Файл: Л.А. Бердюгина Учимся задавать вопросы на английском языке.pdf

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a. have we?

c. have you?

e. doesn’t it?

g. didn’t you?

b. isn’t it?

d. can’t we?

f. haven’t you?

h. can’t we?

II. Ask the following tag questions with the appropriate (соответствующая) intonation.

(+) – you are sure that your information is correct.

(-) – you are not very sure that your information is correct.

1.You’re eighteen, aren’t you? (+)

2.Nelly is a student, isn’t she? (-)

3.You have got time, haven’t you? (-)

4.You don’t like her, do you? (+)

5.You can swim, can’t you? (+)

6.Tom has got two brothers, hasn’t he? (-)

7.This coat is expensive, isn’t it? (-)

8.They have already passed the final test, haven’t they? (-)

9.The first-year students got their identification cards, didn’t they? (+)

10.You have taken the textbook from the library, haven’t you? (-)

11.Dad is watching TV, isn’t he? (+)

12.You left school when you were seventeen, didn’t you? (+)

III. Listen and decide if the person asking the question is fairly (вполне) sure or not very sure that the information is correct.

1.You have seen the film Titanic, haven’t you?

2.It is a love story, isn’t it?

3.It is a disaster movie (фильм-катастрофа), isn’t it?

4.The great ship was going from Southampton to New York, wasn’t it?

5.The Titanic had sixteen watertight compartments, didn’t it?

6.It was regarded to be unsinkable (непотопляемый), wasn’t it?

7.A huge iceberg appeared suddenly, didn’t it?

8.The passengers of the Titanic weren’t particularly worried at first, were they?

9.The ship was completely under the water at 2.20 a.m., wasn’t it?

10.1500 lives were lost, weren’t they?

11.The loss of the Titanic will always be remembered, won’t it?

12.M. Roberts wrote a novel based on the story of the Titanic, didn’t she?

*IV. Fill in the gaps in the following questions with an appropriate question tag. Then match each question to an answer below.

1.You’re Polish, ………… ?

2.I’ve seen you somewhere before, ………… ?

3.Jack is your elder brother, ………… ?

4.Your sister studies English, too, ………… ?

5.You went on the trip to Oxford, ………… ?

6.Jack really enjoyed it, ………… ?


7.He’d been there before, ………… ?

8.You used to live in Germany, ………… ?

9.You’ll be here tomorrow, ………… ?

10.You don’t know which bus goes to Piccadilly, ………… ?

a)That’s right. He went a couple of years ago.

b)I think you get the number 14.

c)No, I didn’t actually. I hear it was really good.

d)Yes, he wants to go again next weekend.

e)Yes, I am. How did you guess?

f)Yes, that’s where my father’s from.

g)Maybe. You look slightly familiar, too.

h)Oh, so you’re a friend of his, aren’t you?

i)No, not anymore. She’s gone back to Poland.

j)I’m afraid not. I’m taking my English exam.

*V. Match sentences in A with tags in B and then with answers in C.






It’s cold today,

a. haven’t you?

g. No. How do you do?


You don’t like this food,

b. is it?

h. Yes. They live next door to me.


You know the Browns,

c. have you?

i. Yes. A Renault.


This exercises isn’t hard,

d. do you?

j. Yes. There was a frost last night.


You’ve got a car,

e. isn’t it?

k. Well, I find it a bit too salty.


You haven’t met Nick,

f. don’t you?

l. No, It’s quite easy.

*VI. Put a question tag at the end of each sentence. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1.I’m too late.

2.Switch off the radio for me.

3.Don’t forget to lock the door.

4.Nobody was watching the film on TV.

5.Everyone will be here soon.

6.Nothing terrible has happened.

7.There’s plenty of time.

8.Pass me that magazine.

9.Let’s have a cup of tea.

10.I’m mistaken.


I. Use the sentences and the words given in brackets (скобки) to ask Or questions.

1.Jack was given a watch for his birthday. (a tape-recorder)

2.The lecture is interesting. (isn’t)


3.They are first-year students. (second)

4.The classes begin at eight o’clock. (nine)

5.The students are asking questions. (answering)

6.He will read the text. (translate)

7.Bill is going to stay. (to leave)

8.She goes to the cinema rarely. (frequently)

9.Falling intonation is used in Yes/No questions. (rising)

10.After the traffic lights (светофор) the car turned right. (left)

11.The students should practise every day in the laboratory. (twice a week)

12.Ann’s sister is a doctor. (Mary’s)

II. Work in pairs. Ask your partner if

1.it is necessary for him (her) to learn English or not;

2.he (she) knows lecturer’s name or not;

3.his (her) sister plays tennis or volleyball;

4.the fare in the route taxi is 6 or 7 roubles;

5.your hockey team won or lost the last game;

6.his (her) parents leave for Moscow or Novosibirsk;

7.he (she) is from Kemerovo or Novokuznetsk;

8.he (she) has spent his (her) holiday in town or in the country;

9.he (she) visited the exhibition yesterday or not;

10.he (she) likes brown or white bread;

11.he (she) studies at the Mining or Civil Engineering Faculty;

12.he (she) usually has tea or coffee in the morning;

13.he (she) combines work with studies or not;

14.he (she) will call on in the evening or not;

15.he (she) is going to watch a detective film or a thriller.

III. Ask questions using the alternatives given in brackets and the examples indicated by the letters before them.

a.Did John or Bill win the game?

b.Did John win the game or (did) Bill?

c.Did John win the game or did Bill win the game?

d.Who won the game, John or Bill?

1.He gets up early on Sundays. (late, ac)

2.Mr. Smith teaches maths. (Mr. Brown, bd)

3.Jack washes his car on Saturday afternoons. (go for a walk, ab)

4.Tourists left for Paris on Friday evening. (Rome, bc)

5.The village is five kilometers away. (town, ad)

6.You will spend two hours practising skating. (they, bd)

7.Three students failed in the examination. (two, bd)

8.The slice of apple was very tasty. (cake, bd)

9.He takes size 44 shoes. (43, ac)

10.My sister bought new shoes. (brother, cd)



*I. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Example: time you up what have get do to?

What time do you have to get up?

1.interesting / presentations / were / very / the?

2.the / last / how / did / conference / long/

3.like / were / what / facilities / the?

4.attended / how / your / people / many / presentation?

5.job / wear / have / in / uniform / you / your / to / do / a / what?

6.books / many / you / buy / so / why / did?

7.States / visa / get / to / to / go / you / do / have / a / the /to?

8.John / does / pills / take / often / his / how / have / to?

9.plant / carefully / you / after / look / do / have / to / this / very?

10.like / what / conference / was / the?

II. This is a most unfortunate situation.

Bob loves Sheila, but Sheila doesn’t love Bob; she loves Henry. Unfortunately, Henry doesn’t love her; he loves Pamela, but …! Ask and answer questions.



































Example: Who does Bob love?

He loves Sheila.


Who loves Bob?

Pamela does.

*III. Make subject questions to ask about the missing information.

Example: The ZX Computer has a big memory. The MP-100 has a big memory. What do you ask the shop assistant?

Which computer has a bigger memory, the ZX or the MP-100?

1.You and a friend are watching a good film on TV when the phone rings, and you miss the end. What do you ask your friend when you come back into the room? What ____________________________________________?

2.You hear a crash. You go into the living room and find your two children near a smashed vase. What do you ask them?

Who ________________________________?


3.You want to know how many people in your class come to school by car. What do you ask the class?

Who ____________________________?

4.All your friends are talking about something that happened at a party last night. You don’t know anything about it. What do you ask?

What __________________________?

5.A BMW goes fast. So does a Jaguar. Ask a question.

Which _________________________?

6.You are working at a desk at home, and go away for a minute. When you come back, your pen is missing. What do you ask your family?

Who __________________________?

7.You are a teacher. Some of your class can watch a film, and some can work on the computer. What do you ask your class?

Who ______________________ and who _____________________?

*IV. Ask questions about the Monte Carlo Conference Centre. Put the words in the right order to make the questions.

Example: Centre Conference is the Where?

Where is the Conference Centre?

1.aren’t / are / Centre / hotels / how / many / near / the / there / there?

2.far / airport / an / or / not / Centre / is / the?

3.airport / far / is / is / Monaco / not / the / it / from?

4.by / does / get / helicopter / how / it / long / take / there / to?

5.does / fly / from / how / it / long / Madrid / take / there / to?

6.links / there / road / are / and / good / rail?

*V. Which questions would you ask to which people?

Example: I asked the mechanic if it would take long to repair the car.

1.Will it take long to repair the car?

a hotel receptionist

2.Can I park my car in West Street?

a doctor

3.What time does the film finish?

a policeman

4.Have you got a double room?

a mechanic

5.How many times should I take the medicine?

a waiter

6.Do you have apple juice?

a cinema attendant

*VI. Write Wh-questions to fit (соответствовать) the words in italics in the following sentences.

1.My little brother likes cowboy movies.

2.You can get there by train.

3.We should leave at once.

4.The auditorium holds about 200 people.

5.He didn’t take a taxi because he had no money.