Файл: Преподаватели секции английского языка Грамматика для общения (английский язык).pdf

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I. Safety procedure. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form as in the examples.

Example: The buildings are inspected (inspect) regularly by the Fire Officer. All electrical equipment is checked (check) every two weeks.


When a fire _________ (discover), the alarm _________ (sound) and fire doors _________ (close) automatically. As soon as the alarm goes off, employees __________ (require) to leave the building by the nearest exit, and to proceed to the assembly point. The Fire Brigade _________ (contact) automatically, and employees _________ (request) to wait until they _________ (tell) it is safe to return to the building. Fire drills __________ (conduct) regularly to ensure everyone is familiar with the system. All employees _______ (oblige) to take part and records ________ (keep) by the Fire Officer.

II. Read the story about Moscow University building. Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive Voice.

Moscow University is one of the oldest buildings in Moscow. It (1)… (situate) in the center of Moscow opposite the Kremlin. It (2)… (design) by the Russian architect Kazakov and (3)… (build) from 1782 to 1793. In 1812 it (4)… completely (destroy) by fire and (5)… (restore) in 1817-1819 by the Russian architect Zhilyardi (Жилярди). Now the building (6)… officially (register) as an old monument of Russian architecture and (7)… (protect) by the Government.

III.* Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense, active or passive.

Example: Last night a man was arrested (arrest) outside Buckingham Palace. Police saw (see) him climbing the walls.

A Have you heard the news today? В No, why?

A Well, the police (a) (arrest) Ronald Bloggs. В Who's he?

A He was one of the men who (b)_______(rob) a train in Britain about thirty years ago.


В Good Lord! I remember that. It was one of the biggest robberies ever. How

much money (c)




(never find). Bloggs (e)

A Millions. And it (d)






__________(send) to prison but he (f)



(escape). Anyway, he (g)

__________(arrest) yesterday. He (h)





(live) in Brazil for the past












fifteen years, and the British police have been trying all this time to bring him back, but they can't, because Britain doesn't have an extradition treaty with Brazil.

В So who (i) (arrest) him, the British police or the Brazilian police?

A The Brazilian police. Apparently he (j) _________ (catch) shoplifting. He put something in his pocket, and he didn't know that a store detective (k)

________________ (watch) him.

В But why is this in all the press? It's not very important, is it?.

A Because now he will have a criminal record, and under Brazilian law he could

(l) __________(send) back to Britain. If that happened, he would

(m)_________ (imprison) here to finish his sentence.

IV. Put the sentences into the Passive Voice.

Example: People speak English all over the world.

English is spoken all over the world.

a.The postman delivers the letters at 8.00.

b.Someone built this hotel two years ago.

c.They use a lot of preservatives in food these days.

d.Has anyone answered your question?

e.Somebody found your keys on top of the photocopier.

f.People should not take reference books out of the library.

g.They have increased the rate of taxation to forty per cent.

h.A scientist discovered penicillin in 1928.

V. Combine the sentences into two groups according to the voice: active or passive.

1.My car was stolen last night.

2.Some day all our clothes may be made from artificial products.

3.They use a lot of olive oil in the south of Europe.

4.The oil is carried for hundreds of miles across the desert by pipelines.

5.They have invited us to have dinner with them at the Ritz Hotel.

6.The other side of the moon has been never seen.


7.Very good wine is made in Spain.

8.You should keep the butter in the refrigerator.

9.Probably my name will be forgotten in twenty years’ time.

10.They made this film in Hollywood.

11.Messrs. Thomas Cook and Son are to make experiments this year.

12.The shop for business will be opened on Monday.

13.The low rainfall created an alarming situation.

14.The supply of electric power will have to be restricted.

15.This road has been widened.

16.The fire was put out in less than an hour.

17.The man had entered every room in the house.

18.Not a word was spoken.

V. Choose a correct form.

1.Этот дом был построен в прошлом году. was being built / has been built / was built

2.Сейчас здесь строится новый супермаркет. is being built /is building / is built

3.На этой неделе преподаватель объяснил (преподавателем был объяснен) новый материал.

had been explained / was explained / has been explained

4.Новое здание института уже построили, когда я поступила на юридический факультет.

was built / has been built / had been built 5. Студентов экзаменуют два раза в год.

are being examined / is examined / are examined

6.“Вы были невнимательны, когда это правило объясняли”, - сказал преподаватель.

was explained / had been explained / was being explained

7.Цветы уже политы.

are watered / have been watered / were watered

8.Такие столы делают из дорогого дерева. are being made / have been made / are made

9.Этот фильм никогда не показывали по телевизору.

has never been shown / was never shown / had never been shown 10.Мою квартиру отремонтируют к субботе.

will be repaired / will have been repaired / is being repaired


11. Списки все еще печатаются.

are typed / are being typed / have been typed 12. Их еще не пригласили.

were not invited / had not been invited / have not been invited 13. Вам сообщат об этом завтра.

will be informed / will have been informed / are informed 14. Когда я вошел, обсуждение было прервано.

had been interrupted / was interrupted / has been interrupted 15. Земля была покрыта снегом.

was being covered / was covered / had been covered

VI. Make up sentences using the Passive Voice of the verbs in the correct tense.

Example: Pres.Continuous: the injured man / take / to hospital


The injured man is being taken to hospital.

Present Simple

Past Simple


the article/translate/John


TV/invent/ Baird

2. he students/ask/many questions



3. the work/do/automatic machinery


Moscow University/found/1782

Present Progressive

Present Perfect


hat/blow away/wind


he experiments/complete




the news papers/look through


the question/discuss/scientists


a new library/open/the Queen

VII. Change the sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice.

Example: Someone is helping her with the housework. She is being helped with the housework.

1.They showed new films every week before reconstruction.

2.Switch off the light before you leave.

3.The mail-order company sent Mrs. Green a parcel (посылка).

4.You must dry-clean (отдать в химчистку) this shirt.

5.Someone will pay you within the next few days.

6.You can improve your health with more exercises.

7.They promised the workers better conditions.

8.My friend sent me an invitation.


9.Our engineers designed the new engine.

10.They equip our laboratory with automatic machinery.

11.The secretary has given Mrs. Jones some letters.

12.The policeman had already given him a ticket for illegal parking.

VIII. Make up questions to the words in italics using the Passive Voice. Think of the prepositions you need.

Example: Columbus discovered America.

Who was America discovered by?

1.We keep money in a bank.

2.Somebody has sent for the doctor.

3.They speak Italian in Italy.

4.They have taken his aunt to hospital.

5.The boys damaged the television.

6.Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

7.He invited 30 people to his party.

8.They grow bananas in Africa.

9.My sister wrote this letter.

10.Peter I founded St. Petersburg in 1703.

IX. Use the Passive Voice with the words in italics as subjects.

1.How can we make the roads safe?

2.We must teach young children how to cross the road safely.

3.The car knocked the boy off his bicycle.

4.Children keep cats and dogs as pets.

5.They baked these pies yesterday.

6.Harry drew this picture.

7.Somebody helped the blind man across the road.

8.People speak English in all parts of the world.

9.I’m sure somebody saw you.

10.I’m sure somebody can do it.

11.You must write your answers on one side of the paper only.

X. Translate the sentences using the Passive Voice.

1. К сожалению, на конференции такие вопросы не затрагивались (touch upon). 2. Кто вам сказал, что соглашение (agreement) подписано?


3. Здесь говорят только на английском. 4. Ей разрешили заниматься спортом. 5. Бетти не разрешают приходить сюда. 6. Посетителей принимают каждый день. 7. В больнице за ним ухаживали плохо. 8. На нашей улице строят кинотеатр. 9. Не говори этого, а то (otherwise) над тобой будут смеяться. 10. Мне еще ничего об этом не говорили. 11. Мы поедем завтра за город, если будет дождь? – Да, мы должны туда поехать, нас там будут ждать. 12. Это здание было только что построено, когда мы приехали сюда. 13. К вечеру работа была закончена. 14. Когда мы вернулись, нам рассказали много интересных новостей.




I. Change the words in italics with the corresponding forms of the verb to do.

Example: Peter speaks English as well as Ann speaks. Peter speaks English as Ann does.

I. He spent as much money as you spent.

2.She reads as fast as you read.

3.They showed us more sights than our guide showed.

4.Mary sang much better than Emily usually sings.

5.He likes the same dishes as you like.

6.She uses the same perfume as I use.

7.He answered more questions than Pete answered.

8.The new teacher spoke much faster than our old teacher speaks.

9.She plays the piano as well as a professional plays.

10.We reached the camp earlier than our friends reached.

II. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.Where is your friend? He is at home.

2.I was in the Crimea when I was a small boy.

3.Is Bob at home? No, he is not.

4.I am listening to the teacher very attentively.

5.I am a pupil of the 7-th form.

6.The story was very interesting. Tell it to me.

7.The house was built many years ago.

8.They are to begin this work at once.

9.You are to go.

10.In Australia she was asked many questions about Russia.


III. Complete the conversation. Use was, were, wasn't or weren't.

A Where







you yesterday?



B At work. I rang you but you











in London. There





a meeting about the new

distribution system. Why



you there?



B I didn't know about it.










A The new project manager wanted to speak to you.









very pleased when she found out you




Didn't you see the e-mail about it?



B No. Who else






A Everyone. Why didn't you read your e-mail?








too busy. I thought it



IV. Make the sentences more emphatic.




Please, sit down.


Do sit down, please.






He loves her.


He does love her.



1.She wanted to get an excellent mark.

2.Listen to her, it is very important.

3.I wanted to leave.

4.Treat him more trustingly.

5.Stop playing the tennis.

V. Fill in the blanks with do or does.

1.Where____your parents live?

2.What time____you start to work?

3.____ your mother like cooking?

4.____ you like job?

5.How ____ you travel to work?

6.What sort of books____ Mary read?

7.What languages____ Mr.Andrews speak?

8.What newspaper____ you read?


VI. Translate the sentences with the verb to have.

1.I have got many friends in Australia.

2.They have to work hard if they want to study at the University.

3.We have not been there since Christmas.

4.We did not have a headache, we have a toothache.

5.I have come to see you.

6.You did not tell me that you had seen the film before.

7.There are some things that you have to be said sooner or later.

8.I will have to get up early not to miss the train.

9.It was very dark and we had to take a torch.

VII. Put the verbs to be, to have, to have got into the correct forms. A.

1.I _____ not usually hungry in the morning, so I just ____ a cup of coffee for breakfast.

2.My sister ____ a very pretty cat.

3.How tall ____ you?

4.That was a dirty job – I think I’ll ___ a shower before lunch.

5.I____ don’t know if they ____ any children.

6.“I ___ cold? Would you like my sweater?”

7.What colour____ your cat?

8.There ____ too many people in the room.

9.“ I ____ very hungry. I___ some bread and cheese. Would you like some?

10.The children ____ thirsty. Have you got anything to drink in the car?

11.I think they _____ artists. They look like artists.

12.I never _____ lunch on Tuesday. - There’s not enough time.

13.You ____ your father’s nose and mouth.


1.I___ a small flat in London.

2.A Renault 4 ____ a small car, but it ___ four doors.

3.Where ___ my trousers?

4.Her hair ____ long and black and beautiful.

5.A spider (паук) ____ eight legs.

6.Jane and David ____ four small children.

7.My father ____ a big black cat.

8.There _____ some beer in the fridge, I think.

9.Los Angeles ____ in the United States.

10._____ there any people from Germany in the class?