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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

3) I've got a lot of books from the library and the next days I (TO READ).

4) Now I'm used to (TO DRINK) fresh juice.

5) Who (TO TAKE) care of my dog yesterday?

5. Соотнесите реплики в диалогах.

1) I don't feel good.

a) Ok! Let's try it on!

2) Can you excuse me?

b) An engineer.

3) What are you going to be?

c) No, it's all right.

4) I'd like to buy this pullover.

d) That's a pity.

5) Who is his mother?

e) Of course, you are so polite!

6) Shall I help you?

f) Mrs Johnson

6. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы после него. Выберите свои ответы из рамки.

Robbie's first business!

R obbie enjoyed art most at school. He liked maths and music too, but because it was hard for Robbie to spell words correctly or to understand texts, he didn't enjoy being at school. In English, he had lots of problems. So, when Robbie was 12, his parents decided to teach Robbie differently at home. There he learnt about business and working on computers and spent more time happily studying art and playing his guitar.

Robbie's grandmother started teaching him to cook too, which, like his mother and aunt, he really enjoyed doing. One day, she told him her secret way of making jam. Soon Robbie made too much for the family to eat so he took it to the friends in his street. He made more and more jam. It tasted so good that the other people started buying it from him. Robbie added all his costs together and decided on a price. Then he made a business plan on the computer with help from his dad. Now Robbie sells his jam at a weekly market. It tastes wonderful and it's healthy because Robbie uses juice and use no sugar to make it.

"I'm still only 14 but I'm already a businessman", Robbie laughs. “Last week l got £93 because 87 different customers bought 52 kilos of my jam, and a supermarket wants to sell it too. My career is in jam-making I think!"

h is grandma art at a market 52 kg English

his parents music his friends online 87 kg

his dad 93 kg his mother math 14 kg

1) What was Robbie's favourite school subject?

2) What subject was Robbie bad at?

3) Who told Robbie the secret recipe of making jam?

4) Who helped Robbie with his business plan?

5) Where can people now buy Robbie's jam?

6) How much jam did Robbie sell last week?

7. Ответьте на вопросы полными предложениями.

1) What does your hair look like?

2) What is your best friend's mother?

3) What is the weather like in summer?

4) What pieces of furniture are there in your room?

5) What do you usually drink for breakfast?

6) What hobbies are you interested in?
3. График контрольных мероприятий для 6 класса.

1 четверть

2 четверть

3 четверть

4 четверть

Контрольная работа № 1 по теме: «Какой ты?»

Контрольная работа №2 по теме:

«Ты любишь ходить за покупками?»

Контрольная работа №3 по теме: «Погода».

Контрольная работа № 4 по теме: «Кем ты хочешь стать».
Итоговая контрольная работа.

Контрольная работа №1 по теме: «Какой ты?»
Ex.1. Давай проверим, как хорошо ты знаешь лексику? Распредели слова из рамки на две группы. Запиши в тетрадь.

jumper boastful comfortable suit quarrel sociable kind shirt sweater

hair lazy polite handsome talkative polite honest awful nose

Appearance: ______________________.

Character: ________________________.

E x.2. Закончи гороскоп для Кати, слова в таблице помогут тебе. Заполни пропуски глаголами в правильной форме (Future Simple). Запиши ответы в тетрадь.

look (2) * like * wear * be * buy * not quarrel * get on well * go

Friends: Next week you (0) will get on well with your classmates. You (1) ______ with your friend.

Looks: You (2) _____ great next week. You (3) _____ to the shop and (4) _____ a smart skirt. There (5) _____ a party at your school next week. You (6) _____ your new skirt to the party. You (7) _____ super in it. Everyone (8) ____ it.

Ex.3. Раскрой скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Present Progressive.

1. I (read) books every evening. 2. I (not read) books in the morning. 3. I (write) an exercise now. 4. I (not write) a letter now. 5. They (play) in the yard now. 6. They (not play) in the street now. 7. They (play) in the room now? 8. He (help) his mother every day. 9. They (do) their homework in the afternoon. 10. My sister (eat) sweets every day.

Ex.4. Опиши картинку, употребляя Present Progressive.

Контрольная работа №2 по теме: «Ты любишь ходить за покупками?»
1 Выбери правильный вариант (a, b, c). Задание 0. сделано в качестве примера.

  1. How much does it cost ?

  1. cost b) sell

  1. I’d like to buy a loaf of _____?

  1. bread b) cheese c) butter

  1. How much is this ____ of coffee?

  1. bar b) jar c) carton

  1. I’m going to the ____ to buy some milk.

  1. baker’s b) butcher’s c) dairy

  1. Ask a _____ how much this box of chocolate costs?

  1. salesperson b) customer c) grocer

  1. For this _____ you need some flour, some butter and salt to taste.

  1. Price b) recipe c) customer

  1. At the greengrocer’s you can buy _____.

  1. green tea b) a tin of dog food c) a cabbage

  1. We’ve got ____ onion soup for lunch.

  1. enough b) any c) a few

2 Заполни пропуски глаголами в правильной форме (Past Simple/ Past Progressive).

Jane 0. (choose) was choosing presents for her classmates while Jannifer and Susie 1. (write) ___ invitation cards. Then Jack, Tom and Charlie 2. (come) ___ and 3. (colour) ___ the invitation cards very nicely! While Jane’s mum 4. (make) ___ chocolate cakes at home, five of Jane’s classmates 5. (cut) ___ sandwiches. Neil and Nelly 6. (draw) ___ some pictures while Betsy and some other girls 7. (decorate) ___ the classroom. Emily’s and Kim’s mothers 8. (prepare) ___ fruit salads when Betsy’s mother 9. (come) ___ to help them.

When the children and their mothers 10. (finish up) ___ all the preparations Kim’s and Tom’s fathers 11. (arrive) ___. They 12. (bring) ___ a lot of chocolate bars for the whole group.

3 Сделай одно предложение из двух.

  1. The children (play) and (sing). Betsy’s mum (prepare) everything for tea.

While the children were playing and singing, Betsy’s mum was preparing everything for tea.

  1. Betsy’s mum (set) the table with a birthday cake. Emily and Rich (have) tea with sandwiches.

  2. Betsy’s dad (choose) a CD for musical chairs. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a song to music.

  3. Susie, Kim, and Aleck (sing) a “Happy Birthday” song. Betsy (listen) to them carefully.

  4. Janet, Neil, Nelly and Jannifer (play) “pass the parcel”. Tom (watch) the game with great interest.

  5. Mike (make) up a birthday poem for Betsy. The other children (have) fun.

4* Напиши письмо для Джейн. Она спрашивает тебя о том, как ты отметил свой прошлый день рождения. Используй Past Simple и Past Progressive.

Контрольная работа №3 по теме: «Погода»

№1. Павел мечтает о будущем. Напишите о его планах, используя конструкцию tobegoingto. Запиши ответы в тетрадь.

Ex.:  I … (study) astronomy at university. – I am going to study astronomy at university.

  1. I … (move) to London.

  2. I … (fly) to the Moon.

  3. I … (marry) at 25.

  4. We … (have) three kids.

  5. My wife … (become) a famous actress.

  6. My wife and children … (travel) all over the world.

  7. We … (eat) in restaurants every day.

  8. I … (open) a flying school in England.

№2. Опишите, что будут делать ребята, используя условные предложения. Запиши ответы в тетрадь.

Ex.:  If itis (be) sunny, Iwill have (have) barbeque.

  1. Tim and his parents ____ (have) a picnic if the weather ____ (be) fine. 2) Clare and Sam ____ (go) to the beach if it ___ (be) very hot. 3) If it ___ (be) a thunderstorm, boys ____ (not/play football) outside. 4) If it ___ (be) snowy, Kate and Ann ___ (skate). 5) If it ___ (rain), they ___ (stay) at home. 6) They ___ (go) to the café if it ___ (be) a heavy rain. 7) If the weather ___ (be) warm and sunny, I ___ (swim) in the river. 8) My friends ___ (stay) in the town if it ___ (be) hot and humid. 9) If the snow ____ (melt), I ___ (not/ski). 10) If it ___ (be) rainy, I ___ (take) my umbrella.

№3. Определи части речи (N – сущ., V – глаг., A – прил.) Запиши ответы в тетрадь.

  1. It is snowing all day long.

  2. It is very windy today.

  3. There will be heavy rain this week.

  4. The weather is sunny today.

  5. It will rain every day this week.

  6. Today is foggy.

  7. The wind was very cold yesterday.

  8. There will be sunshine tomorrow.

№4 Напиши Кэйт письмо про свои любимое время года и любимую погоду. Не забудь задать ей вопросы (не меньше 90 слов).
Контрольная работа №4 по теме: «Кем ты хочешь стать?»

№1 Какие профессии у этих людей? Вставь в пропуски пропущенные слова из рамки.

police officer architect librarian mechanic accountant

lawyer secretary

  1. He designs new houses. He is an _______.

  2. Alice works in an office and helps her boss. She is a ______.

  3. They count other people’s money. They are ______.

  4. Mike works at a police station. He is a _______.

  5. He works in a workshop. He is a ______.

  6. My mum helps people to choose books. She is a ______.

  7. Jason knows all laws and helps people to keep order. He is a ______.

№2 Чем этим людям приходится заниматься на работе? Выбери подходящее слово в скобках.

Mrs Smith is (a postal worker/a postal officer). She (delivers/reads) newspapers and letters to people.

Mr Bixby and Mr Green are (engineers/designers). They (repair/design) and build engines, machines, bridges.

Mrs Iris is (a manager/a housewife) in a big supermarket. She (organizes/does) other people’s job.

Mr Voorhees is a mechanic. He has to (repair/produce) cars and he has to (explain/serve) to a driver what has happened to his or her car.

№3 Вставь в пропуски haveto и must в правильной форме.

When Glen Lantz was a small boy, he worked as a paper boy. He didn’t like this job because he (1) ____ do a lot of things he did not like. He (2) ____ get up early. He (3) ____ carry a heavy bag with a lot of newspapers. He (4) ____ walk from house to house and ring the doorbells. Every day he (5) ____ sell 30 newspapers but he didn’t. His mother told him, “You (6) ____ work a lot. You (7) ____ know that life is not all play. If you want to make a fortune you (8) ____ have the character. If at first you cannot do what you should, you (9) ____ feel unhappy. You (10) ____ work and work.” But in his dream Russell wanted to be a writer.

№4 Закончи предложения, употребив глаголы в правильной форме (PastSimple, PastPerfect).

Nancy and her parents (0) came (come) to St David’s on July 22. They (1) ____ (find) that their friends (2) ____ (leave) before they arrived. Nancy and her parents (3) ____ (go) to one of the Beautiful beaches. Nancy (4) ____ (not see) a city in the park before they (5) ____ (come) to St David’s. They (6) ____ (enjoy) the wonderful old buildings and (7) ____ (walk) a lot. They (8) ____ (be) sorry that their friends (9) ____ (go) home before they (10) ____ (meet).

Итоговая контрольная работа для 6 класса.

№1 Распредели слова из рамки по следующим группам:

jumper boastful loaf kind humid electricity toothache shirt sweater architect librarian suit sociable mechanic chair thunderstorm accountant hair sunshine appendicitis lazy kitchen polite talkative wall unit ill wardrobe dairy customer flu bottle medicine

Weather: ____________ Character: ______________

Work: ______________ House: ________________

Appearance:__________ Shop: _________________

Health: ______________

№2 Раскройскобки, употребляяглаголыв Present Simple или Present Progressive.

1.I (read) books every evening. 2. I (not read) books in the morning. 3. I (write) an exercise now. 4. I (not write) a letter now. 5. They (play) in the yard now. 6. They (not play) in the street now. 7. They (play) in the room now? 8. He (help) his mother every day. 9. They (do) their homework in the afternoon. 10. My sister (eat) sweets every day.

№3 Сделай одно предложение из двух. Используй Past Progressive.

  1. The children (play) and (sing). Betsy’s mum (prepare) everything for tea.

While the children were playing and singing, Betsy’s mum was preparing everything for tea.

  1. Betsy’s mum (set) the table with a birthday cake. Emily and Rich (have) tea with sandwiches.

  2. Betsy’s dad (choose) a CD for musical chairs. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a song to music.

  3. Susie, Kim, and Aleck (sing) a “Happy Birthday” song. Betsy (listen) to them carefully.

  4. Janet, Neil, Nelly and Jannifer (play) “pass the parcel”. Tom (watch) the game with great interest.

  5. Mike (make) up a birthday poem for Betsy. The other children (have) fun.

№4 Опиши, что будут делать ребята, используя условные предложения.

Ex.:  If itis (be) sunny, Iwill have (have) barbeque.

Tim and his parents ____ (have) a picnic if the weather ____ (be) fine. 2) Clare and Sam ____ (go) to the beach if it ___ (be) very hot. 3) If it ___ (be) a thunderstorm, boys ____ (not/play football) outside. 4) If it ___ (be) snowy, Kate and Ann ___ (skate). 5) If it ___ (rain), they ___ (stay) at home.

№5 Заполнипропуски, используямодальныеглаголы have to/don't have to и must/mustn’t.

1.Car designers _____ design modern cars but they _____ test them. I think, car designers _____ be clever. 2. A lawyer ______ know all the laws. Lawyers _____ be trustworthy professionals. 3. A housewife ______ do a lot about the house. She _____ look after her family. She does not need to go to work but what she does is a hard job. 4. A secretary ____ help her boss to plan his time and to answer the telephone. Sometimes she _____ prepare tea or coffee. 5. A nanny ______ work with children. She ______ get on well with them. Besides, she _____ be kind.

3. График контрольных мероприятий для 7 класса.

1 четверть

2 четверть

3 четверть

4 четверть

Контрольная работа №1 по теме «Что у тебя хорошо получается?»

Контрольная работа №2 по теме «Друг планеты»

Контрольная работа №3 по теме

«У тебя есть пример для подражания ?»

Контрольная работа №4 по теме

«Что наиболее известно о твоей стране?»
Итоговая контрольная работа.