Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form.

  1. Chemists have ________ pharmaceuticals for the health care industry.

  2. Young entrepreneurs conducting business and building their enterprises should keep ________ the development objectives of their countries.

  3. Possible climate change may ________ water resources and demand.

  4. Chemical reactions ________ raw materials, such as coal, oil, and salt into different products.

  5. Varioustrainingprogramsfor specialistswill ________ the coreof the negotiations.

  6. Electrical engineering deals with the practical application of devices that ________ electric power and signals.

  7. Employment companies have extended their reach to ________ the entire HR management business.

  8. Water-quality objectives are used as an important policy instrument to prevent ________.

  9. Engineers ________ computer hardware components such as processors, circuit boards, memory devices, networks and routers.

  10. He likes tofind ________ of his skills.

7. Answer the following questions according to the text.

  1. What is engineering based on?

  2. What does engineering figure out?

  3. Who makes innovations available to the world?

  4. What does mechanical engineering deal with?

  5. What field of engineering involves testing of aircraft and spacecraft?

  6. What is electrical engineering concerned with?

  7. Why is environmental engineering one of the most important fields of engineering?

  8. Does civil engineering design equipment and processes for refining raw materials and mixing chemicals to make valuable products?

8. Match the description of the world’s top engineering companies to their fields of activity. Some of the companies may deal with more than one engineering field.

1) Civil Engineering 2) Computer Engineering 3) Mechanical Engineering 4) Aerospace Engineering 5) Electrical Engineering 6) Chemical engineering

Google is the largest computational technology company in the world, requires some of the biggest and most advanced computer hardware systems.

Professional firm HDR, Inc. is a popular employer of civil engineers. Operating in America, Europe, Australia and Asia, HDR Inc. offers its full-service engineering, design and construction expertise to private businesses and public agencies alike.

Boeing is the largest aerospace corporation in the world. It is continually seeking ways to improve on its manufacturing of military aircraft and commercial jetliners.

Toyota Motor is a Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. Toyota was the world’s first automobile manufacturer to produce more than 10 million vehicles per year.

A leader in consumer computational technology, Apple is in constant need of the expertise and specialized skills of mechanical engineers. Work of mechanical engineers entails designing, developing, and testing consumer electronics and gadgets like next-generation displays.

Shell Oil Company continues to be one of the biggest names in the oil, mining, and extraction sector. Currently operating in practically all parts of the world to explore, develop, extract, and transport energy, it makes perfect sense that the company needs electrical engineers for this work.

9. Complete the table using the information from the text.

1. Transport: cars, trains, ships, and planes are all products of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineers are also involved in support services such as roads, rail track, harbors, and bridges.

2. Food processing: mechanical engineers design, develop and make the machines and the processing equipment for harvesting, preparing and preserving the foods and drinks that fill the supermarkets.

3. Medical engineering: body scanners, X-ray machines, life-support systems, and other high-tech equipment result from mechanical and electrical engineers combining with medical experts to convert ideas into life-saving and preserving products.

4. Building services: electrical engineers provide all the services we need in our homes and places of work, including lighting, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, refrigeration, and lifts.

5. Energy and power: electrical engineers are concerned with the production and distribution of electricity to homes, offices, industry, hospitals, colleges and schools, and the installation of the equipment involved in these processes.

Branch of Engineering

Products / Objects / Services


10. a) Match the verbs with the prepositions:

1) to deal

a) in

2) to base

b) with

3) to work

c) for

4) to figure

d) with

5) to concern

e) out

6) to be interested

f) on

7) to carry

g) of

8) to be in charge

h) out

b) Translate the sentences:

  1. Маркетологам было предложено собирать данные и проводить исследования по этой теме.

  2. Основа инженерии – это физика, химия, математика, термодинамика и дру­гие науки.

  3. Он опытный инженер, так как работал в известных мировых компаниях, таких как Apple, Google, Shell.

  4. Аэрокосмическая инженерия занимается такими вопросами, как проекти­рование и производство летательных аппаратов, электронных и навигацион­ных систем.

  5. Инженеры занимаются проектированием, производством, тестированием различного оборудования, транспортных средств, а также компьютерной техники.

  6. Я совершенно не интересуюсь политикой.

  7. Нам нужно выяснить, почему эксперимент не удался.

  8. В нашей компании он отвечает за доставку товаров потребителям.

11. Complete the text with the following words combinations:

machines /highway /mechanical / chemical / civil /physics electrical / develop / production / electronic

Engineering students should have an understanding of maths, ______ and chemistry. Working with pharmaceuticals, food, mineral processing and chemical manufacturing, a ______ engineer is trained to understand, design, control, and investigate material flows. If you enjoy problem solving and find projects such as the Channel Tunnel and the Three Gorges Dam interesting, ______ engineering may be for you. You will produce creative designs at an economical price while paying due concern to the environment. If your interest is in road building then you may decide to follow a specialized course in ______ engineering. By studying ______ and ______ engineering you learn about the design of complete systems, such as computers, controllers, power and transport systems. ______ engineers plan, design and ______ a wide range of things: washing machines, cars and spacecraft. ______ engineers work very closely with mechanical engineers, to make new products at the right price, in time and in the correct quantity. As well as designing and selecting ______ and materials, they also organize people and finance.
12. Choose the right form of Participle and translate the following sentences into Russian:

              1. The period (following / followed)this invention was very productive.

2. The results (receiving / received)changed with the material used.

3. The problem (concerning / concerned)must be considered in detail.

4. (Establishing / Having established)the position of the plant on paper, it was decided that the pipeline should go along the river.

5. The experiments (carrying / carried)out at the laboratory are rather interesting.

13. Translate the word combinations. Pay attention to different forms of the participle.

1. Обсуждаемое научное открытие

Обсужденное научное открытие

Инженеры, обсуждающие научное открытие

2. Проверяемое устройство

Инженер – конструктор, проверяющий устройство

Проверенное устройство

3. Ученые и изобретатели, проверяющие результаты

Проверяемые результаты

Проверенные результаты

4. Вычислив электрические мощности, инженер … .

Вычисленные мощности

Вычисляемые мощности

5. Разрабатываемая компьютерная программа

Разработанная компьютерная программа

Разработав компьютерную программу, программист … .
14. Watch the video “What is Engineering?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=129&v=bipTWWHya8A&feature=emb_logo and say what engineering specialties are mentioned in the video.

1. Connect with the topic. Choose two jobs from the list of jobs in technology that you would like to do. Then choose two which you would not like to do. Explain your choices.

Aerospace Engineer

Agricultural Engineer

Biomedical Engineer

Chemical Engineer

Civil Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Electronic Engineer

Environmental Engineer

IT Engineer

Materials Engineer

Nuclear Engineer

Petroleum Engineer

  1. Match the words and their meaning:

1) to apply

  1. to control or influence something directly

2) to determine

  1. something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage

3) diversity

  1. to make use of something or use it for a practical purpose

4) construction site

  1. to watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is being done correctly

5) hazard

  1. the act of getting rid of something, especially by throwing it away

6) layout

  1. the connected arrangement of the wires through which electricity can flow

7) to oversee

  1. the way that something is designed or arranged

8) disposal

  1. a range of different things or people

9) deposit

  1. a piece of land on which a house or other building is being built

10) circuitry

  1. a layer that has formed under the ground, especially over a long period

3. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

    1. Engineers ________ computer technology to a wide range of problems.

    2. Electronics engineers design __________ and components of various devices.

    3. Petroleum engineers also develop new methods for extracting gas and oil from older _________.

    4. Engineers take care of plant _________, the selection of equipment and the choice of processes and tools.

    5. Environmental engineers create solutions to problems related to waste __________, pollution, recycling, and public health.

    6. He was offered the job of a foreman on an industrial _______________.

    7. All types of engineers have a great _________ of functions.

    8. Your skills and efforts will _____________ the results of your work.

    9. We’ve just appointed an engineer who will ________ the whole project.

    10. Health and safety engineers develop systems and procedures to prevent potential __________.

4. a) Read the first part of the text and fill in the gaps with the following functions:

Research / Production / Construction / Management / Development / Design /



Engineers plan, design, construct, and manage the use of natural and human resources. They design cars, spacecraft, and medical devices; they can build buildings and bridges; they solve environmental problems; they apply computer technology to a wide range of problems. Because engineers have a strong interest and ability in science, mathematics, and technology, they are team leaders who can take an idea from concept to reality. There are seven major functions that an engineer can pursue within all branches of engineering. These functions are: • ____________ Look for new principles and processes by using scientific and mathematical concepts, experimentation.

• ____________ Creatively use the results of research and intelligent application of new ideas to invent a working model of a new machine, chemical process, or computer chip. • ____________ Choose the methods and materials necessary to meet technical requirements and performance specifications when a new product is being designed. • ____________ Prepare the construction site, arrange the materials, and organize personnel and equipment. • ____________ Take care of plant layout, the selection of equipment with regard to the human and economic factors, and the choice of processes and tools as well as checking the flow of materials and components and performing testing and inspections. ____________ Control manufacturing and processing plants and machines as well as determining procedures and supervising the workforce. • ____________ Analyze customer needs, solve economic problems, and deal in a variety of other areas depending on the type of organization involved. In addition to diversity of functions, engineering is performed in a wide variety of settings.

Engineers work in the testing, production, and maintenance of new products. They oversee production assembly lines, determine why products break down, and administer tests to improve product quality.
b) Read the second part of the text and fill in the gaps with the following specialties: Chemical engineers / Petroleum engineers / Electrical engineers / Computer engineers / Environmental engineers / Materials engineers / Civil engineers / Electronics engineers / Health and safety engineers / Mechanical engineers.

There are several engineering specialties. ____________ apply specialized knowledge of chemistry, engineering, and physics to the design and manufacturing of chemicals, chemical plant equipment, drugs, food, and fuel. ____________ apply specialized engineering knowledge to the design, construction, and operation of large buildings and systems, such as roads, bridges, dams, tunnels, airports, and water treatment facilities. ____________ create new computing technologies and devices. They design, develop, and test computer components and systems, such as networks, processors, storage devices, circuit boards, and more, with the goal of improving computers and advancing computer technology. They may also program software, design databases and utilities, and supervise teams of programmers. ____________ design, develop, test, and manufacture a wide range of electronic devices for industrial, commercial, military, or scientific applications. They also design the circuitry and components of various devices. ____________ apply specialized knowledge to the design, development, testing, and manufacturing of electrical equipment, such as power generators, navigation and radar systems, electric motors, and communications systems ____________ analyze environmental problems. Using their knowledge of biology, chemistry, soil science, and engineering, these professionals create solutions to problems related to waste disposal, pollution, recycling, and public health. ____________ work to promote safety in a wide range of professional environments. They develop systems and procedures to protect people from injury and illness, and to prevent property damage and other potential hazards. ____________ develop and test the materials used in the production of a wide range of products. They work with plastics, ceramics, metals, and composites, ensuring that they meet certain chemical, electrical, and mechanical requirements before being used as part of a product. ____________ design, develop, and test various mechanical devices, such as machines, engines, and tools. They may also supervise teams of workers, overseeing the installation, maintenance, repair, and operation of these mechanical devices. ____________ devise methods for extracting gas and oil from beneath the surface of the earth. They also ensure that all relevant equipment is installed and operating correctly, and may supervise the drilling process. They also develop new methods for extracting gas and oil from older deposits.

5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Технические требования и характеристики, добыча газа и нефти, обслуживание и ремонт, работники (рабочая сила), конвейер сборки, установка для очистки сточных вод, ломаться, улучшить качество продукта, почвоведение, базы данных и программы, решение проблем, защищать от травм, военное применение, вести контроль за уста­новкой, утилизация отходов, разумное использование, предотвращать опасности, работать исправно (об оборудовании).
6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) to solve

  1. technical requirements

2) to meet

  1. personnel

3) to organize

  1. oil and gas

4) to oversee

  1. specialized knowledge

5) to extract

  1. environmental problems

6) apply

  1. people from injury and illness

7) to protect

  1. production assembly lines

8) to test

  1. product quality

9) to improve

  1. new computing technologies

10) to create

  1. various mechanical devices

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form.

    1. A wide range of policy, administrative and legal instruments has been established to solve ________.

    2. The first goal of administration is ________ personnel in such a way that allows people to cooperate and complete tasks in the best way possible.

    3. Engineers oversee ________ and determine why products break.

    4. Mechanical engineers design, develop, and test ________, such as machines, engines, and tools.

    5. Civil engineers apply ________ to the design, construction, and operation of large buildings and systems.

    6. Improving __________ is one of the most important things for achieving long term sales growth and profitability.

    7. Regulations are laws ________ people from occupational injury and illness.

    8. Basic drilling technology to extract ________ from beneath the surface of the Earth consists of a drill string and bit, mud circulation, blowout prevention, and additional supporting equipment. 

    9. Computer engineers ________ new computing technologies and devices.

    10. The information technology was last updated in 2008 and no longer ________ the technical requirements for monitoring global operational risks and events.

7. Answer the following questions according to the text.