ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 17.07.2020

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I. Read and translate the texts and answer the questions


Derek’s weekday

Hello, my name is Derek Goth, I live in Florida and I go to the College of Arts not far from my house. On my week days I get up at a quarter to seven. I jump out of bed, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises to the radio music.

Then I go to the bathroom, have a shower, and clean my teeth. This doesn’t take me much time, not more than ten or fifteen minutes.

After that I dress and sit down to table to have my breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee, an egg and peanut butter sandwich. After breakfast I go to my college. My classes begin at nine o’clock. Normally I have three classes in the morning.

Then I have a lunch hour. During it I have a lunch with my college mates in our college’s cafeteria. For lunch I usually have a hamburger or cheeseburger with French fries and a soda. After lunch I usually have two more classes or gym training. I go in for sports and I play in the football team. When all the classes are over I go home.

We usually have dinner at six o’clock, and by that time all members of our family are at home already. After dinner I do my homework and when I’m done I watch TV-shows or search the Internet. I go to bed around 11 o’clock.


to jump out - выпрыгивать из постели (вскочить)

peanut butter - ореховое масло

a cafeteria -столовая

Answer the questions

  1. Where does Derek live and study?

  2. What does Derek do in the morning on weekdays?

  3. What does Derek usually have for his breakfast?

  4. How many classes does Derek have in his college?

  5. Where does Derek have his lunch?

  6. What does he do after lunch?

  7. Where and when does Derek usually have dinner?

  8. What does he do after the dinner?


Tamara’s weekday

My name is Tamara, I live in Astrakhan and I go to the Astrakhan College of Building and Economy.

I have classes 6 days a week so I have only one day off. My weekdays don’t differ much one from another.

My normal weekday starts very early in the morning because it takes me about forty minutes to get to my college, so I have to leave around seven forty in order not to be late for my classes which start at nine.

The cold water makes me feel not so sleepy. Then I make my bed, get dressed, comb my hair, put a little make-up, have some breakfast and go to the bus stop. Normally I have 4 classes in the morning before lunch and two more classes after lunch. I have lunch in our college’s cafeteria or somewhere else.

When my classes are over I go straight home, but when I have a lot of homework to do and I need some additional information about something I go to the library then. I have dinner at home with my family.

After dinner I help my mother to get everything clean, and then I do my homework. My boyfriend usually comes up at eight. We watch TV-programs, listen to the music or go for a little work. I go to bed around ten or eleven.


to differ- различаться (отличаться)

sleepy - сонный

to comb one’s hair - расчесывать волосы

to put make up - наносить макияж

to get clean - убирать (чистить, мыть)

Answer the questions

  1. Where does Tamara live and study?

  2. How many days off does Tamara have?

  3. What time does she wake up on weekdays?

  4. What time do her classes start?

  5. What does she do in the morning?

  6. Where does Tamara usually have her lunch?

  7. Where does Tamara go when her classes are over?

  8. Where does she have her dinner?

  9. What does she do after her dinner?

  10. What time does Tamara go to bed?

II. Make up your own sentences with the vocabulary given in each text

III. Look at the speech patterns


1. to take timeотнимать (занимать) время

This doesn’t take me much time.

Это не занимает у меня много времени.

2. to enjoy doing somethingлюбить что-то делать

On Saturday I enjoy staying in bed because I don’t have to hurry anywhere.

По субботам я люблю поваляться в постели, ведь мне некуда торопиться.

3. to differ much one from another – сильно отличаться друг от друга

My weekdays don’t differ much one from another.

Мои будни не очень сильно отличаются друг от друга.

4. something makes someone do– что-то заставляет кого-то делать что-либо

The cold water makes me feel not so sleepy.

Холодная вода заставляет меня проснуться. (Т.е. не быть сонной)

IV. Make up your own examples with speech patterns

V. Make up dialogues between Derek and Tamara on the following topic “Tell me about your normal weekday”

VI. Answer the following questions:

  1. What time do you usually get up on your weekday?

  2. How long does it take you to wake up?

  3. What do you usually do when you are awake?

  4. How much time does it take you to do morning procedures?

  5. What time do you have your breakfast?

  6. What do you eat for breakfast?

  7. How much time does it take you to get dressed and get ready to go?

  8. What time do you leave for your college? How long does it take you to get there?

  9. How many classes do you usually have every day?

  10. Do you have a snack in your college?

  11. What time do you come home?

  12. When do you have a lunch?

  13. What do you usually eat for your lunch?

  14. What do you do in the afternoon?

  15. How much time does it take you to do your homework?

  16. What time do you usually have your dinner?

  17. What do you eat for dinner?

  18. Do you do any house work after dinner?

  19. What do you do in the evening?

  20. What time do you go to bed?

VII. Speak to your friend about your weekdays using the vocabulary and speech patterns

VIII. Write down a composition about your weekday

IX. Retell your composition

GRAMMAR: The Numerals

Имя числительное – это часть речи, обозначающая количество и порядок предметов при счете. В соответствии со значением числительные бывают количественными и порядковыми.

Количественные числительные (CARDINAL)– указывают на количество предметов и отвечают на вопрос «how many

There are ten students in my class.

I have three questions to ask.

Все количественные числительные английского языка могут субстанционироваться и употребляться как существительные.

The two played in the yard.

Thousands went to the rock concert.

Порядковые числительные (ORDINAL)– обозначают порядковое место предмета при счете и отвечают на вопрос «which?». Большинство порядковых числительных образуется путем прибавления суффиксаth к количественному числительному: sixth, seventh, и т.д. Исключение составляют: first, second, third.

Неопределенный артикль может предшествовать сочетанию порядкового числительного с существительным. В таких случаях он имеет значение «еще один»

You are like a second family to me.

Числительные означающие дроби имеют составную форму: сочетание количественного и порядкового числительного, где последнее употребляется как существительное:

2/3 = two-thirds 3/6 = three-sixths

Десятичные дроби имеют следующее выражение:

1.62 = one point six two

Цифра 0 может иметь несколько форм в английском языке:

  • nought – используется в математике

0.7 = nought point seven

.07 = point nought seven

  • Zero – используется в науке (для обозначения температуры)

- 15 С = minus fifteen degrees или fifteen degrees below zero

  • используется в телефонных номерах:

01-500-3026 = o one – five double o – three o two six

Для обозначения времени:

Если минутная стрелка находится в правой части циферблата, то используется past

It’s ten past eleven. 10 минут двенадцатого

It’s a quarter past seven. Четверть восьмого

Its a half past twо. Половина третьего

Если минутная стрелка находится в левой части циферблата, то используется предлог to

Its ten to eleven. Без десяти одиннадцать

It’s a quarter to seven. Без четверти семь

It’s ten minutes to twelve. Без десяти двеннадцать


EXERCISE 1. Write and read in English

  1. cardinal – 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 23, 27, 32, 28, 41, 44, 59, 105, 162, 174, 1086, 234.675, 6.578.439,

  2. ordinal – 3, 6, 15, 22, 37, 63, 542, 1000, 2.000.000

EXERCISE 2. Write and read the following dates in English

  1. 07.05. 1994

  2. 09.10.1961

  3. 13.05.1856

  4. 11.12.2008

  5. 27.06.1991

  6. 29.03.1643

  7. 18.01.1986

  8. 23.09.1987

  9. 26.05.3012

  10. 18.08.1998

EXERCISE 3. Fill the gaps:

  1. I was born …

  2. My dad was born …

  3. My mom was born …

  4. I went to school …

  5. I finished school …

  6. My best friend was born…

  7. My favorite holiday is celebrated …

EXERCISE 4. Use the correct form of the numeral. Translate.

There are (5) roses in the vase. There are five roses in the vase.

It was my (2) visit to a doctor. It was my second visit to a doctor.

  1. There are (10) students in my group.

  2. It’s (5) o’clock already.

  3. It is (7) of December today.

  4. Read the text number (2).

  5. Find (3) sentence.

  6. She turns (20) today.

  7. It is their (15) wedding anniversary.

  8. (2) years passed quickly.

  9. You are like (2) family to me.

  10. (5) years later (4) child was born in the family.

  11. Find file (4) and take it to (15) room.

  12. They got flat number (6)on the (3) floor in the house number (48).

EXERCISE 5. Translate into English

1. Мой дом – третий справа 2. Упражнение десять – на тринадцатой странице. 3. Предложение шесть неверно, а вот семнадцатое – правильное. 4. Мне не понравилась вторая серия этого фильма, первая была намного лучше. 5. Ее офис расположен на пятой авеню на сорок девятом этаже. 6. Прошел год, второй, третий, а он все не приезжал. 7. 8 марта – любимый праздник моей мамы. 8. У нас пятым уроком сегодня – английский язык. 9. Комната тридцать находится на третьем этаже. 10. Встреча состоится на третьем этаже в кабинете номер восемьдесят четыре на восьмом этаже.

EXERCISE 6. Write and read in English

8.07; 8.35; 9.04; 9.15; 10.10; 9.25; 11.05; 12.00; 14.20; 15.30; 16.26; 22.30; 18.45; 19. 40; 21.35; 23.00

EXERCISE 7. Write down what time is it?

  1. It’s eleven sharp.

  2. It’s ten minutes past two.

  3. It’s fifteen minutes past three.

  4. It’s a quarter past ten.

  5. It’s a half past nine.

  6. It’s twenty five minute to five

  7. It’s four fourty.

  8. It’s a quarter to twelve

  9. It’s half past six.

  10. It’s seven o’clock in the morning.


I. Translate the text into English

В будние дни я всегда очень занята. Занятия в колледже начинаются в девять часов, так что мне нужно встать в семь часов утра, чтобы выйти из дома в восемь.

Я встаю, чищу зубы, принимаю душ. Завтрак мне всегда готовит моя старшая сестра. Сразу после завтрака я одеваюсь и иду на автобусную остановку.

За полчаса я добираюсь до колледжа, встречаюсь со своими друзьями и иду на занятия. Обычно у меня три пары занятий в день. На большой перемене я перекусываю в столовой.

Я прихожу домой около четырех часов дня. Я обедаю, делаю уроки, помогаю с уборкой по дому. Вечером мы ужинаем всей семьей. После ужина я болтаю по телефону, играю с младшим братом, смотрю телевизор или играю на компьютере.

II. Play out the dialogues


Susan: Hi, Dan!

Dan: Hi, Susan! How are you?

Susan: Fine! What are you doing tomorrow at five?

Dan: Usually I do my homework or work in the library at this time. Why are you asking?

Susan: Let’s go to the cinema tomorrow! Please!

Dan: Okay, let’s


Melissa: The classes start at eight thirty. Why are you always late for the classes, Julia?

Julia: That’s because I live far from the college.

Melissa: What time do leave for college?

Julia: Around eight.

Melissa: How much does it usually take you to get here?

Julia: About forty or fifty minutes.

Melissa: Then you need to leave at seven forty five.

III. Say how much it takes you to …

For EXAMPLE: - make a sandwich

It takes me four minutes to make a sandwich

    • wake up ………………………………………………..

    • get dressed …………………………………………….

    • take a shower ………………………………………….

    • have a bath ……………………………………………

    • do your homework …………………………………….

    • get to your college …………………………………….

    • have your breakfast ……………………………………

    • brush your teeth………………………………………..

    • do the dishes…………………………………………...

    • walk with your friends ………………………………..

    • put some make up (for girls)…………………………..

    • shave (for guys)………………………………………..

    • do the laundry………………………………………….

    • make a dinner ………………………………………….

    • make your bed…………………………………………

    • comb your hair…………………………………………

    • search something in the library ………………………..

    • talk to your friend on the phone……………………….

    • help your mom around the house……………………..

    • do this task……………………………………………

    UNIT 4


    I. Read and translate the texts and answer the questions

    TEXT 1

    Hello, my name is Colin Stewart, I live in Arizona and I study in the Technical College of Arizona. I would like to tell you about my normal day off.

    I go to college five days a week, so I have two days off – Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I enjoy staying in bed because I don’t have to hurry anywhere. My family has a branch around 11 o’clock in the morning. If the weather is fine I don’t stay indoors. I usually go out with my girlfriend and my friends.

    We go to our local park and have fun there, and then we have a snack in MacDonald’s or Dairy Queen, go shopping. We usually go to the movie theatre at night and then I go home. On Sunday I go to the church with my family, and then we usually visit my grandparents who live far from my house.

    There we have a delicious dinner that my grandmother always cooks for us. We come back home late in the evening. After that I watch some music programs, do some homework that was not done, take a bath and go to bed. I like days off very much because I can have a good rest and gain some energy for the next week.


    branch - бранч (прием пищи вместо завтрака и ланча)

    to stay indoors - оставаться дома

    to go out - гулять

    to have a snack - перекусить

    Answer the questions

    1. Where does Colin live and study?

    2. How many days off does Colin have?

    3. Does Colin’s family have a breakfast on Saturday morning?

    4. What does Colin usually do on Saturday?

    5. What does Colin do on Sunday’s morning?

    6. Where does Colin go on Sunday’s afternoon?

    7. What does Colin usually do on Sunday’s evening?

    8. Why does Colin like his days off?

    TEXT 2

    Anna’s day-off

    Hi, my name is Anna, my friends call me Anya. I live in Astrakhan and I go to the Astrakhan College of Building and Economics.

    I study on the second course. I have classes 6 days a week so I unfortunately have only one day off.

    On Sunday I get up at nine or even ten o’clock.

    We usually have something tasty on Sunday’s breakfast like an apple-pie or my mom’s pancakes.

    After breakfast I usually meet my boyfriend Boris and we go for a walk. We usually spend the most of the day in the center of our city if the weather is good. We walk in the central park, have a lunch in some café, go bowling and to the movie theatre October.

    I come back home around six or seven o’clock. We have a family dinner, and then I do my homework, do the laundry, have a warm bath and get ready for the next crazy week.


    to do the laundry - стирать вещи

    Answer the questions

    1. Where does Anna live and study?

    2. Does she get up early on Sundays?

    3. What does her family usually have for Sunday’s breakfasts?

    4. Where does Anna go on Sunday’s afternoon?

    5. What does Anna do in the evening?

    II. Make up dialogues between Colin and Anna on the following topic “Tell me about your normal day off”

    III. Speak to your friend about your days off using the vocabulary

    IV. Answer the questions:

    1. What time do you get up on your weekend?

    2. What time do you usually have your breakfast?

    3. What do you eat for your breakfast?

    4. What do you do after breakfast?

    5. Do you stay indoors or go somewhere?

    6. Where and when do you have lunch on your day off?

    7. What do you usually do after lunch till dinner time?

    8. What time do you have your dinner?

    9. How much time does it take you to get everything clean after dinner?

    10. What time do you go to bed on your day off?

    V. Write down a composition about your day offs

    VI. Retell your composition

    GRAMMAR: The Article

    Артикль передает значение определенности и неопределенности в существительном. В английском языке используются три артикля:

    1. Неопределенный (indefinite) a/an (an - перед существительным, которое начинается с гласного звука (an apple) или перед существительным, имеющим впереди себя определение, начинающееся с гласного звука (an old tree);

    2. Определенный (definite) the;

    3. Нулевой” (0), т.е. отсутствие артикля.

    Употребление неопределенного артикля

    Определенный артикль употребляется в следующих значениях:

    Классифицирующее значение.

    EX. Byron is a poet and Scott is a novelist.

    Байрон-поэт, а Скотт-писатель.

    This young man is an engineer.

    Этот молодой человек-инженер.

    Обобщающее значение.

    EX. A cow gives milk.

    Корова (всякая) дает молоко.

    An apple is a fruit.

    Яблоко (всякое) – фрукт.

    Числовое значение. Неопределенный артикль может употребляться в значении один.

    EX. Wait a minute?

    Подождите (одну) минуту.

    We walked a mile or two.

    Мы прошли одну или две мили.

    Неисчисляемые существительные, употребленные с неопределенным артиклем в числовом значении, становятся исчисляемыми.

    EX. ice-cream (неисчисляемое) an ice-cream (исчисляемое)

    Give me an ice-cream, please.

    Дайте мне, пожалуйста, порцию мороженого.

    tea (неисчисляемое) a tea (исчисляемое)

    I ordered a tea.

    Я заказал чашку чая.

    4. Устойчивое сочетание.

    a few - несколько a lot of - много as a result - в результате

    a little - немного as a rule - как правило it’s a pity - как жаль

    with a pleasure - с удовольствием

    Употребление определенного артикля

    Определенный артикль употребляется в следующих значениях:

    Когда из ситуации или контекста ясно, какое именно лицо или предмет имеется в виду.

    EX. “We went to the cinema yesterday.” “Мы вчера были в кино”

    Was the film good?”Фильм был хороший?”

    Когда ситуация показывает, какой предмет выделяется.

    EX. The teacher told his students a story and asked: “Have you understood the story?”

    Учитель прочитал студентам рассказ и задал вопрос: «Вы поняли рассказ?»

    Когда существительное обозначает предмет, единственный в своем роде или в определенной ситуации.

    EX. The Moon moves round the Earth.

    Луна вращается вокруг Земли.

    Когда существительное обобщает весь класс подобных лиц (предметов).

    EX. The horse is a useful domestic animal.

    Лошадь – полезное домашнее животное

    Когда артикль входит в ряд устойчивых сочетаний.

    EX. in the past - в прошлом to tell the truth - сказать правду


    А) географические названия и названия стран света:

    Северный полюс The North Pole

    Б) рек: Волга The Volga

    В) морей и океанов: Черное море The Black Sea

    Г) горных цепей: Альпы The Alps

    Д) некоторых государств: США The USA

    Е) фамилии, называющие всю семью в целом: Брауны The Browns

    Употребление “нулевого” артикля

    Нулевой артикль употребляется в следующих значениях:

      • Перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе:

    A dog barks Собака лает

    Dogs bark Собаки лают

      • Перед неисчисляемыми существительными (названия веществ и абстрактные понятия):

    I like milk Я люблю молоко

      • Перед существительными, обозначающими названия времен года и приемов пищи:

    • Summer is my favorite season

    Мое любимое время года – лето

    • We have breakfast and supper at home

    Дома мы завтракаем и ужинаем

      • В ряде устойчивых словосочетаний:

    at first сначала in time вовремя

    by heart наизусть to go to school ходить в школу


    EXERCISE 1. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage

    1. This is … book. It’s my … book. 2. Is this your … pen? No, it isn’t my … pen, it is my sister’s … pen. 3. I can see … pencil on your … table, but I can see no … paper. 4. I can see three … boys. … boys are playing. 5. She has … two daughters and … one son. Her … son is … a student. 6. My … brother’s … friend has no … dog. 7. I have 32 … teeth. 8. My … mother is at … home. She is reading … interesting … book. 9. Where are … flowers? - … flowers are in … beautiful vase. 10. Where is … vase? - … vase is on … little table near … window.

    EXERCISE 2. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage

    1. There is … thick red … carpet in my … room. … carpet is on … floor in … front of … sofa. 2. I can see … nice … coffee-table in … middle of … room to … right of … door. It’s … black and … red. I like … coffee-table. 3. My … aunt and my … uncle are … doctors. They work at … hospital. They get up at 7 o’clock in … morning. They go to … bed at 11 o’clock. 4. What does your mother do after … breakfast? – She goes to … work. 5. There is … tea in … glass. 6. I have … large writing-desk in … study. There is … paper on … writing-desk. My … books and exercise-books are on … writing-desk, too. 7. I study … English. I attend … English classes in … evening. On … days when I have no … classes, I stay at … home and do some work about … house. I have … dinner with my family, watch … TV and read … books, … newspapers and … magazines. I go to … bed late at … night. 8. I am thirsty. Give me … water, please. 9. Give me … book, please. 10. What … color is your new … hat? – It’s … same color.

    EXERCISE 3. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage

    When we want to write … letter, we take … piece of … paper and … pen. We first write our … address and … date in … right-hand corner. Then on … left-hand side we write … greeting. We may write, for instance, “My dear brother,” “Dear Henry”, etc., and then on … next line we begin … real letter. We must not forget to leave … margin on … left-hand side of … page. At … end of … letter we write “Yours” and then we sign our name. We put … letter into … envelope and close … envelop. On … envelopes we write … name and address of … person who will receive it. We stick … stamp in … top right-hand corner, and then we post … letter.

    EXERCISE 4. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage

    1. Several rivers run into .. sea at New York. … most important is … Hudson River which runs into … Atlantic Ocean. Besides … Hudson River there is … East River and little Harlem River. 2. Which are … highest mountains in … Russia? 3. … Neva flows into … Gulf of Finland. 3. …Pacific Ocean is very deep. 4. …Kazbek is … highest peak of … Caucasus. 5. … Alps are covered with … snow. 6. … Lomonosov was born in … small village on … shore of … White Sea. 7. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean. 8. … Baltic Sea is stormy in winter. 9. … North Sea separates … British Isles from … Europe. 10. … Nile flows across … north-eastern part of … Africa to … Mediterranean Sea.

    EXERCISE 5. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage

    1. This is … lively and very lovely baby. 2. Jane is in … kitchen making … sandwiches. 3. Jeff has … optimistic … look at … things. 4. He isn’t … type of … man to make … woman … happy. 5. Take … washing to … bathroom, please? 6. Max used to live … double … life when he was … young. 7. He is … grown up and … very responsible person. 8. I’ll take … dog for … walk in … park. 9. … house is in … mess. What … shame! 10. I had … nasty cold and … sore throat.

    EXERCISE 6. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage

    Long … time ago there lived … king who had … lovely only daughter. She was … sweet and frail creature – very delicate. As … time passed, she grew weaker and weaker and soon it became obvious to all that … Princess was dying. All was in … vain - … love, … money, … doctors, … nurses. Then, one day, … someone found … shabby old … book in … Royal Library.

    book proved of .. great value as it contained … remarkable recipe for curing just such … illness as … Princess was suffering from. One of .. most important items was … pumpkin juice. … king seized at … chance to save his daughter’s life. So … recipe was made … up and … dose of … new cure was given to … Princess. From … very first dose there was … marked change for … better, and she was soon on … road to … complete recovery.


    I. Read and translate the text

    My Daily Routine

    As a rule I get up at half past six. I put on my clothes and go to the bathroom and turn on the bath taps.

    Good health is so much better than wealth, so I do my morning exercises.

    I like to begin the day well, so my breakfast is always a good one.

    I get some eggs and a sandwich for breakfast and watch the morning TV news.

    I have several classes at college. When the classes are over I go the library and search some additional material for my classes. I come back home around five in the afternoon.

    On the way home I go shopping to get some food. At home I help my parents to cook a dinner and then we have it. After the dinner I do my homework for the next day. If there is some free time left I chat with my brother, play computer or read. I go to bed at eleven o’clock.

    I just love my weekends. Normally we go to visit my grandparents who live in the country. We leave home early in the morning because it takes about three hours to get there.

    I always have the best time there. I rest, walk, swim in the river if it is summer or skate during winter time. I like to eat my grandmother’s food and talk to my grandfather. We come back home late at night and I go straight to bed.

    II. Read and translate into English

    My usual day-off’s duties

    I am very busy with my homework, but I still have some household duties to do.

    Everyday I do my room and my bed, wash up the dishes, dust the furniture, and usually go shopping after I have dinner.

    Once a week I help my mother to do all other work about the house. We do the laundry, cooking, mopping, washing, cleaning and vacuuming. I like to help my mom.

    UNIT 5


    I. Read and translate the texts and answer the questions

    Dan’s hobby

    Everyone knows that tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies. I go in for sports, I like to play tennis and I go to play tennis every day. Sport is very important part of my life. Many people go in for sports; they go jogging, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in fitness clubs and different sport clubs.

    Physical training is an important subject in every school and University.

    I have been playing tennis for seven years already. Tennis became very popular now. I like to take part in different competitions.

    To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises. I think everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.

    If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, and sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often. My favorite proverb says: “A sound mind in sound body”.


    to jog - бегать

    slim - стройный

    trim - в хорошей форме

    Answer the questions

    1. What is very important part of Dan’s life?

    2. What subject is an important subject in every school and University?

    3. How long has Dan been playing tennis?

    4. What does Dan do to be in a good shape?

    5. What does Dan think about people who go in for sports?

    6. What is his favorite proverb?

    Lisa’s hobby

    Different people spend their spare time in different ways, in other words different people have different hobbies. I think the most popular kind of hobbies is collecting. People collect coins, stamps, calendars, postcards, toys, boxes, stones, records, celebrity’s autographs and other stuff.

    My hobby is collecting dolls in national costumes. I started my hobby ten years ago when my parents gave me a Japanese doll as a birthday gift.

    Then my uncle two years later presented me a doll in a Chinese costume.

    Since that time I have been collecting them. Knowing my hobby my friends and relatives always give me national dolls as birthday or Christmas presents.

    My collection is not big yet; I’ve got only 36 dolls. I have the dolls from India, Russia, Moldavia, Africa, France and other countries. Last year I was in Scotland and I bought there a doll in national Scottish costume. I like my hobby and my dolls.

    They help me learn more about the countries they are from, about the history of costumes. I can follow the changes that took place in the development of national costumes in different countries. Now I try to read more about the history of national costumes.

    Besides the collection of dolls, I’ve got many books and postcards. Very often our hobbies help us in choosing our future profession. This is just in my case. I have decided to become a costume designer and I’m sure that my collection of dolls, books and postcards will help me.


    collecting - собирать коллекцию

    celebrity’s autographs - автографы знаменитостей

    costume designer - дизайнеркостюмер

    Answer the questions.

    1. What is Lisa’s hobby?

    2. How did Lisa start her hobby?

    3. How big is Lisa’s collection?

    4. What did Lisa get in Scotland?

    5. How does her hobby help her in her life?

    6. What have she decided to become?

    Sasha’s hobby

    I’m always busy and I don’t have much time to spare. I am free only on weekends. A few years ago I was fond of collecting stamps. My mother was collecting stamps when she was young.

    When I was five years old my mother gave me six albums of stamps. Then I continued collecting stamps. By collecting my stamps I learned about other countries, traditions, flora and fauna.

    I am also fond of music and I like rock music, pop music, and classical music.

    I collect compact discs of my favorite bands and singers.

    I try to find out everything about bands and singers I like. I read a lot of music magazines, search the Internet and never miss MTV shows.

    I think almost everyone collects something at some period of his life. My sister is collecting movies with Leonardo Di Caprio starring.

    My father’s hobby is fishing. My mother likes gardening. Since I got my own computer my new hobby is computer and computer games. I spend all my free time with it. I buy new program disks and try them on my computer.

    No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.


    gardening - садоводство

    Answer the questions

    1. What was Sasha’s hobby a few years ago?

    2. How did Sasha learn about other countries, traditions, flora and fauna?

    3. What is Sasha also fond of?

    4. What can you say about other members of his family’s hobbies?

    5. What is Sasha’s new hobby?

    II. Make up your own sentences with the vocabulary given after each text

    III. Look at the speech patterns


    1. to be in a good shapeбыть в хорошей форме

    To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.

    Чтобы быть в хорошей форме, я каждое утро делаю пробежку и утреннюю зарядку.

    2. to be interested inбыть заинтересованным

    I think everyone should choose sport he is interested in.

    Я думаю, что каждому нужно выбрать вид спорта, в котором он заинтересован.

    3. since that time – с того времени

    Since that time I have been collecting stamps.

    С того времени я начал собирать марки.

    4. to be fond of – интересовать чем-то (т.е. нравится что-либо делать).

    A few years ago I was fond of collecting stamps.

    Несколько лет назад мне нравилось собирать марки.

    IV. Make up your own sentences with each speech pattern

    V. Make up dialogues between:

    1. Sasha and Dan

    2. Lisa and Dan

    3. Lisa and Sasha

    VI. Make up short stories about:

    1. Dan’s hobby

    2. Lisa’s hobby

    3. Sasha’s hobby

    VII. Make up dialogues with your friend about her/his hobby

    VIII. Write down a composition about your own hobby and what you think about hobbies in general, using the vocabulary, speech patterns and texts

    IX. Retell your composition

    GRAMMAR: The Adjective

    Простые и производные прилагательные

    В английском языке имена прилагательные могут быть простые (simple) и производные (derivative). В простых прилагательных суффикс и префикс не выделяется:

    Red, short, good, large, black, little.

    В производных суффикс и префикс выделяются.

    Наиболее распространенные суффиксы:

    ful образует прилагательное из существительного, означает наличие качества

    useuseful, hope - hopeful

    less образует прилагательное из существительного, означает отсутствие качества

    useuseless, hopehopeless

    able образует прилагательное из глагола, означает способность произвести действие

    to change – changeable, to move – movable

    y образует прилагательное из существительного, означает подобие качеству

    hearthearty, lucklucky

    ish образует из прилагательного другое прилагательное, означает неполную степень данного качества

    redreddish, brownbrownish

    Наиболее распространенные префиксы:

    un образует прилагательное отрицательного значения


    in образует прилагательное отрицательного значения


    Степени сравнения прилагательных

    Прилагательные имеют три степени сравнения: положительную - positive (long – длинный), сравнительную – comparative (longer - длиннее), превосходную – superlative (the longest - самый длинный).

    Существуют три способа образования степеней сравнения:

    1) При помощи прибавления суффиксов er, - est к основе односложных прил.

    Warm – warmer – the warmest

    Hard – harder – the hardest

    2) За счет употребления more, the most перед основной формой многосложных прилагательных:

    Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful

    Interesting – more interesting – the most interesting

    3) Путем образования степеней сравнений от разных корней

    Good – better – the best

    Bad – worse – the worst

    Much (many) – more – the most

    Little – less – the least

    Правила прибавления суффиксов – er, - est к основе

    • если прилагательное оканчивается на немое е, то при прибавлении er, - est, немое е опускается: largelargerthe largest; bravebraverthe bravest

    • если прилагательное заканчивается на согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то конечная согласная удваивается: bigbiggerthe biggest; hothotterthe hottest.

    • Если прилагательное оканчивается на – у с предшествующей согласной, то в сравнительной и превосходной степени – у переходит i : dirtydirtierthe dirtiest

    • Если прилагательное оканчивается на – у с предшествующей гласной, то – у не изменяется: gaygayerthe gayest


    EXERCISE 1. Form adjective from the following words with the help of suffixes and translate into Russian

    ful: care, use, beauty, help, color, meaning, power, truth;

    less: use, hope, peace, harm, tune, delight, help, color;

    EXERCISE 2. Form comparative and superlative degrees:

    Tall, long, short, hot, cold, nice, large, big, wide, strong, happy, warm, high, heavy, low, hard, busy, easy, bright, interesting, comfortable, important, necessary, beautiful, famous, pleasant, popular, wonderful, active, careful.

    EXERCISE 3. Open the brackets forming comparative and superlative degrees of comparison

    1. It is autumn; every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow). 2. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my life. 3. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so good as Oleg’s handwriting. He has the (good) handwriting of all. 4. Are there (many) than two rooms in your new flat? 5. The weather got (bad) and (bad) every day. 6. Which is (long) day of the year? 7. Winter is (cold) season. 8. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 9. My friend’s car is not so (new) as my car. 10. Where is it (beautiful), in the mountains or near the sea? 11. It was (good) meal I’ve ever had. 12. It was (bad) cold I’ve ever had. 13. In spring the days are (long) than in winter. 14. The Russian grammar is (difficult) than the English one. 15. The Caucasus are (high) mountains in Europe. 16. Friendship is (strong) than steel. 17. (Long) day has an end. 18. Health is (good) than wealth. 19. This singer is (popular) in the world. 20. That shirt was (bright) than this one.

    EXERCISE 4. Open the brackets forming comparative and superlative degrees of comparison

    1. The weather today (bad) than yesterday. 2. This week I feel (good) than last week. 3. London (big) than Paris. 4. The sun (bright) than moon. 5. Cats are (intelligent) dogs. 6. The English (polite) than Americans. 7. Physics (hard) than Chemistry. 8. Chris (serious) than his younger brother. 9. The air in the morning (cool) than in the daytime. 10. A car (comfortable) than the metro.

    EXERCISE 5. Make up sentences with degrees of comparison using the following adjectives:

    Happy, pretty, grey, shy, dry, simple, joyful, real, sweet, polite, angry, well-known, fine-looking, kind-hearted, broad-minded, middle, empty.

    EXERCISE 6. Complete the following sentences

    1. The harder you study, … .

    2. The older you got, … .

    3. The longer she thought abut it, … .

    4. The warmer the weather is, … .

    5. The sooner, … .

    6. The more he talked, … .

    7. The more chocolate you eat, … .

    8. The younger the child, … .

    9. The faster the car, … .

    10. The richer your vocabulary, … .

    EXERCISE 7. Translate into English.

    1. Самые жаркие дни бывают летом. 2. Самая дождливая погода бывает осенью. 3. Чем больше я читаю, тем больше я знаю. 4. Моя старшая дочка учится в этом университете. 5. Март не такой холодный, как февраль. 6. Математика – самый трудный предмет в нашей школе. 7. Лучше позже, чем никогда. 8. Кто самый старший в вашем классе? 9. Этот фильм такой же интересный, как и тот. 10. Анна – лучшая студентка института. 11. Эта песня очень популярна сейчас. 12. Он проживает в самом отдаленном районе города. 13. Это были лучшие каникулы в моей жизни. 14. Вы читали последний номер этого журнала? 15. Невеста была самой красивой. 16. я никогда не сидел в более удобном кресле. 17. Упражнения более легкие, чем упражнения по предыдущей теме. 18. Контрольная была труднее, чем я ожидал. 19. Самым красивым платьем на выпускном вечере было платье Алисы. 20. Эта передача скучнее, чем та. Переключи канал.

    EXERCISE 8. Translate into Russian.

    A higher price, a lower price, a shorter pencil, a longer pencil, a more expensive coat, a cheaper overcoat, a colder day, a warmer day, a kinder man, a lighter room, a darker room, a prettier girl, fresher air, fatter meat, a smaller garden, a worse dress, a better dress.


    I. Read and translate the text “What is a hobby”

    What is a hobby?

    Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.

    The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to traveling and from chess to volleyball.

    Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies.

    Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.

    Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts.

    Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, CDs, postcards, toys. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Sometimes rich people collect paintings, rare books, and art and science objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that other people get the chance of seeing them.

    That doesn’t matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things you are interested in, you add the information to the one you already know. So learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.


    character – характер

    taste – вкус

    to divide into – делить, разделять

    variety – разнообразие

    activity – занятие, деятельность

    grown-up – взрослый

    relatively – относительно, сравнительно

    handicraft – ремесло, рунная работа

    value – ценность

    valuable – ценный

    opportunity – возможность

    II. Answer the following questions

    1. Do hobbies differ like tastes?

    2. How are hobbies divided?

    3. What is the most popular of all hobby groups?

    4. What does a hobby ‘doing things’ include?

    5. What hobby is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies?

    6. Who is fond of playing different games?

    7. What does making things include?

    8. What does everyone collect at some period of his life?

    9. Do the collections have any real value?

    10. What do rich people collect?

    11. Where do the rich people bring their private collections?

    12. What do you get by reading about the things you are interested in?

    III. Find the equivalents in the text

    1. И взрослые, и дети любят играть в различные игры.

    2. Садоводство – одно из старейших увлечений человека.

    3. Некоторые коллекции не имеют никакой ценности.

    4. Увлечения настолько же различны, как и вкусы.

    5. Самое популярное увлечение – заниматься чем-либо.

    6. Практически все в определенный период своей жизни занимаются коллекционированием.

    IV. Complete the following sentences

    1. If you have chosen a hobby … .

    2. doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.

    3. It includes … .

    4. Gardening is … .

    5. This is a relatively new hobby but … .

    6. that they are housed in museums and galleries.

    7. Often such private collections are … .

    8. he always has the opportunity of learning from it.

    V. Translate and play out the dialogues


    Fred: Hi, Gloria! How are you today?

    Gloria: Good, thank you, Fred. How are you?

    Fred: Okay. What are going to do now?

    Gloria: I was thinking about going shopping.

    Fred: Shopping? Again? I thought you went shopping yesterday.

    Gloria: I did. But today the new collection is going to be on sale.

    Fred: Are you planning to buy anything?

    Gloria: No, I am not. Maybe I’ll buy a shirt or a skirt.

    Fred: You have a thousand of clothes.

    Gloria: I know. But shopping is my hobby.


    Chris: Hi, Justin! What are you doing?

    Justin: I bought the new CD and now I’m listening to it. What are you doing?

    Chris: Playing my favorite computer game. What CD did you buy?

    Justin: The band “Crackdown”

    Chris: “Crackdown”?

    Justin: You know I never thought I would like to listen to this kind of music

    Chris: Yes, I know what you mean. I never liked to play computer games.

    Justin: Are you serious? I thought you always like to do it.

    Chris: Well, not really. I always thought that it’s very silly to sit and play computer games. But now I can spend my whole weekend doing it.

    UNIT 6


    I. Read and translate the texts given below. Answer the questions.

    TEXT 1

    Adam’s house