Файл: Л.А. Бердюгина Учимся задавать вопросы на английском языке.pdf

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6.The students are reading for the exam in the reading-hall.

7.I’ll see you next Monday.

8.Ben Nevis is 1,343 m in height.

9.Ann has got a lot of English books.

10.Last time we stopped reading here.

11.My mother uses Channel No 5 perfume.

12.Jane’s new dress is green.

13.The Thames is 215 miles long.

14.Tom prefers to drive a Ford.

VII. Complete (завершать, заканчивать) the questions about a business trip.

Sometimes more than one variant is possible. Then match each question to the correct reply.

Who Was Where Did How Which What What Why Which









did you go?

a. Some of our agents.









did you go?

b. Yes, it was very useful.








did you meet?

c. Yes, a few.



you make any useful contacts?

d. To do some market research.






long did you stay?

e. The Sheraton.







did you get back?

f. Gulf Air.





did you fly with?

g. Dubai.





hotel did you stay in?

h. A week.







the trip a success?

i. On Thursday.











*VIII. Act out the dialogues.


Мама: Ты можешь сказать мне, как его зовут?

Мэри: Стив.

Мама: Стив, какой? Как его фамилия? Мэри: Откуда мне знать? Он не

говорил мне.

Мама: Как ты познакомилась (get to know) с ним?

Мэри: Он учится в университете. Мама: На каком он курсе?

Мэри: Ээ… Я не уверена. Он немного старше меня.

Мама: На сколько старше? Мэри: На два-три года, наверное.

Мама: Понятно. И куда вы ходили? Мэри: Мы ходили в кино (to see a



A:Что будем делать сегодня вечером?

B:Почему бы нам не сходить в кино?

A:Неплохая идея.

B:Ты хочешь посмотреть что-то определённое (in particular) или нет?

A:Давай посмотрим что-нибудь весёлое.

B:В местном кинотеатре идёт (to be

on) новая комедия.

A:Откуда ты знаешь?

B:Моя сестра уже видела её.

A:Твоя сестра любит комедии, да?

B:Думаю, да.

A:Кстати, как выглядит твоя сестра?

B:Она такого же роста, как я, и она тоже блондинка.



Мама: В какое время закончился

A: А на какое время ты хочешь пойти?


На шесть или на восемь?

Мэри: Около 8 часов.

B: Думаю, что 6-часовой сеанс (session)

Мама: Интересно, что вы делали после



A: Встретимся в кино в 5.45?

Мэри: Мы пошли съесть пиццу.

B: Хорошо.

Мама: И чья это была идея?


Мэри: Стива.


Мама: Как долго вы были в ресторане?


Нужно четыре часа, чтобы


съесть пиццу?


File 1. Student B (Exercise II, page 22)

They met in Hollywood in (b) ______ (When?), and they stopped making films together in 1952. They made about (d) ______ films (How many?). They won an Oscar for their film The Music Box in (f) ______ (When?).

Stan Laurel, the thin one, was born in England in (h) ______ (When?). He went to America in 1910, and made his first film in (j) ______ (When?). He married four times, and had (l) ______ (How many children?). He wrote the scripts and directed most of their films. He died in 1956 in (n) ______ (Where?).

Oliver Hardy, the fat one, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in (p) ______ (When?). He went to Hollywood in 1911, and made his first film in (r) ___ ___ (When?).

He married once. He (t) ______ children (How many?). In his free time, he liked playing golf and going to horse races. In one day he lost (v) ______ dollars (How much money?). He died in California in (x) ______ (When?).



1.1. III. 1. Do the classes begin …? 2. Is mother always telling …? 3. Did they have …? 4. Was the lecture …? 5. Does she understand …? 6. Are the problems easy? 7. Did Bill come …? 8. Was he in a hurry? 9. Is the group arriving …? 10. Am I wrong? 11. Is Liza good at …? 12. Were the students tired? 1.2. I. 1. Don’t you like it? 2. Isn’t that your brother over there? 3. Can’t you stay a little longer? 4. Isn’t she a pretty child? 5. Haven’t I met you somewhere before? 6. Isn’t she going to work today? 7. Don’t you want to come to the concert? 8. Hasn’t he passed his exams yet? 9. Don’t you smoke? 10. Doesn’t John work for the bank? 11. Haven’t they got any money? 12. Isn’t he watching TV? 1.3. I. 1. Were you? 2. Did you? 3. Didn’t they? 4. Are you? 5. Do you? 6. Are you? 7. Have you? 8. Have you? 9. Haven’t you? 10. Would you?


2.1. II. (See File I, p.32). III. 1. How do people learn new words? (d) 2. What do we have to do? (e) 3. What do you like doing in your spare time? (c) 4. Where do you like to go this weekend? (f) 5. Why do you get so nervous? (g) 6. Who were you angry with? (b) 7. What


does ‘glad’ mean? (a) 2.2. II. 1. Who discovered America? 2. Who invented radio? 3. What happened on the 12th of April, 1961? 4. Which of your students is good at physics/ English?

5.Which month is the hottest in your region? 6. Who is your English teacher? 7. Who is the dean of your faculty? 8. Which of you have got pets? 9. What’s on the table? 10. How many students are present at the lecture today? 11. Who is not prepared for the test? 12. Which month of the year is the shortest? 13. How many students are working in pairs (now). 14. Who has already looked through the article? 15. What play is on in the theatre? 2.3. IV. 1. What did he open the door with? 2. Who did you get a letter from? 3. What did she cut her finger with?

4.Who is your sister teaching English to? 5. Who should children go there with? 6. Where is he from? 7. Where does Serge study? 8. What has the group of sportsmen arrived by? 9. What row are our seats in? 10. Who are you waiting for? 11. What does the assistant professor work at?

12.What is he greatly interested in? 2.5. II. 1. How heavy is this car? / How much does this car weigh? / What’s the weight of the car? / What weight is this car? 2. How wide is the sofa? / What’s the width of the sofa? / What width is the sofa? 3. What model of computer do you prefer? / What computer model do you prefer? 4. What sort of chocolate do you like? 5. What type of TV programms do you watch? 6. What kind of literature is most interesting? 7. What colour is your new car? What’s the colour of … ? 8. How long is the street? / What’s the length of… ? / What length is the street? 9. How high is the Kremlin? / What’s the height of the Kremlin? / What height is the Kremlin? 10. How thick are the walls of this house? / What thickness are the walls… / What’s the thickness of the walls of this house? 11. How big is your flat? 12. How tall are you? / What height are you? / What’s your height? 2.6. I. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-b, 6-b, 7-b, 8-b, 9-b, 10-c. II. What is the countryside like? 2. What are the people like?

3.What are the towns like? 4. What is Sydney like? 5. What are the kangaroos like? 6. What are the beaches like? 7. What are the TV programmes like? 8. What are the universities like? III. 1. What was the flight like? 2. What was the weather like? 3. What were the beaches like?

4.What were the meals like? 2.10. II. 1. However did you know I was going to be there?

2.Whatever are you going to tell us? 3. Whenever will he come back? 4. Whoever believed in ghosts? 5. Whatever did you do it for? 6. Whoever stole the money? 7. Whatever is the time?

8Wherever have you been?


III. 1. He wanted to know… . / He asked Ken … . 2. … why he was carrying a camera. 3. … whether / if he had seen the signs … . 4. … whether he had been taking … . 5. … what his name was. 6. … where he lived. 7. … what he was. 8. … whether he could show some proof … . 9. … whether he was accompanied by … . 10. … whether he had ever visited the place. VI. 1. I wonder why you were late. 2. Could you tell me when you have your day-off/holiday?

3.They can’t find out when the concert starts. 4. She’d like to know where they are going to spend their holidays. 5. Do you know where he works? 6. I wonder what lecture hall professor Valov delivers his lecture in. 7. They don’t know why he is late. 8. I wonder who you were talking to when I entered. 9. Did you find out who had been on duty last Saturday? 10. Would you like to know what hotel they would stay? 11. My friend would like to know whether I would pass my English exam. 12. The dean asks whether the students were at the lecture.

13.We don’t know whether he has told the truth. 14. She’d like to know when he was born. / She’d like to know what year he was born.


IV. 1. aren’t you (e) 2. haven’t I? (g) 3. isn’t he? (h) 4. doesn’t she? (i) 5. didn’t you? (c)

6.didn’t he? (d) 7. hadn’t he? (a) 8. didn’t you? (f) 9. won’t you? (j) 10. do you?(b). V. 1-e, j; 2-d, k; 3-f, h; 4-b, l; 5-a, i; 6-c, g. VI. 1. I’m too late, aren’t I? 2. Switch off the radio for me,


will/would/can/could you? 3. Don’t forget to lock the door, will you? 4. Nobody was watching the film on TV, were they? 5. Everyone will be here soon, won’t they? 6. Nothing terrible has happened, has it? 7. There’s plenty of time, isn’t there? 8. Pass me that magazine, will/would/can/could you? 9. Let’s have a cup of tea, shall we? 10. I’m mistaken, aren’t I?


I. 1. Were the presentations very interesting? 2. How long did the conference last? 3. What were the facilities like? 4. How many people attended your presentation? 5. What uniform do you have to wear for your job? 6. Why did you buy so many books? 7. Do you have to get a visa to go to the States? 8. How often does John have to take his pills? 9. Do you have to look after this plant very carefully? 10. What was the conference like? III. 1. What was the end of the film? 2. Who/Whoever has broken the vase? 3. Who comes to school by car? 4. What happened at the party last night? 5. Which car goes faster, a BMW or a Jaguar? /Which of the cars goes faster? 6. Who/Whoever has taken my pen? 7. Who /Which of you would like to work on the computer and who/ which of you would like to watch the film? IV. 1.There are many hotels near the Centre, aren’t there? 2. Is an airport far from the Center or not? 3. The airport is not far from Monaco, is it? 4. How long does it take to get there by helicopter? 5. How long does it take to fly there from Madrid? 6. Are there good rail and road links? V. 1. I asked the mechanic if it would take long to repair the car. 2. I asked the policeman if I could park my car in West Street. 3. I asked the cinema attendant what time the film finished. 4. I asked the hotel receptionist if he/she/they had a double room. 5. I asked the doctor how many times a day I should take the medicine. 6. I asked the waiter if they had apple juice. VI. 1. What types of movies/What movies does your little brother like? 2. How can you get there? 3. When should we leave? 4. How many people does the auditorium hold? 5. Why didn’t he take a taxi? 6. Where are the students reading for the exam? 7. When shall I see you? 8. How high/ what height is Ben Nevis? /What’s the height of Ben Nevis? 9. What does Ann have a lot of? 10. Where did we stop reading last time? 11. What brand of perfume does your mother use? 12. What colour is Jane’s new dress? 13. How long is the Thames? / What’s the length of the Thames? / What length is the Thames? 14. What make of car does Tom prefer to drive? VIII. 1. Mother: Could you tell me what his name is? Mary: Steve. Mother: Steve what? What’s his surname? Mary: How should I know? He didn’t tell me. Mother: Well, how did you get to know him? Mary: He studies at the University. Mother: What year is he in? Mary: Err … I’m not sure. He’s a bit older than me. Mother: How much older is he? Mary: Two-three years, perhaps. Mother: I see. And where did you go? Mary: We went to see a movie. Mother: What time did the movie finish? Mary: At about eight o’clock. Mother: I wonder what you were doing after that. Mary: We went to have a pizza. Mother: Whose idea was that? Mary: Steve’s. Mother: How long were you in the restaurant? Does it take four hours to eat a pizza? 2. A: What shall we do this evening? B: Why don’t we go to the cinema? A: That sounds like a good idea. B: Would you like to see anything in particular or not? A: Let’s see something funny. B: There’s a good comedy on at the local cinema. A: How do you know? B: My sister has already seen it. A: Your sister likes comedies, doesn’t she? B: I think so. A: By the way, what does your sister look like? B: She’s the same height as me and she’s blonde, too. A: And what time do you want to go? At six or at eight? B: I think the six o’clock session is better. A: Shall we meet at the cinema at 5.45? B: All right.