ВУЗ: Казахская Национальная Академия Искусств им. Т. Жургенова
Категория: Книга
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Добавлен: 03.02.2019
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field of music psychology that maps out frequencies
from low to high in the body, from the base of the
spine to the top of the head, that respond to different
Visual 12.
Frequencies in Us
We're not here to argue the validity of such a sys-
tem; however, it might contribute to our perception
of highs and lows in the world of imaging. But regard-
less of why it happens, the truth is that high frequen-
cies do seem to appear higher between the speakers
than low frequencies. Therefore, we'll put the high
frequencies up high and the low frequencies down
low in all our visuals.
Visual 13. Song With Highs and Lows Highlighted
You can raise or lower the sound by changing
the pitch with harmony processors and aural exciters
or by having a musician play their instrument in a
higher octave or chord inversion. Since equalization
controls the volume of frequencies, with an EQ we
can move a sound up and down . . . at least a little bit.
Again, no matter how much bass we add to a piccolo,
we will never be able to get it to rumble the floor, and
we won't be able to put a bass guitar in the sky.
Defining the Boundaries of the 3D
Stereo Field of Imaging
Consider this: The image of a sound never seems to
appear further left than the left speaker or further
right than the right speaker. Right? Right, unless the
room is strange.
Because the exact placement is a figment of our
imagination, different people see the left and right
boundaries differently. Some say that it can't be fur-
ther left or right than the speaker itself. Some people
see sounds just a little bit further outside of the speak-
ers, maybe an inch or two. Check it out for yourself.
Pan a sound all the way to the left and listen to see
how far left the image seems to be.
The left and right boundaries of imaging are
shown like this:
Visual 14. Left and Right Boundaries of Imaging
When you turn the panpot, it's as though you
can "see" the sound moving left and right between
the speakers. Now, what about front to back bound-
aries of volume levels?
Normally, background vocals and strings are
only a few inches behind the speakers. As you reduce
the volume of a sound, it seems to recede into the dis-
tance. The question is, "How far behind the speakers
is a sound before it disappears altogether?"
Most people seem to imagine sounds to be
about six inches to two feet behind the speakers,
depending on the size of the speakers. It is interest-
ing to note how the speaker size affects the illusion.
With a boom box, we normally don't hear sounds
more than a couple of inches behind its speakers.
Chapter Two
Visual 15. Imaging Limits Around Boom Box
Whereas, when listening to a huge PA at a large
concert, the image seems to be as much as six feet
behind the speakers.
Visual 16. Imaging Limits Around Large PA
Check out how far back the sound seems to be
around various speakers. Normally, sounds are only a
short distance behind the speakers.
NOTE: There is a psychoacoustic phenomenon
based on previous experience wherein certain sounds
appear to be even further behind the speakers than
the normal imagined limit. For example, if you place
the sound of distant thunder between the speakers, it
can seem to be miles behind the speakers. The sound
of reverb in a large coliseum or a distant echo at the
Grand Canyon might also seem to be way behind the
speakers. This is a good illusion to remember when
trying to create unusually expansive audio worlds
between the speakers.
Now, as previously mentioned, when you turn a
sound up, it appears to be more out front in a mix.
But how far out front will it go? First, no matter how
loudly you raise the volume of a sound, you can't
make it come from behind you. In fact, sounds rarely
seem to be more than a short distance in front of the
speakers. Most people imagine sounds to be only
about three inches to a foot in front of the speakers.
Again, it depends on the size of the speakers. A loud
sound in a boom box will appear only about two
inches in front, whereas sounds in a huge PA might
appear as far out front as six to ten feet. (Check it out
on your own speakers.)
Regardless of our perception of the exact limits
of imaging from front to back, it is easy to imagine the
placement of sounds from front to back, with volume
being the main factor that moves a sound. Therefore,
the normal stereo field is actually three-dimensional! We'll
show the rear boundaries of imaging like this (the
front boundaries aren't shown because they would
just get in the way):
Visual 17. Imaging Front and Back Boundaries
Finally, what about the upper and lower limits
of imaging? As discussed earlier, high frequencies
seem to be higher between the speakers than low fre-
quencies. The questions are: How high are high
frequencies? And how high do the very highest fre-
quencies we hear seem to be between the speakers?
Some people say sounds never seem any higher than
the speakers themselves. Some say sounds seem to
float a few inches above the speakers. Again, the
exact limit depends on the size of the speakers and
the imagination of the listener. Regardless of the
exact limit, sounds never seem to come from the ceil-
ing. Imaging is limited to somewhere around the top
of the speakers.
The Art of Mixing
Now, what about the lower limit? Low frequen-
cies commonly come through the floor to our feet.
Therefore, the floor is the lower limit. The upper and
lower limits can now be shown like this:
Therefore, If you have a 100-piece orchestra
between the speakers, it's going to be crowded.
Visual 18. Imaging Top and Bottom Boundaries
No matter how far we pan a sound to the left, it
will never sound like it is coming from much further
left than the left speaker. Likewise on the right. We
"see" sounds only a little bit in front of and behind
the speakers. We don't hear sounds higher than the
speakers, but they do come through the floor.
The limits of imaging can be shown with this
one visual:
Visual 19. Only Place Mix Occurs
This is the space where a mix occurs. In the
world of imaging, sounds do not occur anywhere else
in the room. Most importantly, you must realize that
this space is limited.
Visual 20. Large Orchestra Crowded Between Speakers
(see color Visual 20C)
You can't hear each individual violin in the mix
because it is too crowded; you only hear a violin sec-
tion. Whereas, if you have only three violins, you can
hear each one quite clearly.
Visual 21. 3 Violins With Plenty of Space in Between
(see color Visual 21C)
Because the space between the speakers is lim-
ited and masking is a major problem in a mix, the
whole issue of mixing becomes one of . . . crowd
As you can see, a sound can be moved around in
the space between the speakers by changing the vol-
ume, panning, and pitch (equalization will make
small changes). These same three parameters are
used not only to move sounds around between the
speakers, but also to place and move effects, includ-
ing delay, flanging, and reverb.
Chapter Two
Visual 22. Movement of Sounds With Volume,
Panning, EQ
This limited space between the speakers where
imaging occurs is the stage or pallet where we can
create different structures of mixes. The trick is to
creatively place the sound images.
Now, let's discuss the elements, instrument
sounds, and effects that we can place between the
Visual Representations
of Sounds
Just how big is each sound in this world of imaging? The
goal here is to show how much space each sound takes
up between the speakers, so we can deal with the big
problem of masking. The more space a sound takes
up, the more it will hide other sounds in the mix.
Visual 23. Solar Eclipse: Natural Masking
As there is a limited space between the speakers,
we need to know the size of each member of the
crowd. How much space does the image of a sound
take up in the mix between the speakers?
Size as a Function of Frequency Range
First, bass instruments seem to take up more space in
the mix than treble instruments. Place three bass gui-
tars in a mix and you'll have a muddy mix.
Visual 24. Mud City
Bass sounds take up a lot of space. Being bigger,
they also mask other sounds more. However, place
ten bells in a mix and you can still discern each and
every bell distinctly from each other—even if they are
all playing at the same time.
Visual 25. 10 Bells Playing at Same Time
High-frequency instruments will be placed
higher and will be smaller than the low-frequency
instruments, which will be represented by larger
shapes and placed lower between the speakers.
The Art of Mixing
NOTE: Technically, it is very difficult to tell exactly
where low frequencies, below 400Hz, are coming from.
Low frequencies are extremely difficult to localize be-
tween the speakers. Therefore, a more realistic visu-
alization would have the low-frequency spheres less
defined—they would spread out to cover the entire
lower portion of the visual—creating even more
masking. However, in order to be able to show the
specific volume, panning, and EQ of bass, we will con-
tinue to use large, defined spheres.
Size as a Function of Volume
The louder a sound is in the mix, the more it will
mask other sounds. Therefore, louder sounds are
larger. A guitar that is extremely loud will tend to
mask the other sounds a lot more than if it were soft.
A bass guitar, already large, will hide other sounds
even more when turned up loud.
Visual 26. Loud Bass Guitar Masking Rest of Mix
Size as a Function of Stereo Spread
When you have a delay longer than 30ms, you hear an
echo, which looks like this:
An unusual effect happens when we put a delay
on a sound less than 30ms (1000ms = 1 second). Be-
cause our ears are not quick enough to hear the dif-
ference between delay times this fast, we only hear
one fatter sound instead of an echo. When you place
the original signal in the left speaker and the short
delay in the right speaker, the effect is such that it
"stretches" the sound between the speakers. It doesn't
put the sound in a room (like reverb), it just makes it
"omnipresent" between the speakers.
The same effect can be created by placing two
microphones on one sound. Because sound is so slow
(around 770 mph), you get about 1ms of delay time
per foot. Therefore, two mics are commonly used to
create a stereo sound.
Visual 28. Close to 1ms Delay Time Per Foot
Additionally, sounds in synthesizers are com-
monly spread in stereo with these same short delay
Visual 27. Delay Longer Than 30ms
Visual 29. Fattening: <30ms Delay Time
(see color Visual 29C)
Just as we can use volume, panning, and EQ to
place and move spheres, we also have control over
the placement of the oblong sphere, or "line," of
sound created by fattening. We can place the line any-
where from left to right by panning the original sig-
nal and the delayed signal to a variety of positions.
The wider the stereo spread, the more space the
sound takes up and the more masking it causes.
Chapter Two