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Добавлен: 12.01.2024

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4.E–mail. Message format. SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.

Дәріс тезисі

The Internet (portmanteau of interconnected network) is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter–linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing.

Бекіту сұрақтары**

1 What are the concept and structure of language of hypertext link?

2 What is URL, its structure?

3 What is a domain name system?

4 What are the ranges of each class of network addresses?

5 What do domain names differ from network addresses in?

6 What parts does the URL document on the Internet consists of?

7 What protocols are necessary to transmit electronic messages?

8 What ports do transfer protocols of electronic messages work at?

9 What is Javascript?

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]
Дәріс №10

Тақырыбы: Cloud and mobile technologies

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары / жоспары:

1.Data centers. Tendencies of development of the modern infrastructure decisions.

2.Principles of cloud computing. Technologies of virtualization.

3.Web service in the Cloud. Main terms and concepts of mobile technologies.

4.Mobile services. Standards of mobile technologies.

5.Overview of mobile platforms

6.Principles and tools for creating mobile applications

Дәріс тезисі

With each passing day, the user's requirements for the continuity of service delivery are increased. To ensure proper quality and smooth operation is almost impossible using the obsolete equipment. In this regard, the largest IT vendors produce and implement more functional and reliable hardware and software solutions. Among such basic trends in the development of infrastructure solutions are the appearance of multiprocessor and multi–core computing systems, the development of blade systems; the appearance of storage systems and networks; consolidation of infrastructure.

Mobile developer work begins with a new annotated platform. According to experts, successful and widely–used platforms for modern mobile devices are: Android, Windows Phone, iOS and Symbian.

Mobile devices have specific features in designing and programming related to their work environment and physical characteristics.

Бекіту сұрақтары

1 What is the concept of cloud computing?

2 What cloud services are there?

3 What do you know about a cloud storage?

4 What are the principles of operation of cloud storage?

5 What is virtualization?

6 What web services are there and what are they built on?

7 What are the platforms for web applications?

8 What are the standards of mobile technologies?

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]
Дәріс №11

Тақырыбы: Multimedia technologies

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары / жоспары:

  1. Basic concepts of a multimedia.

  2. Representation text, audio, video and graphical information in a digital format.

  3. Basic technologies for compression of information. 3–D representations of the virtual world and animation. Instruments of development of multimedia applications.

  4. Use of multimedia technologies for planning, descriptions of business processes and their visualization.

Дәріс тезисі

When working with a digital video signal, it becomes necessary to process, transmit and store very large amounts of information. On modern media such as a CD–ROM (CD–ROM, 650 MB) or a hard disk (about a thousand megabytes), it is not possible to save a full–length video clip recorded in an element–by–element format. On the other hand, video information should be transmitted with the speed of its playback on the computer screen. For example, a full–color (24 bit / pixel) image of 720 × 576 pixels at a rate of 25 fps requires a video data transfer rate of 240 Mbit / s. However, the bandwidth of FDDI LAN channels is of the order of 100–200 Mbit / s, and Ethernet is only 10 Mbit / s. Therefore, the use of video data as a part of electronic products becomes impossible.

Multimedia devices are electronic media devices used to store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia is distinguished from mixed media in fine art; by including audio, for example, it has a broader scope. The term "rich media" is synonymous for interactive multimedia. Hypermedia scales up the amount of media content in multimedia application.

Бекіту сұрақтары

1 What is a concept of 3–D visualization?

2 What are the compression standards of speech?

3 What are the compression standards of video?

4 What are the compression standards of audio?

5 What is the field of application of Multimedia?

6 What are the types of three–dimensional simulation?

7 What is codec?

8 What are the program standards of interactive television?

9 What method of numeric coding on computer is standard?

10 How many phases does MPEG standard have?

11 What is animation?

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]

Дәріс №12

Тақырыбы: Smart technology

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары / жоспары:

1. Prospects for the development of artificial intelligence systems

2. Internet of things. Big data. Technology Block Chain.

3.Artificial intelligence. Use of Smart–services.

4.Green technologies in ICT. Teleconferences. Telemedicine.

Дәріс тезисі

Internet of things (Internet of things, IoT) is a certain concept of the computer network of physical objects («things»), which are equipped with built–in technologies to interact with each other or external environment. «Smart houses», smartphones, tablets and almost any «things» can serve as an example of such a concept. These «things» are equipped with sensors: cars, industrial equipment, jet engines, oil derricks, wearable devices and much more. All these «things» collect data and exchange them with each other.

Technology SMART (SMART) – a modern approach to the formulation of operating objectives. posing smart system – allowing goals on goal–setting stage to summarize all available information, to establish a reasonable timeframe of the work, to determine the adequacy of resources available to all participants in the process are clear, precise, specific objectives.

Бекіту сұрақтары

1 What is a concept of smart services?

2 What are the standards of a telemedicine?

3 What is a teleconference?

4 What is the role of green technologies in ICT?

5 What is artificial intelligence?

6 What is the principle of the Internet of things?

7 Technologies of realization of Internet and things?

8 What is Blockchain?

9 What is big data?

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]
Дәріс №13

Тақырыбы: E–technologies. Electronic business. Electronic training. Electronic government

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары / жоспары:

1. Electronic business: Main models of electronic business. Information infrastructure of electronic business.

2. Legal regulation in electronic business. Electronic training: architecture, structure and platforms. Electronic textbooks.

3. Electronic government: concept, architecture, services. Formats of implementation of the electronic government in developed countries.

Дәріс тезисі

The appearance and development of the Internet, the improvement of information technologies, systems and standards of their interaction led to the creation of a new line of modern business – e–business as a special form of business, which is realized to a wide extent, through the introduction of information technologies into the production, sale and distribution of goods and services.

Electronic business (e–business) is the implementation of business processes using the capabilities of information and telecommunication technologies, systems and networks.

The most important component of e–business is e–commerce. E–commerce refers to any form of transaction in which the parties interact with the use of information and telecommunications technology capabilities of systems and networks.

Бекіту сұрақтары

1 What are E–technologies?

2 Purposes of electronic learning?

3 What is the ICT role in DLS?

4 What is the electronic textbook?

5 What is the concept of the electronic government?

6 Technologies of realization of SDO?

7 International experience of creation of the electronic government?

8 What is e–business?

9 What is e–commerce?

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]
Дәріс №14

Тақырыбы: Information technologies in the professional sphere. Industrial ICT

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары / жоспары:

1.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere.

2.Modern IT trends in the professional sphere: medicine, power, etc.

3.Use of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes.

4.Safety issues in industrial information and communication technologies.

Дәріс тезисі

A package of information technologies as the most developed of modern technology packages pretends to control function in all spheres of development. ICT in many ways form, define and change the world around us. Information technologies in one way or another will be significant for all components of world technological development, and the global information infrastructure created on their basis will be present in any development option.

An information system (IS) is any organized system for the collection, organization, storage and communication of  information.

A computer–based information system, following a definition of Langefors, is a technologically implemented medium for:

  • recording, storing, and disseminating linguistic expressions,

  • as well as for drawing conclusions from such expressions.

Бекіту сұрақтары

1 What are the main directions of ICT development?

2 What are electronic resources?

3 What is ICT role in safety of information?

4 What are the main search systems?

5 What role do the search systems play in search of professional information?

6 What is the concept of creation of information society?

7 What are the world tendencies of ICT development?

8 What are the trends in ICT?

9 What are the trends in economy?

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]

Дәріс №15

Тақырыбы: Prospects of development of ICT

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары / жоспары:

1.Prospects of development in the sphere of the IT market: development of the free software. 2.Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small startup of the companies. Programs of acceleration and incubation.

3.Development of necessary infrastructure of electronic payments and logistics.

4.Prospects of development of Etechnologies.

Дәріс тезисі

With the growth and development of the ICT industry, significant development has received mass software phenomenon. Along with this, software has become like free as well as commercial. Free software (open source software) is a model in which the basic set of property rights is transferred (“licensed”) to the owner each copy of the work. So creating and typing in economic and civil turnover, as additional copies works, and copies of the modified work, or a composite work, including the original, is possible without obtaining additional consent of the author (or other copyright holder), Mandatory cash payments or the like.

Бекіту сұрақтары

1 What is free software?

2 What demands is the free software made on?

3 What is state policy of IT market development directed to?

4 What are the systems of electronic payments used in RK?

5 What is acceleration?

6 What is incubation?

7 What is a startup project?

8 How is free software connected to the development of professional activity?

9 What processes influence the development of IT market?

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]

9.2. Практикалық сабақтар


Практикалық сабақ №1

Тақырыбы: Computation of metrics of productivity of computer system: speed, efficiency, energy expenses, Amdal's law, CPU time

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары:

  1. The basic principles of building a computer, the structure of J. von Neumann.

  2. The classical architecture of computers and the principles of J. von Neumann.

  3. Draw a block diagram of the PC, explain the purpose of all components. CPU, the main characteristics. Memory system: composition, purpose. RAM: DRAM: structure, basic parameters. System bus: definition, purpose, parameters.

  4. Bus FSB, Hyper Transport, PCI, PCI–E: purpose, basic parameters, speed.

Әдістемелік нұсқау

1. Repetition of theoretical material.

2. Acquaintance with methodological instructions.

3. Complete tasks on the topic.

5. Drawing up a report on the work.

6. Preparation of an essay on the topic.

7. Answers to security questions.

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]

Практикалық сабақ №2

Тақырыбы: Determination of properties of an operating system. Operation with files and directories

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары:

  1. Definition of Windows.

  2. The main features of Windows.

  3. Definition of the Desktop, its main elements and their purpose.

  4. Definition and purpose of the Taskbar.

  5. The concept of the context menu, ways to call it.

  6. The concept of Standard Programs, their purpose and loading.

  7. The concept of the file, the path to the file, the full name of the file.

  8. Concepts of a folder and a subfolder.

  9. Concepts of the root, current directory.

  10. Organization of data storage in a computer (hierarchical structure).

Әдістемелік нұсқау

1. Repetition of theoretical material.

2. Acquaintance with methodological instructions.

3. Complete tasks on the topic.

5. Drawing up a report on the work.

6. Preparation of an essay on the topic.

7. Answers to security questions.

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]

Практикалық сабақ №3

Тақырыбы: Determination of requirements to development "convenient in application" the website

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары:

  1. What is a "tag"?

  2. What is the difference between opening and closing tags?

  3. What is a container?

  4. How many tags can be in a Web document?

  5. What letter and why is used for the hyperlink tag?

  6. What is the name attribute for?

  7. What is the purpose of the href attribute?

  8. What is the title attribute for?

  9. What is the target attribute for?

  10. Give examples of relative references

Әдістемелік нұсқау

1. Repetition of theoretical material.

2. Acquaintance with methodological instructions.

3. Complete tasks on the topic.

5. Drawing up a report on the work.

6. Preparation of an essay on the topic.

7. Answers to security questions.

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]

Практикалық сабақ №4

Тақырыбы: Development of database structure, creation of tables and requests. Working with a MySQL relational database. MySQL database administration using phpMyAdmin. Working with a single–table database

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары:

  1. The concept of IP, DB, DBMS?

  2. Classification of data models?

  3. DBMS classification?

  4. Market review of modern DBMS?

  5. MS Access, its functions?

  6. Definition of a database, a table, a form, a report, a macro, a module?

  7. What is a data schema?

  8. What are the types of data?

Әдістемелік нұсқау

1. Repetition of theoretical material.

2. Acquaintance with methodological instructions.

3. Complete tasks on the topic.

5. Drawing up a report on the work.

6. Preparation of an essay on the topic.

7. Answers to security questions.

Әдебиет: [ негізгі: 1–2, қосымша 1–17 ]

Практикалық сабақ №5

Тақырыбы: Design and creation of the presentations of lecture material, scientific reports, etc.

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары:

  1. What is the Table of Contents for?

  2. Basic elements of management?

  3. Glossary of terms.

  4. What is the Help system for?

  5. What is the Slides?

  6. Name the components of the Microsoft Power Point page.

  7. Name the structure of the presentation.

  8. What are the controls?