Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Многогранность, черты характера, влиять на/определять выбор, склоняться к чему-либо, одиночество, сопоставлять что-либо с чем-либо, противоречить, иметь высокие показатели, возможности трудоустройства, ключевой фактор, отклонять, склонность к изобретению, плохо выполнять обязанности, являться следствием.
6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) poor

a) advantage

2) to reject

b) high

3) to place at

c) one’s choice

4) to rate

d) performance

5) to counter

e) recommendations

6) to affect

f) an applicant

7) personality

g) personality

8) to receive

h) poorly

9) day-to-day

i) basis

10) to perform

j) mismatch

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form and answer the questions.

1. What categories should you __________ high to get a job in engineering?

2. What occupational choices __________ your personality?

3. What recommendations on running a business would you like to __________?

4. Why can an __________ be rejected when applying for a job?

5. What skills can place you at __________ among your groupmates when passing exams?

6. How does your personality __________ your professional choice?

7. What can __________ performance at work lead to?

8. What are the reasons that make you __________ poorly?

9. What can a personality __________ result in?

10. How well can you perform on __________ basis?
7. a) Patrick and Carla describe their friends. Read the information and choose the best word for each gap. НУЖНО ПОМЕНЯТЬ РАМКИ МЕСТАМИ

Carla: “I’ve only known Trina a few months. The best thing about her is that she’s great fun to be with as she’s always (5) …… . She never seems to be in a bad mood. She’s always got something to say – in fact, she’s the most (6) …… person I’ve ever met. She never gets anxious but in some ways she’s far too (7) …… about everything – she nearly always arrives late when we’ve arranged to meet. I don’t really mind though. The only thing I don’t like about her is that she can be (8) …… to other people – she sometimes makes fun of them. I want to tell her but I don’t want to lose her as my friend …”

Patrick: “I used to love playing with Sam when we were small because he’s so (1) …… – he was really good at making up exciting games to play. But he didn’t enjoy being in large groups because he was very (2) …… and he didn’t like other children playing with us. He’s a bit more (3) …… now so he’s got more friends. But we had an argument the other day. I made a joke about his clothes and now he won’t speak to me. He’s much too (4) …… – it’s really easy to upset him …”


A easy-going

B thoughtful

C imaginative


A shy

B selfish

C thoughtless


A nosey

B sociable

C bossy


A sensitive

B sensible

C sympathetic


A big-headed

B cheerful

C moody


A talkative

B generous

C considerate


A outgoing

B lively

C relaxed


A impatient

B unreliable

C unkind

        1. Using the expressions from the boxes in (a) and phrases below write three positive and three negative sentences about any person you know.

He’s very / really __________. He’s so __________. He’s a bit __________. He’s much / far too __________. She’s never / always __________. The only thing I don’t like about her is __________. The best thing about her is that she __________. She can be __________.
8. Below are some adverts for job vacancies. Which job is each one advertising? Choose from the list below. Point out the words and phrases that can be used a) to describe people’s character; b) working requirements and conditions.

accountant / architect / builder / cleaner / mechanic / nursery assistant /

receptionist / sales manager

B. ____________________________________

Temporary job available in a local store for a reliable and flexible person. Previous experience is preferred but not essential as training can be given. You will be required to do shift work when the shop is closed (early morning and evenings) and some overtime. Excellent wages for an honest hard-working person. Please contact James Havard to obtain an application form and a job description.

  1. ___________________

You need to be efficient, well-organized and self-motivated and be able to work without supervision. You should also have good communication skills to deal with our customers. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience. Some training is available.

If you would like a permanent job in a local hotel, then call 0987 864829 for an application form.

C. ______________________________________

Enthusiastic person required to join our team. We are looking for a dynamic, creative person. A full training programme will be given to the successful candidate so no previous experience with young children is necessary. Good rate of pay and possible promotion in the future. Further details and an application form are available from office@mpr.co.uk

  1. a) Match the verbs with the prepositions:

1) to result

a) with

2) to end

b) to

3) to relate

c) from

4) to match

d) with

5) to suit

e) up

6) to guide

f) with

7) to react

g) to

8) to cope

h) toward

b) Translate the sentences.

1. Тесты на личностные качества могут помочь соотнести вид профессии с чертами характера.

2. Возможно, что неудовлетворение своей работой вызвано напряженным графиком.

3. Способность к изобретательности соответствует инженерным профессиям.

4. В конечном итоге ты можешь остановиться на одной из инженерных спе­циальностей.

5. Постарайся справиться с этой задачей, тогда многие проблемы будут решены.

6. Вам следует указать своей команде нужное направление работы.

7. Эти обязанности относятся к вашей должности.

8. Индивидуальные черты характера показывают, как человек взаимодействует с окружающим миром.
10. Three entrepreneurs share their best advice on moving from passionate hobbyist to successful business owner. Read three stories about “How to turn your hobby into a career” and do the facts matching after each story.

1. Be prepared to hustle.

Peter James Lovisek’s (now CEO of Fossil Realm) hobby of fossil collecting began in high school. His parents worked at the Royal Ontario Museum and ran a nature camp, so he inherited an interest in natural history. When he was 13, Lovisek was allowed to attend a mineral trade show in Detroit. There he purchased a few pieces, including a trilobite from Morocco. Returning home to Canada, he managed to sell all of the pieces for a profit. This initial success led to more trips south, and eventually Lovisek began auctioning his finds online. The business remained a side hustle to fund him through college. But by graduation, he had opened his own e‑commerce store and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Running Fossil Realm is rewarding, but he says, that doesn’t mean it’s easy.“Just because your business revolves around your passion doesn’t mean that it will take off easily, nor will it necessarily be enjoyable or fulfilling.”Fossil Realm has expanded to include Lovisek’s father, a warehouse and sourcing museum-quality finds, such as an Ichthyosaur skeleton valued at $195,000. But at the root of his thriving business is Lovisek, a man who never lost a childhood curiosity of fossils.

What does the article say about Lovisek?

What can you infer from the facts?

1. He attended a mineral trade show in Detroit.

    1. He was curious about new things.

2. He managed to sell all of the pieces for a profit.

    1. He knows how to make money.

3. The business remained a side hustle to fund him through college.

      1. Lovisek has entrepreneur skills.

4. At the root of this business is a person full of curiosity.

      1. He is devoted to his hobby and business.

5. He says: “Turning your hobby into a career is not enjoyable or fulfilling”.

      1. He sees the real state of things and has critical thinking skills.

2. Find a need.

Jonathan Heine, owner of “You Are Loved Foods” in Los Angeles, was a Wall Street banker for 25 years before turning a passion for health foods into a new business. Suffering from diabetes and fibromyalgia, Heine’s journey began with a simple search for ways to live a healthier life. He created a selection of sugar-free, gluten / grain / starch-free, strictly certified paleo foods and snacks. They were a big hit with friends and family, which eventually led to the inception of “You Are Loved Foods”. Jonathan describes the difference between his former work life and his hobby-turned-career in terms of human connections. On Wall Street, there was always a barrier between the decisions he made that affected real people’s lives, and the consequences. “You Are Loved Foods” changed that. “I know every decision I make has real impact on people’s lives,” he says.

What does the article say about Jonathan?

What can you infer from the facts?

1. Jonathan was a Wall Street banker for 25 years.

    1. He is a health-conscious person.

2. He created a section of healthy foods.

    1. He is responsible for his actions.

3. He was conscious about the barriers between the decisions he made and the consequences.

    1. He has figure and analytical skills.

3. Be authentic.

After chemical relaxers destroyed her hair and forced her to shave it off, Rochelle Graham-Campbell – then a college student – experimented with an online journal of styles for her natural hair while she tested out homemade organic conditioners. She began posting her tutorials to YouTube, and the channel BlackOnyz77 grew to attract more than 104,000 subscribers. Graham-Campbell went on to create Alikay Naturals hair care, which is now available in many stores nationwide. An initial investment of $100 from a part-time serving job served as marketing funds. Graham-Campbell converted her kitchen into a makeshift laboratory where she created and tested her products. She grew a niche, offering content for African-American naturally textured hair–a niche where only five competitors existed at the time. By interacting genuinely with her audience, Graham-Campbell built a loyal customer base when it was time to launch the product.

What does the article say
about Rochelle?

What can you infer from the facts?

1. The channel BlackOnyz77 grew to attract more than 104,000 subscribers.

      1. She has the ability to act and take responsibility for the outcome.

2. An initial investment of $100 from a part-time serving job served as marketing funds.

      1. She doesn’t waste her time and earns living.

3. Rochelle grew a niche, offering content for African-American naturally textured hair.

    1. She knows the problem and can meet the demand.

11. Many studies have been undertaken to measure the relationship between personality traits and job performance. Each trait shows connections with certain general tendencies, as shown in the following table.

Big 5 Traits



The tendency to appreciate new art, ideas, values, feelings and behaviors.


The tendency to be careful, on-time for appointments, to follow rules and to be hardworking.


The tendency to be talkative, sociable and to enjoy others; the tendency to have a dominant style.


The tendency to agree and go along with others rather than to assert one’s own opinions and choices.


The tendency to frequently experience negative emotions such as anger, worry and sadness as well as being interpersonally sensitive.

Study the following employee tendencies in the boxes and correspond them with Big 5 Traits. Then explain what tendencies you consider the most important ones and why.

  • _____ Openness

  • _____ Conscientiousness

  • _____ Extroversion

  • _____ Agreeableness

  • _____ Neuroticism


– flexible

– do well in training

– adapt well to unexpected changes

– can become bored with routine jobs


– can be successful managers who motivate employees

– often successful in jobs involving sales

– can be poor fits for jobs that do not provide sufficient social interaction


– excitable, often very dynamic

– tendency to analyze self and world more realistically and critically

– high tendencies towards job dissatisfaction and intention to leave their jobs

– tend to create unfair environments when in leadership positions


– high levels of effort and motivation

– aim at career success over time

– attentive to details and misses the big picture


– often willing to help others at work and display good organizational citizenship behaviors

– create fair environments when in management positions

– work well in team settings

– may hesitate to engage in constructive criticism and encourage change, even when it is needed

12. People express their own personality by the brands that they choose. Brand personality is what makes your business human in the eyes of your potential customers.

a) Analyze the information about the brands given below and point out phrases and words useful for personality description.

b) Choose any brand you like from the table and describe its ‘character’.

Brand Personality is communicated through tone of voice, visuals, and even customer service policies. There are five core dimensions to describe brand traits: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness.

Sophistication – the quality of being complicated in the way it works or made with great skill.

Competence – the skill you need in a particular job or for a particular task.

Excitement – strong feeling of happiness and enthusiasm.

Sincerity – the quality of being honest and open.

Ruggedness – the quality of being strong and designed to be used in difficult conditions.


1. Woodland got the ruggedness, outdoorsy, and ready for adventure personality through its products (hard boots – meant for adventure) and smart marketing strategies. They also used the colour green, which represents nature, to build a personality of being outdoorsy.

2. Harley Davidson has been a rebel from the start. The promotional campaigns, the logo, and use of bright and dynamic colours have helped them build this personality.

3. Even though Apple is a technology company, its brand is very sophisticated. When Steve Jobs returned in the late 1990s, the company placed a heavy emphasis on design for its hardware, software and retail stores. Apple products are elegant, as is its packaging, software and marketing. As Steve Jobs used to say “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.

4. The personality of Nike is excitement. Their brand slogan ‘Just Do It’ is provocative and aspirational to everyone who’s into achievement. The Nike brand offers a sense of confidence. Nike-as-a-person would be exciting, spirited, innovative, aggressive, cool, and into health and fitness.