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Watching television is a very popular leisure pastime in Britain. A typical day’s viewing includes film. Plays, current affairs, light entertainments, sport and politics. Nature documentaries are very popular. Television is a great information source which offers news and current affairs programmes, and it is used regularly to give information on everything from weather conditions to wildlife.

Lost of people enjoy “soap operas”. Coronation Street, Crossroads East Enders, and Neighbours are among the most popular TV series. They have been running for many years (Coronation street are been broadcast since 1960, Crossroads ― since 1964, East Enders since 1985) and they all have a large viewing audience.

The growth in use of videocassette recorders and equipment (including home computers) for playing television games has for many people increased the choice of entertainment available in the home.

Listening to music. Another favourite activity is listening to music on radio, records, cassette tapes, and CDs. This has become increasingly popular in recent years. Enthusiasts of pop music spend millions of pounds a year on records and stereo music systems. They also but the various music papers and magazines that publish the ‘charts’ ― list of the current best-selling records ―as well as details of pop singers and musicians.

There is, too, a considerable audience for classical music. Much of it is listened to at home. Radio devotes a lot of its broadcasting time to serious music.

Gardening. Britain is famous for its gardens and most people like gardening. This is probably one reason why so many people prefer to live in houses rather than in flats.

There are more private gardens in Britain than in any other country and they are looked after with love and enthusiasm. The British are keen gardeners. Every newspaper carries a regular gardening feature, radio and TV broadcast gardening programmes and most towns and villages have gardening clubs. Even in cities most people prefer to live in a house ― no matter how small ― gardens, rent a piece of land from their local council where they can cultivate flowers and vegetables. Almost every village and town holds an annual flower show in summer at which local gardeners exhibit fruit, flowers and vegetables and compete with each for prizes.

Do-It-Yourself. A popular British hobby is to make improvements and additions to houses without the help of professional or skilled workers such as painters, builder and carpenters. This activity of making or repairing things ready made of paying a workman to do the work for your, is called, DIY (do –it-yourself).

People with to keep their houses looking smart, and do-it-yourself repair and improvement work is widely practiced. There are now many handbooks and magazines devoted to DIY enthusiasts, telling them to go about repairs and improvements. There are also shops in every town selling or renting equipment and materials for DIY work.

    1. What is a ‘soap opera? Can you explain why soar operas are popular though they are often naïve, silly and primitive?

    2. How do you and your family prefer to listen to music ― on radio, records, cassette tapes, CDs, or at concerts?

    3. What do the letters DIY mean?

    4. Is do-it-yourself repair widely practiced in the families of your friends and acquaintances? Are there shops in your city similar to DIY shops?

Read the text about the popular pastimes and find out British people’s preferences for certain types of leisure and entertainments.

Popular Pastime

How people use their free time depends on age, sex, educational background, social class and, of course, on their personal taste and inclinations. But even so, it is availability of choices open to them that usually stimulates and directs their recreations.

Enjoyments of the Countryside. The British climate confines many outdoor activity and general enjoyment of the countryside to specific times of the year. National Park are open to the public for walking, bird watching, camping, caravanning (in specific areas) and, above all, for enjoying the scenery, the peace and quiet. There are a large number of rambling clubs whose members meet at weekends and on summer evenings to walk along some of Britain’s many footpaths that criss-cross the countryside.

Many people who enjoy rambling, climbing and cycling often combine these activities with membership of the Youth Hostels Association (YHA). The hostels, doted about the country especially in popular areas like the Lake District and the Devon moors ― provide cheap accommodation for members in simple establishments where they normally cater for themselves.

Outings. On holidays, on weekends or days off people often go for day “outing”. Some may not get much further than local parks or private gardens open to the public. Others may visit nearby art galleries and museums, or perhaps go to London for special exhibitions. Interesting exhibitions are organized every year and attract millions of visitors from Britain and overseas. Real enthusiasts go on outing in all weathers.

Outings to the seaside. Whether they have a boat or not, most British families like to spend some time at the seaside in the summer. The beaches are very crowded in hot weather. Groups of people go on organized outings, to popular resorts like Brighton or Blackpool. Coaches full of factory or office workers drive to the coast for a day out. If the sea is warm enough they can go for a swim of they may prefer to take off their shoes and paddle in the shallow water. They may bring a picnic lunch with them , and they can buy ice-cream form the ice-cream van, tea from the refreshment kiosk and drink at the pubs. It may rain but the British are used do changeable weather. The family can always sit in the car, or find the nearest amusement arcade or simply turn round and go home.

Cultural entertainments. Not everybody in Britain is interested in sport or in outings. Some are interested in going to the theatre, to the cinema, to concerts or to the opera where music by British composers is often on the programme. But this kind of entertainment is getting expensive and it is largely city activity, towns and cities also have public art galleries and museums.

A specially classes in Adult Institutes and Colleges of Further Education. People study an incredible variety of subjects, many of them clearly vocational and others of general interest. The difference between adult learners and school- children is that adult learners are choosing what they wish to learn, and usually giving up their leisure time willingly to learn it.

The most popular subjects are foreign languages, computer studies, shorthand/typing and office skills, business administration/management, arts and cultural subjects. Some people go to practical classes like dress-making or car-maintaining but many go for pleasure to do ballet dancing, to lean how to arrange flowers artistically, or to learn a foreign language. Others join classes organized by the Workers’ Educational Association and enjoy listening to lectures and discussing subjects like philosophy.

    1. What is outing? When do people usually go on outings?

    2. What activities are counted as cultural entertainment?

Unit 5

Topic: Days, months, season, weather, time

Language: 1. The Present Continuous Tense

2. The construction to be going to do smth.

3. Impersonal Sentences

4. Numerals

5. Adjectives. Degrees of comparison

Text: The seasons and the weather

  1. Language

  1. Sentence Patterns

Key examples to be memorized

I am reading a book

He is reading a book

Are you reading a book?

Illustrative Examples

He is working at his invention.

Is he working at his invention?

Yes, he is. No, he is not.

Is he working or studying?

He is working.

What is he doing?

He is working at his invention.

What invention is he working at?

He is working at the development of a new device.

Where is he working at his invention?

He is working at his invention at the scientific research institute.

  1. Grammar





are taking

an exam




an exam?






are taking

an exam ?

The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense

to be + Participle I

Дія в процесі, відбувається в момент мовлення

Affirmative (+)

Negative (-)

Interrogative (?)

I am reading a book

He is writing a letter

She is working

We are speaking

You are listening to the teacher

They are working

I am not reading a book

He is not writing a letter

She is not working

We are not speaking

You are not listening to the teacher

They are not working

Am I reading a book?

Is he writing a letter?

Is she working?

Are we speaking?

Are you listening to the teacher?

Are they working?

Exercise 1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous.

I (to do) my homework.

I am doing my homework.


1. The boy (to run) about in the garden. 2. John and his friends (to go) to the library. 3. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) English. 4. A young man (to stand) at the window. 5. The old man (to walk) about the room. 6. You (to have) breakfast. 7. Who (to sit) on the sofa? 8. What the (to talk) about? 9. It still (to rain).

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.

1. I (not to drink) cofee now. I (to write) a letter. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 3. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 4. Look! The baby (to sleep). 5. The baby (to sleep) usually after dinner. 6. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 7. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 8. I usually (to get up) at seven o’clock. 9. What your sister (to do) now? She (to cook) dinner in the kitchen. 10. Where your mother (to be)? She (to read) a book. 11. Hello! Where you (to go)? – I (to hurry) to the Institute.

III. Practice.

Exercise 1. Express your surprise using the word “really” as in the Model.

He is speaking English.

Is he really speaking English?


1. This teacher is teaching English. 2. He is writing French words. 3. The students are studying grammar. 4. John is looking at the teacher. 5. She is speaking on the phone. 6. The girl is cooking dinner. 7. It is raining. 8. They are discussing something.

Exercise 2. Object to the statements given below. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I am afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you.

We are studying English.

No, it is not so. We are not studying English.


1. The students are translating a new text. 2. I am waiting for my friends. 3. She is registering a letter. 4. He is reading the newspaper now. 5. The boy is smoking a cigarette. 6. The baby is sleeping. 7. The friends are talking. 8. The young woman is buying sweets.

Exercise 3. Translate it into English.

1.Куди ти зараз йдеш? 2. Я йду додому, а ти? 3. А я – до університету. Там будуть збори студентів. 4. А де ти був учора, коли я дзвонив тобі? 5. Я ходив на пошту відправити лист. 6. Ти багато вчив вчора? 7. Так, я вчив англійські слова, робив вправи, але в мене не було підручника і я подзвонив своєму товаришу. 8. А що ти робиш зараз? 9. Зараз я чекаю на свого товариша. Він прийде через декілька хвилин.

IV. Reading and Practice.

Read and retell the following text.

A Letter

Dear Paul, Thank you for the invitation to come to Kyiv and spend the holidays with you. I hope, I shall come after the examinations. Now I am busy. I am taking my exams. The examination in physics is the most difficult one for me. But I am sure I shall pass it successfully. I am working hard.

The weather in Kherson is dull, it is raining now. My parents are at home today. Mother is teaching our Hellen English and father is reading a book on his speciality. They ask you to remember them to your family.

Hope to see you soon.

Yours, Peter.

V. Language

Sentence Patterns

Key examples to be memorized

He is going to read this book in English.

Is he really going to read this book in English?

Yes, he is.

It’s going to rain.

Illustrative examples

They are going to listen to music.

Are they going to listen to music?

Yes, they are. No, they are not.

What are they going to do?

They are going to listen to music.

VI. Grammar

The structure to be going to do smth.

Передає намір, найближчу, наступну дію

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences.

1. The lecture is going to take place on Monday. 2. They are not going to miss classes. 3. I am going to work hard this term. 4. What are you going to do after classes? 5. Though John is ill, he is going to help us to do the work. 6. Who is going to work in the laboratory? 7. How long is the lecture going to last?

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Ми збираємося писати контрольну роботу. 2. Вони збираються прийти на іспит вчасно. 3. Вони збираються послухати його лекцію. 4. Я буду говорити на ту саму тему. 5. Олег збирається приєднатися до нас? 6. Я не збираюсь грати у теніс після обіду.

VII. Grammar


Cardinal (how many?)

1 one

11 eleven

21 twenty –one

2 two

12 twelve

30 thirty

3 three

13 thirteen

40 forty

4 four

14 fourteen

50 fifty

5 five

15 fifteen

60 sixty

6 six

16 sixteen

70 seventy

7 seven

17 seventeen

80 eighty

8 eight

18 eighteen

90 ninety

9 nine

19 nineteen

100 one hundred

10 ten

20 twenty

200 two hundred

1 000 one thousand (a thousand)

2 000 two thousand

1 000 000 one million (a million)

2 372 538 two million three hundred and seventy-two thousand five hundred and thirty-six

Ordinal (which?)

1 first

11 eleventh

2 second

12 twelfth

3 third

13 thirteenth

4 fourth

14 fourteenth

5 fifth

21 twenty-first

6 sixth

1 000 one thousandth

7 seventh

1 000 000 one millionth

8 eighth

9 ninth

10 tenth

½ a (one) half

0.2 – 1) o (ou) point two

1/3 one third

2) nought point two

2/3 two thirds

3) zero point two

¼ one fourth

4) point two

1/25 one twenty-fifth

12.305 – twelve point three o (ou) five

25/38 twenty-five thirty-eighth


в 1990 році - in nineteen hundred

в 1909 році - in nineteen nine

in nineteen o (ou) nine

в 1970 році - in nineteen seventy

Слово year ставиться перед числівником: in the year nineteen seventy

17 вересня – on the seventeenth of September

Exercise 1. Read the following numbers:

41, 62, 89, 97, 17, 125, 796, 450, 1820, 25 129, 49 357, 151 583, 1 352 765, 2/3, ¼ , 5/6.

Exercise 2. Translate into English:

  1. 9 травня 1945 року, 7 січня 1977 року, 5 серпня 1986 року, до 31 січня 1971 року, в липні 1999 року.

  2. 25 км., 175 000 людей, 3 500 студентів, 8790 книг, 3 75 285 машин, 17 слів, 30 годин, 19 кімнат, 90 сторінок, 0,5 кг.

Exercise 3. Make up dialogues about the date, day, year.

Model: - What’ s the day today?

  • It is the 6th of October, 1997.

  • And what day is it today?

  • It’s Monday.

  • No, it is not.

  • Why?

  • Because it was Saturday yesterday.

  • Yes, you are right. I’m sorry. It is Sunday today.

Prepositions of time


5 o’clock, half past two, a quarter past six, ten minutes to seven, about eight o’clock


sunrise, sunset, dawn, daybreak


the morning, the afternoon, the evening, the daytime, January, February, March, etc. Winter, spring, summer, autumn, the year 1987, in 1993.


June, October, December, 1978, 2002

in -через

in an hour, in two weeks, in a month


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.

on the seventh of November

on what day do you have English classes?

By - до

By 6 o’clock, by Monday


This year, next week, last month

How many times a week do you visit your parents?

Exercise 1. Read the poem

Solomon Thundy

Got worse on Friday

Was born on Monday

Died on Saturday

Christened on Tuesday

Was buried on Sunday

Fell ill on Thursday

That was the end of Solomon Thundy

Exercise 2. Fill in the prepositions:

1. Don’t come late. Come … nine o’clock. 2. What time is it? It is half … six. 3. We are going to leave … a quarter … ten. 4. It is twelve o’clock now. Come here in ten minutes, ten minutes … twelve. 5. Is it a quarter … three? 6. We must work … eight … five o’clock. 7. The train arrives … ten.

VIII. Reading an Comprehension

Read and translate the text:


There are twenty four hours in a day. Each day begins with sunrise and ends with sunset. The time of the sunrise is morning and the time of the sunset is evening. Morning is the time between sunrise and the noon. Noon is twelve o’clock in the daytime. Sometimes we call it midday. Afternoon is the time between twelve and five or six o’clock in the evening. Then comes evening and night. Twelve o’clock at night is midnight. People have a clock or a watch to tell the time. There are 60 minutes in an hour and there are 60 seconds in a minute. Half an hour equals 30 minutes. A quarter of an hour equals 15 minutes.

What is the time? – Котра година?

It is nine o’clock – Дев’ять годин

It is half past nine. – Пів на десяту

It is a quarter past nine. - Четверть на десяту

It is five past nine. – П’ять хвилин на десяту

It is ten (minutes) to nine . – Без десяти хвилин дев’ять

It is a quarter to nine. – Без четверті девять

My watch is fast . – Мій годинник спішить

My watch is (five minutes) slow. – Мій годинник запізнюється на п’ять хвилин

My watch is correct. – Мій годинник йде правильно

It is ten sharp. – Рівно десять.

IX. Practice

Exercise 1. Tell what time is it now:


It’s five o’clock.

It’s ten past five.


6.47; 12.01; 11.30; 20.05; 18.16; 5.35; 21.10; 7.15.

Exercise 2. Read the following dialogue:

- What time is it now?

  • It’s half past 10 by my watch.

  • And by mine it’s only a quarter past ten.

  • Your watch is 15 minutes slow, I am afraid.

  • Then it’s time to leave. It’s late.

Exercise 3. Complete the dialogues:

  • What’s the exact time?

  • ………..

  • Are you sure your watch is right?

  • ………

  • Then it’s time for me to leave.

  • ……….

  • It’s 2 sharp.

  • ……….

  • No, I am not going to the University today. It’s my day off. And what’s about you? Are you having classes today?

  • ……….

  • What time are they starting?

  • ………..

  • It’s only 12 now. Let’s go and have coffee.

X. Language

Sentence Patterns

1. Key examples to be memorized.

It is hot.

Is it hot?

It is not hot.

It’s difficult to get there.

Illustrative Examples

It is cold.

Is it cold? Yes, it is. No, it is not cold today. It is warm.

What time is it? It is five o’clock.

What date is it today? It is the 7th of February.

What day is it today? It is Monday.

What month is it? It is October.

Is it far from there? No, it is not. It is near. It is easy to get there.

2. Vocabulary to be learnt

season- пора року

to spend( spent) – проводити

to snow - йти (про сніг)

to enjoy- насолоджуватися

ground - земля

to swim –плавати

pleasant – приємний

to look – виглядати. You look fine today.

to go in for - займатися

to look like – бути схожим

to be like -

to skate – кататися на ковзанах

to change – змінюватися

to ski – кататися на лижах

cloud – хмара

sun – сонце

cloudy – хмарно

to shine – світити

dark – темно

warm – теплий

inside – в приміщенні

to appear –з’являтися

outside - зовні, надворі

to become – становитися

windy – вітряно

weather- погода

leaf – лист (leaves)

to rain – йти (про дощ)

little by little – мало помалу

sky –небо

everywhere – всюди

in the open air – на відкритому повітрі

everybody –всі, кожен

to freeze - морозити


The Impersonal it



Adverbial modifier


is cold



is not cold







is easy

is difficult

is impossible

to get there

XI. Practice

Exercise 1. Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answer as in the model.


It is windy today.

Is it really windy today?

Yes, it is. No, it is not.


1. It is rainy in November. 2. It is easy to learn French. 3. Is it warm in the room? 4. It is cold in winter. 5. It is warm in winter in the Crimea. 6. It is necessary to speak English every day. 7. It is bad weather today.

Exercise 2. Object to the sentences. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I’m afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you.


It is two o’clock.

No, it is not. It is not 2 o’clock.

It is ten minutes past two.


1. It is winter now. 2. It is raining now. 3. It is easy to do this. 4. It is 10 below zero. 5. It is dark in the corridor. 6. It is interesting to read this book.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. В кімнаті холодно. 2. Тут темно. 3. Тепло. 4. Цікаво читати цю книгу. 5. Зараз йде дощ. 6. Взимку часто йде сніг. 7. Мені важко перекласти цей текст. 8. Необхідно прочитати цю статтю. 9. Неможливо зрозуміти, що він хоче сказати.

4. Grammar.

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree





bigger (than)


the longest

the biggest

the easiest



more beautiful

more difficult

the most beautiful

the most difficult

good (well)

bad (badly)

much, many




more (than)


the best

the worst

the most

the least

asasтакий … як (так само … як)

not so … as - не такий … як ,( не так …як)

the more …. the better - чим більше … тим краще

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences:

1. You are taller than me. 2. We started earlier than you. 3. He was more careful than she. 4. This student is the most attentive in our group. 7. Better late than never. 8. She was not so attractive as her mother. 9. His work is as difficult as mine. 10. The more we learn, the more we know.

Exercise 2. Fill in as…as, so …as or than

1. Our house is not … big … yours. 2. The new cinema is much bigger … the old one. 3. This text is easier … that one. 4. The house I live in is … old … yours. 5. My composition is not … long … hers. 6. Mike is … tall … Peter.

I. Practice

Exercise 1. Object to the following sentences as in the model. Use the phrases: I don’t agree with you… On the contrary. It’s not quite so.