Ref. p. 187] 4.1 Frequency conversion in crystals 155
Di erence-frequency generation makes it possible to produce IR radiation in the near IR (up to 7.7 µm, in LiIO3), mid IR (up to 18–23 µm, in AgGaSe2, GaSe, CdSe, Ag3AsS3) and far IR (0.05–30 mm, in LiNbO3 and GaP).
Optical parametric oscillation is a powerful method for generating continuously tunable radiation in the UV (up to 314–330 nm, in LBO and urea), visible, and IR regions (up to 16–18 µm, in CdSe and GaSe). Singly resonant OPO, or SROPO, uses resonant feedback at only the signal or idler frequency. Doubly resonant OPO, or DROPO, uses resonant feedback of both signal and idler frequencies. Exotic triply resonant OPO, or TROPO, with resonant feedback also at pump frequency, and quadruply resonant OPO, or QROPO, with SHG inside the OPO cavity and resonant feedback also at the second harmonic, are used very seldom.
Di erent OPO schemes and their energetic, temporal, spectral, and spatial characteristics are considered in detail in [73Zer, 78Dmi, 83Dan, 87Dmi] and in the three special issues of the Journal of the Optical Society of America B (Vol. 10, No. 9 and 11, 1993 and Vol. 12, No. 11, 1995) devoted to optical parametric oscillators. In Tables 4.1.30–4.1.33 we list only the main OPO parameters realized in practice: pump wavelengths, phase-matching angles, pump thresholds (peak intensity and/or average power), tuning ranges, OPO pulse durations, and conversion e ciencies for OPO experiments in the UV, visible, and near IR spectral ranges. The column headed notes gives data on the OPO type, pump intensities, crystal lengths, phase-matching temperatures, and output characteristics of OPO radiation (energy, power, bandwidth).
High conversion e ciencies were obtained with resonant schemes of cw OPO (η = 40 − 80 % with LiNbO3:MgO crystal), nanosecond (η = 60 % with BBO), traveling-wave and synchronously pumped picosecond OPO (η = 45−75 % with KDP, KTP, KTA, BBO), and synchronously pumped femtosecond OPO (η = 50 % with BBO). Minimum pulse durations were 13 fs in SP OPO with BBO crystal, pumped by the second harmonic of a Ti:sapphire laser. Very low power thresholds (0.4 mW) were achieved with LiNbO3:MgO containing quadruply resonant OPO. In general, in the case of OPO the total conversion e ciencies to both, idler and signal wavelengths, are presented. In most cases the conversion e ciency corresponds to the maximum for the range of wavelengths.
The picosecond continuum, first detected in media with cubic nonlinearity (D2O, H2O, etc.), was also observed in crystals with square nonlinearity (KDP, LiIO3, LiNbO3, etc.).
We don’t pretend to comprehend all directions of frequency conversion in crystals. Some special aspects, e.g. second harmonic generation in layers and films, waveguides and fibers, periodically poled crystals, liquid crystals, as well as di erent design configurations of frequency converters have been beyond our consideration. For “justification” we refer to Artur L. Schawlow’s famous saying: “To do successful research, you don’t need to know everything. You just need to know of one thing that isn’t known”.