Файл: Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc

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(The Genetive Case)

Утворення (The Formation)


1. Іменник в однині

child + 's = child's toy

2. Іменник в однині

з закінченням -s

actress + 's = actress's address, boss's office

3. Деякі іменники в однині з закінченням -s (видатні прізвища, іноземні власні назви) - ' або 's

Achilles'/Aсhilles's heel Dickens's / Dickens' realism

4. Іменники в множині з закінченням -s

My friends’ names

5. Іменник в множині без закінчення -s

Children’s room

6. Певна смислова група слів

Ilf and Petrov’s novel

Peter and Mary’s flat

Вживання (The Usage)


1. назви істот

Jane’s coat, the cat’s tail

2. час, відстань

a month’s salary

ten miles’ distance

3. назви країн, міст, а також слова country, town. city, world, ocean, river, nature

Kyiv's parks, nature's resources,

the river’s banks

4. назви планет: the Sun,
the Moon, the Earth

the Earth's geography

5. збірні іменники: party, army, family, society, government

government's policy

6. назви магазинів, установ, будинків (наступний іменник shop, place, office може опускатись)

at his grandfather's

at the doctor's


I. Underline the correct item. Comment on the use of the Genitive Case and the Number of the Nouns.

Jeans/jean are/is usually made of denim. It is a strong, usually blue, cotton cloth. The history of jeans/jeans's history is rather curious. It was in 1850 in the USA. Mr. Levy Strauss was one of those who sold cloth for gold-miners’/gold- miner’s wear. The miners had to change it often.

Once he bought strong cotton cloth/clothes and sew working trousers of it. They were much stronger and gold-miners liked new trousers, called jeans, very much. For one hundred years jeans was/were the working clothes/ cloth only. In 1950-s trousers became fashionable for young people. It's interesting that jeans are/is in fashion till now.

II. Put the words in the brackets into the plural where necessary.

A. Did you go shopping on Saturday?

B. Yes, I did. I bought lots of things.

А What did you buy?

B. I bought two (I) scarves (scarf) and three (2) ... (T-shirt).

A. Did you buy anything else?

B. Yes. I went to a lovely shop and bought six (З) (cup) and four crystal (4) ... (glass).

A. Gosh! You have really bought lots of things!

B. And I also went to the zoo on Saturday's afternoon.

A. Really? Which animals did you see?

B. Well, first I saw a (5) ..(lion) and then I saw two (6) ... (giraffe), three (7) (deer), two (8) ... (tattoo) and four (9) ... (monkey). It was a great day.

III. Complete the sentences using the noun in brackets in the singular or plural form

1. He placed all the important … in his brief-case. (paper)

2. I need some ... to write this message on. (paper)

3. I'm going to have my ... cut tomorrow. (hair)

4. There were some … on his coat. (hair)

5. Susan only wears her ... when she reads. (glass)

6. These ornament is made of coloured .... (glass)

7. I haven't got any ... to lose (time)

8. How many... did Nick phone? (time)

9. You shouldn't eat too much ... (chocolate)

10. We gave her a box of... (chocolate)

IV. Choose the correct word.

1) A. I have a physics exam tomorrow.

B. Oh dear. Physics is/are a very difficult subject

2) A. Did you ask John to fix your car?

B. Yes. His advice was/were very useful.

3) A. Have you just cleaned the stairs?

B. Yes, so be careful. They are/is very slippery.

4) A. My little sister has got measles.

B. Oh, dear. Measles is/are quite a serious illness.

5) A. What happened to that escaped criminal?

В. The police is/are still looking for him.

V. Find sentences with mistakes and correct them.




The news from Iran are disturbing.

1. Ann gave me some good advices.

2. No news are good news.

3. Where is my spectacles? І can't see them anywhere.

4. My shoes is falling apart.

5. Kate's earrings is beautiful. They were given to her by her sister.

6. He wears glasses because he has poor eyesight.

7. You need a lot of experience to do this job.

8. The economics of your budget are all wrong.

VI. Connect the nouns using -’s, -’or ... of... .

  1. Husband/Sarah. Sarah's husband

  2. teacher/the children

  3. coats/Sally and Jane

  4. the Prime Minister/England

  5. the end/the road

  6. books/students

  7. the owner/the building

  8. news/today

  9. fame/the price

  10. relation/the Browns

VII. Give the English equivalents of the following, using of or the ‘s form:

Кар’єра артистки, нова робота Джейн, дитячий одяг, одноденна подорож, гніздо птаха, будинок тітки, політика уряду, сад сусідів, день народження батька, вчорашня газета, коров’яче молоко, листя дерева, чоловіча сорочка, мамина порада, сторінка книги.

VIII. Correct the mistakes in the use of possessive nouns by adding apostrophes and final -s/-es when necessary.

  1. I enjoy visiting friends’ houses.

  2. When I was in London, I stayed at a friend’s house.

  3. My uncle is my father brother.

  4. I have three aunts. All of my aunt homes are within walking distance of my mother apartment.

  5. Mike aunt oldest son is a violinist.

  6. A diplomat work invariably involves numerous meetings.

  7. Quite a few diplomats are assigned to our city. Almost all of the diplomat children attend a special school.

  8. It is the people right to know what the city is going to do about the housing problem.

IX. Translate into English.

  1. Сім’я місіс Рос живе на півночі Англії.

  2. Давайте зробимо десятихвилинну перерву.

  3. Мені не сподобався той поступок Ганни.

  4. Вона у бабусі.

  5. У них на фермі гуси, качки, вівці, кози, а також є ставок, де багато риби.

  6. Я бажаю вам щастя, здоровя та удачі.

  7. Поліція шукає молодого світловолосого чоловіка, років тридцяти.

  8. Ти можеш дати мені пораду?

  9. О котрій годині будуть спортивні новини?

  10. Багато країн переживає економічну кризу.

X. Put + for correct sentences; rewrite incorrect ones.


He is an alumni of Oxford University.


I am not going to stay at the Proctor’s long.


Jack wants to invest his savings into some business.


Five hundred thousand pounds were donated to build a new hospital.


Scientists do a lot of researches in order to find cures for various diseases, such as measles, asthmas, pneumonias.


Being a parent has brought him a lot of happiness. Parenting requires a lot of patience, but it provides many reward.

XI. Using the nouns in the box, complete the gaps. Add final -s/-es if necessary. Use each noun only once.









bacterium / bacteria

  1. I have some coins in my pocket. In other words, I have some change in my pocket.

  2. I like to listen to operas, symphonies and folk songs. I enjoy _______.

  3. The street is full of cars, trucks and buses. It is full of ________.

  4. The children got scared when they heard _______ during the storm.

  5. I’m satisfied with the ________ I’ve made in learning English.

  6. I like to experience different ______. I like both hot and cold weather.

  7. I put some banana peels, empty juice cartons and bottles in the waste can. The can is full of ________.

  8. are the smallest living things. There are thousands kinds of ______.

  9. I need some ________ to light the fire.

XII. Find the Ukrainian equivalents of the following proverbs. Think of a situation from your own or your friends’ experience to illustrate the meaning of one of them.

  1. Knowledge is power.

  2. No news is good news.

  3. Bad news travels fast (Bad news has wings).

  4. Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it.

  5. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

  6. All are not thieves that dogs bark at.

  7. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

  8. Good advice is beyond price.

  9. Every shoe fits not every foot.

  10. There are spots even in (on) the sun.

  11. No man is wise all the times (Every man has his weak side).

  12. It is a good horse that never stumbles.

XIII. Match up two parts of the sentence to make a proverb. Interpret them and translate into Ukrainian.

        1. A small leak

        2. Every oak

        3. He that has a long nose

        4. Like teacher

        5. Still waters

        6. Life is made up

        7. Cut the coat according

        8. Little knowledge is

          1. thinks everybody is speaking of it.

          2. to the cloth.

          3. have deep bottoms.

          4. will sink a great ship.

          5. has been an acorn.

          6. a dangerous thing.

          7. like pupil.

h. of little things


(The Articlе)

Артикль – це службова частина мови, яка вживається перед іменником (іменниковим словосполученням) і уточнює значення іменника. Артикль не має власного окремого значення, не перекладається українською мовою.

Неозначений артикль a (The Indefinite Article а), який перед словом, що починається з голосної має форму an, надає іменнику значення один із багатьох, будь-який, якийсь.

Означений артикль the (The Definite Article the) надає іменнику значення той, той самий, про який йшла мова.

Нульовий артикль (Zero Article) – відсутній артикль перед іменником.

Вживання неозначеного артикля а/ап

(Usage of the Indefinite Article)

1. Перед злічуваним іменником у однині, коли цей іменник згадується у мовленні вперше або є одним із йому подібних.

1 looked up and saw a plane.

I want to buy a dress. (any dress)

2. Перед злічуваним іменником в однині з метою класифікації:

а) професія, національність, вірування

б) загальні твердження чи визначення

в) вид, сорт, тип

a) He is a teacher (an architect)

He is a Ukrainian (an American)

He is a Catholic (an Anglican)

b) A dog is a domestic animal.

c) It's a kind of rose.

3. У словосполученнях з іменниками, що означають пори року, назви місяців, днів тижня в однині, якщо перед іменником стоїть описове означення.

a very hot summer

a very wet October

4. У певних випадках перед
Mr. / Mrs. / Miss та іменами людей можливе вживання артикля.

A Mrs Jones called you this morning. (=someone called Mrs Jones = якась = a person that we don't know)

5. У словосполученнях, що вказують на частоту, ціну по відношенню до ваги, відстань – до швидкості.

- twice a week

- two pounds a kilo

- 80 km an hour

6. Перед злічуваними іменниками в однині з дієсловами to be і to have (got)

Mary has (got) a dog.

It is a German Shepherd.

7. Перед злічуваним іменником у однині в окличних реченнях.

What a lovely dress!

It was such a happy day!

8. 3 назвами хвороб:

- злічуваний іменник, що поз-
начає назву незначних розла-
дів здоров’я.

Іменники toothache, earache, stomachache, backache вживаються без артикля (тобто як незлічувані в британському варіанті англійської мови (BE), та з артиклем в американському варіанті (АЕ)).

a cold – нежить

a headache – головний біль

- She is getting toothache(BE).

/a toothache (AE)/

9. В сталих словосполученнях;

- to go for a walk, to have a look, to be in a hurry, for a long time, at a loss, for a change, for a while, to tell a lie, for a while, as a rule, in a word, on a diet, to make a noise, as a result.

Вживання означеного артикля the

(Usage of the Definite Article)

Нульовий артикль

(Usage of the Zero Article)

=> Перед іменником, що згадується повторно або коли предмет/особа конкретизується ситуацією,

e.g. I bought a shirt. The shirt is green.

e.g. The captain gave instructions to the crew (на кораблі 1 капітан і певна команда).

=> Перед іменниками що позначають єдині в своєму роді предмети the Sun, the Eiffel Tower, the Earth

=> З назвами кінотеатрів (the Odeon), театрів (the Globe), готелів (the Carlton), музеїв (the British Museum), галерей (the Tate Gallery), кораблів (the Mary Rose), організацій (the EU). [But: Buckingham Palace, Carnegie Hall.]

=> 3 назвами океанів (the Atlantic ocean), морів (the Caspian Sea), річок (the Nile),озер (the Great Lakes), груп островів (the Canary Islands), каналів (the Panama Canal), гірських масивів (the Alps), пустель (the Sahara), країн – коли в назві є такі слова, як state, Kingdom, republic etc (the United Kingdom), назвами місць з прийменником of (the Leaning Tower of Pisa).

Note: the equator, the North/ South Pole, the north of England, the south (east, west, north).

=>3 назвами музичних інструментів та танців (the piano, the tango).

=> Перед прізвищем родини (the Windsors), іменником, що вказує на національність (з закінченням -sh, -ch, -ese)
the French, the Scottish, the Japanese.

Note: (the) Americans, (the) Greeks.

=> 3 назвами газет (the Times, the Observer

[But: Time magazine, New Scientists – назви журналів можуть вживатись як з артиклем, так і без нього).]

=> 3 іменниками, що вказують на титул (the King,
Prince of Wales, the President)

[But: артикль the не вживається, якщо є ім’я/прізвище з іменником, що вказують на титул Queen Victoria).]

=> Перед іменником з прикметником (прислівником) у найвищому ступені

e.g. Не is the most respected man in the firm.

But: Якщо після most слідує іменник – артикль не вживається.

e.g. Most children like cartoons.

=> Перед іменником з прикметником only, last, first, next, some.

e.g. He was the first person to arrive.

=> Перед іменником з порядковим числівником (on the second floor)

But: room five, lesson twenty-one.

=> Перед іменником з дієприкметниковим зворотом або підрядним означальним реченням (the novel I am reading..., the boy running across the street...)

=> Перед іменником з прийменниковою групою (the wall of the room)

=> Зі словами morning, afternoon, evening, night

e.g. We have breakfast in the morning,

But: at night, at noon, at midnight, by day/night,

at 4 o'clock, etc.

=> 3 іменниками, що вказують на історичні події, періоди (the Middle Ages, the Crimean War [(But: World War II)], історичні документи (the Constitution)

=> Зі словами weather, news, world, city, sea, seaside, ground, jungle, coast, country (side), station, cinema, theatre, beach, shop, library.

(The weather is fine. Have you heard the news?)

[But: I like rainy weather. This is exciting news!]

=>В сталих словосполученнях: to tell the truth, the other day, to listen to the radio, to play the piano, to go to the theatre, at the moment, from the very morning, till the very evening, on the contrary, on the whole, on the one hand, just the same, by the way, in the original.

=> Перед незлічуваним та злічуваним іменником у множині, коли про щось говориться в загальному.

e.g. Fish live in water. Dolphins are clever creatures.

=> Перед іменами, прізвищами людей (Mark, Peter Johnson, Aunt Margaret).

=>3 назвами континентів (Africa), країн (Italy); [But: the Lebanon, the Sudan, the Netherlands, the Vatican City)], міст (Paris), вулиць (Oxford Street, [But: the High Street,
the Strand, the Mail, the London road, the A20)],
площ (Trafalgar Square), парків (Hyde Park), мостів (Tower Bridge, [But: the Bridge of Sighs, the Humber Bridge),] залізничних вокзалів (Victoria Station), озер (Lake Michigan), окремих гір (Ben Nevis), планет (Venus, Mars).

=> 3 назвами видів спорту, спортивних ігор, днів (частин дня), місяців, кольорів, напоїв, прийомів їжі, мов (коли за ним не слідує слово language)

e.g. Breakfast is at 7.00. It was very hot at midday. He often plays chess. We speak English. [But: the English language.]

=> 3 присвійними займенниками, іменниками в присвійному відмінку.

e.g. This is my car. Jack's family.

=> 3 назвами банків, готелів, магазинів, ресторанів, названих іменем їх засновника і які закінчуються на -s,

-es. (Lloyds Bank, Harrods, Dave's Pub. [But: the Red Lion Pub (because Red is not the name of a person)]

=> Зі словами bed, church, college, court, hospital, prison, school, university, коли мова йде про звичайну мету використання (призначення цього місця, а не про конкретну будівлю (місце))

e.g. Joan went to school. (She is a pupil)

But: Her father went to the school to see her teacher yester-
day. (He went to the school as a visitor)]

=> Зі словом work (як місце роботи)

e.g. He is at work.

=> Зі словами home, father/ mother (маємо на увазі власний дім, своїх батьків).

e.g. father is at home,

=> Перед іменниками, що позначають види транспорту у сталих словосполученнях, (by

bus/car/train/plain/taxi; on foot)

e.g. Would you like to go on foot or by taxi?

But: She left on the 8 o’clock bus this morning.

=> 3 назвами хвороб

e.g. He has got malaria. Але з деякими поширеними хворобами можливе вживання артикля the: flu/the flu, measles/ the measles, mumps/ the mumps.

=> Перед іменником television (у значенні форма розваги)

e.g. І like watching television in the evenings.

But: Turn on the television, please (the television set)

=> У окличних реченнях перед

злічуваним іменником у множині або незлічуваним іменником.

e.g. Such happy days we have had! What luck! What nonsense!

=> В сталих словосполученнях:

by mistake, from time to time, to go to bed, at night. to take place, without delay, at fault,
by chance, by birth, for
instance, by heart, on duty, to tell lies, at sunrise, for ages, in time, at table, at first sight, to keep house, to stand in line, in debt.


I. Fill in the where necessary.

1)... Europe is the second smallest continent in 2)... world and is home to one seventh of 3)... world's population. 4)... longest river there is 5)... Volga and 6)... largest fresh water lake is 7)... Lake Ladoga in 8)... north-western 9)... Russia. Ї0)... highest mountain peak is 11)... Elbrus in 12)... Caucasus Mountains. 13)... Europe is bordered towards the north by 14)... Arctic Ocean, the south by 15).., Mediterranean Sea and 16)... Black Sea, the west by 17)... Atlantic Ocean and the east by 18)... Asia. 19)... Europeans are 20)...people who live in 21)... Europe. 22) association which has been formed to unite. 23)... countries of 24)... Europe is called 25)... European Union (EU).

II. Complete the gaps in these pairs of sentences with the correct word or phrase from the box.


the men/the women


the traffic


the music


the people


the poetry

a) 1. Traffic is one of the biggest problem in our cities.

2. You are late. Yes, ... on the way here was really bad.

b) 1. Grace doesn't like listening to ... when she works.

2.... they play on that radio station is dreadful!

c) 1. What a boring party! ... all talked about children and … all talked about football!

2. ... are physically stronger then ... .

d) 1. ... of William Wordsworth is very emotional.

2. We studied ... at school, but I haven't read much since.

e) 1. My husband really hates ... who chew gum all the time.

2. I thought ... at the next table were very rude to the waiter.

III. Complete the gaps in the holiday advertisement with the if it is necessary.

Visit (1)... Australia!

Spend the first three days in (2)... Sydney.

See (3)... Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Go shopping in (4)... George Street.

Visit (5)... Blue Mountains, just outside the city.

Then go north to (6)... Whitsunday Islands and practice your diving in (7)... Pacific Ocean

Finally see the crocodiles from the film (Crocodile Dundee) in (8) ... Kakadu National Park.

This is a once in a lifetime offer!

Fourteen days that you'll never forget.

Call 01060040000 now.

IV. Choose the correct alternative.

  1. Catherine speaks Spanish/the Spanish fluently.

  2. Breakfast / the breakfast is the most important meal of day/the day.

  3. Our plane leaves from Gatwick airport/the Gatwick airport at six o'clock.

  4. Swimming/the swimming is a good way to keep fit.

5. He is learning to play flute/the flute

6. I don't like coffee/the coffee. Pour me tea/the tea, please

7. When they went to Rome, they visited Colosseum / the Colosseum.

8. They stayed at the Bridgeford / Bridgeford Hotel

9. Bears / the bears love honey.

V. Look at these sentences and cross out the or a when they are not necessary.

a) 1. My sister has been in hospital since her operation.

2. I phone the hospital every morning to see how she is.

b) 1. Where is Billy? He is still at the school, his lessons don't finish until 4.00.

2. There is a school very near here.

c) 1. I left the university when I was 21.

2. My parents came to the university for my graduation day.

d) 1. I waited in the church for the rain to stop.

2. Do you go to the church? Yes, every Sunday.

e) 1. Jane is going to the court today bесаusе she hasn't paid her taxes for five years.

2. Tourists are allowed to visit the court on Thursday mornings.

VI. Fill in a, an, the or -

1. A: What did you see on your tour today?

B: …Buckingham Palace and ... House оf Parliament

  1. A: … Dupons, who live next door to us, are French.

B: …French are very friendly people, aren't they?

  1. A: That's … beautiful dress. Where did you get it?

B: In ... summer sale at... Harrods, actually.

  1. A: Do you buy … newspaper every day?

B: Yes, I usually buy ... Independent and my wife reads Times.

  1. A: What did you have for … lunch today?

В: I had … sandwich in office canteen.

  1. A: Which station are you meeting John at?

B: ...Waterloo Station. It ‘s big place. I hope I find him easily.

VII. Read the following proverbs and fill in a, an, the or -. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1. Rome wasn't built in ... day.

2.actions speak louder then … words.

  1. Where there is ... will, there is ... way.

  2. ... home is where ... heart is.

5. Fire is ... good servant but ... bad master.

6. You cannot make ... omelette without breaking ... eggs.

VIII. Translate the following phrases and sentences. Mind the use of the articles.

а) іти пішки, їхати на таксі, грати на гітарі; грати у футбол, навчатися у школі, лягати спати; двічі на тиждень; дощовий липень; мати головний біль; такий щасливий день.

б) 1. Вона живе недалеко від університету, де навчається, тому ніколи не їздить автобусом, а ходить пішки.

2. Улюблений вид спорту Каті – лижі, а її подрузі більше подобаються ковзани.

3. Він рідко слухає радіо, але часто дивиться телевізор.

4. Таймс і Дейлі Телеграф – найпопулярніші газети Англії.

5. Найвища гора Карпатських гір – Говерла.

IX. Correct the mistakes.

1. The news are on TV at 7.30 every evening.

  1. The most people enjoy listening to music.

  2. The criminal was sentenced to ten years in the prison.

  3. Millions people were killed in the World War ІІ.

  4. Jason is at the work. He'll be back at six o'clock.

  1. A lot of children learn the English nowadays.

  2. She is seriously ill. She's got the malaria.

  3. The panda is a large mammal which lives in China.

  4. It was the very boring book and I didn't want to read it. But a film was very exciting. I enjoyed it.

10. She has just bought the amazing outfit. It must have cost her the fortune.

X. Complete the gaps in these sentences with a/an, the or (-).

  1. What … beautiful view! You’re very lucky to live here.

  2. Have you got … money I lent you?

  3. There are plenty of opportunities for… travel in this job.

  4. price of a ticket to Majorca has gone down.

  5. Helen, could you book … accommodation for a group of twenty coming to the Conference.

  6. Hello, how nice to see you! Did you have … good journey?

  7. Rome wasn’t built in … day.

  8. She likes … Maths more than any other subject.


(The verb “to be”)

Present Indefinite

повні форми

короткі форми

питальні форми

короткі заперечні форми

альтернативні заперечні форми

full forms

short forms

interrogative forms

short negative forms

alternative negative forms

I am


Am I?

I’m not

he is


Is he?

he isn’t

he’s not

she is


Is she?

she isn’t

she’s not

it is


Is it?

it isn’t

it’s not

we are


Are we?

we aren’t

we’re not

you are


Are you?

you aren’t

you’re not

they are


Are they?

they aren’t

they’re not

Sally is


Is Sally?

Sally isn’t

boys are


Are boys?

boys aren’t

Past Indefinite

повні форми

короткі заперечні форми

питальні форми

заперечні повні форми

full forms

negative short forms

interrogative forms

negative full forms

I was

I wasn’t

was I?

I was not

you were

you weren’t

were you?

you were not

he was

he wasn’t

was he?

he was not

she was

she wasn’t

was she?

she was not

it was

it wasn’t

was it?

it was not

we were

we weren’t

were we?

we were not

they were

they weren’t

were they?

they were not

Future Indefinite





повні форми

короткі форми

запитальні форми

заперечні повні форми

full forms

short forms

interrogative forms

negative full forms

I shall/will be

I’ll be

shall/will I be?

I shall/will not be

we shall/will be

we’ll be

shall/will we be?

we shall/will not be

he will be

he’ll be

will he be?

he will not be

she will be

she’ll be

will she be?

she will not be

it will be

it’ll be

will it be?

it will not be

you will be

you’ll be

will you be?

you will not be

they will be

they’ll be

will they be?

they will not be