Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Должностные обязанности, машиностроение, научно-исследовательский отдел, попробовать себя в чем-либо, контроль качества, линейка продукции, бакалавр прикладных наук, трехлетний курс обучения, робототехника, старший техник, механическая обработка, отделка, вакантная должность, медицинская техника, пилотная модель.
6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) to develop

  1. a Bachelor of Applied Sciences

2) to get

  1. two technician posts vacant

3) to have

  1. qualification

4) to work

  1. on product testing

5) to start

  1. all the sciences

6) to check

  1. a new product

7) to involve

  1. your career

8) to specialize

  1. a few details

9) to do

  1. machining

10) to award

  1. in Physics and Mechanical Engineering

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form.

1. You’ve applied for the post of Technician, but we currently have __________.

2. Most of the time I did __________ and finishing.

3. I was awarded __________.

4. I see you started __________ before you went to university.

5. I’ve read through your CV and I’d just like to check __________.

6. But I’m currently helping develop __________.

7. The course involved __________, but I specialized __________.

8. I work on quality control and __________.

9. You got your __________ at the end of a three-year course.
7. Answer the following questions according to the text.

  1. What post has Laura applied for?

  2. Where is she currently working?

  3. How long has she worked there?

  4. What are Laura’s current responsibilities?

  5. What degree was she awarded?

  6. When did Laura start her career?

8. Put the advice about job interviews below under the correct headings. Write numbers 1–10 in the table.

Before the interview DO…

During the interview DON’T…

During the interview DO…

  1. show your knowledge about the company;

  2. prepare a list of questions you would like to ask the interviewer;

  3. act as if you’re not really interested in the job;

  4. answer Yes or No;

  5. find out about the company and the job;

  6. talk negatively about your previous employer;

  7. be positive and honest about yourself;

  8. prepare a list of the questions you think the interviewer will ask you;

  9. ask questions about the job;

10) check the job advert and think how your CV matches what they want.
9. a) Match the verbs and the prepositions:

1) to hand 

a) through

2) to carry

b) over

3) to start 

c) for

4) take 

d) on

5) to lay

e) off

6) to knock 

f) up

7) to apply

g) off

8) to read

h) in

b) Translate the sentences:

  1. Все проекты должны быть сданы инженерами до конца месяца.

  2. В период экономического кризиса компания была вынуждена увольнять работников.

  3. Мне надо устроиться на работу.

  4. Тим создал свой бизнес еще на первом курсе университета.

  1. Он просто хотел продолжить свою работу.

  2. Главный инженер принимает на себя обязанности генерального директора с 1 октября.

  3. В субботу мы обычно заканчиваем рабочий день около двенадцати.

  4. Начальник отдела кадров просмотрел резюме.

10. You are at the job interview. Complete this job personality quiz with the gerund:

Name: ________

e.g. I enjoy working with others.

I’m good at ________

I’m engaged in ________

I dislike ________

I never complain about ________

I plan ________next year

I dream about ________

I can’t stand ________

I enjoy ________

I have very much experience in ________
11. Translate the sentences into English using the gerund.

1. Я слышал о том, что он назначен главным инженером большого завода.

2. Я не возражаю, чтобы он работал у меня стажером.

3. Они проинформировали меня о том, что комиссия приезжает завтра.

4. Я помню, что он мне говорил об этой вакансии несколько дней тому назад.

5. Вы можете рассчитывать на то, что он даст вам информацию о должностных обязанностях.

6. Он ответственен за то, чтобы работа была закончена вовремя.
12. Read a part of an interview for a new job. Complete the text with the following words and words combinations:

CV  /  employer  /  diploma  /  technician  /  reliable  /  certificate  /

promoted  /  apprentice experience  /  willing  /  skills

I = Interviewer; AB = Alice Black

I: … So, Ms Black, can I check a few details from your ________? When did you complete your school education?

AB: I left school just over seven years ago.

I: And now you’re a ________?

AB: Yes, that’s right. I’m a junior technician at MultiPlastics.

I: I see. And how long have you worked there?

AB: Erm, I went there straight from school so I’ve been there for seven years. I started as an ________.

I: How long did your apprenticeship last?

AB: For three years.

I: And after your apprenticeship ended, they ________ you to junior technician. Is that correct?

AB: Yes, that’s right. I’ve been a junior technician there for the last four years.

I: And you’re currently studying part-time for a technician’s ________, aren’t you?

AB: Yes, I am. I go to the technical college twice a week.

I: And how long have you been a part-time student?

AB: For two years now. I started the diploma course just over two years ago.

I: And you already have your ________ of Technical Competence, of course?

AB: Yes, I studied part-time for my certificate while I was an apprentice. My ________ gave me time off work, to help me. I got my certificate five years ago.

I: Right, thank you, I think the details are clear now. So, Ms Gomez, why would you like to work with us?

AB: Well, you’re one of the leading companies in your field. I’d like to broaden my ________.

I: And why should we offer you this job? What technical ________ do you have?

AB: Well, my bench work is very accurate. And I’ve learned CAD/CAM.

I: And what about your personal skills?

AB: Well, I work hard, I’m punctual and my present employer says I’m very ________.

I: What about interpersonal skills? Do you like working with others?

AB: Yes, I’m ________ to learn and I think I’m a good team worker.

I: Good. So now, do you have any questions to ask us?

AB: Yes, I would like to know a bit more about the salary and benefits … that come with the job.

13. Watch the video “Interview Questions and answers! (How to pass an Engineer Interview)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lFwj1eT3BI. Make a list of questions and answers from the video to practice.

Get ready with the presentation

Job Market in Engineering”
Consider the following points:

  • how employable engineers are;

  • what engineering specialties are in great demand;

  • engineering education and the supply of new engineers;

  • engineer job market in Russia and abroad.

1. Connect with the topic. Answer the following questions:

  1. What does the “mobility” mean?

  2. Is there some specificity of engineer mobility?

  3. Do Russian engineering universities take part in the global mobility?

  4. If you had an opportunity would you like to work abroad? What company would you like to work for?

2. Match the words and their meaning:

1) regardless

a) the ability to do something well

2) globalization

b) typical of a large group of people or things

3) competence

c) despite; not being affected by something

4) issue

d) something that blocks your way so that movement or progress is prevented or made more difficult

5) dimension

e) to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active

6) facet

f) to make something possible or easier

7) representative

g) a situation in which available goods and services, or social and cultural influences, gradually become similar in all parts of the world

8) obstacle

h) a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about

9) to stimulate

i) one of the parts or features of something

10) to facilitate

j) a measurement of something in a particular direction; a particular part of a situation

3. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

1. She's our __________ in France.

2. This job is open to all, ____________ of previous experience.

3. A lack of qualifications can be a major ___________ to finding a job.

4. We really need to focus on the key ___________.

5. They research, collect, and maintain special materials and _________ their distribution within a region.

6. Her __________ as an engineer is unquestionable.

7. Computer design tools work in three ___________.

8. The conference ____________ him to study the subject.

9. Economic _________ has reduced the number of jobs available to unskilled workers.

10. Now let's look at another _______ of the problem.

4. Read the text and list the main types of engineering mobility.


Engineering is a global profession – technology and its application will cross borders regardless of geographical, cultural or political barriers. Globalization requires professionals being excellent in their fields and being able to work on a global scale at the same time. In order to educate excellent engineers, intercultural competences are essential. There are countries with an oversupply of engineering talent, however, the movement of talent remains a complex issue. Many efforts were done in order to facilitate the mobility of engineers and of engineering students, staffs and researchers. Mobility is more and more becoming a key development factor for any professional who wants to find interesting jobs and to get a good salary and satisfying conditions of employment.

Mobility is often limited to the physical mobility, that is to say to travelling, studying and working abroad. Of course, this geographical mobility is the most obvious facet. However, it is important also not to forget other dimensions of mobility:

    • professional or job mobility: how many times should engineers change their jobs in their life? How many companies should engineers have experienced? How many projects should engineers have managed for being considered as good ones?

    • social mobility: involvements, responsibilities, representative activities in various organizations;

    • cultural mobility: sharing views (or life) with people from other cultures for better understanding that the world is not based on a unique, linear thought;

    • transdisciplinary mobility: should engineers develop other skills than pure scientific and technological ones?

    • methodological mobility: problems can be solved through different ways, with different methods: how engineers are able to become flexible in that domain?

    • technological mobility: it is clear that tools are rapidly changing and they can become obstacles if one is not able to use them with some distance.

Mobility is often associated with adaptability, flexibility, reactivity, interactivity. Thanks to the digital and network revolution it is not necessary to work in other countries or continents. Mobility is becoming more and more “virtual”, people can work and act locally but should think globally, internationally. In other words, stimulating the mobility of the minds is certainly the key issue for the educational programmes and policies in the future that means using systematically on-line and digitized resources at world-wide level, stimulating works on joint projects, using life long learning (continuing education) in the aim to develop skills and competencies for working in a more global world and for becoming more mobile.
5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Межкультурные знания, сложный вопрос, удовлетворительные условия труда, работа заграницей, междисциплинарный, цифровая революция
, глобаль­ный масштаб, ключевой вопрос, адаптируемость, виртуальный, перенасыщен­ность рынка, гибкий, грань, представительская деятельность, хорошая зарплата, вовлеченность, совместный проект, обязанности, обучение на протяжении всей жизни, обра­зовательные программы, интеллектуальная мобильность, поделиться взглядами.
6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) to cross

  1. engineers

2) to educate

  1. a good salary

3) to remain

  1. borders

4) to get


5) to manage

  1. other skills

6) to share

  1. a complex issue

7) develop

  1. on-line and digitized resources

8) to facilitate

  1. jobs

9) to use

  1. the mobility of engineers

10) to change

  1. projects

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) in the correct form.

1. Technology and its application will cross __________ regardless of geographical, cultural or political barriers.

2. There are countries with an oversupply of engineering talent, however, the movement of talent remains __________.

3. Mobility is becoming a key development factor for any professional who wants to get __________.

4. In order to educate __________, intercultural competences are essential.

5. Cultural mobility means sharing __________ with people from other cultures.

6. Engineers should develop __________ than pure scientific and technological ones.

7. How many times should engineers change their __________ in their life?

8. Stimulating the mobility of the minds means using systematically __________ at world-wide level.

9. Many efforts were done in order to facilitate __________.

10. How many __________ should engineers have managed for being considered as good ones?
7. Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. What does globalization require?

2. What is necessary in order to educate excellent engineers?

3. What does physical mobility mean?

4. What other types of mobility can you name?

5. What is mobility often associated with?

6. What should people do in order to stimulate mobility?
8. Complete the text with the following words and words combinations:

How Studying or Working Abroad Makes You Smarter

links /  researcher /  abroad  /  experience  /  cultures  /  flexible

How does studying or working __________ change you? These are the conclusions of a growing body of research on the effects of study- and work-abroad experiences. For example: A study led by William Maddux, an associate professor of organizational behavior at INSEAD, found that among students enrolled in an international MBA program, their “multicultural engagement” – the extent to which they adapted to and learned about new cultures – predicted how “integratively complex” their thinking became. That is, students who adopted an open and adaptive attitude toward foreign cultures became more able to make connections among disparate ideas. The students’ multicultural engagement also predicted the number of job offers they received after the program ended.