Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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b) Explain the meaning of the following phrases from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

to maintain balance to achieve goals to lack balance

to juggle responsibilities to reach the breaking point to ignore things

to follow a system to prioritize time
3. Work in pairs. Choose one column each and try to add your own ideas. Then rank the items, putting number 1 as the most important. Discuss your answers.

of bad time management

of good time management

You get a bad reputation

It improves your job prospects

You have more stress

You have more free time

Your work is often late

You finish work on time

Your work is not so good

You do better work

It’s a sign of weakness

It’s more efficient

You might make less money

It makes you feel better about yourself

Your relationships can suffer

You have more time for other people

Other _____________________

Other ___________________

Other _____________________

Other ________________

4. a) Now read about the management tips and match them with the numbers in the picture.

a) Once you’ve set your goals and determined the individual tasks you need to complete them, it’s time to prioritize. Of course, you want to make sure you’re getting things done, but they should be the right things. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. For example, look at your daily tasks and determine which are:

Important and urgent: Do these tasks right away.

Important but not urgent: Decide when to do these tasks.

Urgent but not important: Delegate these tasks if possible.

Not urgent and not important: Set these aside to do later.

b) Working without goals is similar to a situation where the captain of the ship loses his way in the sea. Set goals that are achievable and measurable. Use the SMART method when setting goals: make sure the goals you set are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

c) Utilize your calendar for more long-term time management. Write down the deadlines for projects and other tasks. Think about which days might be best to dedicate to specific tasks.

d) It is important to remove excess activities or tasks. Determine what is significant and what deserves your time. Removing non-essential tasks or activities frees up more of your time to be spent on important things.

e) Set deadlines for yourself and strive hard to complete tasks ahead of the deadlines. Ask yourself how much time needs to be devoted to a particular task and for how many days. Setting time limits for completing tasks helps you be more focused and efficient.

f) Make sure you start every day with a clear idea of what you need to do THAT DAY. If you plan your time wisely, you can focus on one task at a time, rather than wasting time jumping from one thing to the next. This allows you to work smarter, not harder.

g) When doing a lot of tasks without a break, it is harder to stay focused and motivated. Allow some time between tasks to clear your head and refresh yourself. Consider grabbing a brief nap, going for a short walk, or meditating.

b) Find in the text the word combinations that mean the following:

To set a target, to identify priorities, to assign tasks, to ignore tasks, to release time, to fix time limits, to accomplish a task, to spend time on, to concentrate on tasks, to lose time.
c) Find in the text the adjectives that are used to describe a goal. Use them in your own sentences with such nouns as a task, a result, a target, an objective, etc.
5. Complete the Time Management Questionnaire and evaluate yourself. Answer “Yes” or “No” to the following questions:

1. ____ Have you estimated how many hours you need to study this semester?

2. ____ Do you tend to complete your assignments on time?

3. ____ Have you estimated how long it takes to read one chapter in each of your textbooks?

4. ____ Do you begin working on long-term assignments at the beginning of the semester?

5. ____ Do you make lists of things to do in your head, rather than on paper?

6. ____ Do you participate in social activities even when you know you should be studying?

7. ____ Do you schedule time to study for exams?

8. ____ Do you have a job that requires more than 20 hours a week?

9. ____ Do you know exactly what tasks you are going to do when you sit down to study?

10. ____ Do you do the assignments from your favourite class first?

Give yourself 1 point for each YES answer to all questions except 5, 6, 8, 10. Give yourself 1 point for each NO answer to questions 5, 6, 8, 10. Total your points.

A low score indicates a need for help with time management and a high score indicates use of effective time management techniques.
6. Read the article and highlight some ideas that can help you improve your time management. Insert the following phrases into the text:

create a schedule / move on to the next / improve your time management /

avoid stress / some extra time / for a reminder for the task /

do your laundry / plan around these important tasks

Many adults say they want more time. They are busy with work, family, and school, and they often don’t get everything done. People feel stressed because there is not enough time to do it all. However, there are some simple ways to manage your time well and __________ (1).

One way is to identify the important or necessary tasks for that day. Then __________ (2) or a “to do” list. When you finish your important tasks, you can __________ (3), less important ones. Soon your tasks are done, and there is hopefully __________ (4) fun activities.

Another way is to do important tasks on the same days every week. For example, you can __________ (5) every Monday, and go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday mornings before work or school. Always do the tasks on the same days. That way, you can __________ (6) and have time for other things. Some people don’t like schedules, lists, or weekly plans. Instead, they use the notes or calendar features on their cell phones. Put __________ (7) on your phone, but don’t forget to do it!

These ideas can help you __________ (8). When you make plans and complete them, you feel good and can do more.
7. a) Discuss the questions with your partner.

1. How well can you manage your time?

2. What are your most popular time eaters?

3. How often do you accomplish all your plans for a given day?

4. Is your daily plan often destroyed by urgent situations?

5. How often do you say ‘I don’t have time for …’ Do you really mean it?

6. What skills are required for effective time management?

7. How to eliminate procrastination?
b) Answer the questions with information that is true for you. Use BECAUSE in your answers.

Are you an organized person? Why or why not?

Yes. I am an organized person because I plan every day.

Are your friends organized? Why or why not?

Do you have extra time for leisure activities? Why or why not?
8. Read the article about balancing time online and time with people. What are one good thing and one bad thing about spending time online? Put the following words and phrases into the gaps:

schedule / face-to-face / spend / in touch / improve networking sites / interact /
worried about  /  distant  /  online because of  /  devices  /  disagree

In today’s busy world people ________ a lot of time with various electronic ________ and they spend less and less time with people. Does this change how people ________ with family and friends? Sociologists ________ about this. Some think this is not a problem. Others worry about the Internet’s effect on our relationships.

Studies show that people spend less time ________ with family and friends than they did a few years ago. Instead, they look at social ________, shop and read online, and play ________ games. People interact less and this sometimes has bad effects. For example, some people do not spend time together as a family and they talk less ________ computers.

Sometimes technology helps people ________ their relationships with others. For example, some social networking sites help people to find ________ relatives and friends and keep ________ with them.

If you are ________ the time you spend online, try to make a ________ and balance online time with face-to-face time.
9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. My friends ______ (use) the computer for all sorts of things.

2. My friend John ______ (shop) for clothes online.

3. I ______ (use) an online dictionary for my English class.

4. My group mates Chris and Mark ______ (check) their e-mail every 5 minutes.

5. Ann ______ (not be) on any social networking sites.

6. My family ______ (not spend) a lot of time online.

7. My sister ______ (love) to shop online.

8. My brother Mike is online a lot, but he also ______ (interact) with our family.

9. Technology ______ (not hurt) my relationships.
10. Complete the article about social networking with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

Over the last ten years, social networking has grown (grow) from just another internet trend to a global obsession. Over four billion people regularly ________ (access) social networking sites on mobile devices. Check out these amazing facts that show how social networking ________ (still / change) the way we communicate day by day.

– 23 % of the Facebook users ________ (check) their accounts five times or more every day.

– The number of Twitter users aged 55–64 ________ (increase) more than any other age group at present.

Instagram users ________ (already / upload) more than sixteen billion photos.

Google+ ________ (currently / grow) at a rate of 33 % per year.

YouTube ________ (have) over one billion unique visitors per month.

In the last minute, more than 2,000 people ________ (just / check) in on Foursquare to let their friends know where they are.

11. a) Study the information about Mary and complete the sentences below by choosing the right answer.

Mary gets out of bed and immediately turns on her iPad. Then she checks her e‑mail and her social networks. Then she goes to work. At work, Mary uses her computer all the time and checks her e-mail many times a day. She gets home and immediately turns on her iPad. She stays at home all evening and plays online games. She sometimes eats dinner watching a movie in her iPad. She visits social networking sites. Then she goes to bed.

As soon as / before she gets out of bed in the morning, Mary turns on her iPad.

After / before she turns on her iPad, she checks her e-mail.

She checks her social networks when / before she goes to work.

As soon as / while she is at work, Mary checks her e-mail many times a day.

As soon as / before Mary gets home, she turns on her iPad again.

Mary usually plays online games after / while she is at home in the evening.

Mary sometimes eats dinner while / after she watches a movie in her iPad.

Mary visits social networking sites before / as soon as she goes to bed.
Compare your behavior with Mary’s. Discuss it with a partner.

Example: – As soon as I get out of bed in the morning, I turn on my computer. How about you?

– I turn my computer on after I make coffee.
12. a) Look at the activities below and tell how often you do them with your phone?

multiple times a day  /  multiple times a week  /  at least weekly

– making calls

– texting

– sending and reading emails

– searching for information

– taking pictures

– checking the weather

– researching products and services

– searching for a store

– sharing and posting photos

– using maps

– using social media sites

Now look at the Time Thieves list and discuss the questions below:

1. How do these time thieves affect people’s life?

2. Which ones waste most of your time?

3. How can people reduce their impact on them?

Time Thieves

➢ phone calls

➢ procrastination

➢ unexpected visitors

➢ multitasking

➢ constantly checking and answering emails

➢ daydreaming

➢ socializing with co-workers

➢ meetings without a plan

➢ social media

➢ surfing the Internet

13. Watch a video “Work-Life Balance” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPR3o6Hnf2g and discuss with a partner how perfect you are in keeping work-life balance. Make a list of 10 useful phrases from the video.

Get ready with the presentation

My Life Style”
Consider the following points:

  • personal information;

  • daily routines;

  • personal challenges;

  • studies / work;

  • free time;

  • life-study balance.


1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) to process

a) a question to be answered by an authority

2) query

b) to show or describe something, or to be a sign or symbol of something

3) search engine

c) to get or buy something

4) to represent

d) to begin, or to introduce a new plan or product

5) to forge

e) to believe someone or something to be, or think of him, her, or it as something

6) to launch

f) to perform a particular series of operations on the information

7) infinite

g) a computer program that finds information on the internet by looking for words that you have typed in

8) to consider

h) without limits; extremely large or great

9) to acquire

i) to make an agreement with a person, organization, or country

b) Fill in the gaps with the words from (a):

1. We don’t ________ her to be a right person for the job.

2. The airline ________ its new transatlantic service last month.

3. He ________ the firm in 2008.

4. Start by typing the name of the company into your ________ and see what results come up.

5. Don’t switch the computer off – it’s still ________ data.

6. This new report ________ the results of our experiment.

7. The universe is theoretically ________.

8. Email your comments, ________, or suggestions to us at this address.

9. The company ________ partnerships with a number of local companies.
2. a) Read the article about the story of Google. How did Google start?

Story of Google

When was the last time that you searched something on Google? Not long ago, right? The Google search engine processes more than 40,000 search queries every second which means 3.5 billion searches per day and typically 1.2 trillion searches per year. There’s no doubt that Google is one of the biggest inventions in the history of the internet. So, how did Google go on to become what it is today?

Sergey Brin and Larry Page started the company. Sergey came from Moscow, Russia. He moved to the USA as a young child and later studied mathematics and computer science. Larry was born in Michigan and became interested in computers as a child. They met in 1995 at Stanford University, in California, where they were both computer science students. They did not get along at first, but they soon became friends.

They designed a new Internet search engine in 1998. The company was an immediate success. Before Google, there were other search engines, but Google soon became the most popular one.

The name was a play on the Mathematical term googol which is a number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. It was a perfect name for what Sergey and Larry had in mind – a search engine that could organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.

After only a year, Google has become one of the fastest-rising Silicone Valley companies of the 20th century. The company won the Webby Awards, forged a partnership with Yahoo!, launched Adwords and its Google Toolbar, and was considered the largest search engine in the world when it hit the billion-URL index.

The company grew quickly. They didn’t stop at just one product. From 2005, Google kept launching new services – Google Maps and Google Analytics; Google Calendar and Google Translate in 2006; its mobile operating system Android in 2007 and Google Chrome – its web browser in 2008. Between these years, the company also acquired a number of businesses, this includes the acquisition of YouTube in 2006.

Google now offers over 50 internet services and products. It’s a provider of email, video, calendars and systems for managing our work. For businesses, Google marketing has become a major advantage for those companies who have used it to its full potential. Google has not only entered the dictionary. It has become an integral part of our lives.
b) Answer the questions:

1. What is the best way to find information today?

2. Where did Larry and Sergey meet?

3. When did they design Google?

4. What does the term googol mean?

5. What other products did Google start?

6. What prizes did Google win?

7. When you hear the name Google, do you have a positive, negative, or neutral attitude toward the company?

8. When you search the Internet, what factors do you consider when you select a search engine?

c) Insert the suitable preposition according to the text:

1. When was the last time that you searched something ___ Google?

2. Google is one of the biggest inventions ___ the history ___ the internet.

3. Sergey came ___ Moscow, Russia.

4. Larry was born ___ Michigan and became interested ___ computers.

5. They did not get ___ at first.

6. The name was a play ___ the Mathematical term googol which is a number represented ___ the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros.

7. It was a perfect name for what Sergey and Larry had ___ mind.