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European Commission

Europe in 12 lessons

by Pascal Fontaine

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
200 — 2 pp. — .2 x 22.9 cm

ISBN 92-9-0284-2

What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up? How does it work? What has 

it already achieved for its citizens, and what new challenges does it face today? How can 

citizens get more involved? 

In an age of globalisation, can the EU compete successfully with other major economies and 

maintain its social standards? Can Europe continue to play a leading role on the world stage 

and help protect against terrorism? 

These are just some of the questions Pascal Fontaine — EU expert and former university lec-

turer — explores in the new 200 edition of his popular booklet ‘Europe in 2 lessons’. 

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Representation in Ireland

18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Tel. (353-1) 634 11 11
Fax (353-1) 634 11 12
Internet: www.euireland.ie
E-mail: eu-ie-info-request@ec.europa.eu

Representation in the United Kingdom

8 Storey’s Gate, London SW1P 3AT
Tel. (44-20) 79 73 19 92
Fax (44-20) 79 73 19 00/10
Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/uk 

Representation in Wales

2 Caspian Point, Caspian Way,  
Cardiff CF10 4QQ
Tel. (44-29) 20 89 50 20
Fax (44-29) 20 89 50 35
Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/uk 

Representation in Scotland

9 Alva Street, Edinburgh EH2 4PH
Tel. (44-131) 225 20 58
Fax (44-131) 226 41 05
Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/uk

Representation in Northern Ireland

Windsor House
9/15 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG
Tel. (44-28) 90 24 07 08
Fax (44-28) 90 24 82 41
Internet: www.ec.europa.eu/uk 

Information services in the United States

2300 M Street, NW — 3rd floor
Washington DC 20037
Tel. (202) 862 95 00
Fax (202) 429 17 66
Internet: www.eurunion.org

222 East 41st Street, 20th floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel. (212) 371 38 04
Fax (212) 688 10 13
Internet: www.eurunion.org

Office in Ireland

European Union House
43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
Tel. (353-1) 605 79 00 
Fax (353-1) 605 79 99
Internet: www.europarl.ie
E-mail: epdublin@europarl.europa.eu 

United Kingdom Office

2, Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AA
Tel. (44-20) 72 27 43 00
Fax (44-20) 72 27 43 02
Internet: www.europarl.org.uk
E-mail: eplondon@europarl.europa.eu 

Office in Scotland

The Tun, 4 Jackson’s Entry,
Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8PJ
Tel. (44-131) 557 78 66
Fax (44-131) 557 49 77
Internet: www.europarl.org.uk
E-mail: epedinburgh@europarl.europa.eu 

There are European Commission and Parliament 
representations and offices in all the countries of 
the European Union. The European Commission 
also has delegations in other parts of the world.

Other information about the European Union


Go online


Information in all the official languages of the European Union is available  


on the Europa website: 



Visit us


All over Europe there are hundreds of local EU information centres. You can find  


the address of the centre nearest you on this website: 



Call or write to us




 is a service which answers your questions about the European Union. You  


can contact this service by freephone: 

00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11



(or by payphone from outside the EU: (32-2) 299 96 96), 


or by electronic mail via 



You can also obtain information and booklets in English about the European Union from:

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What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set 

up? How does it work? What has it already achieved for its 

citizens, and what new challenges does it face today? How 

can citizens get more involved?

In an age of globalisation, can the EU compete successfully 

with  other  major  economies  and  maintain  its  social 

standards? Can Europe continue to play a leading role on 

the world stage and help protect against terrorism?

These are just some of the questions Pascal Fontaine — EU 

expert and former university lecturer — explores in the new 

2007 edition of his popular booklet ‘Europe in 12 lessons’. 

Europe in 12 lessons


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