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UDC 368.2

SCSTI: 04.21.81
A. Niyazbayeva*, phD1

A. Baktymbet, c.e.s., assoc. professor2

S. Baktymbet, c.e.s., assoc. professor3

K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan1

Kazakh University of Technology and Business 2

Kazakh University of Technology and Business 3

* – main author (author for correspondence)

e-mail: ponka2003@mail.ru
The article highlights the problems faced by young people living in the region who need socio-economic assistance and support. The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of socio-economic problems on improving the socio-economic situation of young people, including improving the social situation and socio-labor mobility of young people in the region by studying the problems of modern youth. Against the background of the coronacrisis, it was found that the problems of the population, including young people living in particularly difficult conditions, have worsened. The growth of youth unemployment, especially in the region, rural areas, the transition to distance learning, youth migration is a consequence of unfavorable socio-economic and demographic phenomena, as well as the political crisis affecting the education and vocational training of young people. These problems have helped to increase the interest of researchers in assessing the quality of life of modern youth. As a result of a number of studies conducted as part of a survey of a group of respondents from among teachers and students, the problems of modern youth have been identified and recommendations for their reduction have been given. The value of the results obtained in the framework of the proposed study will be in the development of scientific approaches and principles of regional youth social policy.

Keywords: youth, region, quality of life, education, activity, mobility, students, human capital, employment, crisis.

Кілт сөздер: жастар, аймақ, өмірсапасы, білім, қызмет, ұтқырлық, студенттік, адамикапитал, жұмыспенқамту, дағдарыс.

Ключевые слова: молодежь, регион, качество жизни, образование, деятельность, мобильность, студенчество, человеческий капитал, занятость, кризис.
JEL Code: E24, I2, I3, J6, O15, O18

Introduction. The current state of development of the country, regions, in particular rural areas, indicates the insufficiency of measures taken to create conditions for professional self-determination of adolescents and youth, as well as to improve the quality of life of young people. At the same time, the cause-and-effect relationships of crisis trends with factors affecting the quality of life of modern youth remain poorly understood to date. The Message "The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness" (31.01.2017) describes the creation of opportunities for all citizens of the country through continuous improvement of the quality of human capital and the transfer of advanced competencies and knowledge. The implementation of this principle allows us to pay great attention to the formation of IT knowledge, financial literacy and the education of patriotism among young people. However, to date, no methodological recommendations have been developed for professional training and the creation of conditions for professional self-determination of adolescents and youth that would meet the modern requirements of today and tomorrow. The purpose of the article is to assess the quality of life of modern youth against the background of unfavorable socio-economic and demographic phenomena. The development of a model of social and labor mobility and professional orientation of young people in the region will allow efforts to be directed to solving the problems of young people. This model will differ from other models of socio-economic modernization and will be aimed at creating conditions for the development and self-realization of young people. A number of measures will be aimed at increasing the level of accessibility of young people to educational opportunities in the region, rural areas, the quality of youth training, taking into account the fact that the country, including urban and rural areas, has not developed effective programs for cultural and socio-economic development of society. The basic tools of methodological tools will serve as the main approaches to conducting scientific research, for example: conducting analytical research, identifying the main trends and patterns of socio-economic phenomena and processes, taking into account factor analysis; specifying scientific and practical conclusions, etc.

To achieve the goal of the study is used method of collecting primary information - work with digital library resources, sociological interview. Collection of information was conducted on the territory of Aktobe region on the basis of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University and in the city of Almaty on the basis of Almaty Management University. To identify the preferences of the respondents, methods of ranking and scaling sociological information are used. The use of several methods in the study will form the basis for the development of scientific approaches and principles of regional youth social policy.

 Literature review. A review of the literature on the impact of crisis trends in the socio-economic sphere on the quality of life of modern youth shows a comprehensive consideration of the issues raised in our study through the prism of various theoretical approaches.

Today's megacities are under tremendous pressure from migration, increasing cultural diversity, ethnic mixing, and social heterogeneity [1, p.298]. Nowadays, the educational work with children cannot take place outside the digital environment. It is impossible to ignore the fact that today's schoolchildren mostly do all their communications on the Internet via mobile devices [2]. The most notable characteristic of the everyday practices of young people is communication in social networks: they become too dependent on it and, in general, do not get out of it. They play all the time, they don't listen to anyone; you can even just see that two friends have come to a cafe and they don't communicate with each other, but they often hang out on the phone [3, p.192]. World experience of the last decades shows that in the rapidly changing world the strategic advantage will have those countries that can intensively develop, effectively accumulate and productively realize the human capital and innovation potential, the main carrier of which is the youth [4, p.229-232]. The practice of recent decades proves convincingly that in a rapidly changing world, those societies that can effectively accumulate and productively use human capital, as well as innovative development potential, whose main carrier is young people, will have a strategic advantage [5, p.192].

Particular attention in the organization of social work with students is paid to freshmen, which is justified by the presence of personal problems, difficulties in adapting to the new conditions of education, accommodation, financial instability, the need for help in protecting the rights and interests [6, p.252]. Many graduates primarily choose an educational institution rather than a specialty. Some areas of activity are not known to graduates at all [7, p.276]. Increasing human capital and the competitiveness of young people in the labor market require changes in the institutional component of youth policy, the creation of fundamentally new infrastructures in the youth environment, investment in this area of resources, both public and private, forming conditions for the self-organization and self-actualization of young people [8]. On the one hand, the demand in the labor market can be presented by obsolete enterprises, where today's young people do not want to work, and on the other hand, innovative industries often cannot find specialists with the required qualifications, because the education system does not have the human and technical resources to train staff at such a high level [9].

Most young people during the pandemic found jobs using their connections. The share of those who thought it was difficult to find a job in their chosen field of study was 40 percent among young people surveyed who had received a high quality education and were working outside their field of study [10, p.85]. The consciousness of young people is sensitive and receptive to the events taking place in society. At the same time, it must be said that it is capable of processing and absorbing a significant flow of information, thus forming its own worldview and breadth of outlook. At the present stage of society development it is important to assess the complexity of the problems that need to be solved by young people; the ability to realize what specific difficulties they face; the ability to analyze and think positively; to know the factors that affect the demographic situation [11, p.167]. The claim that young people are more optimistic about the future than older generations is only a tendency, and the concrete idea of the future and the role in it differs significantly in new generations, which makes it necessary to involve young people in the humanitarian expertise of bio- and medical projects that affect human nature, and to consider the factor of experiments in the new generation to change human nature in state youth policy (which was not previously considered) [12, p.508].

The causes of youth labor migration are: the state of the labor market, unemployment, difficulties in finding a job, improving their material situation, prospects for advancement, acquiring knowledge about the world around them, establishing links, and many others [13, p.18]. Today, young citizens are increasingly thinking about the prospects of starting their own business and increasing their financial well-being. Youth entrepreneurship occupies an important place in the economies of leading countries, partly because it is a tool to overcome the global problem - the problem of youth unemployment, which is acute in recent times [14, p.48-55].

Main part. The study of contemporary youth issues is based on the concepts and principles of the sociological approach to the study of social phenomena due to the fact that modern society is a dynamic, intensively developing system, which generates new, previously unknown phenomena. In these conditions, the basic methods are questionnaires, observation, content analysis, the method of focus groups. At the same time, in some cases, it is also possible to use socio-psychological research methods (tests, experiments) which are characterized by significant reliability and validity.

In our study, we developed a questionnaire that collects information on the value and professional orientation of young people in modern conditions among experts-specialists and young people of different age categories.

At the same time, it should be noted that values and goals, as phenomena of consciousness, significantly differ from each other. A.I. Prigozhin singles out the following positions that distinguish values from goals (see Table 1) [15, p.26-33].
TABLE 1. Values and Goals





This is a programmable future

It's an imaginary future

Their achievement is measurable

Approximation to them is evaluated in comparison with other

Relate to costs

Expressed through desire and satisfaction


Correlate with emotions

Have objective indicators of

of achievement

Perceived subjectively

Created, assigned


Execution-oriented, completion-oriented

Priority process

Note:Compiled by the author based on reference [15, p.26-33].

Since 81 people from different age groups (from 18 to 35 years and older) from different regions (Aktobe city and Almaty region) participated in the survey, it was decided to create not one but two questionnaires with the same content for more accurate and favorable collection and calculation of information.

The questionnaire, consisting of 30 questions and developed by us, was sent out mainly to the students of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University and Almaty Management University. Students ranged in age from 18 to 22. Also participating in the survey were economics faculty members between the ages of 30 and 63, who also had their own perspective on the issue.

A group of people who differed from all the others and had similarities between them not in terms of age, but in terms of professional activity. This category of people was represented by experts - specialists from the faculty of economics of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University and Almaty Management University.

All of this data helped us to provide the research portion of this study. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed based on the results of the survey. Below is a comparison of the results of the survey at the regional and local levels.

In Aktobe city girls and women participated more actively in the survey - 31 respondents (67.4%). The share of participation of young people and men was 32.6% (15 respondents). Most of them are students of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University. (Figure 1).

FIGURE 1. Gender and number of participants

Note:Compiled by the author
Many respondents consider being healthy as their main goal in life - 35 respondents (76.1%). In second place is the answer: "to have a good family" - 32 respondents (69.6%). It was found that young people also want to open their own business - 17 respondents (37%), to live well - 31 respondents (67.4%), to have good friends - 12 respondents (36.1%), and only 10 respondents (21.7%) noted the answer "to receive a good education" as their main goal in life. It should be noted that the answers to the question were chosen in terms of the age of the respondents. At the same time, respondents aged 18 to 21 years old noted the following answers among the main life goals: to open their own business, to have a good family, to live in abundance, to have good friends, to receive a good education, to be healthy (Figure 2).

FIGURE 2. The main life goals of youth

Note: Compiled by the author
To the question «What causes fear and uncertainty in your future life?» the majority of respondents (56.5%) chose the answer "to remain without means of subsistence," and 22 respondents (47.8%) chose the answer "problems with getting a job. And only 1 respondent (2.2%) expressed fear that economic factors would affect his/her future life. In turn, 10 respondents (21.7%) were concerned about the continuing problem of crime (see Table 2).
TABLE 2. Distribution of answers to the question: «What causes fear and uncertainty in your future life?»

Answer options

Number of responses

Absolute value



inability to get an education




be left without a means of subsistence




problems with getting a job








not to use their potential and opportunities




economic factors




not finding your professional calling




not to meet the person you love



Note:Compiled by the author

However, when asked "What difficulties are you experiencing at the moment in your life? 15 respondents (32.6%) chose the answer "I can't answer that question", 12 respondents (26.1%) have problems with self-expression and self-development, 7 respondents (15.2%) have problems of harmony, 4 respondents (8.7%) chose the answer "recreation problems" and only 3 respondents (6.5%) have problems with finding a job and employment (see Table 3).

TABLE 3. Distribution of answers to the question: « What difficulties are you experiencing at the moment in your life?»

Answer options

Number of responses

Absolute value



I can't answer that question




Problems in self-expression and self-development




Problems of harmony




Recreation problems




Problems with finding a job and employment



Note:Compiled by the author

To the question «Are there enough opportunities for young people in modern Kazakhstan for self-realization?» 23 respondents (50%) answered "More likely yes, young people can realize themselves, despite some difficulties", 11 respondents (23.9%) chose the answer "More likely no, only a small proportion of young people can realize themselves", 12 respondents (26.1%) aged 18 to 23 years agreed that young people can fully realize themselves wherever they want (see Table 4). Another point worth mentioning is that none of the respondents chose the answer "No, there are practically no opportunities for young people to fulfill themselves". This suggests that the region has created conditions for the realization of youth opportunities and, even despite some crisis moments in the economy, young people do not lose optimism and, based on previous answers to some questions, believe in their own future.
TABLE 4. Distribution of answers to the question: «Are there enough opportunities for young people in modern Kazakhstan for self-realization?»

Answer options

Number of responses

Absolute value



More likely yes, young people can realize themselves, despite some difficulties




More likely no, only a small proportion of young people can realize themselves




Yes, young people can fully realize themselves wherever they want.



Note:Compiled by the author