Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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1. What are the major functions of an engineer?

2. How many engineering specialties are there?

3. What do computer hardware engineers create?

4. What do electronics and electrical engineers deal with?

5. What engineers work to promote safety?

6. Who develops new methods for extracting gas and oil from older deposits?
8. Form nouns from the verbs according to the models:

verb + tion

verb + sion

verb + ment

verb + ing

to act – action

to divide – division

to govern – government

to listen – listening

To construct, to arrange, to organize, to build, to invent, to employ, to impress, to manage, to manufacture, to supervise, to improve, to extract, to produce, to operate, to fulfill, to decide, to develop, to meet, to warn.

9. a) Make a list of specialties referred to your professional sphere. Do a search on the websites careerprofiles.info, prospects.ac.uk for this list, read and analyze information about these specialties.

b) Compare the chosen specialties and find out their main features and differences.

c) Make a report about your specialty.
10. Complete these questions using the correct preposition for those given.

Example: What are you responsible for at work?

What are you responsible


at work?

Do you specialise


anything at work?

How much holiday are you entitled


each year?

Do you find it difficult to adapt


your job when you first started?

Is your job in any way different


how you imagined it would be?

Is your work compatible



Do you ever have to translate things


or from English at work?

Do you ever get fed up


your job?

What aspects

your job are the most difficult?

What are the best and worst things

your job?

11. a) Match the verbs and the prepositions:

1) to rely

a) in

2) to take care

b) to

3) to break

c) on

4) to specialize

d) with

5) to relate

e) of

6) to depend

f) down

7) to cope

g) on

8) to provide

h) with

b) Translate the sentences:

1. Разработчики заботятся о качестве производимых продуктов.

2. Профессия инженера относится к профессиям умственного труда.

3. Инженер-химик специализируется на производственных процессах, которые связаны с применением химических технологий.

4. ИТ-инженер справляется с практическими задачами при помощи разработки программ. 

5. Сложное промышленное оборудование может ломаться, и опытные инже­неры механики должны уметь проводить диагностику и ремонт.

6. Возможности трудоустройства инженера-строителя зависят от его специали­зации, опыта работы и образования.

7. Инженеры-нефтяники обеспечивают мир энергией и ресурсами. 

8. Инженеры по охране окружающей среды полагаются на проводимые меро­приятия экологической направленности.
12. Choose the correct variant:

1. The chemical engineers (discussing / discussed)this problem will take part in the conference.

2. The problems (discussing / discussed)at the conference are of great importance for future research.

3. The subjects (studying / studied)by future engineers in the first year at the Institute are: mathematics, chemistry, drawing geometry and others.

4. Petroleum engineers (studying / studied)foreign languages should read special literature in the original.

5. Specialists (training / trained)at our University work in different fields of engineering.

6. New technologies reduce the number of employees (needed / needing).

7. (Studying / Studied)the problem carefully civil engineers found a solution.
13. Read and translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the use of


1. Testing the engine the engineer applied new methods.

2. The nature of this strategy being discussed within different scientific institutions needs careful analysis.

3. Research being conducted at the university by a team of engineers concerns the types of highway bridges.

4. The results obtained by this group of materials engineers are very good.

5. The data found by the environmental engineers is valuable for their future work.

6. General engineers spend much of their time visiting project sites, developing community consensus and preparing construction plans.

7. Mechanical engineers have to repair the broken parts of this engine.

14. Watch the video “Solve Problems: Be an Engineer!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9I35Rqo04E and answer the following questions:

1. What engineering specialties are mentioned in the video?

2. What do engineers do?

3. What important questions do engineers ask themselves?

Get ready with the presentation

My Future Professional Sphere”
Consider the following points:

– where you would like to work and why (give several variants);

– work details of the jobs (place of work, duties, other characteristics);

– what interests you in these jobs;

– make a conclusion about your professional sphere.

1. Connect with the topic. Answer the following questions:

1. What is your future profession?

2. Where would you like to work?

3. Do you think engineer jobs are only for men?

4. What are the most important things in your future job? Why?

5. Do you think it is better to work for a large or a small company or start your own business?

  1. Match the words and their meaning:

1) to emerge

  1. the use of a computer to collect, store, organize, and use information

2) primary

  1. to become known or develop as a result of something; to appear

3) CEO

  1. providing good value for the amount paid

4) to hire

  1. to have or provide something that is needed or wanted

5) processing

  1. to have or use something at the same time as someone else

6) expertise

  1. to employ someone or pay someone to do a particular job

7) cost-efficient

  1. the development or improvement of something

8) to share

  1. the main person responsible for managing a company, who is sometimes also the company’s president or chairman of the board

9) to satisfy

  1. a high level of knowledge or skill

10) advancement

  1. more important than anything else; main

  1. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

    1. New career paths for engineers __________ recently.

    2. This production technology is the most _________ as it allows to use less resources.

    3. He’s been in this job for many years and is known for his __________ in software.

    4. There are five __________ career paths that engineers follow: industry, consulting, government, academic, or Internet.

    5. This new employee __________ all the requirements for the job.

    6. There are government agencies that tend __________ a larger number of one type of engineer over another.

    7. As a result, they can become strong candidates for such positions as plant manager, vice president, president and __________.

    8. Engineers who pursue the academic career path enjoy __________ knowledge with others.

    9. Most companies offer engineers a lot of opportunities for career __________.

    10. Data __________ is an integral part of different professional areas.

  1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following engineering career paths: government / consulting / industry / academic path / Internet.


There are five primary career paths that engineers follow.

The first career path is in __________. Most industrial settings are now high-tech workplaces demanding high levels of engineering expertise to solve problems related to researching, developing, and designing new products and manufacturing those products in a cost-efficient manner. Some of the other areas of industry in which engineers tend to work are accounting and finance, administration, information systems processing, marketing and sales, and technical / professional services. Therefore, there are numerous opportunities for leadership responsibilities in the industrial setting, business side. As a result, they can become strong candidates for such positions as plant manager, vice president, president, and chief executive officer (CEO).

The second career path is in __________. In this career path, engineers work for companies that are hired by other companies to perform engineering tasks, design tasks, or management tasks. What exactly does this mean? Engineers who work for engineering consulting firms perform engineering tasks for other companies or organizations, and when their job is done, they move on to a new project for another company or organization. All consulting engineers work on numerous projects with different types of organizations and people. Some engineers pursue consulting careers early to help them decide where they ultimately want to work, and others pursue consulting later in their careers when they have become real experts in their field – at this point clients are willing to pay them very well for their knowledge.

A third career path for engineers is in __________. Federal, state, and local governments are excellent employers. For example, NASA employs diverse types of engineers in the space program. While many aerospace engineers have positions with this government agency, NASA also hires almost every type of engineer because of the great variety and creativity of its projects. Similarly, organizations such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA (National Security Agency) hire different types of engineers, particularly those with strong foreign-language abilities. There are government agencies that tend to hire a larger number of one type of engineer over another.

The fourth career path for engineers is the __________. This means that many engineers teach. Most engineers who teach have received either a master’s degree or PhD and teach in colleges and universities. Engineers who pursue the academic career path enjoy sharing knowledge with others. They may have had experience teaching or tutoring and know that this is satisfying to them. In most cases, engineers who teach in middle schools and high schools, as well as those who teach in colleges and universities, have looked at their personal values, strengths, and interests and determined that teaching is the best career path for them.

Finally, a new career path for engineers has emerged. The __________ career path has opened new possibilities for graduating engineers. The phenomenon of the Internet was developed by engineers and continues to provide many career opportunities for them, whether they are electrical and computer engineers or industrial engineers and computer scientists. While there are Internet opportunities for engineers with companies that are closely associated with the Internet, like Amazon.com, eBay, or Priceline.com, there are also Internet career possibilities with more traditional companies such as General Electric, General Motors, or Delta Airlines. Most companies have realized that to be successful today they need to use the Internet to get their products to their customers more quickly and cost effectively and they offer engineers a lot of opportunities for career advancement.
5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Рабочие места в сфере высоких технологий, консалтинговая компа­ния, нанимать, предоставлять карьерные возможности, высокий уровень компетентности, делиться знания­ми, работать над проектом, тесно связанный, владение иностранными языками, кандидат на должность, карьерный рост, рентабельный, заказчик, заниматься научной карьерой, выполнять инженерные задачи.

6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) to pursue

  1. a master’s degree

2) to perform

  1. new possibilities

3) to employ

  1. engineering tasks

4) to receive

  1. every type of engineer

5) to open

  1. diverse types of engineers

6) to get

  1. experience

7) to provide

  1. many career opportunities

8) to hire

  1. consulting careers

9) to have

  1. real experts

10) to become

  1. products

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form.

    1. Some engineers pursue __________ early to decide where they want to work.

    2. NASA employs __________ in the space program.

    3. Most engineers who teach usually receive either a __________ or PhD and teach in colleges and universities.

    4. The company hires almost __________ because of the great variety of its projects.

    5. Engineers work for companies that are hired by other companies to perform __________.

    6. The Internet was developed by engineers and continues to provide __________ for them.

    7. When engineers have become __________ in their field, they pursue consulting later in their careers.

    8. Engineers may have had __________ when teaching and be satisfied with it.

    9. The Internet career path has opened __________ for graduating engineers.

    10. To be successful today, companies need to use the Internet to get __________ to their customers more quickly and cost effectively.

7. Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. What are primary engineering career paths?

2. What does CEO stand for?

3. What does the “consulting” mean?

4. What opportunities do engineers have if they choose career path in government?

5. What degrees do most engineers receive if they teach in colleges and universities?

6. What possibilities does the Internet career path open for graduating engineers?

8. a) Match the words and the prepositions:

1) to move

a) to

2) to go

b) with

3) to start

c) from

4) to associate

d) into

5) to benefit

e) in

6) to divide

f) on

7) to fill

g) with

8) to negotiate

h) on

b) Translate the sentences:

1. Некоторые инженеры выбирают карьеру в консалтинге, чтобы определиться, где они хотят работать и продвигаться по службе.

2. Большинство инженеров продолжают учиться и получают ученую степень.

3. Многие инженеры начинают свою карьеру в Интернете, что открывает для них большие возможности для развития.

4. Существует много компаний, связанных с Интернетом, например Amazon.com, eBay или Priceline.com, где могут работать выпускники инже­нерных специальностей.

5. Компания провела переговоры с представителями университета с целью найма выпускников на работу.

6. Инженер заполнил заявление для устройства на работу.

7. Карьерный путь инженера можно подразделить на 5 направлений.

8. Весь мир получает выгоду от изобретений инженеров.
9. a) Match the phrasal verbs and their definitions:

1) to get ahead

a) to leave an important job or official position so that someone can do it instead

2) to take on

b) to be successful in your job

3) to stand down

c) to give someone else responsibility or control

4) to carry out

d) to work very hard with little or no rest

5) to slave away

e) to accept a particular job or responsibility

6) to hand over

f) to lose your job because there is no work for you to do

7) to lay off

g) to stop working usually at the end of the day

8) knock off

h) do or complete something, especially something important

b) Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from (a):

1. The engineer has been __________ on more and more responsibility at work.

2. He is someone who will really get __________ and make a successful career.

3. He __________ away till seven at night and even works at weekends.

4. When the boss eventually __________ down, he’ll __________ over the running of the company to him.

5. Why are you back home already? Did you __________ off early today? – I wish I could say that. The truth is I’ve just been __________ off.

6. She has already managed to __________ out a very successful reorganization of office procedures.
10. Read this job posting. Then choose the correct answers.

Howard & Davidson Engineering

Job Title: Civil Engineer 

Location: Manchester, United Kingdom.

Company: Howard & Davidson Engineering
Howard & Davidson Engineering is seeking a civil engineer. Applicants need experience designing many types of infrastructure. This includes:

Small –scale residential and commercial projects. These serve individual clients.

Large –scale municipal projects. These serve entire communities.
We work primary with land development and road construction projects. As such we need someone with knowledge of the related water supply issues. Experience with making topographic models is a plus. Knowledge of updated construction techniques is essential. We are looking to fill the position quickly.

1. What is the posting mostly about?

a) a company’s history

b) applicant qualifications

c) number of positions available

d) hiring civil engineering firms

2. What is the company not looking for?

a) knowledge of water supply issues

b) experience making topographic models

c) knowledge of new construction techniques

d) experience with large residential projects

3. What can be inferred about road construction products?

a) They often have water supply issues

b) They are included in residential projects

c) They are used to create topographic models

d) They take longer than land development

11. Read the joblistings for engineersand find the words with the following meanings:

1) in the ocean, underwater

2) a fossil fuel

3) the study of the Earth’s movements

4) plastics and other synthetic materials

5) the process of shaping objects with molds

6) the study of the Earth’s physical matter

7) on land

8) the shaping of something by pushing it out, especially through a small opening

9) a hole created by drilling

10) the examination of rock raised by drilling

11) the study of fluids in drilling holes.

Geological Engineer

Description:Drill Co needs engineerswith an extensiveknowledge of geology and geophysics to supervise its drilling operations. Successful candidates will need to coordinate with drillers, drilling engineers, geologists and reservoir engineers at the well. They must ensure that the drilling occurs as planned. The engineers must be aware of any geological safety risks that drilling causes. The position also requires mud logging skills as successful candidates will examine the rocks and sediment brought up during the process.

Petroleum Engineer

Description: EXtract Inc wants engineers trained in the process of acquiring petroleum from beneath the Earth’s surface. They must ensure that the highest amount of petroleum possible is extracted. Drilling can be performed both onshore and offshore. Engineers must be well-versed in wellbore hydraulics as drilling continues. Exceptional candidates will be chosen to oversee the process from refining through distribution.

Plastics Engineer

Description: Plastics Solutions is looking for engineers to create products from polymers. They must know not only raw material that goes into the creation of plastics, but also typical processes like injection molding and extrusion. Because of the focus on product creation, experience in research and development is essential.
12. Find 5–6 vacancies on https://www.monster.com/ or https://www.dice.com/, related to your professional sphere, point out the main requirements and decide whether you meet them or not.
13. Watch the video “Your Career Pathhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r25v-lJgra4 and give advice how to find a good job in a variety of sectors today.

1. Connect with the topic. When applying for a job, people often prepare a short personal statement to summarize their best qualities. Which of these expressions describe you?

creative a good team player

dependable like a challenge

energetic motivated

experienced skilled

hard-working well-organized
2. Match the words and their meaning:

1) CV

  1. less advanced, or lower in rank

2) Senior

  1. at the present time; now

3) Junior

  1. the activity of cutting or shaping metal on a machine

4) responsibilities

  1. the last covering of varnish, polish, or paint, that is put onto something

5) machining

  1. to include someone in something, or to make them take part in or feel part of it

6) finishing

  1. a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs, and sometimes also your personal interests, that you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job

7) apprentice

  1. more advanced, or higher in rank

8) to award

  1. to officially give someone something such as a prize or an amount of money

9) to involve

  1. something that it is your job or duty to deal with

10) currently

  1. someone who works for an expert to learn a particular skill or job

3. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

1. After a four-year course, students __________ a Bachelor’s degree in education.

2. What are your __________ in your current job?

3. I was an __________ Engineer and did _________.

4. He __________ holds the position of technical manager.

5. Running your own business usually __________ working long hours.

6. Trainees learn skills such as welding and __________ in the repair facility workshops.

7. Before I apply for the job, I must update my __________ .

8. I have been working as a __________ Technician for one year, and now I’m a __________ Technician.
4. Read a job interview with Laura, complete the missing sections in her CV.

I = Interviewer; L = Laura

I: Thank you for coming in for an interview, Ms Gallini. I’ve read through your CV and I’d just like to check a few details. You’ve applied for the post of Technician, but we currently have two technician posts vacant. Which job are you interested in?

L: I’m particularly interested in the job of Technician for Development.

I: OK. I see that you’re currently working at Horton Engineering as a Junior Technician.

L: Actually, I’m now a Senior Technician, since last month

I: I see. Good! And how long have you worked there?

L: I joined in 2008, so I’ve been there since then, until now. I’m sorry, it says 2005 on my CV; but the correct date is 2008.

I: And what are your responsibilities in your current job?

L: Most of the time I work on quality control and product testing. But I’m currently helping develop a new product. That involves building a prototype. It’s a company secret, so I can’t say much about the project.

I: Fair enough! Now, exactly what kind of business is your company in?

L: We’re involved in robotics, and medical engineering as well. So, more or less the same field as yourselves.

I: Mmm. I see you started your career before you went to university. How long did you work at Farley Marine?

L: I worked there for two years, from 2003 until 2005. By the way, they’ve changed their name. They were taken over a couple of years ago, and now their name is BAMC.

I: Right. What was your job description there? And what did you do every day?

L: I was an Apprentice Engineer. Most of the time I did machining and finishing. But at the end I was doing some quality control work, too.

I: Excellent. And then you went on to Albany College of Engineering. How long did your course last?

L: It was a three-year course. I went there in 2005.

I: … And you got your qualification at the end of it, I see, in 2008.

L: That’s right. I was awarded a Bachelor of Applied Sciences. The course involved all the sciences, but I specialized in Physics and Mechanical Engineering.

I: And why do you want to leave Horton Engineering?

L: It’s a small company, so I’d like to move to a bigger company that has a bigger R&D department and a greater product range. I’d really like to try my hand.


Personal information

Surname / First name


Position applied for

Technician _______________

Work experience


2005 – ______________


Junior Technician


Name and address of employer

Horton Engineering, Cleveland

Types of business


Education and training


___________ – ____________


Subjects / Skills covered

____________ and _____________

Name of institution

Albany College of Engineering, Albany