Файл: Спотниц Х. - Современный психоанализ шизофренического пациента. Теория техники.pdf

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Acting out.


 Treatment-destructive resistance

Activity of analyst, 63, 66-67, 110-111, 180

See also

 Interventions Affect(s) 26, 129, 143, 163,161

See also

 Narcissistic transference, Transference, and specific entries

Aggression (aggressive drive, cathexes, impulses), 26, 33-36, 66, 66, 106, 108, 136, 140, 142, 146,

161, 166, 160, 183, 192

against the self, 21-23, 28, 190, 201
in clinical situation, 30-32
defense against, 20-21
early views on, 18-23
mobilized at trauma level, 19, 28-31
potential for, 35
role in schizophrenia, 19, 28

See also

 sub Schizophrenia, nuclear problem in, and Working hypothesis

Ambulatory treatment, 4, 5n, 12, 66,83
requirements for, 70-71, 77 American Psychiatric Association, 3
"Analysis Terminable and Interminable," 131
Anger, 26,146,191,196,206
Anxiety, 18, 23, 66, 64, 83, 84, 120-121, 134, 141,143,146

Autobiographical Study, An,


"Baby sitting," 82,173-176
Body-ego, 17

Beyond the Pleasure Principle

, 131

Causal therapy,6,36
Character problems, 47, 176
Communications of analyst, 69, 197, 206
to family, 90-91
in initial interview, 73-76
maturational, 63, 64, 181-183
multidisciplinary approach to, 43-68
nonverbal, 67, 176-176,178
quantification of, 60-68

See also


Communications of patient, 5, 102-103, 107, 109,124,142
nonverbal, 103,176-176,186
progressive, 62-63, 124, 196, 198, 202
repetitive, 62-63
symbolic, 103, 109, 142, 186, 186, 188, 190, 192, 194, 196, 196, 198, 199, 201, 202-204, 206

See also

 Resistance, Transference resistance. Treatment-destructive resistance Constructs, 149,

160, 166-166

See also


Contact functioning, 42, 66, 103-104, 112, 144, 160, 167, 204

See also

 Interventions Contract.


 sub Treatment relationship

Cooperative functioning, concept of.


 sub Treatment relationship

Couch, 78, 78n, 89, 101, 121, 170, 183, 189, 196-197, 198
Counter-resistance, 162

See also

 Countertransference resistance, Induced feelings Countertransference, 9, 165-166, 162-


analysis of, 167,163,166,167/176
and transference, 167,161,164

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and reconstruction, 166-166
and specific transference states, 168-170
as resistance, 9, 41-42, 167
as therapeutic leverage, 9, 41-42, 166, 167, 172
definition of (scope), 162-163
distinguished from analyst's transference,162
in Case of Anna 0., 157-159
in schizophrenia, 156-157
narcissistic countertransference, 167, 168-170
negative countertransference, 41, 151-155
objective countertransference, 163, 164,166-167,168-170,190
prototype of, 158
subjective countertransference,163-164, 166,174
suppression or repression of, 37, 162, 166, 161, 166-167
use of, in treatment, 9, 167, 163, 165-166,175

See also

 Countertransference resistance, Induced feelings

Countertransference resistance, 38, 41,42,166,162,170-175
clues to, 170-171
sources of 164, 172-176
Cure, concept of, 1-2
patient's theory of, 186-187

See also

 Personality maturation

Decisions, major, during treatment, 89,96
De-egotization of the object, 141, 146-147, 176,186

See also

 Ego field and object field, Egotization of the object Defense(s), 26, 26, 28, 32-34, 49, 66,

107, 108-109, 111, 114, 116, 127, 134, 169,183

activated by transference, 62
earliest modes of, 22
emotional neutrality as, 164
failure of, 30
in latent cases, 30-31
mechanisms in psychotic conditions, 14, 21-22, 23, 28
mobilization of, 183
narcissistic, 42, 102, 111, 113, 206

See also

 Resistance primary, 118

schizophrenia as, 28
Defense psychosis, 14
Demands, special, on analyst.


 sub Treatment relationship

Demence precoce

, 2

Dementia praecox, 2, 3, 17, 131-132

See also


Dependency cravings, 86, 98,122
Depression, 16,132,143


 sub Schizophrenia

Diagnostic Manual

, 3, 4, 4n

Dreams, 66, 101. 107, 117
Dream state (and rudimentary relationship), 78-79
Dream studies (contemporary), 62
Drives, instinctual.


 Instinctual drives

Drugs, use of 12, 83

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Dynamics of personality development, 46-51
neuropsychological formulation on, 51-60

Early maternal environment, 27

Ego and the Id

, The, 19

Ego boundaries, 24, 31, 40, 102, 106,107,108
Ego deficiencies in schizophrenia, 86, 94, 112, 116, 121
Ego feeling, 24 Ego field and object field, 28, 40, 106-109, 141, 147, 160, 206
first object field, 106-107
in narcissistic transference, 108
revival of previous fields, 107

See also

 Egotization of the object, Objectification of the ego

Ego formation and frustration, 23-27
early stage of, 106-107

See also

 Ego boundaries, Ego field and object field, Identification

Ego passage, 108n
Ego sacrifice, 26, 28, 31-32, 33, 34, 36
Ego-syntonic object.


 sub Transference object

Egotization of the object (introjection), 108-109, 139-140, 176

See also

 De-egotization of the object, Ego boundaries. Ego field and object field Emotional

communication, 41,161

See also

 sub Interventions

Emotional maturity, 48, 154

See also

 Personality maturation

Environmental manipulation, 4, 90

See also

 Resistance, external

Errors, 161, 177


 sub Psychoanalysis (method)



 sub Schizophrenia "Experience of satisfaction," 29

Extremist attitudes, 205

Failure in treatment, 11, 16, 66, 96, 98, 109,190
Family, contact with.


 sub Treatment relationship

Family history, taking of, 74-76
Fantasies, 101-102, 106, 137, 138, 143, 146, 148,190,194
Fees and financial transactions.


 sub Treatment relationship

Fields of awareness.


 Ego field and object field

First International Psychoanalytic Congress, 16-16
Free association, 78, 98, 113, 114, 116, 183
neural significance of, 69
reformulation of fundamental rule, 183

See also

 Communications of patient, Verbalization, focus on

Frustration, 24-27, 31, 33

See also


Frustration-aggression, 22-26, 28-36, 48-49, 61, 66, 140, 163
facilitating release of, 116
interference with ego and superego functioning, 115 and resistance, 102, 104, 107, 116

See also

 Aggression, Verbalization, focus on

Functional disorders, spectrum of, 47

Goals of treatment, 8, 96
initial, of patient, 69, 73-74, 81
Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, 157

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Group psychotherapy, 90
Guilt, 81, 91, 106, 109, 116, 136, 144, 147, 196

Hate countertransference, 41

See also

 Countertransference, negative

Hate, hatred, 19-23, 26, 30, 33-34, 39, 99-100, 134-136, 137, 138, 147, 163, 168-169, 160-161,

163, 172, 191, 196, 202-204

and erotic tendencies, 19
and indifference, 132
in personality development, 168-169
as therapeutic force, 39
verbalization of self-hatred, 192-193

See also

 Aggression, Transference, negative

Hostility, 16, 22, 26, 40-41, 108, 137, 142, 163, 160-161
graduated release of, 196
Hypocritical stage (patient at), 199
Homosexual feelings, 20, 132, 148
Hysteria, 6,14,16,17, 168

See also


Identification (s) 20, 107, 135, 136, 147, 205
analyst's concordant and complementary, 168
and character problems, 176
and transient improvements, 176
with analyst, 164, 174, 176, 196

See also

 Egotization of the object

Immature personality, 49
Immunization, 11, 125, 200

See also

 Toxoid response

Impulses, aggressive.


 Aggression Impulse disorders, 47

Indifference, 132
Indirect method, 43-46
Induced feelings, 9, 41, 86,125,141, 162, 159-160, 161, 163-164, 165,167-170,172,176-177,200,

201, 205

See also

 Countertransference, objective

Initial interview, 70, 73-76,100
Insight, 8,113-114
Instinctual drives (impulses), 18,
20, 30, 33-34
aggressive, 18-19, 33-35.

See also

 Aggression aim of, 20

erotic, 33
oedipal and genital strivings, 151

See also

 Libidinal factors

Insulation against unwanted feeling states, 34, 111

See also

 Aggression, Libidinal factors

Interpretation (s), 6-8, 22, 37-38, 41-42, 110, 112, 113-114, 123, 124, 126-127, 149, 180, 197
of content, 181
of dreams, 117
maturational, 182, 194-195,199
of oedipal problems, 126
of preverbal resistance, 196

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on request, 182
sequence in, 195
of transference resistance, 127, 195

See also


Interpretation of Dreams, The

, 28-29, 95

Interruptions in treatment, 88, 124
Interventions, 8, 60, 61-68, 115, 116, 126,178-207
changing character of, 181
commands (orders), 181, 183-184, 186
directions, 183, 196
emotional communications, 125, 126, 127, 182, 190-194, 204-205
emotional confrontations, 182, 190, 191
explanations, 75, 96, 112, 115, 120, 181, 187-188, 197, 199, 200
general principles for, 179-183





 Joining techniques maturational communications, 62, 64,181-182

maturational interpretations.


 Interpretations mirroring, 182.

See also

 Joining techniques

need for repetition in, 180,182
parsimony in, 60, 179,180


 Questions range of, 64-68, 181

reflective, 112, 148,182

See also

 Joining techniques sequence in,181,196-204

verbal descriptions, 126
verbal feedings on self-demand schedule, 104, 116, 181, 196

See also

 Communications of analyst, Contact functioning,

Interventions, illustrations of Interventions, illustrations of accepting distorted impressions
of analyst, 197, 199
analyst's shortcomings, 187
auxiliary ego, 194
commands (orders), 183-184
devaluating the object, 190-191
echoing the ego, 190
ego-maniacal approach, 186, 190
ego-oriented questions, 186-187
explanations, 187
factual questions, 184-185
falling apart, 188-189
grilling for evidence, 184-185
hypocritical stage, 199
influencing one resistance pattern, 201-204
maturational interpretations, 195-196
meeting threats with threats, 189
modeling new behavior, 194
object-oriented questions, 185-186
"outcrazying" the patient, 192
patient's expectations, 186—187
saturating with suggestions, 189
suicide or patienticide, 192-193
toxoid response, 200-201
warm acquiescence, 193
weather, 188
Introjection, 106,108,147, 185