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Abraham, Karl, 16, 38, 208
Ackerman, Nathan W., 217
Adler, Alfred, 19, 160
Adler, Gerhart, 208
Alchhorn, August, 136
Alexander, Franz, 219
Amacher, Peter, 216
Anna 0., 157-159
Arieti, Silvano, 3, 157, 208, 214
Arlow, Jacob A., 215
Artiss, Kenneth L., 218
Auerbach, Alfred, 214
Aull, Gertrude, 220

Bak, Robert, 23, 136, 208
Balint, Alice, 156, 208
Balint, Michael, 133, 144, 156, 208
Bateson,G., 214
Bellak, Leo, 214
Bettleheim, Bruno, 215
Benedek, Therese, 220
Berg, Charles, 219
Bernstein, A., 216
Bibring, Edward, 218
Bmswanger, Ludwig, 38, 39n, 161, 208
Bion, W. R., 219
Bleuler, Eugen, 1, 2, 16,17, 208
Bloch, Dorothy, 218
Blum, Harold P, 216
Boszormenyi-Nagy, Ivan, 217
Boyer, L. Bryce, 135, 208, 214
Braatoy, T., 220
Brenner, Charles, 215
Breuer, Joseph, 149, 157-159, 210
Brill, A. A., IV
Brody, Eugene B, 214, 217
Brody, Selwyn, 217
Brown, Norman 0., 215
Buchsbaum, Monte, 64n
Bullard, Dexter M., 135,172, 208
Burton, Arthur, 219 Bychowski, Gustav,

21n, 208, 218, 219

Cameron, John L, 24, 209
Clark, L Pierce, 136, 208
Clevans, Ethel, 218
Cohn, Franz, 136-137, 208
Colby, Kenneth Mark, 219
Cranefield, P. F, 208
Culpin, M, 3

Dahl, Hartvig, 218
Daniels, George E, 216
da Vinci, Leonardo, 43, 46
Davis, Harold, 217
Davis, Howard R, 214
Dawson, Joseph G, 214
Day, Max, 217
Dellis, Nicholas P., 214
Dement, William C., 78, 208
Dora, 130

Ehrenwald, Jan, 215
Eissler, K. R., 10,182n, 209, 220
Ekstein, Rudolf, 217, 218, 219

Federn, Ernst, 212
Federn, Paul, 23-24, 32, 108n, 132-133,

135, 209

Feldman, Yonata, 211, 213, 217
Fenichel Otto, 18, 93,113, 156, 209
Ferenczi, Sandor, 215
Fish, P. J., 214
Fisher, Charles, 216
Fleiss, R , 220
Fleiss, Wilhelm, 15, 209
Fleming, Joan, 220
Framo, James L., 217
Frankel, Viktor, 182n, 209
Freeman, Lucy, 216
Freeman, Thomas, 24, 138, 209
Freud, Anna, 8 9, 136, 209, 218, 220
Freud, Sigmund, I, 5, 6, 7, 9,10,14, 15,

16, 17, 18, 19-20, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 32, 36, 38,
39, 44, 45,51, 52, 53, 54, 94, 95, 98, 107, 110,

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111, 114, 117, 118, 130, 131, 132, 133, 149n,
155, 156, 158, 159-161, 179, 180,209-210

Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda, 157, 210, 220

Geller, Joseph J., 218
Gerard, R. W., 51, 210
Gibson, Robert W, 215
Giovacchini, Peter L., 214
Gitelson, Maxwell, 156, 210
Glover, Edward, 25, 210, 218, 219, 220
Greenacre, Phyllis, 219
Greenfield, Norman S., 216
Greenson, Ralph R., 71-72, 99, 112, 113,


Greenwald, Harold, 209
Grinberg, Leon, 220
Grossman, David, 221
Guntrip, Harry, 215

Haley, J , 214
Hartmann, Heinz, 23, 210
Hendrick, Ives, 23, 33, 135, 210, 215
Hill, Lewis B., 26, 210 Hoffer, Abraham,


Jackson, D. D., 214
Jacobson, Edith, 218
Jenkins, Richard L., 25, 210
Jones, Ernest, 159,160, 211
Jung, C. G., 16,17,156,160, 211

Kallman, Franz J., 214
Kanzer, Mark, 216
Kardiner, Abram, 25, 211
Katan, Maurits, 18, 211
Kernberg, Otto, 220
Kesten, J., 221
Klem, George S., 216
Klein, Melanie, 21-22, 33,134, 211
Knoepfmacher, Lia, 217
Kolb, Lawrence C., 214
Kolodney, Etta, 217
Kraepelin, Emil, 2
Kubansky, Philip E., 217
Kubie, Lawrence, 217

Lagache, Daniel, 134, 211
Laing, R. D., 215
Lampl-de Groot, Jeanne, 216
LaPerriere, Kitty, 215
Leiderman, P. Herbert, 217
Lennard, H,216
Levitan, Harold L., 218

Lewin, Bertram D., 216
Lewis, William C., 216
Lilly, John C., 215
Lipton, Samuel D., 215
Little, Margaret, 139, 164, 211, 220
Livingston, Goodhue, 221
Loewenstein, R. M., 219
Lorand, Sandor, 221
Lorenz, Konrad, 215
Love, Sidney,217,221

Mahler, Margaret S., 215
Masserman, Jules, 216
Mayor, H.,221
McGhie, Andrew, 24, 209
Meerloo, Joost A. M., 134, 211, 220
Mendelson, Jack H., 217 Menninger,

Karl, 3, 10, 94,113, 211, 214

Michelangelo (statue of Moses), 160
Mishler, Elliott G , 217
Morel, Benedict A., 2

Nacht, Sascha, 219, 220
Nagelberg, Leo, 211, 213, 221
Nelson, Marie Coleman, 134,194n, 211,


Novey, Samuel, 219
Nunberg, H.,20-21,33,135,211

Ormont, Louis, 218
Orr, Douglas W, 219
Osmond, Humphrey, 214

Pao, Pmg-Nie, 216
Papanek, Helene, 218

Penfield, Wilder, 216
Polatin, Phillip, 212, 214

Racker, Hemrich, 168, 212, 220
Rado, Sandor, 216
Rapaport, DaVid, 216, 217
Redlich, Frederick C., 214
Retch,, Annie, 156, 212
Reich, W., 133, 218
Reik, Theodor, 21, 221
Resnikoff, P., 213
Rickman, John, 216
Rifkin, A. H., 214
Roberts, Lamar, 216
Rogers, Carl, 214
Rolland, Romain, 107
Rosen, John N., 27, 212

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Rosenfeld, Herbert, 21, 137, 167, 212
Rosenthal, Leslie, 218

Salzman, Leon, 216
Saul, Leon J., 212, 221
Savage, C., 220
Schecter, David E., 219
Scheflen, Albert E., 221
Scher, Sam C., 214
Schlesinger, Benno, 27, 212
Schumacher, John, 216
Scott, John Paul, 216
Searles, Harold, 138-139, 140, 167, 212
Sechehaye, Marguerite, 26-26, 33, 212
Semrad, Elvin, 217
Sherman, M. H., 221
Silverberg, W. V., 216
Silverman, Julian, 64n
Slavson, S R., 218
Sluckin, W., 216
Solomon, Philip, 217
Spitz, Rene, 216, 216
Spotnitz, Hyman, 211, 212-213, 218, 221
Stekel, Wilhelm, 221
Stern, Max, 136, 213
Sternbach, 0., 221
Stone, Herbert K., 214
Stone, Leo,136,137,213
Strean, Herbert, 220, 221
Stuart, Grace, 216
Symonds, Percival S., 221

Tauber, Edward S., 220
Thompson, Clara, 220
Trumbull, Richards S., 217

Usdin, Gene L., 214

Waelder, Robert, 136, 213, 216
Wallerstein, Robert, 138, 213, 217
Waxler, Nancy E., 217
Weakland, J. H., 214
Weiss, Edoardo, 108n, 213, 218
Wenar, Solveig, 212
Wexler, Donald, 217
Whyte, Lancelot, 217
Winnicott, Doland, 163, 213, 216, 220
Wolberg, Lewis H., 221
Wolman, Benjamin B., 218
Wolstein, Benjamin, 220

Zeigarnik, B., 134
Zetzel, Elizabeth R., 219

Zilboorg, Gregory, 22, 213