Файл: Направления развития платежной системы мир.docx

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O. Donetskova

      1. Ivanovа

UndertheconditionsofforeigneconomicsanctionsimposedbytheWestagainstRussia,foreigncardpaymentsystemshaveceasedtofunctionontheterritoryofourcountry.However,thisfactstimulatedthedevelopmentof national banking technologies. They received a new impetus to their improvement. The national payment cardSystemofRussiahasestablisheditselfasastableandreliablesystemthatcarriesouttransactionsbothwithinthe country and in some foreign countries. However, today, there are a number of issues that require prioritysolutions. The study of the possibilities of the MIR payment system allows us to determine the promising directionsofitsdevelopmentandtoassumeitshighefficiencyinthefuture.
Key words: banks, national payment card system, Mir card, formation and development trends of the Mir payment system.


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Olga Y. Donetskova Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Banking and Insurance, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia.

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7849-4034 E-mail: olja-ja-77@mail.ru
Irina A. Ivanova Bachelor of Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia.

E-mail: iivanova2830@gmail.com

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