Файл: Преподаватели секции английского языка Грамматика для общения (английский язык).pdf

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3.I’ve got a job in Stockholm so I _______there for the next two years.

4.I can’t believe it. Dave and Sarah _______married.

5.You can have my old boots if you like. Now that I’ve got a new pair I

______them again.

6.The council ______road repairs over the next two days.

7.Most of my family _______to our wedding next month.

8.We have a slight delay because of the poor weather, but we _____off as soon as possible.


I. A. Complete the story of Silvia about herself. Use the Present Perfect Simple with for or since.

Example: I’m from Switzerland, but I live in London now. I’ve lived (live) here since 1988.

1.I’m a photographer. I work for a sports magazine in London. I _____

(work) there _______ two years.

2.I’m married. My husband’s name is Theo. We _______(be) married


3.Theo works in a bank. He _______(work) there ________three years.

4.We have a flat in north London. We ________(have) the flat ______

last January.

B. Look at Silvia's answers. Make up questions using How long ….?

Example: How long have you worked for the sports magazine?


For two years


Since 1988.

5. For three years


Since 1989.


Since last January.


I. James is telling about his life. Use Past Participle of the verbs in brackets.

I’ve seen (see) a lot of beautiful places in my life, and I’ve _______(do) a lot of interesting things. I’ve _______(travel) in North and South America, for

example. I’ve_______(visit) all the big American cities. I’ve ________

(drive) across Mexico. I haven’t ______(be) to Argentina, but I’ve ______


(work) in Peru and Bolivia. I’ve _______(stay) in expensive hotels and in very cheap hotels! I’ve ______(swim) in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean sea. I’ve ______ (write) thousands of postcards to my friends and my family! I’ve _______ (eat) in the best restaurants in Paris, and I’ve _______ (sing) Italian songs in Rome. I’ve _______(have) seven or eight holidays in Spain, and I’ve _______(live) in Portugal. I haven’t

_______ (make) much money in my life, but I’ve ______ (meet) a lot of interesting people and I’ve _______(take) a lot of wonderful photographs!

NOTE: Compare the Perfect Simple and Past Simple. We use the Present Perfect Simple to express unfinished actions and the Past Simple for finished past actions (i.e. the Past Simple expresses an action which happened at a specific time in the past and is now finished).

Example: I’ve lived in Rome for three years. ( = I live in Rome now.)

Я живу в Риме три года.

I lived in Paris for three years. ( = I do not live in Paris now.)

Я жил в Париже три года.

We use Past Simple not Present Perfect Simple if we ask when this event took place.

II. Complete the text using the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.

Film maker David Morris has been (be) interested in the cinema since he

_______(be) a small child. He ______(make) his first film when he

______(be) just twelve years old. He is now almost 40 and he ______(make) 30 films. David loves travelling. His work ______(take) him all over the world. He _______(be) to Africa, India, China, the USA and South Africa. Last year he _______(visit) Russia for the first time. David is married to the singer , Lena Lennox. They ______(be) for ten years. They live with their two children on the Greek island of Crete. They _______(buy) a house on the island in 1987 and they _______(live) there since then.

IV. Ask questions to the text and answer them.

Example: - How long has David been interested in the cinema? - Since he was a small child.


1.When ______his first film? – When he was 16.

2.How many films ______? – 30.


3._______to Russia? – Yes, he has.

4.When _______ there? – He went there last year.

5.When _______David and Helen _______married? – Ten years ago.

6.How long _______on Crete? – Since 1987.


I. Write sentences to the following situations. Use the Present Perfect Continuous and the words for or since.

Example: She started her course a month ago and she is still doing it.

She has been doing her course for a month.

I started reading this novel since last weekend and I’m still reading it. – I have been reading this novel since last weekend.

1.It started raining at 3 o’clock and it is still raining.

2.He started playing chess when he was 10 and still plays it.

3.I started work at 8 o’clock and I’m still working.

4.Helen started looking for another job two months ago and she’s still looking.

5.We arrived here two hours ago and we’re still waiting.

II. Choose the correct verbs from the box and complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs: rain, save, study, read, make, learn, watch, play.

Example: She has been learning Spanish for six months.

1.It _______for hours; the roads are very wet.

2.We ______this game for hours. Let’s stop!

3.Wendy ______French at school for three years.

4.I _______this book for months, but I haven’t finished it yet.

5.We _______this programmer for hours.

6.The people next door _______a lot of noise all day.

7.I _______my money for a holiday.

NOTE: Compare the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous. We use the Present Perfect Simple to express finished actions. The Present Perfect Continuous expresses the duration of the action which is still unfinished.


Example: I’ve done my homework. (= I’ve finished it) - Я выполнил мою домашнюю работу.

I’ve been doing my homework. (= I haven’t finished it yet) – Я вы-

полняю мою домашнюю работу.

III. Choose the correct variant.

Example: Can I have a look at your paper?

Certainly. I’ve been reading / I’ve read it.

1.I’m sorry, but I’ve been breaking / I’ve broken this chair.

2.Sally has been saving / has saved nearly two thousand pounds so far this year.

3.What’s the matter? Have you losing / Have you lost something?

4.I’ve always been working / I’ve always worked in the music industry.

5.Oh! Someone has been eating / has eaten my chocolates.

6.They’ve repairing / They’ve repaired the road all this week, but they haven’t finished it yet.


I. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the Past Perfect Simple.

Example: “Why were you so angry when I saw you yesterday?” – “Oh, I’d just had (just /have) a big argument with my parents.”

1.I tried contacting my pen pal when I was in the United States, but she

______(change) her address and no one knew where she ______(move) to.

2.He was very nervous when he first drove in Britain because he ______(not /drive) on the left before.

3.When I heard his voice on the phone, I knew I _____(speak) to him before. Then I remembered I _____(already / meet) him. I also remembered that I

______(not /like) him very much.

NOTE: Compare the Past Perfect Simple and the Past Simple. e.g When Sue arrived, we had had dinner. (=We had dinner, then Sue arrived). – Мы поужинали, а потом пришла Сью).

When Sue arrived, we had dinner. (= Sue arrived, we had dinner. – После того как пришла Сью, мы стали ужинать).


II. Choose the right form.

Example: Simon wasn’t at home when I phoned. He had gone / went out.

1.Sally was at home when we arrived, but she had gone / went out soon afterwards.

2.When I opened the safe, the money had disappeared / disappeared.

3.Andrew was late for school yesterday. When he got to the classroom, the lesson had started / started.

4.They waited until everyone was ready and then they had started / started the meeting.

5.We got to the cinema at 8.00, but the film had started / started.

6.We got to the cinema at 7.20 and the film had started / started at 7.30.

III. Complete the sentences using one verb in the Past Perfect Simple and the other in the Past Simple.

Example: “Did you catch your train yesterday?” – “No, it had already left (already / leave) when we got (get) to the station.”

1.Andrew _____ (do) the test before, so he _____(find) it very easy.

2.I _____(not /laugh) at the joke because I _____(hear) it before.

3.We _____(leave) the restaurant when we _____(have) dinner.

4.When I found my wallet I _____(discover) that somebody _____(took) the credit cards out of it.

5.John _____(come) round on Sunday, because I ______(promise) to lend him a video.

6.I ______(be) out celebrating last night, because I ______(have) my exam results.


I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Continuous..

Example: I’d been standing (stand) there for nearly a half an hour when I realized I was at the wrong bus-stop.

1.Maria’s sister _____(study) at university for eight years before she finally passed her exams.

2.“I’m really sorry I was so late last night.” – “That’s OK. We _____(not

/wait) long.”


3.The strange thing was that we _____(just /talk) about ghosts when we heard the noise upstairs.

4.“Robert moved from Manchester to London in 1988.” – “How long

_____(he /live) in Manchester?”

5.He _____(drive) without a break for several hours when the accident happened.

6.His eyes were red. I could tell he ______(cry).

II. Make up sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Example: I felt very cold because I had been standing outside for over two hours. (1 –d)


I felt very cold because

a. they were lost.



I (play) tennis so

b. they were very



The children’s hair was wet because

c. I finally went to see



the doctor.



I (not /feel) well for weeks before

d. I (stand) outside for over



two hours.



They (travel) all day so

e. they (swim) in

the sea.


They (drive) for about half an hour

f. I was feeling hot and sticky.


when they realized



III. A. Read the story.

On Tuesday afternoon, everyone in my family was very busy – except me. During the afternoon Helen repaired her car. John practiced his karate. Kate did some gardening. Stephanie played tennis. Roger swam for half an hour. Pam went horse-riding. Philip painted the ceiling in his room light blue. I spent the afternoon sitting reading.

B. Now answer the questions.

Example: Who had black grease on her hands at teatime? Why?

Helen, because she had been repairing her car.

1.Who had dirt on her hands and knees? Why?

2.Who was wearing a short white skirt? Why?

3.Who was wearing a white jacket and trousers and a black belt? Why?

4.Whose hair had light blue streaks in it? Why?


5. Whose hair was all wet? Why?

IV. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the Past Perfect Continuous or the

Past Perfect Simple.

Example: We had been cooking all day for the party that evening and by 8 o’clock we still weren’t ready. (cook)

1.John _____ a beautiful meal for his guests and they all enjoyed it. (prepare)

2.I knew she ______ the washing because the machine was still working when I got in. (do)

3.I knew she ______ the washing because when I got in she was ready to go out. (do)

4.By 10 o’clock the children ______ their homework and were ready to go to bed. (do)

5.The children ______ their homework and by 10 o’clock they still hadn’t finished. (do)

6.The family ______in the house for years before they noticed the bulge in the wall. (live)


I. Use the verbs in the Future Perfect Simple.

Example: By the end of my tour I will/shall have given (give) exactly the same lecture 53 times.

1.I hope they (repair) this road by the time we come back next summer.

2.Yes, I make jam every week. I (make) about 200 kilos by the end of the summer.

3.He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end next year he (plant) 2,000.

4.I’ll be back again at the end of next month. – I hope I (pass) my driving test by then. If I have, I’ll meet your train.

5.Come back in an hour. I (do) my packing by then and we’ll be able to have a talk.

6.He’s only 35 but he’s started losing his hair already. He (lose) it all by the time he’s 50.

7.His father left him £400,000, but he lives so extravagantly that he (spend) it all before he’s 30.

8.By the end of next year I (work) for him for 45 years.


II.* Can you imagine what will happen in 2020? Try to answer this question beginning the sentences with I think … or I don’t think … . Use the verbs: find, introduce, invent, solve and the following expressions.

Example: I don’t think the drug problem will have been solved.

I think/

the drug problem


I don’t think

talking robot



a cure for cancer



passenger transport to the moon



the world’s hunger problems



new energy sources



the problem of world peace



satellite TV for everyone


NOTE: Compare the Future Perfect Simple and the Future Perfect Continuous. We use the Future Perfect Simple to express an action completed at a given future moment and viewed back from that future moment.

e.g. The builder says he’ll have finished the roof by Saturday. – Строитель говорит, что он закончит крышу к субботе.

Future Perfect Continuous is used to express an action begun before a given moment in the future and continued into that future moment. We use this tense to show the duration of this action to the definite moment.

e.g. Next Christmas I’ll have been teaching for twenty years. – На следую-

щее Рождество будет уже 20 лет, как я преподаю.

IV. The novelist is writing the book. She writes 10 pages a day. Use the

Future Perfect Simple or the Future Perfect Continuous to answer these questions.

1.How many pages will she have written after ten days? After a month? After a year? After ten years?

2.If she starts today, how soon will she have finished her first book? How many books will she have written a year from now?

3.How long will she have been writing when she has written 120 books?

4.She earns £100,000 per book. How much money will she have made altogether after her 120th book.