, иные лица, оказывающие содействие в решении задач ОРД, участвующие в подготовке или проведении ОРМ либо осуществляющие отдельные мероприятия по их поручению.

Проведение подразделениями, не включенными в число оперативных, отдельных мероприятий, аналогичных оперативно-розыскным, не образует ОРД, а может рассматриваться как элемент административной, частной детективной или другой деятельности.

Introduction. Enterprise Risk Management is based on the concept of acceptable risk, postulates the possibility of a rational influence on the risk level, bringing and keeping this level within acceptable limits. The risk is an objective reality projects involving all phases and stages of its development and implementation.

In the context of the need for modernization of industrial enterprises, the production of non-competitive products and the increased volatility in the market environment to study methods and tools for risk management of investment projects of industrial enterprises, adequate requirements of modern market economy is one of the important tasks of the Russian economy.

Purpose of the article - to explore the history of the development of risk management.

The history of the development of risk management. The word "risk" has ancient roots - translated from the Old Italian «risicare» means "dare". The history of the concept of "risk" is largely associated with the relationship of man to the future.

In ancient Greece mythological worldview was based on the fact that the future is completely predetermined by the will and desire of the gods, that is, It does not depend on the behavior of the person.

The emergence of world religions and especially Christianity, has led to what the future has become ambiguous. There was an understanding that the possibility of "different" future in this life and after death depends on human behavior. Therefore, there was responsibility for the consequences of their actions [3, p. 16].

In the Middle Ages there was the realization that the future depends not only on God. One of those who first raised the issue, was an Italian monk, professor of mathematics credited Luke, who lived in the XV century. In the Renaissance, it began a serious study of the problems associated with risk. Thanks to the development of gambling and especially dice the opportunity to predict the future. Exploring gambling, French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal and inventor in 1654 appealed to the Fermat math. The cooperation was established the theory of probability. It was a huge jump in philosophical and practical, for the first time allowed to make quantitative predictions of the future. Since then, forecasting tools, such as divination, sacrifice and blissful delirium began to retreat into the past.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. German mathematician G. Leibniz put forward the idea, and Ya.Bernulli Swiss mathematician (1654-1705) proved the law of large numbers and developed a statistical procedure. Since 1725, when the first government of England were used mortality tables, this tool has spread rapidly throughout the world.

In 1730 the French mathematician A. Moivre introduced the concept of the structure of a normal distribution and a measure of risk - standard deviation. In 1738 Bernoulli determined the expected utility, which ultimately rests the modern theory of portfolio investments. Since 1763, thanks to Bayes' theorem (Theorem hypotheses), the world learned how to influence the decision-making level of awareness about the management of the facility.

The discovery of the basic laws and the development of almost all modern risk management tools related to XVII-XVIII centuries.

The industrial revolution, social upheaval, the expansion of human activities have significantly increased the scope of manifestation of risk and simultaneously formed to the future as a part of the projected world. Note, in particular, the development of the theory of statistical regression English mathematician F.Galtonom in 1886

Risk is inherent in any area of ​​human activity that is associated with a variety of conditions and factors affecting the outcome (positive or negative) decisions taken by the people. The risk of shortfall in the expected results began to manifest itself particularly when the universality of commodity-money relations, competition, economic actors. Sufficiently broad and constructive interpretation of the risk at the same time began to be used in insurance, as this area of ​​business is directly related to the existence and manifestation of various forms of risk. It is because insurance is an understanding of risk as an economic category.

With the emergence and development of a market economy, there are various theories of risk. One of the first challenges of economic risks considered American economist A. Marshall, whose works marked the beginning of the neoclassical theory of risk. American economist John. M. Keynes introduced to science the notion of "risk appetite", describing the investment and business risks, offered one of the first classifications of risk.

The work of American economist F.Nayta "Risk, Uncertainty and Profit" was first suggested as a quantitative measure of the risk of uncertainty. In the works of American mathematicians O. Morgenstern and John. Neumann has been established relationship concepts of "uncertainty" and "risk", reflected probabilistic and mathematical treatment of risk.

At the beginning of XX century. classic management theory French engineer A. Fayolle included into the basic functions of management of the organization to ensure its safety function.

 Another key aspect of the theory of risk are: the development of the theory of portfolio management G.Markovitsem American economist in 1952 .; G.Modilyani work on the theory of investment; N.Bleyka M.Sholsa work and on financial options; Many other researchers and practical development of many new financial instruments that have so changed the face of opportunities and the financial markets.

   Finally, the science of risk emerged only in the last quarter of XX century. thanks primarily to the practical needs of safety in the technosphere (in particular, nuclear power and other potentially dangerous technologies) and the stability of social reproduction in the economy.

   In Russia in the 20s. XX century. It was adopted legislation containing the concept of the economic risk. But by the mid-1930s. the risk was related to the phenomena of capitalist economy, since it is not combined with the proclaimed planned nature of the economy. Ignoring the problem has reached such a degree of risk that the concept of "risk" does not even include in encyclopedias. The concept of "risk" is explained only in Russian language dictionaries. However, international experience shows that ignoring or underestimating economic risk in the development of tactics and strategy of economic policy, making specific decisions inevitably constrains the development of society, scientific and technological progress.

   Once again, the emergence of interest in Russian to the manifestation of risk in economic activity due to its transition to a market economy. After the de-monopolization and privatization, the state has allowed to develop freely entrepreneurship, while refusing to support the role of the sole risk and shift the responsibility for economic decisions taken at business entities. However, their survival without risk factors is not possible.

In the context of the economic crisis is increasingly a problem of alternative costs; changes in development strategies; review the objectives, methods and means of operation of the company. The important components of productive and continuous operation of the company is risk management.

Economic operators are taking different strategic models to eliminate all kinds of unforeseen costs.

Project risk management is seen as an integral part of the project management process, and the history of these disciplines are inextricably linked to each other.

Milestones in the formation of the theory of project management for the past five decades, helping to identify the most significant moments in the development of risk management mechanism of the project.

The historical aspect of the study contributes to the current state of the theory of risk management of the project and the prospects of its development.

Modern set of methods of project management dates back to the 50s of XX century. The most important step is the development of methods of scheduling. The importance of planning, supply chain management and administration provided the basis for the formation of the theory of project management.

Continue in the 60s of the last century, the development of methods of project management is particularly influenced the establishment of administrative structures and formation methods of teamwork, which have been introduced in the management of production in the '70s. In the 80-ies of XX century were developed and began to be successfully applied new ideas of modeling projects and workflow automation. The basis of this was the development of computer technology.

The rapid emergence of quality management methods also influenced the content of the theory of project management.

Impetus to the development of modern methods of risk management was the quantification of the risk that was given in the early 80-ies S. Kaplan and BJ Garrick [1, p. 44]. The risk, in their view, is composed of three parts: a description of the scenario, the probability of this scenario and the consequences of 15 in this scenario, with the consequences may vary according to the same scenario. In the mid 80's mechanism of risk management began to be widely discussed in the literature on project management. It formed a risk management process, which then consisted of risk identification, risk assessment, develop responses and control [2, p. 94].

 Quantitative Risk Assessment, mainly was based on subjective probabilities and distributions. In industry, the basis of risk management was to analyze the possibility of monetary and time losses.

Widely used diagrams impacts, checklists and risk questionnaires, methods for dealing with risky situations and important principles for the allocation of risks in the construction contracts. During the 90-ies the basis of the theory of project management has been the introduction of network technologies, methods of cooperation and business process management as a project.

The rapid development of international business, quality improvement and reduce the cost of information technology and data transmission technologies have opened new opportunities to manage projects in a geographically distributed business environment. At the same time it changed the concept of risk management.

The transformation took place towards greater understanding of the importance of risk management, rather than a quantitative risk analysis. Thus, the process of risk management and its integration into the project management process are now the basis for further development of the risk management framework.

By the end of 90-ies of XX century new methods of risk management, based on a study of the implementation of previous projects and develop solutions based on the experience of reducing the adverse events vozdeyst16 tions to an acceptable level. That is the knowledge accumulated about failed projects or adverse situations and effects are used for the study and understanding of the causes of negative situations, losses associated with them, and response to reduce the consequences.

Under the risk management project is now understood as a complex pre-planned activities aimed at identifying possible adverse situations and reduction of their possible impact on the project to an acceptable level.

Current direction of scientific development theory of project risk management is presented in the form of improving the creative approaches and approaches related to the study of risk management experience.

One way to improve the effectiveness of these approaches - is the use in the process of risk management of computer databases that must include not only the listing of risks, but also valuable information about retaliation on the occurrence of a particular risk situation, information on the planning of risk management and other information to take concrete decisions in the risk management process of the project.

Formation of these databases comes continuously throughout the project on the basis obtain information on risks and responses. A risk information is valuable time when its formation is carried out in real time, helped by a database of risks. The history of the theory of risk management of the project shows that the current decade will be more likely to improve existing approaches to risk management based on modern concepts and ideas, and this is confirmed by the increased interest of scientists to problem Risk Management project.

The author was considered a significant number of publications on the topic of risk management, published in Russia in the past five years. On the basis of the analysis, it was concluded that the vast majority of publications are based on earlier proposals made in the early and mid-90s of the last century. This contributed to the treatment to foreign experience and, therefore, the methodological basis of this study are basically the largest to date, publicly available methodological approaches to risk management of the project (the program), which have been developed in different countries [4, p. 15].

Sorry, could not find public information resources related to risk management in the implementation of construction projects only, but one containing a methodical approach developed by Finnish experts from the institute VTT Building Technology. Currently, however, there are universal guidelines for risk management, are intended for all kinds of projects [5, p. 33].

Moreover, a comparison of data to study the recommendations and specific advice such as the recommendation of NASA, ECSS, DoD et al., Showed that currently develops a typical risk management mechanism that does not depend on the type of project (program).

In the study of modern concepts of risk management, the authors used a comparative analysis as a basis for the study. This method of scientific knowledge is the most efficient in the framework of this thesis research. This is due to the fact that the analysis refers to the separation of methodological aЙpproaches that are the prototype of this study, the relatively small elements and a comprehensive study of them.

 This comparison allows you to find the similarities of elements that show the general trends of development of the theory of risk management. On the basis of what, by analogy, constructed conclusions and suggestions in improving risk management mechanism. Through a comparative analysis, the authors identified the major differences in the majority of these approaches. It mainly is the fact that at present there was not yet a recognized sequence of steps in the risk management process.

Systematization of collected data for risk management of the project suggested that in the process of risk management, the following targeted actions: planning, identification, evaluation, treatment, monitoring, documentation.

No only recognized risk management function names, but the essence and the content remains unchanged. Common to most of the studied guidelines that make up the methodological basis of the thesis is the proposal to technology identification and assessment of risks, as well as the main methods of processing.

Risk identification is proposed to carry through checklists and on the basis of interviews with experts. And the typical sources of risk checklists and questionnaires, as a rule, are an integral part of the recommendations.

As a general rule, by means of the matrix "Lost Chance," it proposed to assess the quality or level of risk, or their degree of influence on the project. Only one methodical approach [5, p. 40] contains a qualitative assessment of the technology as the impact of risks on the project and their level.