Файл: Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc

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залежно від змісту

I – he/she mine – his/hers

We – they me/you – him/her

My his/her ourtheir

Us – them ourtheirs

Myself himself/herself

She said, I am working She said that she was working.

She said, It is mine. She said that it was hers.

Певні слова змінюються при перекладі в непряму мову

This, these


Today, tonight



This week

Past week

Next week

Two days ago





That, those

Then, at that time, immediately

That day, that night

The day before, the previous day

The next day, the following day

That week

The week before, the previous week

The week after, the following week

Two days before





Питальні речення

Питальні речення відтворенні непрямою мовою називаються непрямими запитаннями

Yes- or no- questions

Indirect questions

She asked,Are you reading now, Bob?

She asked, Do you like strong coffee, Bob?

She asked Bob if he was reading then (узгодження часів)

Допоміжне дієслово to do y Present і Past Indefinite не вживається

She asked Bob if he liked strong coffee.

Special questions

Indirect questions

He asks,” Will you be here tomorrow, Bob?”

* Прямий порядок слів

* Питальні слова стають сполучними словами

He asked Bob when he would be there the next day.

Наказові речення

She asked, Play with us, Ann

Mother said to her son, Don’t go out.

* Наказовий спосіб замінюється інфінітивом

She asked Ann to play with them

* У заперечній формі перед інфінітивом ставиться частка not Mother told her son not to go out

Note: tell, say

якщо в словах автора вживається say+ to + додаток, то в непрямій мові воно змінюється на tell + додаток;

в непрямих запитаннях (Indirect questions) to say змінюється на to ask або одно з його синонімів;

у наказових реченнях в непрямій мові to say змінюється дієсловами to ask, to tell, to order або їх синонімами;

say, tell не змінюються в наступних виразах: say good morning/afternoon, etc., something/ nothing, etc. one’s prayers, so, a few words; tell the truth, a lie, a secret, a story, the time, the difference, sb. one’s name, sb. the way, one’s fortune.

Special Introductory Verbs

Introductory Verb

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

agree + to- inf

Yes, I’ll come with you.”

He agreed to come with me. me

advise + sb + to- inf

Would you like to come to my house?”

He advised me to take a coat.

invite sb

Would you like to come to my house?”

He invited me to go to the house.

accuse sb of + -ing form

You broke the vase.”

He accused me of breaking the vase.

complain to sb about

You never tidy up.”

He complained to me about me never tidying up.

insist on

You must wear warm clothes.”

He insisted on me/my wearing warm clothes.

inform sb

You will be called for an interview.”

He informed me that I would be called for an interview.

explain to sb + how

This is how you make it.”

He explained to me how to make it.

apologise for

I’m sorry I upset you.”

He apologised for upsetting/ having upset me.

admit (to)

Yes, I lied to her.”

He admitted (to) lying/having lied to her.

boast about

I am better than you.”

He boasted about being better than me.



I. Read the sentences below and decide which translation – (A, B, C) - is correct.

  1. He said that he liked this book

  1. він сказав, що йому сподобалась та книжка;

  2. він сказав, що йому подобається ця книжка;

  3. він каже, що йому подобається ця книжка.

  1. He asked her who the owner of the car was.

  1. він питає, хто власник автомобіля;

  2. він запитав, хто був власником автомобіля;

  3. він запитав, хто власник автомобіля.

  1. He asked Peter whether he would take part in the concert.

  1. Він запитав Пітера, чи приймав той участь у концерті.

  2. Він питає Пітера, чи буде він приймати участь у концерті.

  3. Він запитав Пітера, чи буде він приймати участь у концерті.

  1. Tom asks Bob whom he has met at the station yesterday.

  1. Том запитав Боба, кого він зустрів учора на станції.

  2. Том питає Боба, кого він зустрів учора на станції.

  3. Том питає Боба, кого він зустріне на станції.

  1. He asked me how long it took me to get to school.

  1. Він питає, як довго я добираюсь до школи.

  2. Він запитав, як довго я добираюсь до школи.

  3. Він запитав, як довго я добирався до школи.

II. Choose the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.

  1. Everybody knew where the doctor … (A. lives, B. lived, C.– will live)

  2. It seems that people … abroad since early time. (A.– have been traveling, B.– are traveling, C.– travel.)

  3. I noticed that something … wrong with the wheels of my bicycle. (A.– is, B. was, C. had been)

  4. Jane said that she … busy the day before (A.– was, B.– is, C.– had been)

  5. Kate knows that I … her at the station tomorrow. (A.– shall meet, B.– should meet, C.– meet)

  6. Alice thought that her brother … yet. (A.– did not come, B.– would not come, C.– had not come)

III. Unscramble the sentences.

  1. you/ know/ a / that/ were/ didn’t/ doctor/ I/.

  2. his/ he/ knew/ surprised/ they/ was/ name/.

  3. to find out/ would/ he/ leave/ when/ tired/ they.

  4. admitted/ he / that / he/ London/ felling/ was/ lonely/ in .

  5. hoped/ he/ that/ have/ stopped/ it/ would/ raining/ next/ the/ by/ morning/.

IV. Find the correct sentences; rewrite incorrect ones.

  1. They denied that the group’s success is entirely due to their efforts.

  2. My brother admitted that he felt lonely in London.

  3. The teacher underlined that our progress depended on our diligence.

  4. I felt that the results will be satisfactory in a few days.

  5. My friend replied with invitation that he is busy.

V. Translate into English.

  1. Всі знають, де знаходиться зараз група туристів

  2. Всі знали, де знаходиться група туристів.

  3. Всі знали, куди поїде група туристів завтра.

  4. Вона заперечує, що колись комусь про це казала.

  5. Вона заперечувала, що колись комусь про це казала.

  6. Він додав, що працює над цією темою.

  7. Він додав, що буде працювати над цією темою.

  8. Моя подруга пообіцяла, що прийде завтра.



I. Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Here are some of the things Charlie said to you:

  1. I’m living in London now.

  2. My father isn’t very well.

  3. Sharon and Paul are getting married next month.

  4. I don’t know what Fred is doing.

  5. I’m not enjoying my job very much.

  6. I want to go on holiday but I can’t afford it.

Later that day you tell another friend what Charlie said. Use reported speech.(e.g. He said he was living in London)

II. You have been away for a while and have just come back to your home town. You meet Bob, a friend of yours. He asks you a lot of questions:

How are you? Where have you been? How long have you been back? What are you doing now? Where are you living? Why did you come back? Are you glad to be back? Do you have any plans to go away again? Can you lend me some money?

Now you tell another friend what Bob asked you. Use reported speech (e.g. He asked me how I was.)

III. Your mother is away on a business trip. When you come home from university you find a note with her instructions which are as follows.

Don’t miss classes.

Come straight home after classes.

On Monday go to the dry cleaner’s to fetch our things.

Invite your grandparents to stay with you for weekend.

Don’t waste money on candies and ice cream.

Don’t bring home too many friends.

Don’t disturb neighbours by loud music.

Later that day you tell your granny what your mother asked you. Use reported speech ( She told to …She demanded to…She asked not to).

IV. Imagine that you are a teacher. Sometimes your pupils say funny things. Tell a friend what the pupils said.

    1. One day Robin Hood put on a red cape and took a basket with food to his sick grandmother in Sherwood Forest.

    2. The Islands are called Sandwich Islands because the natives killed and ate Captain Cook there.

    3. Guy Fawkes will always be remembered in English history because he woke up all the people in Parliament.

    4. The aim of the lesson is to teach us the behaviour of the pig.

    5. Oliver Cromwell died on the 14th of September. But he still calls it his lucky day.

V. Find a statement consistent with the adverbs given.

  1. he commented ironically.

  2. he said agreeably.

  3. he said sympathetically.

  4. he said brutally.

  5. he said angrily.

  6. he said accusingly.

  7. he said passionately.

  8. he said complacently.

  1. I shall always love you.

  2. No one cares wether you live or die.

  3. That’s your problem, not mine.

  4. You can go to the devil!

  5. You think you are a genius, don’t you?

  6. I quite understand how you feel.

  7. I think it’s been a very pleasant evening.

  8. I’ ve made very good progress.

VI. Put the verbs in the correct tense and voice forms:

It (be) not very long afterwards that Michael (wake) up one morning with a curious feeling inside him. He ( know) the moment he (open) his eyes, that something (be) wrong, but he (be) not quite sure what it (be).

What (be) the day today, Marry Poppins?”, he (enquire), pushing the bedclothes away from him.

Tuesday,” (say) Marry Poppins. “Go and turn on your bath. Hurry!”, she (say) , as he (make) an effort to move. He (turn) over and (pull) the bedclothes up over his head and the curious feeling (increase).

What I (say)?”, (say) Marry Poppins in that cold, clear voice that (be) always a Warning.

Michael ( know) now what (happen) to him. He (know) he (be going) to be naughty. Marry Poppins (look) down upon him. He (wait), wondering what she (do) and (be) surprised when, without a word , she (go) into the bathroom and (turn on) the tap herself. He (take) his towel and (go) slowly in as she (come) out.

VII. Reproduce the following in the Reported Speech:

Time Works Wonders

Once a man went to a restaurant. “Bring me a regular three-course dinner,” he ordered the waiter, a very young lad. Time passed but the lad with the dinner didn’t appear. “How long shall I have to wait?”, wondered the customer. At that moment the boy came running in with a plate of soup on a tray. “Are you the very lad whom I ordered a three-course dinner?”, asked the customer both hungry and cross. “Yes, sir, I am”, answered the waiter. “Dear me!”, exclaimed the hungry customer, “I don’t recognize you! You have grown quite a man since that time!”

VIII. Reproduce the following changing Indirect Speech into Direct Speech.

A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He could speak quite well but not perfectly. His vocabulary was not large. Once, for example, he had a lunch at a small country inn and he wanted to order some eggs. But he did not know the word for eggs. Suddenly, through the window he saw a cock walking in the yard. He immediately asked the waiter what the bird was called in English. The waiter told him that it was called a cock . The Frenchman then asked what the cook’s wife was called. The waiter told him that it was called a hen. The Frenchman then asked what the hen’s children were called. The waiter told him that they were called chickens. The Frenchman then asked what they were called before they were born. The waiter told him they were called eggs. “Fine!”, said the Frenchman. “Please, bring me two – plus a cup of coffee and some toast.”


(The Infinitive / The Gerund)

Форми інфінітиву



Simple (Indefinite)

to make

to be made



to be making



to have made

to have been made

Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

to have been making



Simple (Indefinite) Infinitive

виражає дію, що відноситься до теперішнього або майбутнього часу, а також дію одночасну з присудком речення:

e.g. It will be difficult to book a hotel room.

We wanted to leave a message for Bob.

e.g. His greatest ambition is to be chosen for Olympic games.

Progressive (Continuous) Infinitive

виражає тривалу дію, що відбувається одночасно з дією, вираженою присудком речення:

e.g. Mabel seemed to be recording music.

Perfect Infinitive

виражає дію, що відноситься до минулого і показує, що ця дія передує дії, вираженій дієсловом-присудком:

e.g. He turned out to have played in the Cup Final.

Форми герундія

(the -ing form)



Simple (Indefinite)


being made


having made

having been made


Simple (Indefinite) Gerund

виражає дію, що відноситься до теперішнього часу, а також дію, одночасну з присудком речення або ж безвідносно до якогось певного періоду часу:

e.g. Jogging is what you need. I enjoyed eating barbecue.

e.g. I hate being asked my age.

виражає дію, що передує дії, вираженій дієсловом-присудком речення (to thank, to forget, to remember, to excuse, to apologize та ін., а також після прийменників on і after):

e.g. I remember meeting lots of tourists, eating fantastic ice-cream, viewing ancient monuments and terrible traffics, and the Vatican when I think of Rome.

Perfect Gerund

виражає дію, що передує дії, вираженій дієсловом-присудком.

e.g. He denied having made that mistake.

e.g. He was a difficult child, probably due to having been looked after by foster parents.


The to-Infinitive


для вираження мети дії:

e.g. He came to find a few comics in his suitcase.

після дієслів agree, appear, dead, hope, promise, refuse, etc.:

e.g. They hoped to cook spaghetti.

після таких прикметників, як difficult, glad, happy, obliged, sorry, unable, etc.:

e.g. It’s difficult to turn the music down.

після I would like/love/ prefer у конкретних ситуаціях:

e.g. I would like to give you some advice.

після конструкцій too/enough:

e.g. It’s too interesting to visit yoga classes.

після конструкцій be + the first/ second etc./next/last, best, etc.:

e.g. They were the last to hitch from the village.

після конструкції it + be + adjective (+ of + noun/ pronoun):

e.g. It’s so kind of you to answer my call.

після “so + adj. + as:

e.g. Would you be so kind as to wait for us?

після only” для вираження негативного результату:

e.g. She visited her only to know the news.

після конструкції “for + noun/ pronoun”:

e.g. For him to come here is so unusual.

у виразах: to tell you the truth, to begin with, to be honest, to start with, to sum up, etc.

e.g. To tell you the truth we were angry when we saw the phone bill.

Note 1. Якщо два інфінітива поєднуються сполучниками and чи or, частка to другого інфінітиву може випадати:

e.g. I want to go there and tell him the news.

Note 2.Dare” може вживатися з інфінітивом:

а) з часткою “to” або ж без неї, якщо виражається несміливість

e.g. I dont dare (to) tell him the news.

б) без частки “to” для вираження погрози, попередження:

e.g. Dont you dare tell him the truth.

в) з часткою “to” для вираження виклику, сумніву:

e.g. I dare you to win the competition.

Герундій (the -ing form) вживається:

у формі іменника:

e.g. Using e-mail is time-consuming.

після прийменників:

e.g. He is fond of dancing.

після певних дієслів consider, continue, deny, appreciate, fancy, finish, forgive, explain, go (physical activities), imagine, keep (continue), it means, it involves, mention, mind (=object to), miss, pardon, postpone, practice, prevent, quit, recall, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, save, stand, suggest, tolerate, understand, etc:

e.g. Fancy her going there!

після дієслів: detest, dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer для вираження дії безвідносно до якоїсь конкретної ситуації:

e.g. I like playing the game.

після виразів: I’m busy, it’s no use, it’s no good, it’s (not) worth, what’s the use of, can’t help, can’t stand, feel like, there’s no point (in), have difficulty (in), in addition to, as well as, have trouble, have a hard time:

e.g. He feels like going out.

після виразів: look forward to, be/get used to, be/get accustomed to, admit (to), object to, what about…? How about…?

e.g. He can’t stand his smoking here.

після spend/waste (money, time, etc.):

e.g. She spent much time talking on the phone.

після hear, listen, notice, see, watch для вираження тривалої дії:

e.g. I saw her crossing the street.

Інфінітив без частки to

після модальних дієслів can, may, must, will, shall, etc.

після had better, would rather, would sooner.

після дієслів, що виражають відчуття hear/feel, see/watch/ observe.

Note 1: be heard/be made etc. вимагають інфінітив з часткою “to”.

Note 2: Let змінюється на “was/were allowed to”.

Note3: після деяких дієслів може використовувати інфінітив з часткою “to”, так і без неї.

e.g. You can highlight examples of the passive.

e.g. You’d rather run a hotel with your children.

e.g. I saw her turn the corner.

e.g. She was seen to turn the corner.

e.g. She wasn’t allowed to do this.

e.g. They helped us (to) do the washing up.

to-infinitive чи -ing form


Такі дієслова вживаються з “toinfinitive: agree, aim, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, can’t afford, can’t wait, choose, claim, decide, demand, desire, expect, fail, guarantee, promise, prove, refuse, seem, tend, threaten, turn out, undertake, want, wish.

-ing form

Такі дієслова вживаються з
-ing form: admit, avoid, can’t face, can’t help, can’t resist, can’t stand, carry on, consider, delay, deny, detest, dislike (general preference), enjoy, happen, help, hope, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, excuse, fancy, finish, give up, imagine, involve, justify, keep (on), mention, mind, postpone, practise, put off, resent, risk, save, suggest, tolerate

Синтаксичні функції у реченні



e.g. To see is to believe.

предикатив (іменна частина складеного присудка):

e.g. She was the last to perform at the recital.

частина дієслівного складеного присудка:

e.g. You could stay here.


e.g. I want to go there.


e.g. I have no need to help you.

частина об’єктного інфінітивного комплексу:

e.g. I saw her cross the street.


e.g. I came here to help you.

Герундій (the -ing form)


e.g. Seeing is believing.


e.g. Your task is speaking up.

частина дієслівного складеного присудка:

e.g. I cant stand his being so upset.


e.g. He is fond of driving a car.

частина герундального комплексу:

e.g. I saw her crossing the street.


e.g. He came without telling the truth.


e.g. You have the habit of giving some advice


Об’єктний інфінітивний комплекс

(The Objective Infinitive Construction)

Ця конструкція складається з іменника у загальному відмінку (особового займенника в об’єктному відмінку) та інфінітиву. У реченні цей комплекс виконує роль складного додатка. Об’єктний інфінітивний комплекс вживається після:

дієслів, що виражають сприймання за допомогою органів чуття: see, hear, observe, watch, feel, etc.

дієслів, що виражають думку, припущення, сподівання (believe, consider, think, understand, etc.)

після дієслів, що виражають бажання, намір, почуття: like, want, wish, hate, prefer, intend, etc.

після дієслів, що виражають наказ, прохання, дозвіл, пораду, примус: get (добиватись), have (допускати), help (допомагати), let (дозволяти),

to make (примушувати),

to permit (дозволяти).

e.g. I saw him hoover the carpet.

e.g. I believe her to pass exams with flying colours.

e.g. I want them to call me up.

e.g. He let her come late at night.

They got John to play soccer with them.

Note 1. Після дієслів “to let, to make” інфінітив вживається без частки to.

Note 2. Після дієслова to help” інфінітив вживається з або без частки to.

Суб’єктний інфінітивний комплекс

(The Subjective Infinitive Construction)

Ця конструкція складається з іменника у загальному відмінку (особового займенника у називному відмінку) та інфінітиву. У реченні цей комплекс виконує функцію складного підмета.

Суб’єктний інфінітивний комплекс вживається після: