Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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1. The most important thing to keep in mind is what exactly you wish to do. If you wish to switch to something that you are passionate about, you will need to make it clear in your mind – what is it that you wish to do really. If your wish is vague, you will not have a proper action plan to follow and will not know where you are going. If you lack a proper action plan, it will be impossible for you to move ahead steadily. The more specific your plan is, the better.

2. Make sure you do not jump into this new idea on day one. It may be hard for you to hang on to the job you are doing at the moment, it might get frustrating on days. You need to keep in mind the fact that your new venture will not start producing great results at once, you will have to make a move slow and steady. Whether it is a business, a new job, a new service or a blog, you will have to give it time to establish and grow and keep in mind your financial stability. If you make the change without a backup plan, you may screw up your financial status and will not let your new venture become successful.

3. Another thing you can consider is to keep your full-time job and pursue your hobby part-time. Your financial needs will be taken care of and if you need to make any investment into your new venture, you can do that easily. At the same time, you will be able to pursue your passion, it will have enough time to grow, and once you are doing well with it, you will be able to take it up full-time. The idea is to make sure you take up your hobby as a full-time career, at the same time you will need to make sure you give it the required time to grow and become good enough.

4. Make sure you take a step, do something to take you closer to your goal of making your hobby your profession. This will ensure your new venture is moving ahead on a regular basis and is not stuck as just an idea.
12. Put the underlined verbs into the passive and make other changes that are necessary.

The company is sorry to announce that the situation has forced it to introduce a range of cost-cutting measures as from the beginning of the new year. Unfortunately, we can no longer provide free tea and coffee. Someone is going to install new coin-operated drinks machines in every department and you can purchase a wide range of drinks from these. We will also stop overtime payments after the end of this month and we will expect all members of staff to complete their duties within their contract hours. You must no longer make personal calls from office phones and we request you to use the pay phone in the basement for this purpose.
13. Translate the sentences in the passive voice. Pay attention to the verbs with prepositions.

1. This decision was insisted on as it would allow us to reach the goals as soon as possible.

2. He is an expert in IT and can be relied on if you need to solve any computer problem.

3. Your financial needs are taken care of, if you keep your full-time job and pursue your hobby part-time.

4. These environmental issues haven’t been touched upon yet.

5. Her blogs are often referred to as she is good at providing readers with meaningful details on advancements in chemistry.

6. His hobby is very unusual and much spoken about.

7. When you make a career decision, many things should be thought of.

8. His last invention was not paid any attention to and he decided not to monetize it.
14. Watch the video To find work you love, don’t follow your passion” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKlx1DLa9EA and discuss in class the following questions:

1. What questions arise when you graduate from the university?

2. What does the number 80 000 mean?

3. What meaning does the phrase “follow your passion” have?

4. What is the basic career advice according to the speaker?

5. How do you understand the “worthwhile career”?

6. What are the key activities for those who want to succeed in life?


  1. Connect with the topic.

      1. Think about your favorite hobby and answer the given questions.

      2. Listen to your partner’s description of his or her hobby and ask three questions to get more information.

  1. What is your hobby?

2. How much time do you spend on it?

3. What sense does this hobby make to you?

4. Why is it your favorite activity?

  1. Match the words with their meaning:

1) amateur

a) knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things

2) to instill

b) made by people, often as a copy of something natural

3) particular

c) taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job

4) integral

d) to have someone’s complete interest and attention

5) experience

e) special, or this and not any other

6) to advance

f) to put an idea into someone’s mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way the person lives

7) to fascinate

g) original and important; showing a new way of doing or thinking about things

8) groundbreaking

h) to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something

9) artificial

i) necessary and important as a part of a whole

10) to cherish

j) to love, protect, and care for someone or something that is important to you

  1. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 1 in the correct form.

    1. This topic was of __________ interest for us.

    2. We were __________ by the results achieved.

    3. He has been an __________ programmer for many years.

    4. He has rich __________ in the field of IT technology.

    5. These problems require access to __________ production technology.

    6. __________ intelligence is the main field of his research.

    7. I __________ my dream of joining this company one day.

    8. This unusual hobby __________ a sense of curiosity in me.

    9. Pursuing sport has always been an __________ part of my life.

    10. The report presented __________ ideas on secure measures.

  1. Read the text and point out a) Branden’s attitude toward science; b) his areas of interest; c) his final choice of career.


With over twenty years of experience in the IT industry, Branden currently works as a Systems Administrator for Harvard Law School. He studied computer science at Purdue University and the University of Massachusetts Lowell. When not engaging in his day job, Branden enjoys amateur programming, his cats, and his multitude of hobbies. He recently began researching an idea for a potential new hobby: hydroponics!

“Science has always been a part of my life. At a young age, I had a yearning to understand how and why things worked. From my earliest days of schooling, science was always one of my favorite subjects. I enjoyed the core sciences such as biology, chemistry, and physics. But my particular area of interest fell to a slightly different science.

Around this time, our family was fortunate enough to own an Atari 400 and this encouraged me to start dabbling in computer programming (it was 1983-84 and this was a personal computer, not to be confused with the Atari 2600, one of the first game consoles from the late 70s). I began copying programs written in BASIC from magazines such as Enter, Family Computing, or K-Power. Before too long, I was able to figure out how the program was put together. I was even able to write some of my own programs! Little did I know I was learning skills that would later make my career.

It was also around this time when I got my first chemistry set. You can’t really get those anymore, which is unfortunate, but I remember me and my friend following the book of experiments, mixing chemicals together to get different colors and aromas. I also learned how to read the periodic table of elements. I knew the abbreviations for most elements and even knew some of their atomic weights! Chemistry was a lot of fun and I continued to enjoy chemistry through my high school years, being especially fascinated by and talented in stoichiometry.

In high school, I entered the world of model rocketry. At first, it was just a fun way to launch rockets made of paper and balsa wood, but we ended up taking it even further. We used trigonometry to calculate how high the rocket went by simply measuring the distance from the launch pad and using a protractor to measure the angle of the rocket at its highest point. At the time, I had decided I wanted to be an astronaut someday, but more realistically, an astrophysicist. Although that never happened, I did start off in college as a physics major. Unfortunately, despite my interest and efforts, I had a very difficult time getting through Calculus. If you can’t do Calculus, you can’t do advanced physics!

Anyway, after some trial and errors, I ultimately ended up pursuing a computer science degree in college. There are those out there that do not consider computer science to be a science and I’m among those people. But I suppose it depends on how you define “science.” If you consider science to be the natural sciences – like physics, chemistry and biology – then no, computer science is not a science. On the other hand, there is a lot of research and discovery in computer science. For example, when you consider the field of artificial intelligence, it’s groundbreaking territory that could take our civilization places that we’ve only seen in movies and comic books! My career today is in the Information Technology field. I do not have much interaction with the natural sciences from a career standpoint, but science will always be an integral part of my formative years. It’s a subject that I cherish and if I could go back and do things differently, I would have pursued my passion for astronomy and astrophysics more aggressively.

Even though my profession today is not in the natural sciences, I feel fortunate to have had science in my life throughout the years. Getting involved with science through hobbies gave me a very rich childhood and helped shape my adult personality in many intangible ways. To me, science isn’t just about discovering new theories and laws. It’s also about engaging in a deeper way with our world, through intuition, observation, or formal education.

We all learned what happens when you mix an acid and base together. But didn’t you love the first time you mixed baking soda and vinegar together? Or the first time you looked at the moon through a telescope? Being a science hobbyist has instilled an undying sense of curiosity and exploration in me. I hope that more people can enjoy these virtues by engaging in science related hobbies. Science is more than a profession, it’s an aspect of our society that can lead us to think in new directions, meet new people, and have a better understanding of our world and universe.”

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Заниматься работой, любитель (не профессионал), определенная сфера интересов, точные науки, разбираться, измерять расстояние, попытки и ошибки, исследование и открытие, искусственный интеллект, инновационная теория, с точки зрения карьеры, естественные науки, неотъемлемая часть, следовать своему стремлению к чему-либо, формировать личность, привить любопытство, связанные с наукой увлечения.
6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) groundbreaking

a) intelligence

2) to make

b) activity

3) integral

c) a sense

4) particular

d) idea

5) to instill

e) part

6) core

f) interest

7) artificial

g) a dream

8) to feel

h) sciences

9) amateur

i) fortunate

10) to cherish

j) a career

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form and answer the questions.

1. Are you good at __________ sciences?

2. What sphere do you have a __________ interest in?

3. Do you pursue any __________ activity?

4. What scientific idea do you consider __________?

5. What do you think about artificial __________?

6. What is an __________ part of professional success?

7. What makes you __________ fortunate in your life?

8. Are you going to __________ a career in engineering?

9. What can __________ a sense of curiosity in you?

10. Do you cherish a __________ of studying abroad?
7. What does it take to be good with scientific aspects? Check () the ideas below and add two more ideas to the list. Then explain your choice.

 patience

 good verbal skills

 a good memory

 good social skills

 creativity

 intelligence

 interest in technical subjects

 a sense of humor

 _______________________

 ______________

8. Which candidate – A or B – comes off as a better pick for the position? Why?

Use some of the following phrases in your answer: to add weight to your resume / to include only strong examples of hobbies / to be open to jobs that require … / additional skills / to make you a good match for the company / to reflect positively on you / to reveal in-demand skills and qualities.

Candidate (A) Hobbies & Interests – fishing, playing guitar and travel

Candidate (B) Activities & Interests – blogging on web development, solving complex coding issues, volunteering to help develop and maintain a website for a non-profit group.
Divide the following hobbies and interests into two categories – those to include on your resume and those not to and give reasons:



  • blogging on a subject or published writings (whatever industry you’re in);

  • being part of a group or association (i.e. member of the New York web development conference);

  • organizing events in the community;

  • interest connected with religious affiliations;

  • social / charitable activities (i.e. volunteering at local companies, clubs and organizations);

  • hobbies or interests listed as a joke that could be misinterpreted;

  • a must-have set of soft skills to show an employer you’re the right fit for the job;

  • being involved with charities;

  • hobbies or interests with little to no interactivity;

  • participating in fundraising events;

  • participating in campaigns;

  • hobbies or interests that reveal personal information;

  • joining environmental groups;

  • fishing, traveling, cooking, movies;

  • membership in any political association;

  • controversial issues (i.e. gun rights advocate);

  • dangerous / unusual (i.e. base jumping, UFC, sword swallowing).