Файл: Л.А. Бердюгина Учимся задавать вопросы на английском языке.pdf

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8.The twin towers of World Trade Center destroyed in September 2001 were 1350 feet each.

9.The coal bed (пласт) was more than 3 meters thick.

10.The box weighed 50 kg.

*II. What English variants of these questions are possible?

1.Сколько весит этот автомобиль?

2.Какой ширины этот диван?

3.Какую модель компьютера вы предпочитаете?

4.Какой сорт шоколада вы любите?

5.Какой тип телепрограмм вы смотрите?

6.Какой литературный жанр (вид) самый популярный в наше время?

7.Какого цвета твой новый автомобиль?

8.Какова длина этой улицы?

9.Какова высота Кремля?

10.Какой толщины стены этого дома?

11.Насколько велика (big) ваша квартира?

12.Какой у тебя рост?

2.6Вопросы с like (Questions with like)

*I. Look at these questions. They are similar (похожий) in form but they are different in meaning. Say, which answer (1-10) goes with each question, and discuss the difference between the questions.

a.What does she like?

b.What is she like?

c.What does she look like?

1.She’s quite tall with straight brown hair. She looks like her sister.

2.She likes swimming and skating, and she’s a football fan.

3.She’s like her father. She’s a bit too critical of other people.

4.She’s in her late fifties, but she’s quite young in spirit.

5.She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem.

6.She likes reading and gardening, and she still goes for long walks.

7.She is still very attractive and romantic.

8.She has never married, and lives alone in a small village.

9.She’s extremely kind, but not very tolerant (терпимый) with people who don’t agree with her.

10.She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her smile.

*II. Your friend is living in Australia for a year. You write and ask some

questions about the country.


Example: the weather

What’s the weather like?



1) the countryside

5) Sydney

2) the kangaroos

6) the towns

3) the people

7) the beaches

4) the TV programmes

8) the universities

*III. Robert had a terrible holiday. Complete the questions about it, using What was/were … like? in the following dialogue.

Example: A – What was the hotel like?

B – Awful. My room was tiny, and the service was bad.

1)A – What _______________________________? B – It was terrible. The plane was delayed six hours!

2)A – What _______________________________? B – Awful. It rained every day!

3)A – What _______________________________?

B – They were crowded and dirty. There was no sand on them, just stones! 4) A – What _______________________________?

B – Disgusting! Chips with everything, and it was often not good enough.

2.7 Вопросы о причинах, целях (Asking for reasons, purposes)

I. Write questions with Why/Why don’t/Why not on the left to fit (соответствовать) the answers on the right.

1.Why are you still here? Because I want to watch the late-night film.

2.Why …………………? To check that I had locked the back door.

3.Why …………………? That’s a good idea.

4.Why …………………? Because I didn’t want to meet him.

5.Why …………………? I phoned to let him know.

6.Why …………………? I’m sorry I was not polite.

7.Why …………………? To find out her telephone number.

8.Why …………………? I’m already late for my classes.

9.Why …………………? All right. I’ll put the job off till tomorrow.

10.Why ……………….…? I don’t mind waiting a bit.

2.8 Вопросы, требующие обоснования (Asking for evidence)

I. Work with a partner. Ask for evidence. Then answer the questions.

1.Mary and Steve have got married.

2.They are happy.

3.They bought a new flat.

4.They are going to spend their honeymoon in Paris.

5.Steve graduated from the University with honours.

6.He often goes fishing.

7.Mary is good at cooking.

8.She doesn’t like travelling by air.


2.9 Вопросы, содержащие предложения (Making suggestions)

I.Offer (предлагать) your partner:

1.to have a look at the schedule;

2.to have a break;

3.to play football;

4.to go shopping;

5.to talk to the dean;

6.to get up earlier on Sunday;

7.to visit the Fine Arts Museum;

8.to act out the role-play;

9.to listen to the tape once again;

10.to solve the problem together;

11.to make a report at the conference;

12.to borrow the text-book from the library.

2.10 Эмфатические вопросы с ever (Emphatic questions with ever)

I. Make these questions more emphatic.

1.Who gave you permission to do that?

2.Why didn’t you ask an expert to look at it?

3.When did they go to Wales?

4.What will she say next?

5.Where shall I put this wet umbrella?

6.How do you expect me to carry all this?

7.Where have you bought the computer?

8.How did he manage to get the tickets for the concert?

9.What does she see in him?

*II. Ask the following questions in English.

1.Как же ты узнал, что я собираюсь быть здесь?

1.И что же ты собираешься рассказать нам?

2.Когда же он вернется?

3.И кто же верит в приведения (ghost)?

4.Зачем же ты сделал это?

5.И кто же украл (steal) деньги?

6.Который же час?

7.Где же ты был?


I. Translate the sentences paying attention to indirect questions with whether and if.

1.The doctor asks if the patient has ever had headaches.


2.He asks whether tourists enjoyed their visit to the museum.

3.We’d like to know whether we are going to write a test next week.

4.Would you mind telling me whether you are going to have a break?

5.I wonder if you start on your journey the following Sunday.

6.She is interested whether he is meeting his boss tomorrow.

7.We don’t know whether the lecture will start at 3 or 5 p.m.

8.Could you tell me if the professor is still busy?

9.Does she know whether Bill has got a good or a satisfactory mark for his testpaper?

10.I’d like to know if you are going to stay after classes long.

II. Ask indirect questions, as in the example.

Example: What are you going to do? (I don’t know)

I don’t know what you are going to do.

Could you tell me what you are going to do?

1.Why did she say that? (I wonder)

2.How many tourists visit your country each year? (I’d like to know)

3.Does this bus go to Oxford Street? (I wonder)

4.Where is the tourist office? (Could you show me)

5.Is there any post-office near here? (Do you know)

6.What are we supposed to do? (Would you mind telling me)

7.Is she English or American. (I don’t know)

8.Are you ready to start? (I wonder)

9.Is he going to drive a jeep across the Sahara desert? (Could you tell me) 10. Who knows how to work a fax machine? (I’d like to know)

11. What is likely to change in the future? (I wonder)

12. Has she already phoned the travel agency? (He’d like to know)

*III. Ken had a frightening (пугать) experience recently while on holiday. He was walking in the countryside when suddenly a soldier came up him and asked him some questions. Transform these questions into indirect questions beginning with He asked Ken… or He wanted to know… .

1.What are you doing here? He asked Ken what he was doing there.

2.Why are you carrying a camera?

3.Did you see the signs warning people not to enter the area?

4.Have you been taking photographs of the army base?

5.What’s your name?

6.Where do you live?

7.What are you?

8.Can I see some proof of your identity (личность)?

9.Are you accompanied by anybody?

10. Did you ever visit the place?



IV. Turn the

following direct questions about the girl who saw a ghost

(привидение) into indirect questions, as in the example.

I wonder


why / when

I’d like to know


who / if

I’d love to know



We didn’t find out


Example: Who was the

ghost? I wonder who the ghost was.

1.What was the ghost’s name?

2.Is it still there?

3.Did it ever come back?

4.Why did the girl think she was being watched?

5.Did she see a ghost when she was young?

6.Why was it so cold when the ghost came?

7.Was the girl telling the truth?

V. Work in pairs. Ask your questions indirectly for the following situations, using: Could you tell me …? Do you know …? I was wondering …?

1.One of you is looking for a good English language school. The other is interested, but wants more information.

2.One of you has just seen a wonderful film. The other is interested, but wants more information.

*VI. Ask these indirect questions in English.

1.Меня интересует, почему вы опоздали.

2.Не могли бы вы сказать мне, когда у вас выходной.

3.Они не могут выяснить, когда начинается концерт.

4.Она хотела бы знать, где они собираются провести свой отпуск.

5.Ты знаешь, где он работает?

6.Интересно, в какой аудитории (lecture hall) читает лекцию проф. Валов.

7.Они не знают, почему он опаздывает.

8.Интересно, с кем ты разговаривал, когда я вошла?

9.Вы выяснили, кто дежурил в прошлую субботу?

10.Вам хотелось бы знать, в какой гостинице они остановятся?

11.Мой друг интересуется, буду ли я сдавать экзамен по английскому языку.

12.Декан спрашивает, были ли студенты на лекции.

13.Мы не знаем, сказал ли он правду.

14.Ей интересно, когда он родился.


I. Listen to the tape (аудиозапись) of a man and a woman talking about holiday arrangements (мероприятие). There are eight tag questions. Write if they are type 1 or type 2.