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Communicology. 2021. Vol.9. No.4. С. 53-64
tools. In the system of social communications, digital technologies and artificial intelligence are presented by the author as a new socio-digital reality that transforms the environment of interaction. The author’s review of the main stages and markers of the development of digitalization made it possible to update the list of positive aspects in social management, as well as problems caused by the digitalization process.
Keywords: digitalization, artificial intelligence, social management, social interaction, organizational order
For citation: Ryumshin S.A. (2021). Theoretical aspects of digitalization in social management.
Communicology (Russia).
Vol. 9. No. 4. P.
. DOI: 10.21453/2311-3065-2021-9-4-
Inf. about the author: Sergey Anatolyevich Ryumshin – CandSc (Soc.), learned secretary of
International Academy of Communication Studies (Communicology), associate professor of the department of public relations and mediapolicy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow,
Vernadsky av., 84. E-mail: 101rsa@mail.ru.
: 08.11.2021.
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