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ББК 81.2 Англ

Учебное пособие рекомендовано для студентов первого и второго курса средних специальных учебных заведений. – Астрахань, 2006. – с.

Автор: Н.И. Гетмиченко

Рецензенты: зав. кафедрой англ. языка для Института Соц. Наук АГУ, канд. филол. наук, доц. Э.А. Саракаева

Утверждено к печати на заседании ПК

Протокол №________________от__________________2005г.

  • Гетмиченко Наталья Игоревна

  • Астраханский колледж строительства и экономики


Данное учебное пособие предназначено для изучения иностранного языка студентами первого и второго курса средних специальных учебных заведений. Пособие состоит из двенадцати глав, каждая из которых включает в себя такие разделы как:

  1. Лексический материал (LEXICAL MATERIAL);

  2. Грамматический материал (GRAMMAR);

  3. Дополнительный материал (ADDITIONAL STUDY)

В первом разделе предложены устно-разговорные темы и задания к ним, включающие в себя составление диалогов и ситуаций, которые предлагают студентам не только овладеть новым лексическим материалом, но и развить навыки разговорной речи.

Во втором разделе предложено краткое изложение определенного раздела грамматики с подбором упражнений, позволяющих студентам закрепить теоретический материал на практике.

В третьем разделе изложен дополнительный лексический материал по устно-разговорной теме первого раздела, помогающий студентам на практике закрепить полученные знания и умения.

Овладев материалом, изложенным в настоящем учебном пособии, студенты приобретут достаточный уровень знания лексики и грамматики, необходимый им на данном этапе обучения языку, что поможет им в изучении английского языка в сфере получаемой ими специальности на старших курсах.


UNIT 1 6


GRAMMAR: The Noun 11

ADDITIONAL STUDY: People around me. My family. 15

UNIT 2 19


GRAMMAR: The Pronoun 24

ADDITIONAL STUDY: A Real Friend. Appearance. 28

UNIT 3 31


GRAMMAR: The Numerals 35


UNIT 4 40


GRAMMAR: The Article 43


UNIT 5 48


GRAMMAR: The Adjective 52


UNIT 6 58


GRAMMAR: The Present Simple Tense and The Present Continuous Tense 68

ADDITIONAL STUDY: House and Apartment Plans 72

UNIT 7 77


GRAMMAR: Modal Verbs 85


UNIT 8 93

LEXICAL MATERIAL: My future profession 93

GRAMMAR: The Past Simple Tense 96

ADDITIONAL STUDY: Professions 99

UNIT 9 102


GRAMMAR: The Past Continuous Tense 105


UNIT 10 111

LEXICAL MATERIAL: My country 111

GRAMMAR: The Future Simple Tense 114


UNIT 11 120

LEXIACAL MATERIAL: Great Britain 120

GRAMMAR: The Future Continuous Tense 123

ADDITIONAL STUDY: Cities in Great Britain 126

UNIT 12 130


GRAMMAR: The Present Perfect Tense 137

ADDITIONAL STUDY: Cities in the USA 141




I. Read and translate the texts given below. Answer the questions.


Zackary’s Story

Hi everybody, my name is Zackary Steward. I live in San Francisco, California, USA. I’m fifteen years old. I go to the Backer High School in San Francisco. I’m planning to enter the technical college next year but I’m not really sure which one.

There are two more kids in the family besides me – my elder brother Anthony and my younger sister Emily. Josh is twenty, he attends a medical college, and he will be a dentist. Emily is only seven, she is a schoolgirl, and she goes to Backer Elementary School.

I love my brother and sister a lot. My parents are the best parents in the world.

My mom is forty one, she is a manager. My dad is forty nine; he has got his own business – our local newspaper. Our family is very friendly. We spend a lot of time together.

I have a hobby – I am really fond of sports. I play basket-ball. In summer time I like windsurfing. I take part in different basket-ball competitions. In my school I study different subjects. I don’t know yet what profession I want to get but I’ll figure it out soon.


to enter – поступать (в учебное заведение)

technical college – технический колледж

medical college – медицинский колледж

manager – менеджер

to be fond of – интересоваться

Answer the questions

  1. Where does Zackary live?

  2. How old is Zackary?

  3. Where does Zackary study?

  4. Is Zackary the only kid in the family?

  5. What do Zackary’s brother and sister do?

  6. What do Zackary’s parents do?

  7. What hobby does Zackary have?


Alice’s Story

Hi, let me introduce myself first. My name is Alice. I am 16 years old. I live in London, Great Britain. I would like to tell you some words about my family and myself. I am the only child in our family. It made me be sad when I was little because I didn’t have any brothers or sisters to play with, so I just played alone.

My dad is a doctor and he always spends so much time in his hospital, even on weekends. My mom works in the flower shop; she loves gardening and growing flowers. I help her sometimes when I have free time.

I go to the art college in London. I major in architecture. I am a first year student. I like my college and I have many friends there. We like to gather after our classes and go somewhere like to a coffee bar. My best friends are Jessie, Diana, Ann, Christina and Erik.

I forgot to mention my grandmother. I love her a lot. She is retired. She doesn’t have to go to work any more, so she spends the most of her time with her cats. She has three cats and I like playing with them. I have a boyfriend; we started dating two months ago. He studies in my art college but he majors in modern art. We like to walk in the center of London when the weather is good. I can’t wait until I graduate from my art college and open my own gallery.


to introduce oneself – представить (кого-то)

gardening – садоводство

art college – колледж искусств

to mention – упоминать

to major – учиться по специальности

to graduate – оканчивать (учебное заведение)

Answer the questions

  1. How old is Alice?

  2. Where does she live?

  3. Does Alice have any brothers or sisters?

  4. What do Alice’s parents do?

  5. Where does Alice study?

  6. What does Alice do with her friends?

  7. What are Alice’s friends’ names?

  8. What does Alice grandmother do?

  9. Does Alice have a boyfriend?


Tanya’s Story

Hello, my name is Tanya. I live in one of the most beautiful cities on the river Volga – Astrakhan. I am fifteen years old. A few words about my family. My father is forty – two, he is a professional artist, and he works for a design company.

My mother is forty-one; she is a teacher of German in the University. She was born to be a teacher. My mom is very beautiful, people say we look alike. My parents like their work very much. I have a younger brother Denis, he is ten. He is a schoolboy. I like to spend my free time teaching him something.

I go to the Astrakhan College of Building and Economics, I major in architecture. I decided to study there because I like the future profession I will be given. Sometimes it’s hard for me to study, but I do my best to become a good specialist. When I have free time, I play computer games or go for a walk with my friends.

My family is very friendly. I hope some day I will become a good specialist and have as good family of my own as the one I have now.


professional artist – профессиональный художник

design company – дизайнерская фирма

profession – профессия

specialist - специалист

Answer the questions

  1. Where does Tanya live?

  2. What do Tanya’s parents do?

  3. Does Tanya have any brothers or sisters?

  4. Where does Tanya study?

  5. Does Tanya like her future profession?

  6. What does Tanya do in her free time?

  7. Is Tanya’s family friendly?

II. Make up short summaries of each text by answering the questions given after them

III. Role play “Tell me something about you”. Make up dialogues between:

  • Zackary and Tanya

  • Alice and Zackary

  • Alice and Tanya

IV. On the basis of the texts make up short dialogues with your friend using the questions:

    • What is your name?

    • Where do you live?

    • What are your parents?

    • Do you have any brothers or sisters?

    • Do you have a pet?

    • Where do you study? What are you major in?

    • What do you do in your free time?

    • What is your dream?

V. Write a composition about yourself using the vocabulary and speech patterns and some addition information

VI. Retell your composition


Простые и производные существительные

В английском языке имена существительные бывают простыми (simple) и производными (derivative). К простым относятся такие существительные, в составе которых не выделяются отдельные части – корень и суффикс – и которые являются неразделимыми цельными словами:

Ex: man, house, face, book, joy.

Производными существительными называются такие, в которых выделяются отдельные части слова – корень и суффикс:

Ex: teacher, whiteness, childhood, friendship.

Синтаксические функции существительного

Существительное может быть в предложении подлежащим, дополнением, именной частью составного сказуемого, определением или обстоятельством.

Имена существительные исчисляемые и неисчисляемые

Исчисляемые (countable) существительные обозначают предметы, которые можно пересчитать. Они употребляются как в единственном, так и во множественном числе.

Ex: I have bought a book. I have bought two books.

Неисчисляемые (uncountable) существительные обозначают предметы, которые нельзя пересчитать. Они употребляются только в единственном числе. К ним относятся существительные вещественные и отвлеченные.

Ex: Coal is produced in many districts of the country. Knowledge is power.

Образование множественного числа у существительных

В английском языке существительные имеют форму единственного (singular) и множественного (plural) числа.

Обычной формой множественного числа существительного является окончание s:

Ex: catcats; wallwalls

Если существительное оканчивается на: s(s), x, z, ch, tch, sh; то к окончанию множественного числа прибавляется es:

Ex: box – boxes, class – classes, bush – bushes.

Существительные, имеющие в окончании основы f или fe, во множественном числе меняют - f на - v и прибавляется окончание es.

Ex: wolf – wolves, leaf – leaves, wife – wives.

Существительные, имеющие в окончании основы y во множественном числе меняют y на i и прибавляется окончание es.

Ex: army – armies, country – countries.

Но это правило не относится к существительным, в которых передy стоит гласная: toytoys, daydays.

К существительным, имеющим в окончании основы o, во множественном числе прибавляется es

Ex: tomato – tomatoes, hero –heroes.

Ряд существительных образует множественное число особым способом. Такие существительные необходимо запомнить.

Ex: man – men, foot – feet, mouse – mice, child – children, sheep – sheep.

Существительные, употребляемые только в единственном числе: weather, furniture, information, advice, news, money, watch, fruit, hair, etc.

Существительные, употребляемые только во множественном числе: contents, clothes, goods, politics, trousers,etc.

Притяжательный падеж существительных.

В современном английском языке существительное имеет два падежа – общий (common case) и притяжательный (possessive case). Существительное в общем падеже не имеет особого окончания. Существительное в притяжательном падеже служит определением к другому существительному, обозначая принадлежность предмета.

Притяжательный падеж образуется путем прибавления окончания ‘s к форме общего падежа. Притяжательный падеж в основном передает различные отношения принадлежности, передает отношение части и целого, авторство:

Ex: Mary’s cat. Cat’s tail. Shakespeare’s sonnets.


EXERCISE 1. Look at the nouns given below and say what nouns are derivative and what are simple

Dictation, student, school, object, builder, construction, freedom, darkness, foundation, worker, constructor, water, delegation, tradesman, engineer, nation, soil, drain, improvement, architecture, work.

EXERCISE 2. Define the function of a noun in the following sentences

1. This man opened his own building company. 2. He looked at the building site. 3. Mr. Bergman is a very talented architect. 4. We made a mixture. 5. Our wall newspaper is very exciting. 6. I saw this worker in the morning. 7. She has become an engineer. 8. My sister remained a secretary. 9. He was building his house with pleasure. 10. They finally finished the construction of this building.

EXERCISE 3. Look at the following nouns and say what are countable and what are uncountable. Translate into Russian.

Cup, air, sugar, city, oil, house, water, apple, tea, time, cigarette, tobacco, coffee, butter, dollar, money, cheese, bread, cake, train, window, frame, ship, gold, university, meat, ocean, friendship, meeting, government, freedom, wall, instrument, ice, darkness, machine, coin, hour, armchair, idea, love, stone.

EXERCISE 4. Put the following nouns into plural form

Star, mountain, tree, king, man, woman, city, boy, goose, dress, toy, baby, flower, plate, bookshelf, ball, train, plane, window, door, cigarette, egg, girl, box, sheep, place, library, photo, pen, hero, leaf, fish, month, day, bus, stop, company, deer, swine, play, cap, party, tomato, computer, soup, roof, life, valley, datum, mother-in-law, Chineze, chef, Negro, pair, key, lady.

EXERCISE 5. Put the following sentences into plural form

Remember that:

This is – these are; that is – those are; there is – there are; it is – they are

1. This man is an engineer. 2. This woman is a famous architect. 3. My tooth is white. 4. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit. 5. This key is made of steel. 6. This shoe is too large for my foot. 7. My uncle has a huge building company. 8. There is a flower in the vase. 9. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow, and a goose. 10. The cat has caught a mouse. 11. This strawberry is still green. 12. Is this a good match? 13. That house is new. 14. I held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 15. Do you have a knife?

EXERCISE 6. Put the following sentences into plural form. Translate.

1. This is a scary movie. 2. There is a man in the hall. 3. The man is an American, and the woman is a Swiss. 4. In the story a policeman helps a child. 5. A student must enjoy life. 6. My son keeps a white mouse in the box. 7. A cat is a cute animal. 8. We have a good chance. 9. A refrigerator keeps fish fresh. 10. It’s a new business center.

EXERCISE 7. Put the following sentences into singular form. Translate.

1. Men who dink and drive are criminals. 2. Housekeepers must be economical. 3. Secretaries should know computers and languages. 4. Politicians must be good leaders and speakers. 5. Horror movies are not for little children. 6. Partners should be honest people. 7. Hours passed before the police came. 8. Accountants must be good at figures. 9. We can see sheep. 10. There are geese in the pond.

EXERCISE 8. Remake the sentences like it is shown in the example:

This is a fast train – These are fast trains

1. That is a clever man. 2. She is a pretty woman. 3. There is a fish in the aquarium. 4. We saw a nice little mouse in the kitchen. 5. My baby has a tooth already. 6. This is a printer to a computer. 7. There is a mistake in the text. 8. My friend has a pet, a cat. 9. Has he got a private house or a flat? 10. An electric kettle is very convenient.

EXERCISE 9. Replace the nouns with preposition of to a noun in a possessive case

For example: the voice of my mother – my mothers’ voice

1. The plays of Bernard Show. 2. The watch of my father. 3. The books of the boys. 4. The end of the construction. 5. The parents of Peter. 6. The birthday of my sister. 7. The new company of engineers. 8. The boats of fishermen. 9. The wall of the building. 10. The center of the building site. 11. The novels of Tolstoi. 12. The legs of the table. 13. The teacher of my brother. 14. The report of the student. 15. The pen of my father.

EXERCISE 10. Translate into English

1. Библиотека нашей семьи очень хорошая. 2. Муж моей сестры инженер. 3. Дом Джека очень большой и светлый. 4. Парк университета очень красивый. 5. Мне нравится голос этого певца. 6. Я не знаю номера телефона Алекса. 7. Я вчера прочел лучшие статьи журнала. 8. Комната Анны хорошо обставлена. 9. Отчет строителя был подробным. 10. Уровень знаний студента очень хороший.

EXERCISE 11. Read the following sentence and translate them

1. A girl’s future very much depends on her character. 2. Students’ life is full of fun. 3. A policeman’s uniform in England is very nice. 4. The secretary’s working hours at this office are too long. 5. My neighbors’ dogs are barking all the nights. 6. Mr. Smith works at a boys’ school. 7. An actress’s professional life is very hard, but interesting. 8. The Wilsons are having a children’s party next Sunday. 9. We need a month’s time to fulfill the project. 10. This night I’ll be staying at my friends’ house.

EXERCISE 12. Replace the noun phrases to the possessive case where it’s possible

1. Jenny works for a magazine for men. 2. The roof of the house needs painting. 3. The dress of the girl was made by her mother. 4. The dresses of the girls were wonderful. 5. My seat was at the wing of the plane. 6. The style of this designer is perfect. 7. The voices of the children woke up the dog. 8. Mary often sat on the bank of the river looking at the ducks. 9. A holiday for a week will do you good. 10. These files belong to Steve.

ADDITIONAL STUDY: People around me. My family.

I. Translate the texts into English


Позвольте представится. Меня зовут Олег. Мне семнадцать лет. Я недавно закончил одиннадцать классов и поступил в Астраханский колледж строительства и экономики. У меня есть старшая сестра Аня, ей двадцать лет, она учится в институте по специальности «экономика». Еще у меня есть младший брат Антон. Ему четырнадцать лет, он ходит в среднюю школу. Я очень люблю своих родных.


Меня зовут Валя. Мне шестнадцать лет. Я учусь в Астраханском колледже строительства и экономики по специальности «архитектура». Мне очень нравится моя будущая профессия. После колледжа я собираюсь поступать в институт. Мои родители очень гордятся моими успехами. Иногда мне трудно учиться, но я стараюсь из всех сил. У меня много друзей в колледже.


Я – Витя. Мне восемнадцать лет. У меня большая семья – мама, папа, дедушка, два старших брата и младшая сестренка. Мой брат Дима женат, у него два сына – Саша и Коля. Я очень люблю играть со своими племянниками. Мой брат Вадим сейчас в армии, я жду его возвращения. Я очень люблю свою младшую сестру Лену, ей двенадцать лет, она школьница. Мои родители очень трудолюбивые. Папа работает на мебельной фабрике. Мама – врач. Мама ведет дома хозяйство, но мы ей все помогаем. Моя семья – самая дружная.

II. Translate the dialogues


ANN: Hi! I’m Ann. I am a new comer. What’s your name?

JACK: My name is Jack. Where are you from, Ann?

ANN: I am from Tennessee. I went to the Lawrence High there.

JACK: That’s cool. What is your favorite subject?

ANN: Math. I’m really fond of it. What’s yours?

JACK: I like history a lot. Oh, that’s the bell1 I have to run. See you later, Ann!

ANN: Bye, Jack!


MARK: Sam, what’s your family like?

SAM: Well, my family is not large. I live with my father. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. How about you, Mark?

MARK: Oh, my family is large. I have two sisters and a brother. My sisters are twins.

SAM: That’s fantastic! How old is your brother?

MARK: He is seventeen. But we really get along. I can not say the same about my sisters. They are ten and they both think that boys are bad.

SAM: That’s funny! I wish I have a sister or a brother.


LISA: Hey, Frank! What’s up?

FRANK: Okay. How are you?

LISA: Good. How is your school going?

FRANK: I have a chemistry test tomorrow. How about you?

LISA: I have to write a composition for the literature class.

FRANK: Let me know if you need any help.

LISA: The same here. Bye!

III. Speak to your group mate about your college. Discuss what you like or dislike.

IV. Write down a list of questions you want to ask your group mate about his or her family. Then change the lists, write down the answers and give it back.

V. Read and translate the text “What is a family?”

We say a word ‘family’ so many times but we have never thought what is meant by it. Is it just your mom and dad, your sisters and brothers? Or does it include uncles and aunts as well?

A family is a group of people who you are related to.

There are large and small families. The families that consist of 2 persons and that of fifty persons or even more than that.

Some situations take place in our lives when you happen to have no relatives or just one relative but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have a family of your own. Your dog or your cat may be your family. You may have a friend who is more like a family for you than you relatives.

So, a family is something that you love and take care of the most.

VI. Discuss the text given above with your group mate and answer the question:


VII. Read and translate the text.

Have a look at the picture. That’s the picture of the Campbell family. This picture was taken on last Christmas. On the picture you can see two brothers – Rick and Steve.

On the Rick’s right you can see his wife Martha. They are married for seven years already and they have a son James who is five years old now. He is sitting on Rick’s lap.

Also you can see Steve’s wife there – her name is Helen. Their two sons are twins, their names are David and Dennis, and they are four years old.

These two families are very friendly, they celebrate all holidays together. Martha loves her sister and brother-in-law and her two nephews. Helen is in very good relations with Martha – her sister-in-law. David and Dennis are James’ cousins. They like to play together.

VII. Look at the family pictures and describe them like it was done in the texts given above


The Mathews


The Garrisons


The Blokes



I. Read and translate the texts given below. Answer the questions.


Hi my name is Jessica, I am sixteen years old. I have a lot of friends. But I also have my very bosom friend – that’s Alyssa. She is also sixteen. She isn’t very tall but she is pretty in her own way. She has blond hair, grey eyes and beautiful smile.

I like Alyssa because she is very kind, jolly. We have so much fun together. She does well at her college but she has an unbreakable rule: never study at night no matter how many written reviews are coming in the morning.

She is very fond of music. She has a bunch of CD’s at home and she listens to music all day long. She goes in for sports; she is a cheer leader in her college’s football team. Alyssa is an extraordinary person and I like that, she is very amusing. She thinks everything is funny; she is a sunny soul by nature.

She has a small family – just her mom, dad, and herself. They live in a white brick two storied house with a pool on the back side. Her parents are very nice people. Alyssa has a boyfriend Kyle who is seventeen and a very good friend of mine.

Alyssa and I are very good friends indeed and we help each other in every situation we get to.


bosom friend – закадычный друг

to have fun together – веселиться вместе

unbreakable – нерушимый

to be fond of – любить, нравится

to do well at college – хорошо учиться в колледже

to be а sunny soul by nature – быть веселым по натуре

Answer the questions

  1. Does Jessica have a lot of friends?

  2. What is Jessica’s friend name?

  3. What is Alyssa’s appearance?

  4. Does Alyssa do well at college?

  5. What are Alyssa’s hobbies?

  6. What is Alyssa’s personality?

  7. What family does Alyssa have?

  8. Where does Alyssa live?

  9. Does Alyssa have a boyfriend?

  10. Are the girls good friends?


I am Daniel. My best friend’s name is Frank. We made friends a few years ago. We are of the same age. We live not far from each other on the same street. I can see him almost every day.

Frank is a tall slender boy. He has dark hair, dark large eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. He is a nice guy. He is very honest and just, understanding and quiet. I trust him a lot and I am sure I can rely on him in any situation. He is very responsible. He finishes whatever he starts.

Frank has a little brother who goes to the Elementary school. Their parents love them a lot. His dad is a lawyer; his mom is a dance teacher. They are great people.

Frank and I have girlfriends and we like to spend time together. We go to the movies theatre, clubs or just walk in the center of our city.

I never quarrel with Frank. But if there is some misunderstanding between us, we try to make peace as soon as possible. I like that he is always trying to help other people. I respect his fairness and strong will. Our friendship helps me a lot.


to make a friend – подружиться

slender – стройный

just – справедливый

understanding – понимающий

responsible – ответственный

to quarrel – ссориться

misunderstanding – непонимание

to make peace – мириться

fairness – справедливость

Answer the questions

  1. What is Daniel’s friend’s name?

  2. When did Daniel and Frank make friends?

  3. What is Frank’s appearance like?

  4. What is Frank’s personality?

  5. Does Frank have a brother or a sister?

  6. What is Frank’s family like?

  7. What do Daniel and Frank do together?

  8. What does Daniel do when he quarrels with Frank?

  9. What does Daniel like about Frank?

  10. What does Daniel respect in Frank?


My name is Zhenya, I am seventeen. I would like to tell you about my girlfriend. Her name is Olga. She is also seventeen. We study together in the Astrakhan College of Building and Economics. Olga is very pretty.

She has long blonde curly hair, dark blue eyes with long eyelashes. She is tall enough. I like her personality. She is warm-hearted, gentle and kind. Everybody loves her. She is always ready to help people when they are in need.

We began dating 4 months ago and that was a great period in my life. She is as good as gold. I like to be around her, because she knows a lot of interesting stories, funny jokes. We spend the best time together.

Olga is the only daughter of her parents and they adore her. But she is not selfish at all. We meet every evening and spend weekends together. My life would be ruined without her. I am so happy I have such a beautiful girlfriend; I hope we’ll be friends forever.


pretty – хорошенький, симпатичный

eyelashes – ресницы

warm-hearted – добродушный

gentle – нежный

to be in need – нуждаться

to adore – обожать

selfish – эгоистичный

to be ruined – быть испорченным

Answer the questions

  1. What is Zhenya’s girlfriend’s name?

  2. How old is Olga?

  3. Where does Olga study?

  4. What is Olga’s appearance like?

  5. What is Olga’s personality?

  6. When did Zhenya and Olga begin dating?

  7. What is Olga’s family like?

  8. How often do they meet?

  9. What does Zhenya think about his life without Olga?

  10. Is Zhenya happy to have Olga as a girlfriend?

II. Make up your own sentences using the vocabulary given after each text

III. Make a short summary of each text using the vocabulary

IV. Role play “Tell me something about your friend”. Make up dialogues between:

  • Zhenya and Jessica

  • Jessica and Daniel

  • Daniel and Zhenya

V. On the basis of the texts make up a story about your friend using the questions:

  • What is your friend’s name?

  • How old is your friend?

  • Where does your friend live and study?

  • What is your friend’s appearance?

  • What is your friend’s personality?

  • What is your friend’s hobby?

  • What do you do with your friend together?

  • What is your friend’s family like?

  • Why do you like to have such friend?

VI. Write a composition about your friend using the vocabulary, the lexical material and some addition information

VII. Retell your composition

GRAMMAR: The Pronoun

Местоимение – это часть речи, которая указывает на предмет или качество предмета, не называя его прямо, как это делают существительные и прилагательные.

Группы местоимений в английском языке.

1) Личные местоимения (personal)

Они являются показателем лица. Личные местоимения могут использоваться в:

Именительном падеже: I, you, he (she, it), we, you, they

Косвенном падеже: me, you, him (her, it), us, you, them

2) Притяжательные местоимения (possessive)

Выражают принадлежность. Существуют две формы притяжательных местоимений:

Определяющая существительное: my, your, his (her, its), our, your, their

Заменяющая существительное: mine, yours, his (hers, its), ours, yours, theirs

3) Возвратные местоимения (reflexive)

Образуются путем прибавления

self к личным и притяжательным местоимениям ед.ч. и

- selves к личным и притяжательным местоимениям мн.ч..

Mysеlf, yourself, himself (herself, itself), ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

4) Взаимные местоимения (universal)

Их два: each other – друг друга – предполагает двух лиц

one another – один другого (друг друга) – предполагает больше, чем двух лиц

5) Указательные местоимения (demonstrative)

Фомы ед.ч. this и that , формы мн.ч. these и those.

Местоимения this и these употребляются при указании на какие-то предметы, лица или явления, близкие в пространстве или во времени.

Местоимения that и those употребляются при указании на более удаленные в пространстве или во времени предметы, лица или явления.

6) Вопросительные местоимения (interrogative)

Употребляются в вопросительных предложениях. Who, which, what.

Местоимение whо имеет три падежные формы:

Who – Кто? Именительный падеж

Whom – Кого? Косвенный падеж

Whose – Чей? Притяжательный падеж

7)Относительные местоимения (relative)

Употребляются в придаточных определительных в функции подлежащего или дополнения – who (whom, whose), which, that

8)Соединительные местоимения (conjunctive)

Соединяют придаточные предложения подлежащие, сказуемые, или дополнительные, выполняя в них функцию подлежащего, части сказуемого, дополнения и определения.

Who (whom, whose), which, what.

9) Отрицательные местоимения (negative)

Neither, no, none, no one, nothing, nobody.

Neither употребляется в значении ни один из двух

10) Неопределенные местоимения (indefinite)

Наиболее употребительными являются: some, any, something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone.

Some употребляется в утвердительных предложениях в значении какой-то, какой-нибудь, некоторый. Иногда в вопросительных предложениях.

Any употребляется в утвердительных предложениях в значении любой.

Something употребляется в значении что-то, нечто, и somebody, someone - кто-то, некто.

Anything, anybody и anyone употребляются в значениях любой

К этой группе так же относятся местоимения:

Much – означает много, неисчисляемое

Many - означает много, исчисляемое

little – означает немного, недостаточно

few - означает немного, недостаточно


EXERCISE 1. Replace the following nouns by pronouns

A family, a daughter, parents, a dog, Robert, people, an orange, fruit, morning, a word, Helen, a boy, the sun, a man, a teacher, a sister, a doctor, the King, a grandmother, pets, animals, a house, grammar, a fly, a teenager, a horse, police, a boyfriend, paper, a book, weather.

EXERCISE 2. Replace the nouns in commas by personal pronouns. Translate.

1. My wife came out. (My wife) seemed surprised to find (John and I) there. (My wife) said that (my wife) thought (I and John) had left hours ago. 2. Vera put (the child) on the sofa. 3. My brother gave (I and Kate) a very interesting book. 4. The box you wanted to give (Adam) is on my table, bring (the box) here. 5. My friends came to see (I) yesterday and I showed (my friends) the pictured (Anna) gave me.

EXERCISE 3. Fill the gaps with pronouns in proper form. Translate.

1. This is my house. Do you like ..? 2. Sam is very nice. Do you know ...? 3. Those are your letters. Take … 4. He doesn’t like animals. He is afraid of …5. Sally never drinks tea, because she hates …6. He is so cute! Just look at … 7. I don’t want this book, you may take … 8. Where are my shorts, mom? I can not find … 9. I think I lost my keys. Did you see …? 10. I often eat vegetables for lunch. I like ..! 11. Tim always thinks about Nora. I think he likes …12. I’ll be right back. Wait for …, please! 13. She didn’t come yesterday. Do you know what have happened to …? 14. I want some bread. Can … pass … to …? Please? 15. Your friends were so kind. Thank … !

EXERCISE 4. Put the needed possessive pronoun

1. She took off … coat and hat and sat down to wait for … friend. 2. He asked me what …name was and wrote it down in … notebook. 3. You can leave … bags in the cloakroom. 4. The travelers took … seats, and the car started on … way. 5. We are all ready to defend …country.

EXERCISE 5. Translate into English

  1. 1. Когда вы увидите его, верните ему его научный журнал. 2. Мы пригласили их на наш вечер, и они обещали прийти со своим другом. 3. Мать попросила ее принести из комнаты ее журнал. 4. Мы сняли пальто и вошли в комнату. 5. Он надел шляпу и вышел.

  2. 1. Утром она быстро моется, одевается и идет на работу. 2. Пусть дети сами делают уроки, не помогай им. 3. Пошел сильный дождь, и мы спрятались под деревом. 4. Дети сами вырастили эти цветы. 5. Он сам туда ходил, и все видел своими глазами.

  3. 1. Брат и сестра очень любят друг друга. 2. После долгих каникул студенты были рады увидеть друг друга. 3. Этих близнецов разлучили при рождении, они никогда не видели друг друга. 4. В нашей семье все помогают друг другу. 5. Инженеры поприветствовали друг друга.

EXERCISE 6. Fill the gaps with interrogative pronouns who (whom, whose, which, what)

1. …sleeps in this room? 2. …did you meet there? 3. …is your sister? She is a doctor. 4. …is this game? … game do you prefer? 5. On …days do you take English classes? …day is the most convenient for you?

EXERCISE 7. Put questions to the underlined words

1. They are talking about the new opera. 2. They are discussing the new TV-show. 3. I have bought this book for you. 4. He was looking for his bag. 5. She waited for him outside..

EXERCISE 8. Translate into English

1. Это моя подруга, которую вы вчера видели со мной в кино. 2. Инженеры, которым было поручено сделать проект, хорошо справились с этим заданием. 3. Я еще не исправил ошибки в работе, которую делал вчера. 4. Колумб рассказал испанцам о землях и людях, которых он видел. 5. Я не знаю никого, кто работает в этой строительной корпорации.

EXERCISE 9. Fill the gaps by the conjunctive pronouns who (whom, whose), which, what

1. She didn’t say …she had seen there and …he had told her. 2. They are not … what you take them for. 3. …lesson she missed was very important. 4. The teacher asked us … we wanted to do and … we wanted to become. 5. My sister wanted to know in … house we should have our party.

EXERCISE 10. Translate into English using the interrogative pronouns

1. Который из двух рассказов тебе нравится? – Мне не нравится ни один из них. 2. Ничто не пугало ее. 3. Ни один из студентов не проходил там практику. 4. У тебя есть немного денег с собой? – Нет, я оставил деньги дома. 5. Никто так и не пришел.

EXERCISE 11. Fill the gaps by pronouns some, any, someone, anyone

1. Why are there so many mistakes in …of your exercises? 2. Do you see … on the shelf? – No, I don’t see …. 3. What kind of fruit do you prefer? – I like … kind. 4. Will you have … fish? – No, thank you, I won’t have … . 5. It’s rather a good book, but I don’t like … of the stories in it.

ADDITIONAL STUDY: A Real Friend. Appearance.

I. Read and translate the text “If you want to have a friend”

Let us suppose that everybody in this group have a friend, a good friend. Friendship between two people grows when they have the same interests. Their friendship is still better if they understand each other well.

Do you remember an English proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed”? We agreed that you can’t live without friends, that real friends are always ready to help each other. Let us also agree that the real friendship is possible only when people respect and trust each other.

So you can see that friendship between two people is a very great thing. An English proverb says, “A good friend is as sun in winter” A good proverb, isn’t it? A real friend makes your life happier and more interesting. He is dear to you and you want your friendship to last forever.

Well, there are some other English proverbs about friendship and friends. Take, for example, this one: “A friend is easier lost than found”. What does it mean? It means that it’s difficult to find a good friend. You may loose a friend quickly if you do something wrong. Always think how to keep friendship.

And there is another thing which is no less important: if you want to have a friend, you have to be good friends yourselves.

II. Answer the questions

  1. When does friendship between two people grow?

  2. When is real friendship possible?

  3. What is a real friendship in your opinion?

  4. What does the proverb “A friend is easier lost than found” mean?

  5. Do you have a real friend?

  6. What do you do together?

  7. What books about friendship have you read? Why do you like them?

III. Read and learn the following material

How to describe a person’s appearance

A. a face

A face can be long (вытянутое), oval (овальное), round (круглое), thin (худое), square (квадратное), wrinkled (морщинистое), freckled (веснушчатое), swarthy (смуглое), sunburned (загорелое)

B. features

Features can be regular (правильные), irregular (неправильные), delicate (тонкие), large (крупные), small (мелкие)

C. a smile

A smile can be charming (очаровательная), happy (счастливая), pleasant (приятная), pleased (довольная), sweet (милая), broad (широкая), ironical (ироническая), sad (грустная), strained (искусственная), magic (волшебная)

D. complexion and skin

A complexion can be dark (темный) or fair (светлый), and skin can be delicate (нежный) and rough (грубый)

E. a nose and lips

A nose can be aquiline (орлиный), flat (приплюснутый), hooked (крючковатый), snub-nosed (курносый), and lips can be full (полные), thick (толстые), and rosy (розовые).

F. a figure

A figure can be fat (тучная), plump (полная), well-fed (упитанная), lean (худощавая), slender (стройная), slim (худая), slight (хрупкая), neat (изящная) and graceful (грациозная).

G. Eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyebrows can be arched (дугой), bushy (густые), penciled (очерченные), shaggy (косматые) and eyelashes can be curving (загнутые), straight (прямые) and thick (густые)

H. Hair

Hair can be black (черные), dark (темные), brown (каштановые), fair (светлые), blond (светлые), golden (золотистые), red (рыжие), waved (волнистые), curly (кудрявые), straight (прямые), thick (густые), thin (тонкие), smooth (гладкие), silky (шелковистые), long (длинные), dyed(окрашенные)

I. eyes

Eyes can be kind (добрые), warm (теплые), blue (голубые), dark (темные), brown (карие), grey (серые), and hazel (светло-карие)

IV. Read and translate the texts

Look at the picture. You can see a girl on it. She is around twenty years old. Her face is oval, she has delicate futures. She had a charming sweet smile. Her skin looks very delicate, her complexion is fair.

She has a small nose and full lips. Her eyebrows have an arched shape, her eyelashes are curving. She has dark eyes. She has waved silky brown hair. I think this girl is very beautiful.

On this picture you can see a boy who is seventeen years old. He has a round and freckled face. He has a sweet, kind and warm smile. His complexion is very fair.

He has a strait nose and thin lips. His eyebrows are thick. He has shinning grey kind eyes. His hair is short and dark

V. Describe persons on the pictures

1. 2. 3. 45.
