Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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5. The personality of Tesla is excitement & sophistication. The Tesla brand is linked with Elon Musk similarly to Steve Jobs with Apple. They’re powerful leaders who believe in winning as the ultimate goal. Tesla has an exciting, charismatic, courageous, spiritual personality.
Driving a Tesla provides a self-expressive benefit – others will observe and make judgements about you.

13. Make passive sentences from the words in brackets to complete the situation.

1. I know he failed at the interview. (why, he, reject?)

2. I want to apply for a new position. (what, skills, require, for this job?)

3. (how, can, students, guide, toward their occupation choice?)

4. Is your new Internet site ready? (when, it, launch?)

5. He came up with a brilliant idea. (now, it, much, speak about.)

6. They are known for their bright lectures. (Some of their tutorials, post, to YouTube, recently.)

7. What can make people work better? (Employees, can, motivate, by different company’s benefits.)

8. We deal with a large project. (a number of teams, already, create)
14. Rephrase the following situations using modal verbs.

1. I think it is necessary to have sound communication skills. – You …

2. I am sure that being tech savvy is an advantage to get hired. – Being tech savvy …

3. It’s not possible now to get a solution to the problem within in no time if you are so relaxed. – You …

4. I insist that he updates his computer skills and applies for this position. – He …

5. It is not right to be so disorganized while preparing for exams. – You …

6. They are obliged to minimize errors to achieve good productive results. – They …

7. Will you let me make my own choice? – … I …

8. You are not allowed to take this position, if there is a personality mismatch. – You …
15. Watch the video “The Big Five Personality Traits” https://youtu.be/IB1FVbo8TSs. Do you recognize your own personality in some of the characters? Try to analyze and describe yourself in terms of characteristics presented in the video. Give examples that will support your description. (Total 250 words in writing).


1. Connect with the topic.

Put the following personality traits in the order of priority for engineers. Explain your opinion.

__ flexible __ motivated __ dependable __ professional
__ enthusiastic __ intellectual __ team player __ organized

  1. Match the words with their meaning:

1) curious

a) the answer to a problem

2) to evaluate

b) to tell someone else about your thoughts, feelings, ideas; to give part of money, goods or food to someone else

3) challenge

c) to judge the quality, importance, amount, or value of someone or something

4) solution

d) involving people or departments who do different types of work for the same company

5) collaborative

e) to find a way from one place to another

6) to navigate

f) interested in learning about people or things around you

7) judgement

g) to change in form or character

8) to convert

h) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully

9) to share

i) a decision that you make, or an opinion that you have, after considering all the facts in a situation

10) cross-functional

j) involving two or more people or organizations working together for a particular purpose

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

1. This __________ approach, and it gives the necessary degree of flexibility for the powers to achieve their objective.

  1. Engineers are __________ because they want to know how and why things work.

  2. There’s no easy __________ to this problem.

  3. We tend to make __________ about people at work based on our first impressions.

  4. You should __________ this information before using it in your work.

  5. Their website is fairly plain, but very easy to __________.

  6. There are several personality traits that most engineers __________.

  7. __________ spirit is very important during the project work.

  8. Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest __________ faced by scientists today.

  9. Can we __________this room into a comfortable office?

4. Analyze personality traits of engineers and point out the reasons of their importance.


Engineering problems are under-defined, there are many solutions, good, bad and indifferent. The art is to arrive at a good solution. This is a creative activity, involving imagination, intuition and deliberate choice.”(Ove Arup, Danish British engineer and founder of Arup Group Limited)

Industrial, chemical, software, civil, electrical, and mechanical are all words that come before the title of engineer. Each of these professions do very different things in order to change the way we live. Collectively, they work to make our daily personal and professional lives more comfortable, safer, and easier to navigate. There are several personality traits that most engineers share, among them are curiosity, critical thinking, creativity, effective communication, and a collaborative spirit.

1. Curiosity

Children who spend hours taking apart toys just to see how they work are the kind of kids who grow up to be engineers. Engineers are curious because they want to know how and why things work as they do. For many engineers, once they have this understanding, their thinking morphs into how they can make it better, faster, and more efficient for less money!

2. Critical Thinking

Engineers need to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to make objective judgements and recommendations. They rely on these critical thinking skills in every stage of their work, particularly when it comes to decision-making. Engineers who can think critically, are able to handle the wide variety of technical, administrative, policy, and interpersonal communication challenges that arise within a day’s work or a project’s timeline.

3. Creativity

Many may think that the words “creative” and “engineer” are mutually exclusive. At first glance, it would seem that in a field structured by math and science there would be little to no room for a creative spirit but when one looks more deeply, the creative engineer is changing the way we live and work as creativity often spurs innovation! It was a creative engineer who converted another glue-based project into Sticky Notes.

4. Effective Communication

An engineer, in any industry, can have brilliant ideas for a project but if he or she cannot articulate those ideas to management, teammates, clients, and other stakeholders they are of no use. Effective engineers understand that clear, concise, written and verbal communication is the key to giving their ideas life and their team a competitive edge. Succinct communication becomes even more important in today’s global business context where language and meaning often become lost in translation. While it is true that many graduate programs in engineering place little focus on teaching students these skills, there are plenty of resources such as books, podcasts, and webinars of which engineers may avail themselves in order to improve their ability to effectively communicate.

5. A Collaborative Spirit

Engineers do not work in a vacuum. They work with other engineers, supply chain management, financial and project managers, and others from various business units. Engineers are tasked with contributing to collaborative and cross-functional teams to ensure integrated development. The more easily an engineer can collaborate with a team, the more likely the project or product will be successful.

Engineers who remain curious throughout their lives, while employing sharp critical thinking skills, combined with the ability to clearly communicate their ideas in a creative and collaborative way, are those who will continue to ease the way in which people navigate their world.
5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Прийти к решению, ориентироваться, творческая деятельность, осознан­ный выбор, любопытный, иметь общие черты характера, оценивать, навыки критического мышления, принятие решения, справляться с проблемами, пре­вращать, доносить идеи, конкурентное преимущество, воспользоваться чем-либо, сфокусироваться, делать вклад во что-либо, многофункциональный.
6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) handle

a) spirit

2) ensure

b) oneself of something

3) spur

c) judgements

4) articulate

d) challenges

5) competitive

e) innovation

6) evaluate

f) information

7) collaborative

g) the way

8) make

h) edge

9) avail

i) development

10) ease

j) ideas

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form and answer the questions.

1. What techniques do you use to __________ communication challenges?

2. Is the ability to __________ ideas to your colleagues important for successful work?

3. What working conditions can __________ innovations?

4. What skills do you need to make objective __________?

5. What can ensure __________ in a project team?

6. How do you understand the notion of “collaborative __________”?

7. Are there any resources you __________ yourself to improve your thinking skills?

8. What information do you have to __________ if you want to start working for a particular company?

9. What does the competitive __________ of the company depend on?

10. What skills can ease the __________ to make a career in engineering?
7. a) Match the verbs with the prepositions:

1) to arrive

a) from

2) to focus

b) at

3) to combine

c) to

4) to do

d) on

5) to benefit

e) without

6) to adapt

f) on with

7) to take

g) with

8) to get

h) on

b) Translate the sentences.

1. Навыки критического мышления помогут достигнуть правильного решения.

2. Этот семинар нацелен на развитие командного взаимодействия.

3. Я всегда стараюсь быть в хороших отношениях с коллегами.

4. Проектная команда не может обойтись без креативного подхода в своей работе.

5. Не следует брать так много на себя, у нас мало времени.

6. Я легко адаптируюсь к новым ситуациям.

7. Наша работа только выиграет от участия мотивированных сотрудников.

8. Если навыки общения скомбинированы с гибким подходом, ежедневные вопросы могут быть легко решены.

8. What are your partner’s talents and abilities? Add some extra questions to the chart below. Then interview your partner, check () the answers and tell other groupmates about your partner’s personality.

Are you …



Do you have …



good with numbers?

a good memory?

good at fixing things?

a good imagination?

aimed at making a career in engineering?

common sense?

a good public speaker?

critical thinking skills?

well organized?

a good concentration?

a responsible person?

language skills?

Based on your partner’s answers, in what profession do you think your partner could best use his or her talents?
9. If you are given a project or an assignment to work on, how do you behave? Do you make detailed plans for how to proceed? Do you prefer to jump right in and see where the work takes you? Use examples of words with positive and negative meaning to describe your approach to work.


  • Active: always busy with something

  • Ambitious: strongly wants to succeed

  • Cautious: being very careful

  • Conscientious: taking time to do things right

  • Creative: someone who can make up things easily or think of new things

  • Curious: always wanting to know things

  • Logical: using clear and sound reasoning

  • Organized: dealing with one’s affairs efficiently

  • Perfectionist: wants everything to be done right and perfectly

  • Precise: careful and with great attention to detail


  • Anxious: worried, uneasy, ornervous

  • Careless: not being careful; rushing into things

  • Impatient: quickly irritated and easily provoked

  • Lazy: unwilling to work or showing a lack of effort

  • Rigid: being unwilling to change one’s outlook, belief, or response

  • Scatterbrained: inattentive and forgetful

  • Slapdash: performing work quickly and carelessly

  • Sober: serious, sensible, orsolemn

  • Undisciplined: lacking in discipline

  • Volatile: changing moods very quickly

10. Simply stating you’re a team player, for instance, isn’t enough for most hiring managers. That’s why it’s important to take simple adjectives and turn them into skills that can be transferred to the job.

  1. Match the character features with their description:

adventurous / creative / devoted / ambitious / cheerful / easygoing /

smart / curious / flexible / determined / competitive / confident / diligent /

efficient / talkative / responsible / energetic / enthusiastic / open-minded

1. ________________: I can juggle multiple tasks.

2. ________________: I am eager to learn something new.

3. ________________: I easily adapt to new situations. 

4. ________________: I develop a positive work environment.

5. ________________: I take risks.

6. ________________: I always work my hardest.

7. ________________: I am self-motivated.

8. ________________: I am committed to the company’s success. 

9. ________________: I take constructive criticism well.

10. _______________: I am driven to succeed.

11. _______________: I do my best to perform better than others.

12. ________________: I am not afraid to express my opinion, if I am sure it is right.

13. _______________: I always finish a task on time.

14. _______________: I think outside the box.

15. _______________: I have very quick turnover time.

16. _______________: I am able to work long and hard hours.

17. _______________: I am comfortable initiating a dialogue.

18. _______________: I put my all into every project.

19. _______________: I am able to adapt to any situation.

  1. Give your own explanation to the following personality traits and match them with the skills:

public speaking skills / leader skills / teamwork skills / learning skills /

written communication skills / people skills / creative thinking skills /

problem solving skills / time management skills

  • Educated: __________________________

  • Friendly: ___________________________

  • Charismatic: ________________________

  • Focused: ___________________________

  • Imaginative: ________________________

  • Cooperative: ________________________

  • Articulate: __________________________

  • Literate: ____________________________

  • Organized: __________________________

11. What kind of workers can you meet in your office? How can they be characterized? Match the personalities and their actions