Файл: Л.А. Бердюгина Учимся задавать вопросы на английском языке.pdf

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VIII. Let’s play a game. The idea of this game is to guess (догадаться) what object is hidden (спрятан) in a bag. You can ask Yes/No questions about its size, shape, weight, colour, etc.

Refresh your memory of the following words: shape, square, rectangular, oval, round; weight, weigh, heavy, light; thick, thin; long, short; plastic, metal, wood, glass, paper; to be made of.

Try to remember: rigid – жёсткий, flexible – гибкий, flat – плоский, fabric – ткань, cardboard – картон.

1.2 Отрицательные вопросы (Negative questions)

*I. Ask negative questions putting the words given in brackets in the correct order.

Example: I posted the letter to you over a week ago! (you/ have/ received it yet?)

Haven’t you received it yet?

1.Why aren’t you eating your dinner? … (you/ do/ like it?)

2.“Look! ... (that/ is/ your brother over there?)” “Oh, yes.”

3.“I really must go now.” “But it’s only five. … (you/ can/ stay a little longer?)”

4.“… (she/ is/ a pretty child!)” “Yes, lovely.”

5.… (I / have/ met you somewhere before?) I’m sure I know your face.

6.Sally is still in bed. … (she/ is/ going to work today?)

7.(… you/ do/ want to come to the concert tonight?) I thought you said you did.

8.See! Nick is coming. … (he/ has passed his exam yet?)

9.“… (you/ smoke/do?) I thought you said you did.

10.… (John/ do/works for the bank?)” “Oh, yes.”

11.… (they/ have/ got any money?) They’ve made a good job.

12.… (he/ is/ watching TV?) And what is he doing?

1.3 “Эхо”-вопросы (Echo questions)

*I. You are sitting on a park bench when a tramp (бродяга) comes up to you and starts a conversation. React to what the tramp says using echo questions.

Tramp: It’s a lovely day.

You: Yes, isn’t?

Tramp: This is my bench, you know. You: Oh, is it? I’m sorry, I didn’t know.

Tramp: It’s all right. You can sit here. You may not believe this, but I was very rich once. I was almost a millionaire.

You: ...(1)...? That’s amazing.

Tramp: Yes, but I gave all my money away. You: ... (2)...? What, all of it?


Tramp: Yes, every penny. I gave it away to my friends, to my relatives. But they didn’t thank me.

You: ...(3)...?

Tramp: No. Still I’m much happier now.

You: ...(4)...?

Tramp: Yes, I like the simple life. I like sleeping in the park under the stars. You: ...(5)...? Don’t you get cold?

Tramp: No, I don’t feel the cold. I’m used to it. You: ...(6)... ? Really? Even in winter?

Tramp: Yes, I’ve been sleeping on this bench for over twenty years. You: ...(7)...? That’s a long time.

Tramp: Yes, the only problem is my health. I’ve got a bad heart condition. You: ...(8)...?

Tramp: Yes, I haven’t got long to live. You: …(9)...?

Tramp: No, but I’m going to enjoy my last few weeks. I’m going to eat and drink well

... . But food and drink are so expensive nowadays. You: Yes, they, are aren’t they?

Tramp: Yes, if I had some money I’d go and have a good meal. You: … (10) …?

Tramp: Yes ... You couldn’t let me have a few pounds, could you?


2.1Основная форма (Basic form)

I. Which question words will you use while asking the following questions? Let your group-mates answer them.

1. …were you absent last time?

2. ... educational establishment do you study at?

3. ... do your classes begin?

4. ... do you do at weekends?

5. ... year was your university founded (in)?

6. ... students are there in your group?

7. ... are you from?

8. ... do you get up?

9. ... dog does Susan like better, Bill’s or mine? 10. ... was America discovered by?

11. ... far (away) is your hostel?

12. ... is your address?

13. ... will a ticket for the theatre cost?

14. ... are the students of your group doing now?


*II. Work in pairs. Find out the information you need asking your partner.

Laurel and Hardy, the comedy duo (дуэт)

Student A

Student B (See File 1, page 39)

They met in (a) ______ (Where?) in 1926, and they stopped making films together in (c) ______ (When?). They made about two hundred films. They won (e)

______ (What?) for their film The Music Box in 1932.

Stan Laurel, the thin one, was born in (g) ______ (Where?) in 1890. He went to America in (i) ______ (When?), and made his first film in 1917.

He married (k) ______ (How many times?), and had one daughter. He wrote the scripts and directed most of their films. He died in (m) ______ (When?) in California.

Oliver Hardy, the fat one, was born in (o) ______ (Where?) in 1892. He went to Hollywood in (q) ______ (When?), and made his first film in 1913.

He married (s) ______ (How many times?). He didn’t have any children. In his free time, he liked (u) ______ (What?) and going to horse races. In one day he lost $12,000. He died in (w) ______ (Where?) in 1957.

*III. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then match (подбирать под пару) each question to an answer below.

1.people/ how/ learn/ do/ new/ words?

2.do/ what/ we/ have/ do/ to?

3.do/ you/ like/ in/ what/ spare/ doing/ time/ your?

4.do/ you/ where/ want/ go/ to/ this/ weekend?

5.why/ get/ you/ do/ nervous/ so?

6.who/ you/ angry/ were/ with?

7.what/ mean/ does/ ‘glad’?

a)The dictionary says ‘happy’.

b)My brother. He drives me crazy sometimes.

c)Playing basketball and going to the cinema.

d)By finding a good way of recording them.

e)I have to describe my photograph while you listen.

f)I think I’d like to stay here, actually.

g)I don’t know. Exams always make me feel like this.

IV. Work in pairs

A. A young Australian actress was recently interviewed for a popular magazine. These were the answers she gave. Work with a partner and try to imagine the kinds of questions she might have been asked. See how many different questions your group can think of for each answer.


a)About two years now.

b)Chocolate cake with fresh cream.


d)Madonna, I suppose.

e)Biting my nails.

f)Getting up before 8.00 in the morning.

g)My mother, I tell her nearly everything.

h)No, actually, I’m twenty.

i)Yes, but I gave up a few months ago.

j)He’s a good friend. Nothing more.

k)My hair, I wish it was blonde.

l)The fact that I am very loyal.

m)About once every five years.

B. Now choose some of your questions and interview a partner.

V. Work with a partner

1.Together, choose two famous people that you are both interested in. Write at least seven questions that you would like to ask.

2.Now take it in turns (поочерёдно) to be a journalist and the famous person. One of you should ask the questions, the other should answer them as if you were that famous person. Be as imaginative as you can in your answers.

2.2 Вопросы к подлежащему и его определению (Questions about the subject and its attribute)

I. Convert the following statements (утверждение) into questions

Example: Mr. Smith is an experienced engineer. Who is an experienced engineer?

The book was returned last week. What was returned last week? This car cost $2,000 a year ago. Which car cost $2,000 a year ago?

1.Не is studying architecture at the college.

2.Paul’s height is five feet.

3.Mary has already been out to the blackboard.

4.My words surprised him greatly.

5.The tie was bought for John.

6.The first act of the play was the most interesting one.

7.Professor Kornev was elected a dean.

8.This student hasn’t got a copy of the text.

9.I have been working pretty hard lately.

10.О’Henry’s stories are very popular.

11.Jane doesn’t like going shopping.

12.The autumn term (semester) will soon be over.

13.The child was playing with a ball.

14.The second lesson was much more difficult.


*II. Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions in English.

1.Кто открыл (to discover) Америку?

2.Кто изобрёл (to invent) радио?

3.Что произошло (to happen) 12 апреля 1961 года?

4.Кто из ваших студентов силён (to be good at) в физике /английском?

5.Какой месяц самый жаркий в вашем регионе?

6.Кто ваш учитель по английскому языку?

7.Кто декан вашего факультета?

8.У кого из вас есть домашние животные (pets)?

9.Что на столе?

10.Сколько студентов присутствуют сегодня на занятии?

11.Кто не готов к тесту?

12.Какой месяц года самый короткий?

13.Сколько студентов работают сейчас в парах?

14.Кто уже просмотрел статью?

15.Какая пьеса идёт в театре?

III. What questions would you ask in these situations?

You and some other students are planning a party. You need someone who can play the guitar.

Example: Who can play the guitar? / Which of you can play the guitar?

1.You are entertaining (развлекать) some friends. You’ve just made another pot of coffee.

2.A friend has just seen a new film and you want to know the story line.

3.You have organized a weekend excursion. Ten students of your group have said they’ll come, but you’re worried because you want to know the exact number.

4.You are discussing a film with a friend. You were most impressed by one actor. What about his opinion?

5.A car is blocking your exit (выезд). You want to identify the owner of the car.

6.You want to identify the students who solved the problem.

2.3 Вопросы с предлогами (Preposition questions)

I. Translate the following questions into Russian paying attention to the prepositions.

1.What are you laughing at?

2.Who was the book given to?

3.Who did you borrow the pen from?

4.How long will Mr. Smith be in London for?

5.Where is he from?

6.What are those students standing there for?

7.Who is he dancing with?

8.What do you want to talk to him about?


9. Who did he take care of?

10.What was the equipment delivered by?

11.What else can computers be used for?

12.Who did he buy this magazine for?

II. Ask the questions, as in the example.

Example: I’m waiting.

Who are you waiting for?


Jane’s talking.




Sh! I’m thinking.

What _____________?


They are looking everywhere.

What _____________?


She’s going on holiday.




I’m going.




I had a dream last night.

What _____________?


You had an argument with Bill yesterday.




Jerry’s in love.




He’s listening.

What _____________?


Mary’s getting married.



k) She sent a telegram.

Who _____________?

III. Write short questions with prepositions.


Example: He gave away all his money.

Who to?

1.We are going on holiday next week.

2.I’d like to have a word with you, please.

3.I’ve just received a big parcel in the post.

4.She danced all night long.

5.I need $1,000 as quickly as possible.

6.Peter’s writing a book.

7.He’s getting married next Saturday.

8.Could you clean that spot on the jacket, please?

9.A friend of mine presented me a CD.

10.He loved her with all his heart.

*IV. What preposition questions can you ask about the following sentences?

1.He opened the door with a key.

2.I got a letter from my friend.

3.She cut her finger with a knife.

4.His sister is teaching English to students.

5.Children should go there with their parents.

6.He is from the Far East.

7.Paul studies at the Medical Academy.

8.The group of sportsmen has arrived by the morning plane.

9.Our seats are in the tenth row.


10.I am waiting for a dean.

11.The assistant professor works at the paper for a scientific journal.

12.He is greatly interested in literature.

V. Read and translate the short dialogues.

- Who are you angry with?

- Where are you off to?

- With myself.

- To the club.

- What for, I wonder?

- What for?

- For making a mistake in the test.

- For training.

VI. Work in pairs. Act out the dialogues.

-Куда ты идёшь?

-В продовольственный магазин (grocer’s) / булочную (baker’s) / овощи-

фpyкты (green-grocer’s) / канцтовары (stationer’s).


-За сахаром /яблоками / тетрадями и карандашами / булкой хлеба (а loaf of bread).

2.4Вопросы о количестве (Quantity questions)

I. Ask questions to fit (соответствовать) the words in italics (курсив).

1.He has got a few friends.

2.There are a lot of books in our library.

3.Last summer she read many English stories.

4.He has much work to do.

5.We have bought two tickets.

6.We haven’t any juice in the fridge.

7.The students have too little time for entertainment.

8.They spent a lot of money for constructing their summer cottage.

9.Nick had more than enough time to prepare for the exam.

10.There is little milk in the bottle.

2.5 Вопросы о размере, цвете и пр. (Questions about size, dimension, colour, etc.)

I.Put questions to the words in italics.

1.The length of the car is 485.5 cm.

2.Central Park in New York extends 2.5 miles.

3.This container weighs about 3 tons.

4.Two thirds of the group passed the exam successfully.

5.The room is 4.5 m wide.

6.Lake Baikal with the depth of 1600 m is the deepest in the world.

7.The Washington Monument is nearly 556 ft high.