Файл: Министерство внутренних дел Российской Федерации Нижегородская.odt

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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Министерство внутренних дел Российской Федерации

Нижегородская академия
С.И. Балишин

Ю.В. Ильин

Л.И. Мартынова

Part 2

A Course of English

for Law Enforcement Students
Английский язык

для курсантов вузов МВД России

Нижний Новгород 2015

ББК 81.2Англ-923


А64Английский язык: Учебное пособие “ Law and Order”, часть 2 «Ветви власти»/С.И. Балишин, Ю.В. Ильин, Л.И. Мартынова — Н. Новгород: Нижегородская академия МВД России, 2015. — 200 с.

Настоящее учебное пособие по английскому языку предназна­чено для курсантов и студентов первого года обучения (второй семестр) и имеет целью дальнейшее развитие иноязычных речевых навыков про­фессионального общения.


кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Нижегородской академии МВД России

© Нижегородская академия МВД России, 2015

Настоящее пособие предназначено для второго этапа обучения английскому языку в вузах МВД и неязыковых вузах юридического профиля.Его цель состоит в усилении мотивации обучающихся к изучению иностранного языка посредством накопления и расширения их знаний в области англо-саксонского права и формирования профессионально значимой социолингвистической и межкультурной компетенции. Пособие представляет собой модульно-блоковое единство тем под общим названием “State Structure of the UK, the USA and Russia”, в которых под­робно рассматривается государственное устройство Великобрита­нии, США и России.

Пособие позволяет заложить прочные основы юридического вокабуляра через его активное использование в неподготовленной и подготовленной речи. Коммуникативная компетенция обучающихся развивается через их вовлечение в решение широкого круга профессиональных и языковых задач благодаря реализации принципа междисциплинарных связей, прежде всего курсов основ конституционного права западных стран
, истории и теории государства и права.

Правовая насыщенность материала и его методическая организация позволяют развивать и совершенствовать критическое юридическое мышление, совершенство­вать профессиональную и языковую компетенцию, развивать бытовые и профессиональные речевые навыки и умения.




The UK Constitution

1. Grammar Focus:

The Passive

2. Topic Activities

(Reading & Speaking):

.Text 1. The Constitution of a State

Text 2. The UK Constitution

Text 3. An Interview

3. Conversation & Writing Practice:

.Asking for Information



Страдательный залог

Общая характеристика действия в страдательном залоге

Подчёркивается, что человек или предмет, обозначенный в пред­ложении подлежащим, пассивен, т.е. не сам совершает действие, а является объектом воздействия, выраженного сказуемым в форме страдательного залога.


Active (действительный залог)

Passive (страдательный залог)

1) I ask. Яспрашиваю.

2) The police caught the criminal. Полицияпоймалапреступника.

1) I am asked. Меня спрашивают.

2) The criminal was caught by the police. Преступник был пойман полицией.

В страдательном залоге действие важнее, чем человек его вы­полняющий:

  • лицо, производя­щее действие, вводят предлогом by;

  • орудие действия, материал, ингредиент – предлогом with.

e.g.: A letter was written by John. It was written with apen.

Существительное или местоимение с предлогом by или with переводится в творительном падеже.

Общая формула сказуемого в страдательном залоге

С оответствующая видовременная форма


S imple

Present am/ is/ are

P ast was/ were

Future will be

C ontinuous

P resent am/ is/ are


P ast was/ were


P resent have/ has

Past had been

Future will have


Vm + ed 3 форма

правил. гл. неправ. гл

1. Read the following sentences and analyze the tenses of the passive verbs:

  1. Many young people are interested in music, computers, television, shopping, fashion and money.

  2. Walls, trains and railway stations in London are being covered with scrawls (каракули) by “graffers” these days.

  3. Eight graffiti gang members have been convicted of causing damage (причинить ущерб) on London Underground.

  4. The artistic talent of graffers is channeled in the wrong direction.

  5. Some works by famous graffiti artists will be exhibited in art galleries soon.

  6. Just a few weeks ago this night club was decorated by graffiti artists.

  7. The work will have been completed by the end of the week.

  8. The baby was being amused by a nurse while his mother was speaking to the doctor.

  9. This photo had been taken before they got married.

Способы перевода страдательного залога

1) неопределённо-личным предложением с глаголом в форме 3-го лица множественного числа действительного залога:

e.g.: The house was built. Дом построили.

He will be asked. Его спросят.

2) безличным предложением с кратким причастием:

e.g.: The house was built. Дом был построен.

He will be asked. Он будет спрошен.

3) безличным предложением с возвратным глаголом:

e.g.: The house was built. Дом строился.

He will be asked. (данный способ перевода здесь не подходит)


Глаголы, сочетающиеся в активном залоге с предложным дополнением, в пассивной конструкции сохраняют предлог после глагола в качестве указателя направленности действия. Перевод предложения в этом случае начинается с предлога.


Active: They sent for the doctor. Они послали за доктором.

Passive: The doctor was sent for. За доктором послали.

2. Practice translating the passive verbs:

1) Rolls Royce cars are made in England. 2) They type the letters in the other office. Your letter will be typed in a minute. 3) All our copies were sold yesterday, but some more will be ordered tomorrow. 4) They were all presented with signed certificates. 5) I was shown the letter of appointment (уведомление о назначении встречи).
6) This old car is in excellent condition. It
has been looked after carefully. 7) That little boy is always dirty. He is not looked after properly. 8) She is going into hospital tomorrow. She’ll be taken good care of there 9) It was a lonely road, and the girl was afraid; she thought she was being followed by someone. 10) The audience was all attention while he was speaking. His report
was listened to in complete silence. 11) He’s a sensible man. His advice is listened to carefully. 12) Shakespeare was born more than 400 years ago. He is still looked upon as the greatest of English poets. 13) He is always relied on. 14) The coat has been dry-cleaned. 15) The private life of pop-stars is much spoken about. 16) The judge has been spoken to about his decision.
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Passive tense:

e.g.: I’m going to a party tonight. I have been invited (invite) by my friend.

  1. Tom didn’t go to the meeting yesterday. It _____ (cancel).

  2. The police arrived soon after the boys _____ (rescue) from the river. They _____ (take) to hospital by ambulance.

  3. The new bridge _____ (build) already.

  4. Breakfast _____ (serve) every day from 7a.m. to 10a.m.

  5. This secret must not (reveal) to anyone.

  6. The jewellery _____ (steal) from the safe yesterday.

  7. A: When will I have my car?

B: It _____ (deliver) to your house the day after tomorrow.

  1. A: Who looks after your baby when you’re at work?

B: Well, he _____ (look after) by my mother.

  1. A: What will happen to the criminals?

B: They _____ (punish) for the crime.

  1. A: So, when did they tell you about the robbery?

B: I _____ (inform) by the police as soon as they found out.
4. Fill in “by” or “with” and translate the sentences:

  1. A kite was made ____ John. It was made ____ paper, paint and string.

  2. The lock has been broken ____ a hammer.

  3. This book was written ____ my favourite author.

  4. Tom is late for the lesson. He will be shouted at ____ his teacher.

  5. He was hit on the head ____ an umbrella.

  6. Some photos were shown to Jack ____ Jessica.

  7. The “Mona Lisa” was painted ____ Leonardo da Vinci.

  8. The cat is being chased around the house ____ the dog.

  9. The soldier was killed ____ a bomb.

  10. First, the applicant was examined ____ a personnel department and then interviewed.

  11. He was pleased ____ his interview.

  12. I am quite often dissatisfied ____ what I have done.

  13. I am easily bored ____ repetition and routine work.

  14. The Police Initial Recruitment Test is taken ____ all candidates.

  15. James is bored ____ school and studying


1 by, with; 2 with; 3 with; 4 by; 5 with; 6 by; 7 by; 8 by; 9 with; 10 by; 11 with; 12 with; 13 with; 14 by; 15 with.
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive tense:


A burglary (to carry out) in the High street yesterday morning. Two men (to enter) a jeweller’s shop and (to order) the assistant to hand over jewellery and money. The thieves (to escape) with jewellery worth $2,000, but (to arrest) later at the airport, as they (to try) to leave the country.


1) I (not to wear) my black shoes today. They (to mend). 2) The car (not to lock) and (to put) into the garage last night. 3) This room (to use
) only on special occasions. 4) He (to take – took – taken) to hospital yesterday and (to operate) on tomorrow morning. 5) The little girl is the only child in their family and she (to spoil) by her parents and especially grandparents. They (to dote = душинечаять) on her. 6) The paintings (to exhibit) till the end of the month. 7) This scarf (to leave – left – left) in a classroom yesterday, it (to find – found – found) by the cleaner and she (to pass) it on to the guard. 8) Dogs must (to keep – kept – kept) on leads in the gardens. 9) In Greece the Olympic Games (to hold – held – held) once in four years. 10) The thieves (to steal – stole – stolen) the jewellery from the safe yesterday. 11) We (to delay = задерживать) because there was a lot of traffic this morning. We (to stick – stuck – stuck = держать) in a traffic jam on the highway for an hour.



  1. Learn the following words:


the former

the latter






to enact

to constitute



to be binding on smb

to specify

to embody

development; developments (pl)


to recognize


смысл, значение

первый из упомянутых

второй из упомянутых

конвенция; обычай

давать определение

структура, форма


предписывать; устанавливать

постановлять основывать; учреждать

авторитетно, властно

акт парламента

быть обязательным для к-л

устанавливать, определять


развитие; события



сходство, подобие

  1. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

constitution; abstract; concrete; convention; composition; organ; private; authoritatively; civilized; to specify; to administer; formal; statute; determined; process; analogy; base.

  1. Expand your vocabulary through word-building. Learn the following derivatives:

constitution – constitutional; to compose – composition; to regulate – regulation; to relate – relation – relative; to vary – various; authority – authoritatively; to enact – enactment; to base – base – basis; similar – similarity; to judge – a judge – judgment.

  1. Translate the following word-combinations:

in the former sense – in the latter sense; in the concrete sense of the word; to carry on government of the country; the basis of the state; a series of formal documents; the British Constitution is said to be unwritten; statute law; case law; constitutional conventions; that’s to say; to give judgment.