Файл: Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc

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дієслів, що виражають сприймання за допомогою органів чуття: see, hear, observe, watch, feel, etc.

дієслів, що виражають думку, припущення, сподівання (believe, consider, think, understand, etc.)

після дієслів, що виражають наказ, прохання, дозвіл, пораду, примус:

get (добиватись), have (допускати),

help (допомагати), let (дозволяти),

to make (примушувати), to permit (дозволяти).

після дієслів seem, appear (здаватися), happen, chance (траплятися), prove,

turn out (виявлятися).

після виразів to be said (кажуть), to be supposed (передбачається), to be expected (сподіваються), to be likely (очевидно, схоже, напевно), to be unlikely (навряд), to be certain (sure) (без сумніву, звичайно, напевно)

e.g. He was seen to hoover the carpet.

e.g. I was supposed to come on time.

e.g. They were made to do the work in time.

e.g. He turned out to be the best.

e.g. He was expected to submit his thesis in time.


інфінітивний комплекс

(The prepositional Infinitive Complex)

Прийменниковий інфінітивний комплекс складається з трьох складових:

for + іменник(в загальному відмінку) + інфінітив або ж for + особовий займенника (в об’єктному відмінку) + інфінітив. У реченні він може виконувати такі функції:





e.g. For him to see you is impossible.

e.g. It’s for him to decide.

e.g. I’m still waiting for the mail to come.

e.g. He stopped the car for the kids to get in.

Герундіальна конструкція

У цій конструкції герундій має свій підмет-іменник (в загальному або присвійному відмінку) або займенник (особовий в об’єктному відмінку або присвійний). У реченні така конструкція може використовуватись у функції підмета, додатка, означення, обставини.


1. Her being so rude is dangerous (підмет).

2. Forgive my making so many mistakes (додаток)

3. They thought of the importance of her going to Europe (означення)

4. On George answering all the questions everybody congratulated him (обставина).

Note 1: Якщо підмет у реченні виражений герундіальною конструкцією, вживається присвійний займенник.

Note 2: Загальні назви, назви неживих істот вживаються у загальному відмінку.

e.g. My visiting him is impossible.

e.g. I don’t like the film being watched by the children.



I. Define the forms of verbals in the given excerpts. Can you spot the lexis difference in each?

Dialogue in slang

Anne joins Peggy, who seems totally out of it.

Anne: You seem really be ticked off. What’s up?

Peggy: Just get out of my face, would you?!

Anne: Chill out! What's eating you, anyway?

Peggy: Sorry. It's just that I turned out to have blown the final and now my parents are going to get all bent out of shape. I like totally to draw a blank on everything!

Anne: Well, now you're really going to freak out when I tell you who is supposed to ace it... what’s-her-face...the one who happens to kiss up to the teacher.

Peggy: Jennifer Davies? Give me a break! I can’t stand her. She's such a dweeb! How could she possibly ace it when she keeps cutting class all the time?

Anne: She’s the teacher’s pet, that’s why.

Dialogue in standard English

Anne joins Peggy, who seems to be in a daze.

Anne: You seem really angry. What’s the matter?

Peggy: Just leave me alone, alright?!

Anne: Relax! What’s the matter with you, anyway?

Peggy: Sorry. It’s just that I think I turned out to have failed the final examination and now my parents are going to get all upset. I, uh, couldn’t think of any of the answers!

Anne: Well, now you’re really going to be mad when I tell you who is supposed to get 100% on it...I forgot her name...the one who happens to flatter the teacher.

Peggy: Jennifer Davies? You're kidding! I don’t like her! She’s such a moron! How could she possibly get 100% on it when she’s absent from class all the time?

II. Make all forms of the Infinitive and Gerund of these verbs.











Choose five of the -ing forms. Write five questions. Now work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.

ІІІ. Write the answers to the clues in the appropriate spaces in the crossword. Use Infinitive or -ing forms.


1. He’s just bought a new car so he wants to s______ the old one.

4. What about g_____ out for a meal?

7. He hates f______ planes make him nervous.

8. I’m really hungry. Let’s e ______ now.

11. She wants me to join the Drama club, but I can’t a_____ !

12. I can ride a bike but I can’t d_____ a car.

14. I enjoy s_____. I go to the pool every Saturday.

15.To be or not to b_____: that is the question (Shakespeare).

19. I’d hate to v______ New York. It’s a very violent city.

20. I’m not keen on c______ for other people. They always complain about my recipes.


2. Living in a foreign country is a great way to l______ a language.

3. I’m not interested in p_____ football or tennis.

4. He loves g____ skiing in winter.

5. Where shall we g_____? How about the cinema?

6. I think we should h_____ a car this weekend and drive to the beach.

7. How about going f_____ with Dad? If he catches a salmon, he’ll be so happy.

9. That smells delicious. Can I t_____ it ?

10. I can’t afford to buy a new house so I’ll r_____ one until I have enough money.

13. Why not a_____ Jane to help you?

16. I like to h_____ beer when I come home from work.

17. We could stay in and w____ TV. I don’t really want to go out.

18. Why don’t we just w____ and see what Ann has to say.

IV. Work in pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below, as in the example.

SA. Has he got the news?

SB. Yes, he seems to have got the news.

1. Has she ever been to another country?

2. Has he ever been to a rock concert?

3. Has she dropped a glass?

4. Has he gone to the dentist?

5. Has she made a cake?

6. Has she been eating a sandwich?

7. Has she been washing her hair?

8. Has he been standing in the rain?

9. Has he been doing the high jump?

10. Has she been talking on the phone?

V. Say that it was annoying for you to do what is stated in the sentences and justify your opinion.

E.g. – He’s been sitting in the sun.

It is annoying to have been sitting in the sun for hours. Besides, it is too bad for his health.

1. You have been typing the essay all morning.

2. She has been walking for two hours and hurt her feet.

3. We have been living here for twenty years.

4. You have been leaving the door open this morning.

5. They have been rehearsing the play all day long.

6. They have been camping for a month.

7. You have been fixing the old armchair for three weeks, and it didn’t look brand new.

8. He has been learning English for two years, and you are not better at it so far.

9. They have been fishing all day long.

10. She has been taking pictures of his friends.

VІ. Respond to the following situations using the Continuous Infinitive.

E.g. – Your friend is jogging.

No, he only pretends to be jogging. He is walking.

1. She is practising the high jump.

2. The baby is drinking milk.

3. She is eating a small slice of cake.

4. They are doing a crossword.

5. The girl is doing the washing-up.

6. He is making the bed.

7. She is sending e-mail message to you.

8. They are working hard.

9. Tom is watching a film.

10. The two women are talking.

VІІ. Insert to where necessary before the Infinitives in brackets.

1. He made me (do) it all over again.

2. She can (sing) quite well.

3. He will be able (swim) very soon.

4. I used (live) in a caravan.

5. You ought (go) today. It may (rain) tomorrow.

6. You needn’t (say) anything. Just nod your head and he will (understand).

7. I want (see) the house where our president was born.

8. He made her (repeat) the message.

9. May I (use) your phone?

10. You needn’t (ask) for permission; you can (use) it whenever you like.

11. If you want (get) there before dark you should (start) at once.

12. I couldn’t (remember) his address.

13. You’ll be able (do) it yourself when you are older.

14. Would you like (go) now or shall we (wait) till the end?

15. They won’t let us (leave) the Customs shed till our luggage has been examined.

16. How dare you (open) my letters!

17. He didn’t dare (argue) with his boss.

18. I used (smoke) forty cigarettes a day.

19. Will you help me (move) the bookcase?

20. He wouldn’t let baby (play) with his gold watch.

21. They refused (accept) the bribe.

22. He is expected (arrive) in a few days.

23. Please let me (know) your decision as soon as possible.

24. He made us (wait) for hours.

25. Could you (tell) me the time, please?

26. We must (send) him a telegram.

27. I let him (go) early as he wanted (meet) his wife.

28. Where would you like (have) lunch?

29. You can (leave) your dog with us if you don’t (want) (take) him with you.

30. I’d like him (go) to a university but I can’t (make) him (go).

31. We would (go) to a concert, unless you’d prefer (visit) a museum.

32. You seem (know) this area very well. – Yes, I used (live) here.

33. The kidnappers told the parents (not inform) the police, and the parents didn’t dare (disobey).

34. Need I (come)? I’d much rather (stay) at home.

35. You can (take) a horse to water but you can’t (make) him (drink) (proverb).

36. I’m sorry (disappoint) you but I can’t (let) you (have) any more money till the end of the month.

VІІІ. Translate into English using the Complex Object:

  1. Я завжди знав, що він дивак.

  2. Я вважаю дружбу однією з найважливіших цінностей на світі.

  3. Він дозволив, щоб речі залишили в кімнаті.

  4. Коли ми прийшли додому, ми побачили, що двері відчинені, а світло не вимкнене.

  5. Я змушу їх говорити правду.

  6. Коли тобі відремонтували годинник?

  7. Чому ти хочеш, щоб я завжди погоджувався з тобою?

  8. Чому ти не хочеш, щоб вони допомогли тобі?

  9. Вчені вважають проблему забруднення довкілля дуже серйозною.

  10. Ти вже полікував зуби?

  11. Я не знала, що ця дівчина така сором’язлива.

  12. Коли тобі відремонтували душ?

  13. Що зможе примусити його кинути палити?

  14. Вони не чекали, що ви принесете їм погані новини.

  15. Ти бачив, як вона знайшла свої конспекти лекцій?

  16. Я не можу примусити вас вірити моїм обіцянкам.

  17. Я ніколи не бачив, щоб він допоміг кому-небудь.

ІХ. Translate into English using the Complex Subject. Refer to the table.

to be said


to be supposed


to be expected


to be likely

очевидно, схоже, напевно

to turn out, appear, prove


to happen


to be certain (sure)

без сумніву, звичайно, напевно

  1. Вважають, що вона дуже чесна людина.

  2. Очевидно, його колекцію картин продано за низькою ціною.

  3. Сподіваються, що він склав усі іспити успішно.

  4. Передбачається, що результати тестування ще невідомі.

  5. Бачили, що він зайшов до свого кабінету.

  6. Ця симфонія є, без сумніву, одним із найкращих творів цього композитора.

  7. Звичайно, він був найпопулярнішим письменником свого часу.

  8. Кажуть, що ви вже переїхали до нового будинку.

  9. Виявляється, що новий проект успішно втілюється у життя.

  10. Думали, що зустріч відбудеться у травні.

  11. Чули, що експедиція вже повернулась додому.

  12. Здається, він розмовляє зі своєю мамою.

  13. Вважають, що парниковий ефект робить клімат землі теплішим.




















X. Find the word which should not be in the sentence.

1. She let me to use her computer.

2. Taking regular exercise it is beneficial to your health.

3. In addition to be loosing her purse, Joan also lost her passport.

4. We saw the Queen to welcome the British Olympic winners.

5. It was enough too late to find accommodation elsewhere.

6. We would sooner to renew our contact than move somewhere else.

7. The archeologist is believed to have being found the tomb of the ancient King.

8. He might to be given a more responsible position in future.

9. Those curtains want being dry-cleaning.

10.She prefers working out than to sitting at home doing nothing.

11. I would like entertaining people at home at the weekends.

12. We enjoy going for fishing from time to time.

13. It’s no use you spending money on impractical household items.

14. She’ll never forget to meeting Bruce Springsteen.

15. He was afraid of to tell his parents that he had damaged the car.

16. Shirley won’t accept their offer if it means that working at the weekend.


















XI. Common verbs followed by either Infinitives or Gerunds.

Put the verbs in a proper form.

1. They denied (steal) the money.

2. I don’t enjoy (drive) very much.

3. I don’t want (go out) tonight. I’m too tired.

4. I can’t afford (go out) tonight. I haven’t got enough money.

5. Has it stopped (rain) yet?

6. Can you remind me (buy) some coffee when we go there?

7. Why do you keep (ask) questions? Can’t you leave me alone?

8. Please stop (ask) me questions!

9. I refuse (answer) any more questions.

10. One of the boys admitted (break) the window.

11. How did the thief get into the house?I forgot (close) the window.

12. I’ve enjoyed (meet) you.

13. The baby began (cry) in the middle of the night.

14. Julia has been ill but now she’s beginning (get) better.

15. It’s nice to be with other people but sometimes I enjoy (be) alone.

16. I’m not quite ready yet. Do you mind (wait) a little?

17. When I was a child, I hated (go) to bed early.

18. I don’t enjoy (write) letters.

19. I need a new job. I can’t stand (work) here any more.

20. I would love (come) to your wedding but I’m afraid I can’t.

21. Caroline never wears a hat. She doesn’t like (wear) hats.

22. Would you like (sit) down. – No, thanks. I prefer (stand).

23. When I have to catch a tram, I’m always worried that I’ll miss it. So, I like (come) to the station in plenty of time.

24. Have you got a moment? I'd like (give) to you an interesting book.

25. We were able to translate the letter into English without (use) dictionary.

XII. Complete the sentences using a correct preposition and putting the verbs in a correct form:

1. Alice isn’t interested ……(look) for a new job.

2. Henry is excited …. (leave) for India.

3. You are capable … (do) better work.

4. I have no excuse … (be) late.

5. I’m accustomed … (have) a big breakfast.

6. The rain prevented us... (complete) the work.

7. Alfred is always complaining... (have) a headache.

8. Instead... (study), Margaret went to a ball game with some of her friends.

9. Thank you... (help) me carry the packages to the post office.

10. Mrs. Grand insisted... (know) the whole truth.

11. He showed us how to get to his house... (draw) a map.

12. You should take advantage... (live) here.

13. Laura had a good reason... (not, go) to class yesterday.

14. Everyone in the neighbourhood participated... (search) for the lost child.

15. I apologized to Mary... (make) her wait for me.

16. The weather is terrible tonight. I don't blame you … (not, want) to go to the meeting.

17. Who is responsible... (wash) and (dry) the dishes after dinner?

18. In addition... (go) to school full-time, John has a part-time job.

19. The angry look on his face stopped me... (speak) my mind.

20. Where should we go for dinner tonight? Would you object... (going) to an Italian restaurant?

21. The mayor made another public statement for the purpose... (clarify) the new tax proposal.

22. The thief was accused... (steal) a woman’s purse.

23. The jury found Mr. Jones guilty... (take) money from the company he worked for and... (keep) it to himself.

24. Bill isn't used... (wear) a suit and tie every day.

25. I’m going to visit my family during the school vacation. I’m looking forward... (seat) my mother's cooking and... (sleep) in my own bed.

XIII. Delete one word to make sentences.

1. You’d better to use a computer every day.

2. You would had better use a mobile phone only in emergencies.

3. E-mails are not sure to be better than letters. You’d rather to get in touch with him at once.

4. Surfing the net proverbs is being major free-time activity.

5. I’d find a laptop very to commune straight away.

6. There’s no escape, computers seem to have be ringing everywhere these days.

7. She went to the vendor for to buy some newspapers.

8. I hope that to pay my shopping in cash, not by credit card.

9. For breakfast I’d need to buy drinking Colombian coffee or a carton of milk.

10. They will always remember about touring Florida.

XIV. Translate into English using the Gerund.

1. Вона добре плаває (вміє плавати).

2. Я одержую задоволення (насолоду), слухаючи музику.

3. Мені соромно за те, що роблю багато помилок.

4. Я вдячний вам за те, що допомагаєте мені.

5. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо приходу весни.

6. Вони вибачаються за те, що часто запізнюються на пари.

7. Я займаюся викладанням.

8. Я провів час, перекладаючи текст.

9. Не звинувачуй його за те, що він часто щось мимрить.

XV. Use the Gerund or the Infinitive (if possible, use the two forms).

1. I keep (look) at the photo of yours.

2. I stopped (think) of you.

3. I remembered (do) you a favor.

4. I tried (stop) (think) of you.

5. I refused (forget) you.

6. He suggested (go) there.

XVI. Put the verb in brackets in either the Infinitive or the -ing form.

1. I used to ________ (think) that the life ended at 30.

I’m not used to_______ (think) so hard early in the morning.

2. Jane was never a very reliable friend. If I were you, I’d try_______ (forget) her.

If your clothes don’t seem very white after you’ve washed them, try ________ (soak) them in a little bleach.

3. Please stop_______ (make) such a terrible noise!

After half an hour, we stopped ______ (make) a cup of tea.

4. I remember _______ (see) him in the part of Hamlet at the Academy Theatre.

Did you remember ________ (see) Tim and tell him that we can’t come on Saturday?

5. I started_________ (read) classical literature at the age of six.

Oh, look! It’s starting _______ (rain).

6. He went on ______ (write) his essay despite the noise.

The lecture began very badly, but the professor went on ________ (make) some interesting points.

7. I couldn’t help them ______ (find) what they were looking for as I was in too much of a hurry.

Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help _______ (laugh).

8. I like _______ (pay) bills quite promptly.

It’s so easy to get behind.

I like ______ (be) the centre of attention.

9. Do you like ______ (cook)?

When we have a dinner party, I like _______ (cook) something really exotic that nobody’s ever had before.

XVII. Put the verb in brackets in either the Infinitive or the -ing form.

1. I heard my neighbours _______ (turn) off their television and _______ (go) to bed.

2. I woke up at two in the morning. I could hear my neighbours _______ (have) an argument.

3. When I looked through the window, I saw her _______ (read) a book.

4. When she saw me ________ (come), she waved.

5. She could feel her heart ________ (pound) as she neared the end of the race.

6. Can you smell something ________ (burn)?

7. When I came into the room. I saw her _______ (lean) casually against the fireplace.

8. It was obvious that she hadn’t heard me _______ (come) in. I saw her _______ (go) over to the drawer and taking out a gun.

9. I've never seen anyone ________ (eat) as much as you do.

10. As I woke up, I could hear my mother downstairs _______ (make) breakfast.

XVIII. Comment on the use of the Gerund and the Infinitive in the following quotations. Interpret them and translate into Ukrainian.

1. What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing (Aristotle).

2. Life is one long process of getting tired (S. Butler).

3. The art of pleasing consists in being pleased (W. Hazlitt).

4. The world is a fine place and worth fighting for (E. Hemingway).

5. It’s wiser being good than bad; It’s safer being meek than fierce; It’s fitter being sane than mad (R. Browning).

6. Promises and pie-crust are made to be broken (J. Swift).

7. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable (A. Smith).

8. Old best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read (F. Bacon).

9. The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are (S. Johnson).

XIX. Prove that you are good at story-telling using one of the proverbs. Think over their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. Friendship is not to be bought at a fair.

2. There’s no accounting for tastes.

3. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.

4. Let bygones be bygones.

5. A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse.

6. Doing is better than saying.

7. Catching fish is not the whole of fishing.

8. What can’t be cured must be endured.

9. A good tale is none the worth for being twice told.

XX. Complete the conversation. Put in a to-infinitive or ing-form.

Matthew: Are we going to have a holiday this year?

Natasha: Didnt we all decide (spend) our holidays on a Greek island?

Matthew: Lovely. I enjoy (lie) on the beach. I might manage (1)…. (get) a suntan.

Daniel: I’d love a holiday. I can’t wait (2)……….(leave) this place behind.

Emma: I don’t fancy (3)…………(stay) in one place all the time. I really dislike (4)………(sit) on the beach all day.

Natasha: Well, I don’t mind (5)……(tour) around somewhere.

Emma: Matthew, you promised (6)……(go) to Scotland with me. We were planning (7)……. (hire) a car.

Matthew: Scotland’? Are you sure? But I couldn’t face (8)…..(drive) all the time.

Jessica: I’m afraid I can’t afford (9)…..(spend) too much money.

Andrew: And I can’t justify (10) …….(take) all that time off from my studies.

XXI. Study:

1. Some verbs such as want are followed by an infinitive: e.g. I want to see you. Other verbs such as enjoy are followed by a gerund: e.g. I enjoy seeing you.

2. Some verbs that are followed only by the infinitive are:

Ask – demand – learn – forget – promise – refuse – swear – hope – decide – seem – want.

3. Some verbs that are followed only by the gerund are:

Avoid – consider – deny – dislike – dread – enjoy – forgive – keep – miss – risk – suggest.

4. Some verbs can take either the infinitive or the gerund: try – remember – stop.

There can be a difference in meaning between the infinitive and the gerund in sentences with these verbs: e.g. I remembered to see her. [I did not forget that I had to see her.] I remembered seeing you her [I recalled that I had seen her before]