Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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  1. Read the text and say:

  1. why James Dyson wanted his children to join the family business;

  2. what Jake’s responsibilities in the family business are;

  3. what changes Jake wants to introduce in the production process.


Dyson may be the world’s most interesting engineering and design firm. It’s not just because they manufacture 40,000 inventive products a day, from high-end vacuum cleaners to fans with no blades, but because it’s a multi-billion dollar empire that’s owned, not by shareholders, but by one man, its founder, James Dyson.

James Dyson is approaching 70, and of three children, he has one son who has been appointed his successor: Jake.

While James is known for high-powered electric motors and vacuums, Jake made his name in LEDs, running his own lighting design studio independently for the last decade.

Co. Design: Why did you start your own studio? Why not leverage all the resources of Dyson to do the things you wanted to do?

Jake Dyson: I wanted to learn myself, my way. My father has been completely separated–not as father and son–but he hasn’t helped me professionally at all. He’s literally been completely hands off. And I’ve made my mistakes, my decisions. I haven’t sought advice from him over the last 10 years.

There was the concern my father had about the destiny of the business. Him approaching 70, the company being a worldwide success, having huge ambitions, increasing value but risk equivalently.

His ultimate desire was, if you create something like Dyson, the last thing you want to do is give it away. It’s not about money. It’s about, this is us, this is the family. It’s a family business.

He wanted reassurance, I think, that someone in the family would be interested in helping to run it. And I am. And have been. It’s partly because it’s what I do, and I enjoy it. I enjoy designing products and that’s really important.

Was there a moment you sat down with your dad and this became a talk?

We have these meetings called family assembly meetings. We all get together. I don’t like the word dynasty, but that’s what it is. It’s not just a business. There’s a lot going on in the background. There’s a massive global organization. Executives and he have been wanting me to join the business for the last five years. But also because they want me in there as another member of the family. When you have executives, you need backup, someone coming up beneath.

I was the only member of the family who was interested and wanted to do that! My sister is a fashion designer, wants to do her own thing. My brother is a musician; he wants to do his own thing. He’s an executive on the board. That’s important to me–another family member who has got some idea of what’s going on.

My time is spent with other design teams on all of the other categories of all the other projects, looking at new technologies, following the involvement and design of products, contributing to their design, making decisions to sign off so they can proceed. I’m also on the Dyson board. And I set a strategic approach that we should be thinking 10 years ahead from now, not four years. I’m quite involved as well on the strategic executive level. So, I’m broadly involved over the whole business.

So you’re actually overseeing a lot of different products across teams?

I wouldn’t say overseeing. Well, yes. They present where they are with a project, then you come up with ideas and agree on a direction for them to move forward. And that’s what my father does. I’m sort of simulating what he does as well.

Have you found how you might approach the business differently than your father?

There’s a reason why our products are so successful, and it’s because he has the attention on all of them, and every single detail. If someone says to him, “James, we want to change the radius on this edge,” they have to pass it by him for that sign-off. It’s down to that detail.

As the business grows, it’s going to be more and more impossible for one person to actually sign off every single thing. So I would probably empower more trust into those teams, and some of those designers, to make those decisions. And some of those designers have been there well over 10 years. They know exactly what a Dyson product should be like at the end of the day. The only great thing is that we both have the same values in products. We both believe form follows function, and geometry dictating the layout of the product. And that’s why they’re so recognizable, and pure.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Производить, владеть, преемник, привлекать ресурсы, обращаться за советом, сделать себе имя, уверенность, исполнительный уровень, проектная команда, способствовать (содействовать), утвердить что-либо, придумывать идеи, согласовывать, стратегический подход, концентрировать внимание, при­нимать решение, узнаваемый, форма (формат, макет).

  1. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

  1. to empower

a) an approach

  1. to run

b) one’s name

  1. to seek

c) a successor

  1. to oversee

  1. mistakes

  1. to make

  1. trust

  1. to make

  1. a company

  1. to set

  1. advice

  1. to appoint

  1. products

  1. to make

  1. resources

  1. to leverage

  1. decisions

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form.

1. The shareholders want more to say in how the company is __________.

2. They are actually __________ the production processes of this plant.

3. It is better to __________ more trust into design teams to sign off the results more quickly.

4. Welcome to our showroom where one can see our projects and seek __________ from our specialists.

5. To succeed in your own business you should set a strategic __________.

6. This collaboration is very productive and is helping to __________ resources.

7. We have sufficient tools and information to __________ decisions.

8. Try to avoid making __________.

9. CEO will appoint his __________ after a series of tests.

10. She made her __________ after making a report on the recent achievements in the pharmaceutical field.

  1. There are many famous family dynasties in the history of engineering. Read the information about the Cain family and point out the career paths of its members.

The Cain family, representing nine decades of electrical engineering

Eugene Cain received his electrical engineering degree from the University of Delaware in 1932, during the Great Depression. Thirty years later, his son, Donald graduated from the same university and ultimately passed the legacy onto his son, who earned a master’s degree in 1997. While all three Cain men studied electrical engineering, their career paths are clear examples of how diverse job opportunities are in the field. John worked as a stevedore while playing for a semi-pro baseball team sponsored by his company, which saved him from the ranks of those unemployed during the Great Depression. Donald worked in the power industry, where he made a career out of designing lines and hooking up customers. The youngest Cain, Bradley, moved in yet another direction from his father and grandfather and works for several startups designing Internet data center products.

Family member

Career path

Eugene Cain

Donald Cain

John Cain

Bradley Cain

  1. a) Match the verbs with the prepositions:

1) to contribute

a) on

2) to come

b) off

3) to sign

c) on

4) to depend

d) to

5) to insist

e) on

6) to agree

f) up with

7) to differ

g) on

8) to rely

h) from

b) Translate the sentences. Use the modal verbs if possible.

1. Вам следует утвердить это решение.

2. Возможно, он сделает значительный вклад в развитие семейного бизнеса.

3. Вы можете предлагать любые идеи для нового проекта.

4. Он очень ответственный человек, вы можете положиться на него.

5. Ваше решение не должно зависеть от мнения других людей.

6. Тебе не нужно искать новую информацию, так как эта задача не отличается от предыдущей.

7. Я не могу согласиться с этим планом работы.

8. Вы действительно должны настаивать на том, что интересно именно вам.

9. Correct the mistakes using appropriate modal verbs.

  1. I have to understand nothing but the necessity to reorganize our business.

  2. These terms and conditions shouldn’t be right. I’m sure there is a mistake.

  3. You don’t have to be late for the meeting or you’ll miss the news.

  4. You mustn’t do it now, it can wait until later.

  5. He can run his own design studio independently when he was 25.

  6. I think you can concentrate on the design development if you want to succeed in this business.

  7. I am not sure about his responsibility, so he doesn’t have to be relied on.

  8. We must not arrange the meeting, everything has already been settled.

10. Rephrase the sentences using the modal verbs.

  1. I advise you to oversee this process carefully. – You ______ oversee this process carefully.

  2. They insist that we set a new approach to solving this problem. – We ______ set a new approach to solving this problem.

  3. Will you let me make my own decision? – ______ I make my own decision?

  4. I know well enough how to leverage the recourses. You ______ advise me on it.

  5. It is forbidden to sign off the documents without consulting the manager. – You ______ sign off the documents without consulting the manager.

  6. It is not possible for us to launch this production line right now. – We ______ launch this production line right now.

  7. Perhaps I will come up with some ideas, if I have time to look through this material. – I ______ come up with some ideas, if I have time to look through this material.

  8. Would you mind if we organize this meeting later? – ______ we organize this meeting later?

11. Watch the video “What to do when parents don’t support your dream?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U12_WHcBbQ and write how you would follow the tips given (250 words). Keep to the structure: introduction; tip 1; tip 2; tip 3; conclusion.
12. Make a report on the biography of any family dynasty in engineering.

Consider the following points:

    • the founder of the dynasty;

    • famous family members;

    • family occupation;

    • what helped them succeed in life;

    • how they influenced our life.

Get ready with the presentation

Professional Background of my Family”
Consider the following points:

  • what your parents are;

  • if there is a continuity of professions in your family;

  • if your mother and father are satisfied with their career path;

  • what your career choice is;

  • if your parents influenced it or it is your own decision;

  • if you see perspectives in your professional field in future.


  1. Connect with the topic. Do you agree with the quote by Ronald Dunn If you have no problems at your job, you don’t have a job – you’ve got a hobby”? Why or why not?

What ideas do you associate with the word “hobby”?

  1. Match the words with their meaning:

1) to relate

a) to give your time to a particular activity

2) entrepreneur

b) to send back light, heat, energy, or sound from a surface; to show, express, or be a sign of something

3) to commit

c) to engage in something

4) apprenticeship

d) to find or show the connection between two or more things

5) to incorporate

e) the fact or state of not being strong or powerful

6) to reflect

f) the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort

7) to attempt

g) someone who starts their own business

8) weakness

h) a period of time working as an apprentice

9) to pursue

i) to include something as part of something larger

10) strength

j) to try to do something, especially something difficult

  1. Fill in the gaps using words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

  1. Parents want children to __________ to healthy activities instead of playing computer games.

  2. You are lucky if you can __________ your hobby into your career.

  3. You should know your __________ and __________ when choosing your future profession.

  4. The way you deal with problems __________ your personality.

  5. All questions __________ to this activity will be discussed later.

  6. To be an __________ means to keep an eye on your business all the time.

  7. There are three levels within the training programme offered: training, __________ and production.

  8. You should __________ to find a way of monetizing your hobby.

  9. Parents encouraged me to __________ sports to get healthy.

  1. Read the text and say a) what can influence your decision to translate hobby into your career; b) what factors you should take into account to turn hobby into your career.


The way you make a living should reflect who you are as an individual. When choosing an occupation, you must take into account your interestspersonality, and work-related values. Given the amount of time you spend at work, it is essential to enjoy what you do while you are there. Parents who encourage their children to take music or dance lessons or to pursue sports sometimes influence them to commit to those activities full-time. The earlier children are introduced to an interest area, the more time they have to explore it and strengthen their skills. Some people choose a career simply because by adolescence they’ve been involved in it so long it feels like second nature. The activities parents choose for their children also influence career selection. The more disciplines children attempt, the better they know their strengths and weaknesses.

Perhaps it’s because even Webster’s Dictionary defines a hobby as “a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation” (Merriam-Webster Online). You should consider breaking that rule. Not only will you enjoy your job, but you will probably be very good at it. There’s a good chance you have skills related to your hobby. Why not earn your living doing something you both enjoy and at which you excel.

With some hobbies, you may not have to wait for someone to hire you. Instead, you can start your own business. That may be the best way to incorporate your hobby into your career.

Find out If Being an Entrepreneur Is for You

Those whose pastimes involve creating things, for example, jewelry, clothing, or pottery, may do well to sell those items on their own. Before you go forward with your plans, though, you should find out whether being an entrepreneur is for you.

Let’s say you decide that running a small business isn’t for you. You can still turn your hobby into a career, but you may have to get some formal training. Let’s consider a person who loves making beaded jewelry. He or she probably knows the latest jewelry styles, has an understanding of what styles look good on different people and also is skilled in using the tools of the trade.

Several options exist for him or her. That individual could take classes to learn how to be a jewelry designer or even get a college degree. Alternatively, he or she could become a jewelry buyer for a department store or become a salesperson in a jewelry store. He or she could also learn to become a jeweler by taking courses at a trade school or doing an apprenticeship.

Reasons Your Pastime Might Not Make a Good Career

While many people have great success when they incorporate their hobby into their career, this option isn’t a good one for everyone. One reason is that your hobby may not translate well into a career. You should do your homework to make sure you will be able to make a living. You may really love spending all day doing something you would do even if you weren’t getting paid for it, but reality will kick in when you can’t make enough money to live on.

Another reason is that even if you enjoy your hobby tremendously, you may not have what it takes to make a living doing it. For example, you may derive great pleasure from training your 34 parakeets to sing the National Anthem, but that doesn’t mean you are cut out to be an animal trainer.

Whether you choose a career based on your pastime or on something else, you should research your choice thoroughly. If you find out there are aspects that you would not like about it, stick to your day job, as they say, and save your hobby for your free time.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Связанные с работой ценности, принимать во внимание, заниматься спортом, быть вовлеченным во что-либо, ввести в сферу интересов, влиять на выбор профессии, укрепить навыки, нарушать правила, выбор, нанимать на работу, проходить стажировку, вести бизнес, предприниматель, зарабатывать на жизнь, превратить хобби в карьеру.

  1. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) to run

a) disciplines

2) to earn

b) skills

3) to do

c) money

4) to break

d) sports

5) to strengthen

e) a business

6) to derive

f) rules

7) to make

g) living

8) to attempt

h) an apprenticeship

9) to take

i) courses

10) to pursue

j) pleasure

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form and answer the questions.

1. What activities do you __________ pleasure from?

2. Do you __________ any sport to stay healthy?

3. Are you going to take any __________ for self-development?

4. What additional disciplines necessary for your future profession would you like to __________?

5. What is the use of doing __________?

6. What is the best way for you to __________ learning skills?

7. If you want to run a __________, what knowledge and skills are required?

8. What can teenagers do to __________ money?

9. What are the opportunities of earning __________ if you are a student?

10. How often do you __________ the university rules?

  1. a) Match the verbs with the prepositions:

1) to be good

a) in

2) to succeed

b) to

3) to be cut

c) at

4) to result

d) in

5) to be skilled

e) for

6) to stick

f) on

7) to be keen

g) out

8) to pay

h) in

b) Translate the sentences.

1. Хотелось бы, чтобы мне платили за то, что я люблю делать.

2. Думаю, ты идеально подходишь для работы в инженерной компании.

3. Придерживайся намеченного плана, и результаты скоро будут видны.

4. Мое увлечение химией отразилось на выборе будущей профессии.

5. У него хорошо получается консультировать клиентов по вопросам электро­оборудования.

6. Ученые всегда проявляют живой интерес к новым разработкам в их про­фессиональной сфере.

7. У меня достаточно навыков для выполнения подобных заданий.

8. Ему удалось превратить свое увлечение в профессию.

  1. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box.

separates  /  demands  /  decision  /  abundance  /  satisfaction  /  account  /

livelihood /  majority  /  compromise  /  wellbeing

There is one thing we do not take into __________ when we make a career __________. This is the fact that you will actually have to spend the __________ of your time doing this work and fulfilling the __________ of this profession for the rest of your life. What becomes important is how happy you will be doing this work, because if this has to take up most of your life time, it’s better if it makes you happy. Otherwise, it will mean you are making a __________ for the rest of your entire life. When we decide on our career we look at a source of financial __________, we look at the career we are going to have and not at a __________ we are going to create. The thing that __________ a livelihood from a career is the fact that a livelihood will always be something that takes into account your emotional __________ and your creative __________.

9. Prove the benefits of having a hobby using the prompts from the picture below and your own ideas.

For example: Hobbies have physical health benefits, because there are many activities you can pursue to keep fit.


  • Hobbies encourage taking a break.

  • Hobbies promote eustress.

  • Hobbies offer a new challenge.

  • Hobbies unite you with others.

  • Hobbies provide an outlet for stress.

  • Hobbies promote staying present.

10. Read the passages about various activities and point out words and phrases which are useful for describing any hobby. Then tell your partner about your own hobby using this vocabulary.





Our day-to-day routine can end up draining us of enjoyment in life. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Hobbies provide us an escape from reality. It is important to find that one thing that makes us feel alive again. Here are some things you can try.

1. Learn to cook – Cooking can be a very relaxing task to be engaged in. It is an art full of creativity, mixing your imagination with a twist and putting together a delicious meal. From Snacks to Bread, Soups to Sweets, Breakfast to Dinner, Indian to Chinese to Italian, to Mughlai. Also it can be one of the most rewarding activities as you will earn a lot of great friends and fans.

2. Painting – Art is food for the soul. It is a great way to put all those emotions and stress out there. Also the feeling of creating something good is beyond explanation. Adoring that artwork you completed this weekend is a great way to build self-esteem.

3. Reading – Reading is that one activity that helps you escape reality and immerse yourself into another universe. Books have the power to affect us in a way that can change how we see and understand the world around us.

4. Learn a language – Learning a new language is not only fun, it comes with a lot of benefits like you can meet new people and easily get connected to the world, also help you to boost your brain power and you can expose yourself to new career opportunities.

5. Start running – It is easy, cheap, relaxing and has great benefits for your health. Put on a pair of good quality shoes, turn on your favorite song and go out for a run. The best way to keep yourself focused is by preparing for a marathon or by joining a running club.

6. Photography – If you love taking pictures consider making it a hobby. It helps you notice your world and stay in the moment. It motivates you to experience and travel more. It will help you to connect with others and capture those great memories.
11. Here are the things you can do to make your hobbies your full-time profession and live the life of your dreams. Read the information below and point out the tips and recommendations to follow these tips. The first one is given.


Recommendations to follow the advice

1. You should know what exactly you wish to do.


