Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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The next innovation is facial recognition home security software. Cameras outside the house and inside the house can record, detect and recognize friend from foe. It will be able to run people’s faces against a database of criminals as well as give a history of that person and even pull up their different social media accounts, work histories and even more personal histories.

Space tourism is one of those future inventions that is almost here. In fact, it is here as several so-called tourists have made it to the International Space Station. What will happen though in the next couple of years is that tours to low earth orbit (LEO) will be conducted routinely and economically like rides in Disneyland or upon a cruise ship.

One of the future inventions that scientists are working on now that could be revolutionary is wireless electric car recharging on roads. Wireless recharging for home devices is already happening. And not too far ahead, this will be on the roadways for electric cars as well. This will not only make life easier but will also be done in a green and energy saving manner. The competing technology is hydrogen car zero emission prototypes, most of which are either hybrid or plug-in hybrids as well. The advantage of a plug-in hybrid hydrogen fuel cell car is the range and refueling time.

There has been much talk about an Internet neural network, which of course will be one of the wildest future inventions in regard to communications. And part of this will be the worldwide smart neural network power grid, based upon green energy, which will allocate resources where they are needed to each continent. Some of this will be done through cables, fiber optics and power lines but advancing past that will be the use of lasers, lasers in satellites, ultrasonic transmissions and wireless electricity.

Of course, these future inventions are only predictions. But, if you think these are wild, wacky and will never happen, then you need to check on what engineers and scientists are working on right now. In a few year time, we will see how the progress goes. But whatever happens next, it will be a great time to be alive.
b) Are the sentences True or False according to the text?

1. Robots will hardly do everyday surgery.

2. Cameras around the house cannot distinguish known and unknown people.

3. Tours to LEO will be frequent and everyone who has money will be able to afford them.

4. It is not possible to make wireless recharging for home devices now.

5. The worldwide smart neural network power grid will work through cables, fiber optics and power lines.
c) Find synonyms or paraphrase the following words:

to affect, to progress, disruptive, database, humanly, foe, to run against, to pull up, couple, to conduct, routinely, competing, to allocate, wacky, wireless.
3. Explain in other words the meaning of the following:

Example: a science fiction writer – a writer of science fiction

a technology expert

facial recognition home security software

social media accounts

the low earth orbit

a hydrogen car zero emission prototype

a plug-in hybrid hydrogen fuel cell car

an Internet neural network

a smart neural network power grid
4. Work in small groups. Discuss the predictions about technology and decide which ones are most likely to happen and when they will happen.

1. Medical robots will carry out operations, controlled by surgeons who may be hundreds of kilometers away.

2. Tiny robots will be injected into our bodies to deliver medicine and to perform surgery from the inside.

3. You will be able to interact with characters in a TV programme and follow a storyline of your choice.

4. Planes will be controlled by computers which think like humans and are therefore afraid to crash.

5. Cars will be made of composites, plastic, and fibre glass, and will be assembled in six hours.

6. Cars will automatically drive at safe speeds and safe distances from each other.

7. You will be able to download your brain to a computer before you die.

8. Microchips will be stuck to your skin to form different circuits, including computers. You’ll be able to watch a DVD using your arm as a screen.

9. Business will be carried out in 3-D virtual space, not in offices.

10. Jobs like teaching children or nursing will continue to be done by people, but most other jobs will be done by robots and computers.

11. We’ll be able to ‘grow’ plastics and fabrics from molecules.

5. Read the dialogue between two ‘futurologists’, Lianne Bradley and Stefan Werner. They are discussing technology in the future. Tick the table to indicate which areas of technology the speaker mentions.

Prediction about:









domestic appliances

developing countries

I = Interviewer, L = Lianne, S = Stefan

I.: This week on The monitor, we have Lianne Bradley and Stefan Werner with us. They’re both futurologists. They advise companies on the most likely future trends. Our topic is the future of technology. Lianne, what’s your view about the way things will go?

L.: On the plus side, good things will happen in health. Computers will find out what’s wrong with us by asking questions and carrying out tests. Robots will operate on us with better precision than humans. However, as always with technology, we’ll find new military uses. We’ll get better at killing each other from a distance with unmanned aircraft and smart weapons programmed to recognize their targets. In telecommunications, we’ll make our phone calls through the Internet. Everybody will be able to be a reporter. If you see anything important, you’ll be able to transmit it to the rest of the world. In computing, the keyboard will disappear. Everything will be voice operated. In our homes, we might also have voice-operated domestic appliances. We’ll tell the oven how we like our pizza and it will remember the next time we ask it to bake one. I’m not optimistic about the developing world. Poorer countries will fall further behind unless they can invest heavily in education.

I.: Mm-hm. Stefan, where do you think there’ll be big changes?

S.: The greatest changes will take place in IT. I’ll name just a few. Computers will be faster and more powerful, and they’ll be everywhere including in the clothes we wear. Wearable computers will give us directions, act as phones, and search the Internet for information we want. They’ll find real answers, not just a list of web pages to try. On the downside, I expect digital crime will increase. For example, stealing someone’s identity to get into their internet bank account or creating a virus to close down a business. In transport, I think we’ll see the development of cheaper fuel cells so that cars and motorbikes can run on hydrogen. I don’t agree with Lianne about the developing world though. Developing countries will go straight to the new technologies without working through the old. We’ve seen this already with mobile phones in Africa. Instead of developing lots of expensive land lines first, African countries have gone straight to mobile phones. New technologies will help to produce better crops and will require little expensive energy.

I.: Thanks, and speaking of energy, how do you both suppose energy requirements will be met in the future?
6. a) Complete the sentences about life in 2025 using will or will not and the verb in brackets.

One of my favorite things to do is to think about how life will be in the future. Here are some of my ideas about a “green” future in the year 2025.

1. Cars and trucks will run (run) on clean hydrogen power.

2. All used products ________ (be) recycled.

3. People ________ (make) energy in their homes.

4. People ________ (grow) their own fruit and vegetables.

5. We ________ (not use) oil for energy.

6. We ________ (store) body heat to warm a building.

7. We ________ (get) all our power from the sun, wind and water.

8. We ________ (change) garbage into energy.

9. We ________ (not pay) high prices for alternative energy.
b) How many of the predictions in a) do you think will be true? If you think the statements will not be true, change them. Explain your answers.

Example: I think we will continue to use oil. There will still be some in the world.
7. Put the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect. Then rewrite each sentence as negative or a general question.

Example: Life will have become (become) more automated by 2100.

Life won’t have become more automated by 2100.

Will life have become more automated by 2100?

1. The builders ________ (finish) the roof by Tuesday.

2. I ________ (meet) the entire committee by Saturday morning.

3. Another million people ________ (become) unemployed by this time next year.

4. He ________ (be) President for ten years by next year.

5. Scientists ________ (find) a way to feed all the people in the world by 2050.

6. In two weeks’ time we ________ (finish) our exams.

7. Your children ________ (learn) to read and write by the age of five.

8. Next November we ________ (be) married for fifteen years.

9. I’m sure they ________ (arrive) home by five o’clock tonight.

10. By the end of this century, we ________ (use up) most of the world’s oil supplies.
8. What do you think will have happened by 2030? Here are some ideas to help you.

Scientists / discover / cure for AID’S.

Atomic energy / replace / oil and coal.

Scientists / build / factories in space.

Some rare animals / become / extinct.

Scientists / learn / to control the weather.

The world’s population / grow.

Living standards / decline.


9. Complete the sentences. Use the Future Perfect or Future Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The world’s population _______ (reach) 10 billion by 2050, some scientists claim.

2. In the future, Sarah hopes she _______ (work) as an engineer for a large construction company.

3. By the end of the year, you _______ (complete) all your studies.

4. _______ people _______ (spend) their holidays on other planets in the twenty-second century?

5. By next week, I _______ (finish) the project I’m currently working on.

6. A hundred years from now, people _______ (share) their homes with robots.

7. If we don’t work harder, we _______ (not complete) this exercise by the end of the lesson.

8. This time next week, Andy will be 10,000 metres up in the air! He _______ (fly) to Los Angeles.
10. Choose the correct or the most suitable answer.

1. Who do you think is winning / will win the next election?

2. Where are you going with the ladder? – I’ll repair / I’m going to repair the roof.

3. She will have / is having lunch with David at 12.30 on Thursday.

4. Perhaps Vanessa will become / is becoming a professional psychologist.

5. Your plane leaves / is leaving London at 8.30 a.m.

6. I wonder where we will be living / are going to leave twenty years from now.

7. By the year 2015, computers will replace / will have replaced teachers.

8. Don’t worry! I will post / post your letter on my way to work.

9. Never share a secret with Helen. She will tell / is going to tell everybody else.

10. This time next year we are going to study / will be studying at Harvard University.
11. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable tense. In some cases, more
than one form may be possible. Comment on the use of each form.

1. – ______ you ______ (go) on the trip to London tomorrow?

– Yes. What time ______ the coach______ (leave) in the morning?

– 7.35, so I ______ (get up) early.

2. – Where ______ your group ______ (go) for your end-of-course trip?

– To Italy. We ______ (leave) on June, 23rd, the day the term ends.

– How long ______ you ______ (stay) there?

– About ten days.

3. – Well, I ______ (go) to the office now. I ______ (meet) you this evening outside the cinema.

– OK. ______ you ______ (take) your umbrella? It ______ (rain) later in the day.

4. – Can you give Joe a message for me?

– Sure. I ______ (see) him at the meeting this evening.

5. ______ you ______ (see) your boss this Wednesday? – Sure.

6. I know I ______ never (write) reports as well as my colleague.

7. It’s very stuffy in here. ______ I ______ (open) the window?

8. – Mr. Morgan ______ (be) free at 11.30?

– No, he ______ (give) a press conference at that time.

9. Don’t worry. I ______ (pay) you the money tomorrow.

10. The damage we do to our environment today ______ (affect) the quality of life of future generations.

11. – What do you want to be when you grow up?

– I ______ (be) an astronaut.

12. By that time we ______ (do) all the job.

13. The committee ______ (leave) Stockholm on Sunday evening, ______ (arrive) in Italy on Monday and ______ (start) work on Tuesday.

14. – Do you think she ______ (pass) her driving test?

– I’m afraid not. She’s too nervous.

12. a) Watch the video “How inventions change history” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SMNYivhGsc and find out how cotton gin changed history for better and worse. What is going on in your sphere of knowledge at present? What are the trends for future?
b) Watch the video “The shape-shifting future of the mobile phone” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJQsXxbZEiI and find out 3 new options of the future mobile.
c) Write an essay “Possible innovations in perspective” about the possible future inventions in your sphere of knowledge.




  1. Connect with the topic.

Give five reasons that influence your career choice. What place does your parents’ opinion take in this list?

  1. Match the words with their meaning:

1) to shape

  1. to engage in something

2) to pursue

  1. to choose something, or to make a choice

3) flexibility

  1. what you believe or hope will happen in the future

4) career path

  1. to cause something to have a particular character or nature; form

5) preference

  1. permission or agreement for something

6) support

  1. emotional or practical help

7) to influence

  1. an advantage that is given to a person or a group of people

8) to select

  1. the way that you progress in your work

9) expectation

  1. to affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks

10) approval

  1. the ability to change or be changed easily according to the situation

  1. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

  1. They presented their __________ for the forthcoming conference.

  2. This work may offer more __________ that gives you more time with your family.

  3. Sometimes without our parents’ __________ it is difficult to make the right decision.

  4. There is no doubt that your family __________ your opinion on life situations.

  5. When children __________ different activities it helps them understand their real interests.

  6. Your parents’ ideas __________ your choice of future professional sphere.

  7. You can __________ the occupation you like.

  8. It is better to choose profession based on your own __________.

  9. In case of family business parents push children toward a particular __________.

  10. He is a very critical person and it is difficult to win his __________.

  1. Read the text and say a) what parental role models can be and b) what the results of their influence are.


A number of factors can shape and influence the career paths you choose, starting with how your family shapes your perceptions of different employment options. Whether you were raised with ideals of certain professions, or you’re looking for a job that fits your adult family life, these issues need to be carefully considered.

Many children grow up idealizing the professions of their parents. It’s no surprise that many people are the third or fourth generations of their families to work in the same profession. They have an insider’s glimpse into their parents’ occupations, making it easier for them to break in to the industry. If you always looked up to your mother and admired her teaching skills, that may influence you to pursue a career in education. Parents may also intentionally or unintentionally push a child toward a particular career path, especially in the cases of family-owned businesses, where parents expect their children to take over the company. Still other parents apply pressure on their offspring to strive for particular high-profile careers, feeling they are encouraging their children to reach high.