Файл: Преподаватели секции английского языка Грамматика для общения (английский язык).pdf

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I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple.

Example: The President of the USA lives (live) in the White House. I don’t go (not/go) to the theatre very often.

1.Jet engine ______(make) a lot of noise.

2.He _________(not/live) in London. He _______(live) in Brighton.

3.The sea _______(cover) two thirds of the world.

4.Loud music _________(give) me a headache.

5.We _______ (not/come) from Canada. We _______ (come) from the USA.

6.She _______ (work) from Mondays to Fridays.

III. There are answers. Ask questions using the Present Simple.

Example: What time do you get up? I normally get up at 7 o’clock.

1._______ to the radio every morning? – I listen to it most mornings.

2._______ in Manchester? – No, he lives in Newcastle.

3.What time ______ work every day? – She usually finishes at 5.30.

4.How often _______ to the cinema? – I go about once a week.

5._______ TV every evening? - No, he likes reading books.

6._______ the guitar? – Yes, she plays the guitar and the piano.

IV. Give an appropriate question for these answers. Work in pairs.

AWhere do you come from?

BI come from Manchester.

A________________________ ?

BAt Manchester Grammar school.

A_________________________ ?

B$10,000 a year.

A____________________ abroad?

BOnce or twice a year, usually to Germany.

A_____________________ evening?


B I’m usually too tired, but I sometimes go to the cinema.

A____________________________ ?

BI like all sorts, but especially westerns and comedies.

A____________________________ ?

BI’m going to the pub to meet some friends.

V.Make up questions to the underlined words with Who or What.

Remember that do/does are not used in questions to the subject. Example: She wants to see Nick. – Who wants to see Nick?

Who does she want to see?

1.They want to see her.

2.Someone makes a decision.

3.The students live there.

4.They are students.

5.She is a programmer.


I. You’ve got plans for the future. Make up sentences using Present Continuous. Exchange information with your groupmate. Example: I’m going out this evening or I’m not going out this evening.

1.have / an English lesson tomorrow

2.meet / a friend tomorrow evening

3.go / to the doctor’s this week

4.play tennis next weekend

5.go away / on holiday next month

II. Choose the right form of the verb. Compare the Present Simple and the Present Continuous: Example: It is raining / rains a lot in Britain in March and April.

1.I am going / go to bed now.

2.Normally, I am going /go to bed at around 11.30 every night.


3.Where’s Simon? - He is cooking / cooks the dinner.

4.There’s something wrong with Lynn’s car at the moment so she is going /goes to work by bus this week.

5.The river Thames is flowing / flows through London.

III. The Present Simple or the Present Continuous? Some sentences are wrong. Correct them. Example: It rains at the moment. (wrong) – It’s raining.

a.I’m liking black coffee.

b.He’s speaking three languages.

c.I think Mexico’s a beautiful country.

d.Restaurants are staying open late in Spain.

e.We usually eat at one o’clock.

f.He’s having a flat near the centre.

g.What are you thinking of Shakespear?

h.What are you thinking about?

VI. Put one of these verbs in the right form: hear, listen to, see, look at, watch. Remember that hear and see need can or can’t ( I can see…).

1.I have a lovely view from my room. I … the whole city.

2.A: What’s Peter doing? B: He … music in his bedroom.

3.In winter I like to … the photographs of my summer holiday.

4.In the evening I usually … the news on television.

5.I find it difficult to sleep because I … the traffic all night.

6.Please … what I’m saying. It’s very important.

7.Can you speak louder? You’re speaking so quietly that I … you.

8.A: Where’s Mary? B: She … the picture on the wall.

VII. Make up general questions and give short answers. Use the Present

Simple or the Present Continuous.


Example: Do you often wear jeans? - Yes, I do.

Or No, I don’t.


1.you / wear / jeans now ?

2.it / rain / now ?

3.it / often/ rain / in your country?

4.You / study / English every day?

5.You / study / English at the moment?


I. Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs in the Past Simple: paint, make, end, invent, die, discover, win.

Example: Magellan made the first voyage around the world in 1519.

1.The First World War _____ in 1918.

2.Marie and Pierre Curie _____ the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903.

3.Marconi _____ the radio.

4.Elvis Presley was born in 1935 and ______ in 1977.

5.Leonardo da Vinci ______ The Mona Lisa (La Gioconda).

6.Alexander Fleming ______ penicillin in 1928.

II. Make questions in the Past Simple.

Example: 1. I went to the cinema last night. - Which film did you see? (see)

2.We didn’t play (not / play) tennis last Monday because it rained (rain) all day.

1.“What ____last night?” (do) - “I stayed at home and watched TV.”

2.“Why ____so early on Saturday morning?”

3.“_____shopping yesterday?” (go) - “Yes, I bought some new clothes.”

4.“He went to the party on Saturday.” - “______himself?” (enjoy)

5.“They went out a few minutes ago.” - “Where _____?” (go)

6.“We stayed at home last night.” - “_____TV?” (watch)

7.I _____(not / feel) very well last night so I ______(stay) at home.

8.They _____(not / go) to Portugal on holiday, they _____(go) to Spain.

9.He _____ (not / write) to me because he _____(not / have) my address.

10.I _____(invite) her to the party, but she _____(not / come).

III. Ask questions using Who or What.

Example: Jim told me. 1. Who told you?

2. What did Jim tell you?


1.They told Pete.

2.I wrote to my friend.

3.We helped our neighbours.

4.Something happened.

5.Tina phoned someone.

6.She posted my letter yesterday.

IV. Make up general questions in the Past Simple. Give short answers.

Example: Did you go out last night? - Yes, I did. or No, I didn’t.

1.you / go out / last night?

2.you / play / tennis yesterday?

3.she / lock / the door before she left?

4.you / study / last weekend?

5.you / have /a haircut last week?

6.he / travel / first class in the summer?


I. Make up sentences using when. Use the verbs in the Past Continuous or the Past Simple.

Example: I burnt myself when I was cooking the dinner. (1 – c)

1.I (burn) myself

2.I (break) a cup

3.My car (break down)

4.I (see) a shark

5.My clothes (get) dirty

6.I (break) a tooth

a.I (drive ) to work b. I (eat) a sandwich

c.I (cook) the dinner d. I (do) the washing up

e.I (swim) in the sea

f. I (clean) the attic

II. Use the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Example: When she came (come) into the room I was writing (write) a letter. When my car broke down (break down) I phoned (phone) a garage.

1.We _____(go) down in the lift when suddenly it ______ (stop).

2._____(they / have) dinner when you _____(call) to see them?

3.When the doorbell _____(ring), I _____(get) up and ______(answer) it.

4.When I _____(open) the door, a friend ______(stand) there.


5.“When I ____(arrive) back at the car park, my car wasn’t there!” – “Oh, no! What _____(you / do)?” “I _____(report) it to the police.”

6.When John _____(be) ready, we _____(go) to the cinema.



I was driving along the street

when I saw a fire.

Я ехал по улице,

когда/в то время, когдa я увидел огонь.

( Past Continuous))

(when = at that time)

I telephoned the fire brigade

when I saw the fire.

Я вызвал по телефону пожарную когда /после того,как / я увидел бри-



(Past Simple)

(when = after)



I. Make up sentences of future life predictions using will/won’t.

Example: people / eat / more artificial food People will eat more artificial food.

1.the population of the world / be / much bigger

2.scientists / control / the weather

3.people / take / holidays in space

4.many people / not work / at all during their lives

5.people / live / longer

6.life / not be / better than it is now

II. Complete the sentences using I’ll or I won’t and the following verbs: go, answer, not go, put on, fetch, not have, lend, wait.

Example: I’m tired, I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.

1.“I haven’t got any money.” – “Haven’t you? Oh, ______you some if you like.”

2.“The telephone is ringing.” – “Oh, _____it.”

3.I’m a bit cold. I think _____a sweater.

4.“Would you like something to eat?” – “_____anything at the moment, thank you. I’m not very hungry.”

5.“I’m going out for a walk.” – “It’s raining.” – “Oh, is it? Well, _____out now, then, _____until it’s stopped.”

6.“I feel cold” - “I _____your jacket.”


III. Fill in the blanks using will/won’t and the verbs in brackets.

Example: You drive very well. I’m sure you’ll pass (pass) your driving test tomorrow.

1.Robert has got such a bad memory. Do you think he ______(remember) the appointment?

2.What sort of questions do you think they ______(ask).

3.“How long ______(the meeting / last)?” – “I don’t know exactly, but I’m sure it ______ (not / finish) before lunchtime.”

4.“Who _____(win) on Saturday?” – “Our team ______(win) on Saturday.

5.“______(you / be) at home this evening?” – “No, I’m working tonight and

______(not / get) home until very late.” – “Right. I ______(phone) you tomorrow then.”

6.I ______(not/ answer) John’s letter till I hear from you.


I. Complete the sentences using will be and –ing forms of the verbs in brackets.

Example: I’ll be going (go) shopping later. Do you want to join me?

1._____(you /speak) to Robert in the next few days? I’ve got a message for him.

2.I ____(not /drive) my car this evening. Do you want to borrow it?

3.We ____(get) some concert tickets for ourselves. Would you like us to get you one?

4.When ____(you / visit) your grandparents again?

5.When ____(you / see) Mr. White?

6.The President (meet) the Prime Minister before flying back home.

NOTE: Compare the Future Simple and the Future Continuous.

Example: Ann will help us to organize the party. Она поможет нам организовать вечеринку. (= она хочет помочь)

Ann will be helping us to organize the party. Она поможет нам организовать вечеринку. (= существует предыдущая договоренность)


II. Choose the verb and complete the sentences using the Future Simple (will / won’t + infinitive) in one sentence and the Future Continuous (will / won’t + -ing) in the other.

drive go open organize tell try

1.Matsuki _______their first factory in Europe next year. Here, give me the bottle. I ________it for you.

2.Keno _______to win his third gold medal in the next Olympics. I_______to get over to see you, but I’ve got a very busy weekend coming up.

3.Sam _______to the dentist. He simply refuses to make an appointment. I _______to the party, I’m afraid; I have to be in Spain that weekend.

4.“How old is he?” – “I’ve no idea, but I’m sure he _______you if you ask him.”

In this programmer I _______you how to cook duck in a lemon suace.

5.It’s odd to think that this time tomorrow we _______to Madrid.

He _______anywhere without first looking at a road map.

6.I won’t have time to meet you next weekend, I’m afraid. I _______ the school timetable for next year.

Perhaps John _______ the games at the party. I’ll ask him. He’s good at that sort of thing.

NOTE: Compare the Future Continuous and the Present Continuous. We often use these tenses speaking of future plans or arrangements: e.g. We will be leaving / are leaving for Istanbul at 7.00 in the evening. Мы уезжаем в

Стамбул в 7 часов вечера.

But it is better use the Present Continuous when speaking of unexpected or surprising actions or events: e.g. Have you heard the news? Dr. Radford

is leaving! (not …will be leaving). In such sentences both tenses are possible. Remember that the Present Continuous is used only for arrangements.

III. Complete the sentences using necessary verbs or verbs + preposition in the Future Continuous or the Present Continuous: take, need, use, wear, talk, carry out, live, suffer, get , come.

1.Mary Slater ______her work on the radio tonight.

2.A recent UN report has suggested that by the year 2040, 15 per cent of the

world’s population _____malaria.