Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Parents’ high standards sometimes influence children to pursue activities they think will win the approval of their parents. For example, some parents punish their teenagers for not earning straight As, or criticize them for pursuing art instead of a practical profession such as law or medicine. In these cases, teenagers might feel obligated to select a prestigious or high-earning occupation to earn their parents’ respect or to make them proud. On the other hand, when parents make it clear that they have no specific expectations for their children’s career, adolescents often feel free to explore a greater variety of professions, choosing one based on their own preferences instead of those of their parents.

Just as a positive parental role model can influence career choice, so can negative parental influence. For example, if your parents were uneducated or always struggling to get by financially, you may decide you’re never going to be in the same position. This may prompt you to pursue a vastly different career path, looking for stable, high-earning jobs. Likewise, if you have parents who were workaholics and were never around when you were a child, you may decide to pursue a line of work with flexibility that gives you more time with your children.

Although some of the intellectual giants of science and engineering walked their own path from the start, many others were influenced by significant role models and supporters in their immediate families. Many of these innovators in turn offered support and inspiration to their own children.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Восприятие, взрослый человек, подросток, восхищаться, намеренно, чувствовать себя обязанным, обеспечить финансовую сторону жизни, идти своим путем, высокооплачиваемый, достичь больших высот, стремиться (добиваться), побуждать (стимулировать), заставить кого-либо гордиться, большое разнообразие, совершенно отличающийся, необразованный, войти в индустрию, оказывать давление, одобрение.

  1. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

  1. to offer

  1. the approval

  1. to fit

  1. one’s opinion

  1. to encourage

  1. family life

  1. to pursue

  1. pressure

  1. to earn

  1. professions

  1. to influence

  1. support

  1. to apply

  1. one’s choice

  1. to win

  1. children

  1. to shape

  1. one’s respect

  1. to explore

  1. a career

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form and answer the questions.

1. Who __________ your choice of profession?

2. What __________ your opinion on engineering field?

3. Why did you decide to __________ a career in engineering?

4. Did your parents __________ pressure on you to strive for your technical education?

5. How do your parents __________ you to reach high?

6. Have you ever tried to win the __________ of your parents?

7. Did you earn your parents’ __________ when you entered Technical University?

8. Do you want to __________ various professions?

9. Do your parents offer __________ if you have any difficulties?

10. Do you think your future career will __________ your own family life?

  1. There are different ways of how parents influence their children’s career choice. Match the influence types with their description:

1. The examples which they set for their children

a) In the last 10 years, there are many new jobs and career possibilities which have come up, which many parents might not even be aware of. It is for this reason that even if the job is very promising the parents are very disapproving of such careers.

2. Their own hopes, dreams and expectations

b) If parents instill their children with many positive skills and qualities, it automatically enables their child to pick a promising career line. If an individual knows that he is lacking in skill and ability, he will opt for a less glamorous job which will suit his own personality and upbringing.

3. Their attitudes to various careers

c) What parents do not realize is that they should allow their children to have dreams of their own. Parent’s expectations often become a major burden for their children. Those individuals who are unable to fulfill their parents’ expectations often feel both depressed and inadequate.

4. The education which they give their children

d) If our parents have successful careers and live a good comfortable life, it is likely that rather than trying to pursue any other career, we would prefer to follow in our parents’ footsteps.

5. The qualities they instill in their children

e) Parents who want their children to do well in their career as well as in life, make it a point to give their children a good education. The school you go to and the friends you make at school play a major role when it comes to helping you make a career choice.

  1. There are many famous family dynasties in the history of engineering. Read the information about the Stevens family and point out the inventions of its members.

The Stevens family, pioneers in mechanical engineering

John Stevens and his family rank among the most distinguished engineering dynasties in U.S. history, their achievements having played a key role in molding modern mechanical engineering. A colonel in the Revolutionary War, Stevens designed the first American-built steam locomotive in 1825 and was a pioneer in developing the steamboat. His son Robert went on to invent the modern T-rail, used around the world on railroad tracks today and along with his brother, Edwin, built the first commercial railroad in the U.S. Edwin was also heavily involved in the construction of several vessels for the U.S. Navy. Another of John’s sons, John Cox, built and raced the yacht America, which was the first winner of the America’s Cuptrophy in 1951. Innovation in the Stevens family has carried on to the next generation, as John’s grandson, Edwin Augustus Stevens, designed a double-ended reversible propeller-driven ferryboat based on an idea by his grandfather.

Family member


John Stevens

Robert Stevens

Edwin Stevens

John Cox Stevens

Edwin Augustus Stevens

  1. a) Match the verbs with the prepositions:

1) to take

a) into

2) to look

b) for

3) to advise

c) toward

4) to strive

d) over

5) to push

e) for

6) criticize

f) up

7) to break

g) against

8) to look

h) for

b) Translate the sentences:

1. Два года назад он взял руководство компанией на себя.

2. После окончания университета они успешно занялись семейным бизнесом.

3. Если ты ищешь высокооплачиваемую работу, тебе нужно иметь соответст­вующую квалификацию.

4. Нельзя критиковать никого за ошибки, которые можешь совершить сам.

5. Возможно, родители намеренно подталкивают детей к выбору определенной карьеры.

6. Я всегда с уважением смотрел на своего отца и восхищался его лидерскими качествами.

7. Не надо стремиться сейчас к быстрым результатам, это бесполезно.

8. Я не советую вам работу в этой организации.
10. Match the verbs in bold with their meaning:

1. She has very little spare time and thinks it could be difficult to take this course.

2. He might try a part-time degree course, it’s not too demanding.

3. You can find out all the necessary information from this Internet resource.

4. You’ve got all credits, so you don’t have to attend these classes.

5. She should follow her parents’ advice and enter this university next year.

6. Now you must choose between running the family business and going your own career path.

7. We may finish the work ahead of the schedule.

Modal Verb





no obligation


11. Choose the correct modal verb

  1. Different factors (must / can) shape and influence the career paths you choose.

  2. You can break into the family business if you want to, but you (mustn’t / don’t have to) do it.

  3. I am not sure which one is the right decision. It (should / could) be any of them.

  4. I think you (should / have to) take it easy and stop worrying so much about this situation.

  5. Your parents (might / should) expect you to follow their advice, as they pay so much attention to your education.

  6. I (must / may) do my best to succeed in my career.

  7. I (can’t / mustn’t) promise you to help because I will be busy at this time.

  8. You (may / should) feel free to explore a number of professions, if there are no specific expectations for your career.

12. Watch the video “The Sages family business story” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCbRanMtkLo and answer the questions:

1. What are the stages of Thomas’ business?

2. What family members are involved in this business?

3. What position do they take?

4. What problems does the company face and why?

5. What urgent actions and decisions are required?

13. Write the story of your family and the professional background of your family members.

Consider the following points:

  • family members;

  • education your parents got;

  • occupation and professional interests in your family;

  • why they chose their career;

  • their influence on your choice of education / or it was your own decision;

  • advantages and disadvantages of following your parents’ career path.


  1. Connect with the topic.

There are advantages and disadvantages of coming from a professional family dynasty. Put A, if the statement is an advantage, and put D, if it is a disadvantage.

___ You can get much support in choosing your future profession.

___ You always compete for parents’ attention.

___ You can learn from the experience of your parents.

___ Your views may differ from your parents’ ones.

___ You can share personal problems.

___ You shouldn’t think much of your future job.

___ You have much in common with your family.

___ Your parents prepare you to follow their career path.

___ You may like what your parents do but choose other career.

  1. Match the words with their meaning:

1) background

  1. to act in accordance with something; to happen or come after something

2) to oversee

  1. to control a business or other organization

3) to empower

  1. to help by providing money or support

4) to follow

  1. someone in a high position, especially in business, who makes decisions and puts them into action

5) executive

  1. your family and your experience of education, living conditions, money, etc.

6) to appoint

  1. to watch and manage a job or activity

7) to run

  1. something that is important to you

8) concern

  1. to make someone interested in taking part in something

9) to involve

  1. to encourage and support the ability to do something; to give legal authority for something

10) to contribute

  1. to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility; to arrange a date or time for a meeting

  1. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

  1. It is important for managers to __________ more trust into their team members.

  2. When you apply for a job you are asked about your __________ during the interview.

  3. Your duty is to __________ a lot of different products across teams.

  4. They expressed __________ about new business environment.

  5. They __________ new council members.

  6. He is going to __________ this department.

  7. This activity __________ your creativity and critical thinking.

  8. He is an __________ on the board.

  9. Many ideas __________ this unusual decision.

  10. Progress on sustainable consumption and production can __________ to a green economy.