Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) scientific

a) degree

2) recognized

b) physics

3) doctoral

c) prize

4) study

d) research

5) theoretical

e) reaction

6) receive

f) leader

7) chemical

g) part

8) major

h) abroad

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) and answer the questions.

1. How do you spend the major ________ of your time?

2. What is necessary for receiving the ________ degree?

3. Does your university provide laboratories to carry out ________ reactions?

4. What course do students study theoretical ________ at?

5. Where can students conduct their ________ research?

6. Have you ________ any prizes?

7. Would you like to take a gap year to study ________?

8. What ________ leaders in your specialty can you name?

7. Are the statements True or False?

  1. All Russian Nobel prizewinners were members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  2. N.N. Semyonov was the first Russian to receive a Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

  3. The Cherenkov – Vavilov effect is very important in theoretical physics.

  4. Pavel A. Cherenkov, Igor Y. Tamm and Ilya M. Frank have no influence on other scientists.

  5. Lev D. Landau received his doctoral degree abroad.

  6. Nikolay G. Basov and Aleksandr M. Prokhorov shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964.

  7. Pyotr L. Kapitsa was a member of the Soviet National Committee of the Pugwash movement.

  8. Zhores I. Alferov got higher education in Moscow.

  9. Tamm was Ginsburg’s teacher.

10. Vitaly L. Ginsburg and Alexei A. Abrikosov received the Nobel Prize for Physics for contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids.
8. Answer the questions using the information from the text.

1. Do you think it is a good idea to award prizes to scientists for their work? Why?

2. How many Nobel Prize winners were members of the Academy?

3. Which scientists were among those who founded the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology?

4. Which scientists, apart from Lev Landau, had things or places named after them?

5. Which scientists left the country to further their studies?

6. Who was the director of the Academy’s Physics Institute before Vitaly Ginsburg?

7. What does the Nobel Prize represent?

8. Why do you think it’s such a prestigious award?
9. a) Match the verbs with prepositions:

1) to carry

a) from

2) to result

b) in

3) to involve

c) down

4) to write

d) on

5) to lead

e) out

6) to work

f) in

7) to graduate

g) to

b) Translate the sentences using verbs with prepositions from (a):

1. Разработки ученых привели к новым открытиям.

2. Ученый тщательно записывал результаты всех своих опытов.

3. Студенты проводят опыты в хорошо оснащенных лабораториях.

4. Мы закончим университет и станем квалифицированными специалистами.

5. Многие студенты участвуют в научных конференциях.

6. Авария привела к катастрофическим экологическим изменениям.

7. В данный момент специалисты работают над этой проблемой.
10. Use the words from the box to complete the text.

hesitate  /  reflection  /  images  /  comprehending  /  recalling  /  geniuses  /  train

Big Brains

Many of the world’s ________ (1) have described how they think. They often think in the same way, and it may be that they have a different way of ________ (2) the world to the rest of us. For one thing, they rely often on mental ________ (3) of things to help them remember things rather than on ________ (4) actual language. This is something that all of us can actually ________ (5) ourselves to do better. They also report to take more time for ________ (6); that is, they ________ (7) before they speak because they want to give themselves more time to express themselves accurately.
11. Complete the text with the right word.

Alfred Nobel

When we hear the name Nobel, we immediately think of the Nobel Prizes. But Alfred Nobel, the 1) _____ (holder / creator / discoverer / receiver) of the awards, was also a great 2) _____(scientist / engine / philosophy / production)and 3) _____ direction / invention / maker / inventor).

Born in 1933 in Sweden, Nobel studied first in Russia and then 4) _____ (transferred / visited / joined / emigrated)to the US where he studied mechanical 5) _____ (developing / producing / engineering / creating). Afterwards, he returned to Sweden to work with his father.

Gradually, they made 6) _____ (directions / advances / motions / movements) in explosives. Nobel 7) _____ (figured / solved / granted / introduced)out how to work safely with nitroglycerine, a very dangerous and explosive 8) _____ (shape / form / body / substance). His invention later became known 9) _____ (by / with / as / for) dynamite. Nobel continued throughout his life to 10) _____ (do / have / make / take)improvements in the field of explosives. He eventually owned 11) _____ (numerous / numerate / numerical / numbered)explosives factories around the world and became very wealthy.

Alfred Nobel was a man of great 12) _____ (advantage / achievement / situation / incident). When he died, he left a wonderful gift to the world: the Nobel Prizes. Each year these prizes are 13) _____ (awarded / designed / suggested / implanted)to scientists, inventors and other 14) _____ (developed / interested / creative / manageable)people for their great 15) _____ (involvement / contribution / manufacturing / development)to the world.
12. Match two parts to form conditional sentences and translate them:

1. If the significance of the achievement has withstood the test of time,

a) prizes will be withheld or not awarded.

2. If the person confers the greatest benefit to mankind,

b) the award will be divided equally between the recipients.

3. If there are 2 or 3 laureates in a particular category,

c) he / she will be required to give a public lecture on a subject related to the topic of the prize.

4. If a prize is declined or not accepted before a set date,

d) the scientist will be awarded the Nobel Prize.

5. If the refuser has later explained the situation and on application received the Nobel gold medal and the diploma,

e) he would not have changed his will.

6. If no candidate in the meaning of Nobel’s will are found or the world situation prevents gathering information required to reach a decision,

f) he / she will receive the Nobel Prize.

7. If a person supplies a self-nomination for the Nobel Prize,

g) it will go to benefit scientific, cultural or humanitarian causes.

8. If Alfred Nobel had not read his own obituary “The merchant of death is dead”,

h) the prize money will go back to the funds.

9. If the Nobel Prize in Chemistry had not been awarded to non-chemists (biochemistry, molecular biology),

i) the nominee will be automatically disqualified.

10. If the winners donate the prize money,

j) the money will revert to the funds.

11. If a laureate is awarded the Nobel Prize,

k) it would not have been criticized.

13. Use the correct tense of the verb to make the first, second and third conditionals. Use adverbs of time where it is necessary.

1. If you _____ (take) the undergraduate engineering program, the coursework _____ (include) general engineering and courses in math, physical and life science.

2. He _____ (start) work as a technician or go on to further study at university, if he _____ (graduate) from this college

3. Students _____ (obtain) proficiency, if they _____ (use)the latest technologies in their study.

4. If she _____ (be) a student of a technical or vocational college, it _____ (train) her in the theory behind a specific vocation or technology.

5. Vocational schemes _____ (help) you, if you _____ (want) to gain hands-on experience.

6. If my friend _____ (choose)an apprenticeship, he _____ (start) work and earn money as soon as possible.

7. If students _____ (study) communications skills, it _____ (help) them deal with communication at work and with public.
14. Watch a video “Top 10 Nobel Prize Winners”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia4h_qRjxX0 and list Nobel Prizewinners and their achievements.

Get ready with the presentation

Nobel Prize Winners from other Countries
in your Sphere of Knowledge”

Consider the following points:

  • the founder of the prize;

  • the short information about the prize;

  • the countries the most often awarded scientists are from;

  • the Nobel Prize winners in your sphere of knowledge;

  • what discoveries / contributions they were awarded for.



1. Connect with the topic. Study the list of points to consider when deciding whether to study engineering. Tick the statements which refer to you. Then ask your partner which statements refer to him or her.

  1. You enjoy practical projects – creating and investigating things.

  2. You like finding out how things work.

  3. You are interested in improving the environment.

  4. You like helping people.

  5. You enjoy solving problems.

  6. You enjoy organizing activities.

  7. You enjoy science programmes on TV or on the radio.

  8. You sometimes read articles on scientific or engineering topics.

  9. You have a lot of determination and stamina.

If you ticked most of these statements, engineering is the right course of study for you.

  1. Match the words and their meaning:

1) solid

  1. to remove or take away something

2) to advance

  1. completely hard or firm all through an object, or without any spaces or holes

3) core

  1. the process of putting together the parts of a machine or structure

4) assembly

  1. the fact of stretching, or continuing; the act of adding to something in order to make it bigger or longer

5) network

  1. a number of computers that are connected together so that they can share information

6) artificial

  1. to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something

7) physics

  1. the scientific study of matter and energy and the effect that each has on the other

8) to eliminate

  1. the basic and most important part of something

9) maintenance

  1. made by people, often as a copy of something natural

10) extension

  1. the work needed to keep a road, building, machine, etc. in good condition

  1. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

  1. He’s just trying ________ his own career.

  2. ________ mechanics is fundamental for many branches of physics such as materials science.

  3. The specialist is responsible for selection and ________ of the components.

  4. Modern technology can ________ jobs.

  5. ________ fibers are made through chemical synthesis, as opposed to natural fibers.

  6. He studied ________ at university before becoming an engineer.

  7. There are six areas of engineering that form ________ of the profession

  8. Regular ________ helps keep the equipment in good condition.

  9. We’ve just spent £1.9 million on improving our computer ________.

  10. I hope to get an ________ to my present job responsibilities.

4. Read the text and list the main branches of engineering.


Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and their extensions into material science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer and rate processes, and systems analysis.

Engineers figure out how things work and find practical uses for scientific discoveries. Scientists and inventors often get the credit for innovations that advance the human condition, but it is engineers who are instrumental in making those innovations available to the world.

Although there are twenty-five engineering specialties with at least eighty-five different subdivisions, it is important to keep in mind that there are six areas of engineering that form the core of the profession. These areas are: Mechanical engineering • Electrical and electronics engineering • Civil engineering • Chemical engineering • Industrial engineering • Materials science engineering

  • Mechanical engineering involves design, manufacturing, inspection and maintenance of machinery, equipment and components as well as control systems and instruments for monitoring their status and performance. This includes vehicles, construction and farm machinery, industrial installations and a wide variety of tools and devices.

  • Electrical engineering deals with the practical application of the theory of electricity to the construction and manufacture of systems, devices and assemblies that use electric power and signals.

  • Civil engineering involves design, construction, maintenance and inspection of large infrastructure projects such as highways, railroads, bridges, tunnels, dams and airports.

  • Aerospace engineering involves design, manufacturing and testing of aircraft and spacecraft as well as parts and components such as airframes, power plants, control and guidance systems, electrical and electronic systems, and communication and navigation systems.

  • Chemical engineering covers the business that uses chemical reactions to turn raw materials, such as coal, oil, and salt, into different products. Chemical processes have created pharmaceuticals for the health care industry, soaps and beauty aids for the cosmetic industry, synthetic sweeteners and flavours for the food industry, plastics for the packaging industry, and artificial rubber for the automobile industry,

  • Computer engineering is the practice of designing computer hardware components, computer systems, networks and computer software.

  • Environmental engineering is the practice of preventing, reducing and eliminating sources of pollution that affect air, water and land.

5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Промышленная установка, система навигации, проект капитального строи­тельства, целый ряд (разнообразие), исходный материал, электрическая энер­гия, система управления и наведения, силовая установка, косметические това­ры, компьютерное программное обеспечение, тароупаковочная промышлен­ность, практическое применение, научные открытия, подразделы, каркас само­лета, сельскохозяйственная техника, проект капитального строительства, дамба, лекарства, синтетическое сахаристое вещество.

  1. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) to keep

  1. sources of pollution

2) to affect

  1. a core of something

3) to prevent

  1. raw materials into products

4) to turn

  1. electric power

5) to form

  1. computer hardware components

6) to use

  1. pharmaceuticals

7) to design

  1. practical uses

8) to find

  1. the business

9) to cover

  1. water

10) to create

  1. in mind